Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Proficiency, Jan 7, 2019
The aim of the research was to analyze whether Whatshapp Messenger (WA) was effective to be used ... more The aim of the research was to analyze whether Whatshapp Messenger (WA) was effective to be used in teaching speaking descriptive at the tenth grade of MAN 4 Kediri. This research was quantitative research approach, whereas the research design used was posttest-only control-design. This research used two classes which became experimental group (MIA 3) and control group (MIA 4). In experimental group was taught by using Whatshapp Messenger, whereas control group was taught without Whatshapp Messenger. The instruments used in the research was written test. The procedure lasted 3 meetings and 1 meeting to do test. The result of t-test showed that: the mean score of experimental group (M = 81.15) was higher than control group (M = 70.29), and independent-samples t-test which values of the sig. 2-tailed was 0% or 0.000 and 0.000 < 0,05. Thus, it could be concluded that Whatshapp Messenger was effective in teaching and learning of English speaking descriptive text. This result suggests that the speaking aspects which the students significantly outperformed were (1) Pronunciation (2) Vocabulary (3) Grammatical (4) Fluency (5) Comprehension and (6) Expression.
This article tried to describe the existence of the Court of Constitution (Mahkamah Konstitusi) i... more This article tried to describe the existence of the Court of Constitution (Mahkamah Konstitusi) in Indonesian law system, especially in implementing its right to test the legality of law in relating to constitution. As we may have known, the amendment of Indonesian Constitution 1945 has declared the existence of this Court of Constitution and gave it the authority to test the rightness or legality of law either formally or materially. In other words, this institution function as an instrument of check and balance of the existence of Indonesian law.
Most people in the world have felt interested in the themes of Democracy and Human Rights for a l... more Most people in the world have felt interested in the themes of Democracy and Human Rights for a long time ago, since the Ancient Greek period until nowadays. Based on this, this article tries to elaborate some aspects connecting with the meaning of democracy, the relationship of democracy and human rights, and what the prospect of democracy and human rights in Indonesia is.
Penelitian ini menggunakan objek berupa iklan produk McDonald’s Indonesia berjudul “Cita Rasa Spe... more Penelitian ini menggunakan objek berupa iklan produk McDonald’s Indonesia berjudul “Cita Rasa Spesial dari Negeri Jepang” yang menceritakan seorang samurai dari Jepang masa keshogunan yang tersesat sendirian di wilayah Indonesia. Keberadaan samurai tersebut ditolak oleh masyarakat lokal yang ditemuinya sepanjang perjalanan. Di bagian akhir iklan ditampilkan samurai diterima oleh masyarakat lokal yang berada di McDonald’s. Video iklan tersebut berdurasi 1 menit 31 detik dan diunggah di situs youtube pada 7 November 2016. Fokus penelitian ini terletak pada visual dan audio yang ditampilkan dalam iklan tersebut dan lebih berkonsentrasi pada makna yang diciptakan oleh tandatanda yang terdapat pada iklan. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi wujud kebudayaan tradisional Jepang yang terepresentasikan dalam iklan, dan mengungkap makna denotasi, konotasi, serta mitos dibalik iklan menggunakan semiotika Roland Barthes. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan kebudayaan Jepang berup...
Memiliki wajah cantik merupakan dambaan setiap wanita, karena wajah cantik merupakan faktor yang ... more Memiliki wajah cantik merupakan dambaan setiap wanita, karena wajah cantik merupakan faktor yang cukup penting dalam menunjang penampilan, sehingga produk-produk kecantikan selalu banyak bermunculan di pasaran. Salah satunya adalah produk kecantikan dari wardah yang memiliki berbagai macam rangkaian produk perawatan kulit wajah yang banyak diminati oleh terutama kaum wanita karena rangkaian produknya yang lengkap dan dapat mengatasi berbagai permasalahan kulit wajah, seperti mencerahkan kulit wajah, mengatasi jerawat, menghilangkan bekas jerawat dan flek hitam dan berbagai permasalahan kulit wajah lainnya. Banyak sekali jenis dan kriteria produk skincare wardah yang telah dipasarkan, namun kurangnya pengetahuan dan informasi dari serangkaian skincare wardah membuat pembeli harus lebih teliti dalam memilih jenis skincare mana yang sesuai dengan permasalahan kulit wajah. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut pada penelitian ini dibangun sistem pendukung keputusan pemiihan skincare wardah ...
