This handbook was supposed to be a choral artwork and the result is a very choral and artistic pa... more This handbook was supposed to be a choral artwork and the result is a very choral and artistic patchwork. In the process of building up the project ‘MOMU – Moving towards Multiprofessional Work’, we sewed, we combined patterns to define new ones. We knew our shapes were different as were our fabrics but we learned to measure and cut in order to create a larger design. The results of this is what you can see in this handbook. We hope you’ll agree that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. It has not been easy to piece this together. These types of processes bring with them discussions, arguments, discoveries, hopes, despair and bureaucratic requirements; all inevitable parts of such a complex process. However, it is honest to say that the process has been exciting and paves the way for future and productive collaborations. Along the way some of the participants left us: Carola Boehm and Esther Mercado; some others joined us: Pedro de la Paz. Some changes took place in our u...
OBJECTIVE Despite the unquestionable progress in the treatment and legal and social recognition o... more OBJECTIVE Despite the unquestionable progress in the treatment and legal and social recognition of persons with disabilities with modified capacity,the role and social position of the collective still hinders the development of a full life. The objective was to know the possible effect of the guardianship exercise on the quality of life of persons with disabilities who reside permanently in residential centres and whose ordinary guardianship falls to the public FASAD Foundation. METHODS Correlational quantitative study. The GENCAT quality of life scale adapted so that the population under study itself was in charge of assessing the areas and dimensions related to their bio-psycho-social well-being. The starting hypothesis is was that exists a better perception of the levels of quality of life with a longer time of guardianship protection. In addition, the research questions were, What effects does the tutelary protection exercised by the FASAD Foundation have on the perception of th...
In this article, we identify the basic concepts informing multiprofessional competencies in arts ... more In this article, we identify the basic concepts informing multiprofessional competencies in arts and social work/care, focusing on their specific cultural contextualisation, as framed within the currently running project MOMU (Moving towards Multiprofessional Work in Art and Social Work) funded by the Erasmus+ Programme.[1] In short, the project aims to define competencies in teamwork and enhance educational/teacher knowledge and skills in arts and social work/care (MPW) by developing learning materials and handbooks in this area and embedding this in undergraduate HE provision. It builds on the work carried out in the project MIMO – Moving In, Moving On! which established and embedded the initial methods for MPW into professional practice in Finland and Estonia[2]. (TUAS, 2013) The emphasis of this kind of MPW work lies in combining the strengths of different arts and social work/care professionals to work effectively together with individuals or communities to address the identifi...
Ehquidad Revista Internacional de Políticas de Bienestar y Trabajo Social
The present research aims to analyze the impact on depressed mood of the confinement decreed by t... more The present research aims to analyze the impact on depressed mood of the confinement decreed by the COVID-19 pandemic, based on empathic capacities and personal strength in Spain. This is a cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational research with quantitative methodology. 2112 people over 18 years of age participated. For the analysis of depressed mood, the CES-D questionnaire was administered and to empathic capacities and personal strength the resilience scale for the study of resilient protective factors. The results of the ANOVA statistic and the linear regression carried out indicate the high degree of association and predictive capacity of the dimensions, empathic capacities and personal strength, with respect to the depressed. In conclusion the depressive mood in the Spanish population during confinement caused by COVID-19 is determined by empathic capacities and personal strength.
La insercion laboral de las personas con discapacidad, ha sido una preocupacion marcada por los o... more La insercion laboral de las personas con discapacidad, ha sido una preocupacion marcada por los organismos internaciones, a traves de sus politicas sociales y de empleo. Es por ello que, la creacion de programas de empleo con apoyo ha permitido el acceso al mercado de trabajo de estas personas; asi como, la aparicion de nuevas figuras profesionales -preparador o preparadora laboral-, cuyas funciones y metodologia de intervencion se aproximan a la de los trabajadores y las trabajadoras sociales.
