Papers by Eugenia Lopez Velásquez

Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, 2017
Este ensayo presenta una versión corta de un estudio de las tendencias de la cultura política en ... more Este ensayo presenta una versión corta de un estudio de las tendencias de la cultura política en El Salvador, construido sobre la base de una revisión bibliográfica y fuentes primarias, en el cual se recorre un largo periodo de finales de la etapa monárquica hispánica a la historia presente. Aquí se sustenta que las prácticas de poder en El Salvador de manera recurrente han tendido hacia el autoritarismo, bajo formas jerárquicas y viciadas en el marco de una débil institucionalidad y dentro de un sistema político basado en la práctica de privilegios, desigualdad social, cultural y económica. Atributos formados en una larga data a pesar de los cambios hacia un orden jurídico democrático, construyéndose así una cultura política fuertemente arraigada en la costumbre, lo que no solo se aprecia en las altas esferas del poder, sino también vemos su reproducción en los medianos y pequeños espacios.Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, n° 9, enero-junio 2017: 57-94

Chalchuapa is one of the regions treasuring the oldest traces of the first migrations and peoples... more Chalchuapa is one of the regions treasuring the oldest traces of the first migrations and peoples who settled the Salvadoran territory. An intense cultural and commercial trade originating not only from Mesoamerica but also from South America can be identified in this site. This last migration is the least known and investigated. This essay is based on evidence taken from archaeological surveys and indigenous and colonial chronicles. In this sense, and in the light of the most recent interpretations of Mesoamerican culture, it aims to show that this region's cultural process is of long-lasting nature, with its own dynamic, articulated to neighboring cultures and population nuclei that at present are part of El Salvador: Apaneca, Atiquizaya, Izalco, Cuscatlán, Nonualco and Quelepa. Nature and atmospheric conditions were also key elements in the life of these societies that experienced earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, droughts, plagues, epidemics and volcanic eruptions.
This essay presents a short version of a study of trends in political culture in El Salvador, bui... more This essay presents a short version of a study of trends in political culture in El Salvador, built on the basis of a bibliographical review and some primary sources, which runs a long periodfrom the late Spanish monarchic stage to the present history-. Here it is maintained that the practices of power in El Salvador have recurrently tended towards authoritarianism, under hierarchical forms and vitiated in the framework of a weak institutionality, and within a political system based on the practice of privileges, social, cultural inequality and economic. Attributes formed in a long time despite the changes towards a democratic legal order, thus building a political culture strongly rooted in custom, which is not only appreciated in the high spheres of power, but also see its reproduction in the middle and small spaces.
Papers by Eugenia Lopez Velásquez