Background : According to Mahmud, etal. (2009), Tofu is a solid waste for soybean manufactured. E... more Background : According to Mahmud, etal. (2009), Tofu is a solid waste for soybean manufactured. Each of 100 gram contains 67 kcal of energy, 5 grams of protein, 21 grams of grease, and 81 grams of carbohydrates. Dregs tofu can be used as an ingredient in manufacture of food productions which is called nugget. Nugget dregs tofu is a product from the soybean residue by adding the spices and mixed with a binder. To improve the nutritional value of the protein, it needs to add the mackerel’s meat. Objective : To know the organoleptic properties (color, smell, taste, and texture) and water content of nuggets dregs tofu by adding mackerel’s meat. Methode : By design studies using experimental studies with a completely randomized design (CRD) one factor by adding the mackerel’s meat which has five treatment such as; 15%, 25%, 35%, 45% and 55%. Each treatment was repeated for three times. The parameters were observed in the study include organoleptic properties such as color, smell, taste,...
Likuditas saham perlu untuk diperhatikan ketika memilih saham untuk investasi. Likuiditas dapat d... more Likuditas saham perlu untuk diperhatikan ketika memilih saham untuk investasi. Likuiditas dapat diukur salah satunya dengan bid-ask spread. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui determinan bid-ask spread dan efek hari perdagangan di Indonesia pada
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Proficiency, 2019
The aim of the research was to analyze whether Whatshapp Messenger (WA) was effective to be used ... more The aim of the research was to analyze whether Whatshapp Messenger (WA) was effective to be used in teaching speaking descriptive at the tenth grade of MAN 4 Kediri. This research was quantitative research approach, whereas the research design used was posttest-only control-design. This research used two classes which became experimental group (MIA 3) and control group (MIA 4). In experimental group was taught by using Whatshapp Messenger, whereas control group was taught without Whatshapp Messenger. The instruments used in the research was written test. The procedure lasted 3 meetings and 1 meeting to do test. The result of t-test showed that: the mean score of experimental group (M = 81.15) was higher than control group (M = 70.29), and independent-samples t-test which values of the sig. 2-tailed was 0% or 0.000 and 0.000 < 0,05. Thus, it could be concluded that Whatshapp Messenger was effective in teaching and learning of English speaking descriptive text. This result suggests...
Purpose This study aims to identify the terminology that is in accordance with the reality of Mus... more Purpose This study aims to identify the terminology that is in accordance with the reality of Muslim tourism market, especially from the perspective of Sharia motivation, between Halal tourism and Islamic tourism; provide information on the special needs of Muslim travelers based on the dominant motivational differences; and find the impact of Sharia motivation and the special needs of Muslim tourists to their satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach The target population in this study is Muslim traveler at least 18 years old who has been traveling throughout Indonesia. Paired sample t-Test, multivariate analysis of variance and the multiple linier regression are applied for data analysis. Findings This study finds that Sharia motivation is less dominant in encouraging Muslims to travel; Sharia motivation has no impact on the importance of Sharia transportation, generic transportation and generic activities; and the dominance of Sharia motivation does not affect Muslim tourist sati...
Rehabilitasi di rumah sakit jiwa ketergantungan obat Provinsi Bengkulu menerapkan terapi kerja ke... more Rehabilitasi di rumah sakit jiwa ketergantungan obat Provinsi Bengkulu menerapkan terapi kerja kepada pasien gangguan jiwa, dimana dalam terapi kerja, pasien dibimbing untuk mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan ringan seperti pertanian, perkebunan, perikanan dan menjahit, hal ini sangat bermanfaat bagi pasien untuk bekal mereka kembali ke lingkungan keluarga / masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses terapi kerja, dan menggambarkan komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh perawat kepada pasien gangguan jiwa di unit rehabilitasi RSJKO Soperapto Bengkulu dengan melihat atraksi interpersonal yang digunakan perawat pada saat proses kegiatan dalam terapi kerja berlangsung. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan tipe penelitian desktiptif. Informan dalam penelitian ini yaitu 3 orang perawat di unit rehabilitasi, dan 7 orang informan pasien gangguan jiwa yang mengikuti terapi kerja di unit rehabilitasi. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa dalam komunikasi interpersonal perawat menggunakan media komunikasi tatap muka, jenis komunikasi yang digunakan perawat yaitu komunikasi verbal dan nonverbal. Penelitian ini juga menyimpulkan bahwa perawat menggunakan 5 syarat komunikasi interpersonal yang efektif yaitu keterbukaan, empati, dukungan, menunjukan sikap positif dan kesetaraan antara perawat dengan pasien. Hambatan yang ditemui selama proses terapi kerja pada komunikator yaitu masih kurangnya perencanaan komunikasi, sikap yang kurang tepat, masih kurangnya wawasan, dan pengetahuan karena tidak adanya pelatihan-pelatihan tambahan yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kinerja perawat. Hambatan yang ditemui dari komunikan yaitu kondisi psikologis, dan fisik pasien, serta belum terciptanya sikap saling percaya antara pasien dengan perawat yang menyebabkan komunikasi yang berjalan kurang efektif. Dalam berkomunikasi dengan pasien gangguan jiwa, perawat juga menerapkan atraksi interpersonal, yang ditunjukan dengan sikap hangat, bersahabat, dan menunjukan penerimaan. Selain itu ekspresi wajah yang menyenangkan, intonasi suara, sentuhan, dan reward yang diberikan oleh perawat juga menjadi daya tarik perawat dimata pasien.
Political issue of New Order era has caused a "trauma" for certain groups such as women, especial... more Political issue of New Order era has caused a "trauma" for certain groups such as women, especially Chinese women who in fact are lagging far away from political life. This article seeks to describe the political orientation of Chinese ethnic, especially on cognitive orientations and expectations towards the political issues after new order era. The finding of this study showed that cognitive orientation of Chinese women are still superficial and far from the expectation. The hope toward the current politic is that they could be more involved in any political empowerment.
This article tried to describe the existence of the Court of Constitution (Mahkamah Konstitusi) i... more This article tried to describe the existence of the Court of Constitution (Mahkamah Konstitusi) in Indonesian law system, especially in implementing its right to test the legality of law in relating to constitution. As we may have known, the amendment of Indonesian Constitution 1945 has declared the existence of this Court of Constitution and gave it the authority to test the rightness or legality of law either formally or materially. In other words, this institution function as an instrument of check and balance of the existence of Indonesian law.
Most people in the world have felt interested in the themes of Democracy and Human Rights for a l... more Most people in the world have felt interested in the themes of Democracy and Human Rights for a long time ago, since the Ancient Greek period until nowadays. Based on this, this article tries to elaborate some aspects connecting with the meaning of democracy, the relationship of democracy and human rights, and what the prospect of democracy and human rights in Indonesia is.
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Proficiency, Jan 7, 2019
The aim of the research was to analyze whether Whatshapp Messenger (WA) was effective to be used ... more The aim of the research was to analyze whether Whatshapp Messenger (WA) was effective to be used in teaching speaking descriptive at the tenth grade of MAN 4 Kediri. This research was quantitative research approach, whereas the research design used was posttest-only control-design. This research used two classes which became experimental group (MIA 3) and control group (MIA 4). In experimental group was taught by using Whatshapp Messenger, whereas control group was taught without Whatshapp Messenger. The instruments used in the research was written test. The procedure lasted 3 meetings and 1 meeting to do test. The result of t-test showed that: the mean score of experimental group (M = 81.15) was higher than control group (M = 70.29), and independent-samples t-test which values of the sig. 2-tailed was 0% or 0.000 and 0.000 < 0,05. Thus, it could be concluded that Whatshapp Messenger was effective in teaching and learning of English speaking descriptive text. This result suggests that the speaking aspects which the students significantly outperformed were (1) Pronunciation (2) Vocabulary (3) Grammatical (4) Fluency (5) Comprehension and (6) Expression.
This article tried to describe the existence of the Court of Constitution (Mahkamah Konstitusi) i... more This article tried to describe the existence of the Court of Constitution (Mahkamah Konstitusi) in Indonesian law system, especially in implementing its right to test the legality of law in relating to constitution. As we may have known, the amendment of Indonesian Constitution 1945 has declared the existence of this Court of Constitution and gave it the authority to test the rightness or legality of law either formally or materially. In other words, this institution function as an instrument of check and balance of the existence of Indonesian law.
Most people in the world have felt interested in the themes of Democracy and Human Rights for a l... more Most people in the world have felt interested in the themes of Democracy and Human Rights for a long time ago, since the Ancient Greek period until nowadays. Based on this, this article tries to elaborate some aspects connecting with the meaning of democracy, the relationship of democracy and human rights, and what the prospect of democracy and human rights in Indonesia is.
Penelitian ini menggunakan objek berupa iklan produk McDonald’s Indonesia berjudul “Cita Rasa Spe... more Penelitian ini menggunakan objek berupa iklan produk McDonald’s Indonesia berjudul “Cita Rasa Spesial dari Negeri Jepang” yang menceritakan seorang samurai dari Jepang masa keshogunan yang tersesat sendirian di wilayah Indonesia. Keberadaan samurai tersebut ditolak oleh masyarakat lokal yang ditemuinya sepanjang perjalanan. Di bagian akhir iklan ditampilkan samurai diterima oleh masyarakat lokal yang berada di McDonald’s. Video iklan tersebut berdurasi 1 menit 31 detik dan diunggah di situs youtube pada 7 November 2016. Fokus penelitian ini terletak pada visual dan audio yang ditampilkan dalam iklan tersebut dan lebih berkonsentrasi pada makna yang diciptakan oleh tandatanda yang terdapat pada iklan. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi wujud kebudayaan tradisional Jepang yang terepresentasikan dalam iklan, dan mengungkap makna denotasi, konotasi, serta mitos dibalik iklan menggunakan semiotika Roland Barthes. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan kebudayaan Jepang berup...
Memiliki wajah cantik merupakan dambaan setiap wanita, karena wajah cantik merupakan faktor yang ... more Memiliki wajah cantik merupakan dambaan setiap wanita, karena wajah cantik merupakan faktor yang cukup penting dalam menunjang penampilan, sehingga produk-produk kecantikan selalu banyak bermunculan di pasaran. Salah satunya adalah produk kecantikan dari wardah yang memiliki berbagai macam rangkaian produk perawatan kulit wajah yang banyak diminati oleh terutama kaum wanita karena rangkaian produknya yang lengkap dan dapat mengatasi berbagai permasalahan kulit wajah, seperti mencerahkan kulit wajah, mengatasi jerawat, menghilangkan bekas jerawat dan flek hitam dan berbagai permasalahan kulit wajah lainnya. Banyak sekali jenis dan kriteria produk skincare wardah yang telah dipasarkan, namun kurangnya pengetahuan dan informasi dari serangkaian skincare wardah membuat pembeli harus lebih teliti dalam memilih jenis skincare mana yang sesuai dengan permasalahan kulit wajah. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut pada penelitian ini dibangun sistem pendukung keputusan pemiihan skincare wardah ...
Background : According to Mahmud, etal. (2009), Tofu is a solid waste for soybean manufactured. E... more Background : According to Mahmud, etal. (2009), Tofu is a solid waste for soybean manufactured. Each of 100 gram contains 67 kcal of energy, 5 grams of protein, 21 grams of grease, and 81 grams of carbohydrates. Dregs tofu can be used as an ingredient in manufacture of food productions which is called nugget. Nugget dregs tofu is a product from the soybean residue by adding the spices and mixed with a binder. To improve the nutritional value of the protein, it needs to add the mackerel’s meat. Objective : To know the organoleptic properties (color, smell, taste, and texture) and water content of nuggets dregs tofu by adding mackerel’s meat. Methode : By design studies using experimental studies with a completely randomized design (CRD) one factor by adding the mackerel’s meat which has five treatment such as; 15%, 25%, 35%, 45% and 55%. Each treatment was repeated for three times. The parameters were observed in the study include organoleptic properties such as color, smell, taste,...
Likuditas saham perlu untuk diperhatikan ketika memilih saham untuk investasi. Likuiditas dapat d... more Likuditas saham perlu untuk diperhatikan ketika memilih saham untuk investasi. Likuiditas dapat diukur salah satunya dengan bid-ask spread. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui determinan bid-ask spread dan efek hari perdagangan di Indonesia pada
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Proficiency, 2019
The aim of the research was to analyze whether Whatshapp Messenger (WA) was effective to be used ... more The aim of the research was to analyze whether Whatshapp Messenger (WA) was effective to be used in teaching speaking descriptive at the tenth grade of MAN 4 Kediri. This research was quantitative research approach, whereas the research design used was posttest-only control-design. This research used two classes which became experimental group (MIA 3) and control group (MIA 4). In experimental group was taught by using Whatshapp Messenger, whereas control group was taught without Whatshapp Messenger. The instruments used in the research was written test. The procedure lasted 3 meetings and 1 meeting to do test. The result of t-test showed that: the mean score of experimental group (M = 81.15) was higher than control group (M = 70.29), and independent-samples t-test which values of the sig. 2-tailed was 0% or 0.000 and 0.000 < 0,05. Thus, it could be concluded that Whatshapp Messenger was effective in teaching and learning of English speaking descriptive text. This result suggests...
Purpose This study aims to identify the terminology that is in accordance with the reality of Mus... more Purpose This study aims to identify the terminology that is in accordance with the reality of Muslim tourism market, especially from the perspective of Sharia motivation, between Halal tourism and Islamic tourism; provide information on the special needs of Muslim travelers based on the dominant motivational differences; and find the impact of Sharia motivation and the special needs of Muslim tourists to their satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach The target population in this study is Muslim traveler at least 18 years old who has been traveling throughout Indonesia. Paired sample t-Test, multivariate analysis of variance and the multiple linier regression are applied for data analysis. Findings This study finds that Sharia motivation is less dominant in encouraging Muslims to travel; Sharia motivation has no impact on the importance of Sharia transportation, generic transportation and generic activities; and the dominance of Sharia motivation does not affect Muslim tourist sati...
Rehabilitasi di rumah sakit jiwa ketergantungan obat Provinsi Bengkulu menerapkan terapi kerja ke... more Rehabilitasi di rumah sakit jiwa ketergantungan obat Provinsi Bengkulu menerapkan terapi kerja kepada pasien gangguan jiwa, dimana dalam terapi kerja, pasien dibimbing untuk mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan ringan seperti pertanian, perkebunan, perikanan dan menjahit, hal ini sangat bermanfaat bagi pasien untuk bekal mereka kembali ke lingkungan keluarga / masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses terapi kerja, dan menggambarkan komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh perawat kepada pasien gangguan jiwa di unit rehabilitasi RSJKO Soperapto Bengkulu dengan melihat atraksi interpersonal yang digunakan perawat pada saat proses kegiatan dalam terapi kerja berlangsung. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan tipe penelitian desktiptif. Informan dalam penelitian ini yaitu 3 orang perawat di unit rehabilitasi, dan 7 orang informan pasien gangguan jiwa yang mengikuti terapi kerja di unit rehabilitasi. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa dalam komunikasi interpersonal perawat menggunakan media komunikasi tatap muka, jenis komunikasi yang digunakan perawat yaitu komunikasi verbal dan nonverbal. Penelitian ini juga menyimpulkan bahwa perawat menggunakan 5 syarat komunikasi interpersonal yang efektif yaitu keterbukaan, empati, dukungan, menunjukan sikap positif dan kesetaraan antara perawat dengan pasien. Hambatan yang ditemui selama proses terapi kerja pada komunikator yaitu masih kurangnya perencanaan komunikasi, sikap yang kurang tepat, masih kurangnya wawasan, dan pengetahuan karena tidak adanya pelatihan-pelatihan tambahan yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kinerja perawat. Hambatan yang ditemui dari komunikan yaitu kondisi psikologis, dan fisik pasien, serta belum terciptanya sikap saling percaya antara pasien dengan perawat yang menyebabkan komunikasi yang berjalan kurang efektif. Dalam berkomunikasi dengan pasien gangguan jiwa, perawat juga menerapkan atraksi interpersonal, yang ditunjukan dengan sikap hangat, bersahabat, dan menunjukan penerimaan. Selain itu ekspresi wajah yang menyenangkan, intonasi suara, sentuhan, dan reward yang diberikan oleh perawat juga menjadi daya tarik perawat dimata pasien.
Political issue of New Order era has caused a "trauma" for certain groups such as women, especial... more Political issue of New Order era has caused a "trauma" for certain groups such as women, especially Chinese women who in fact are lagging far away from political life. This article seeks to describe the political orientation of Chinese ethnic, especially on cognitive orientations and expectations towards the political issues after new order era. The finding of this study showed that cognitive orientation of Chinese women are still superficial and far from the expectation. The hope toward the current politic is that they could be more involved in any political empowerment.
This article tried to describe the existence of the Court of Constitution (Mahkamah Konstitusi) i... more This article tried to describe the existence of the Court of Constitution (Mahkamah Konstitusi) in Indonesian law system, especially in implementing its right to test the legality of law in relating to constitution. As we may have known, the amendment of Indonesian Constitution 1945 has declared the existence of this Court of Constitution and gave it the authority to test the rightness or legality of law either formally or materially. In other words, this institution function as an instrument of check and balance of the existence of Indonesian law.
Most people in the world have felt interested in the themes of Democracy and Human Rights for a l... more Most people in the world have felt interested in the themes of Democracy and Human Rights for a long time ago, since the Ancient Greek period until nowadays. Based on this, this article tries to elaborate some aspects connecting with the meaning of democracy, the relationship of democracy and human rights, and what the prospect of democracy and human rights in Indonesia is.
Papers by Estika Sari