Este proyecto pretende mejorar "internacionalizacion del curriculum" asi como el desarr... more Este proyecto pretende mejorar "internacionalizacion del curriculum" asi como el desarrollo de las competencias trasversales de los alumnos de la Facultad de Trabajo Social y de la UCM en general, mediante la oferta de una asignatura de 3 ECTS complementaria de mediacion que sera impartida en la Facultad de Trabajo social y ofrecida a todos los estudiantes de la UCM. La creacion de este seminario sobre mediacion ofrecera al alumnado las tecnicas y herramientas necesarias para la negociacion y la gestion colaborativa de conflictos, mejorando sus competencias transversales, pero ademas se hara desde la perspectiva internacional e interdisciplinar que requiere la mediacion, puesto que se trata de una materia con un profundo caracter interdisciplinario y con una gran proyeccion internacional.La estructura de este seminario se organiza en torno a la intervencion de diferentes profesores a lo largo de todo del segundo semestre academico. Se aprovechara la experiencia previa de l...
This handbook was supposed to be a choral artwork and the result is a very choral and artistic pa... more This handbook was supposed to be a choral artwork and the result is a very choral and artistic patchwork. In the process of building up the project ‘MOMU – Moving towards Multiprofessional Work’, we sewed, we combined patterns to define new ones. We knew our shapes were different as were our fabrics but we learned to measure and cut in order to create a larger design. The results of this is what you can see in this handbook. We hope you’ll agree that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. It has not been easy to piece this together. These types of processes bring with them discussions, arguments, discoveries, hopes, despair and bureaucratic requirements; all inevitable parts of such a complex process. However, it is honest to say that the process has been exciting and paves the way for future and productive collaborations. Along the way some of the participants left us: Carola Boehm and Esther Mercado; some others joined us: Pedro de la Paz. Some changes took place in our u...
Introduction: Health emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic has generated a global commotion, lea... more Introduction: Health emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic has generated a global commotion, leading to a series of problems related to health, psychosocial factors and economic situation . Objective: To evaluate the effect of confinement on depressive mood in Spanish residents who are over 18 years old during the state of emergency which was declared due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, this paper aims to analyze the possible impact of some variables such as sex, age, size of dwelling and income . Materials and Methods : Cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational design with quantitative methodology. Access to the sample was based on a non-probabilistic sampling through snowball technique. CES-D scale was used to evaluate the state of depressive mood. In order to collect data related to sex, age, size of dwelling and economic situation, ad hoc questions were included in the survey. Results: Women presented higher values of depressive mood than men. Furthermore, depressi...
This handbook was supposed to be a choral artwork and the result is a very choral and artistic pa... more This handbook was supposed to be a choral artwork and the result is a very choral and artistic patchwork. In the process of building up the project ‘MOMU – Moving towards Multiprofessional Work’, we sewed, we combined patterns to define new ones. We knew our shapes were different as were our fabrics but we learned to measure and cut in order to create a larger design. The results of this is what you can see in this handbook. We hope you’ll agree that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. It has not been easy to piece this together. These types of processes bring with them discussions, arguments, discoveries, hopes, despair and bureaucratic requirements; all inevitable parts of such a complex process. However, it is honest to say that the process has been exciting and paves the way for future and productive collaborations. Along the way some of the participants left us: Carola Boehm and Esther Mercado; some others joined us: Pedro de la Paz. Some changes took place in our u...
OBJECTIVE Despite the unquestionable progress in the treatment and legal and social recognition o... more OBJECTIVE Despite the unquestionable progress in the treatment and legal and social recognition of persons with disabilities with modified capacity,the role and social position of the collective still hinders the development of a full life. The objective was to know the possible effect of the guardianship exercise on the quality of life of persons with disabilities who reside permanently in residential centres and whose ordinary guardianship falls to the public FASAD Foundation. METHODS Correlational quantitative study. The GENCAT quality of life scale adapted so that the population under study itself was in charge of assessing the areas and dimensions related to their bio-psycho-social well-being. The starting hypothesis is was that exists a better perception of the levels of quality of life with a longer time of guardianship protection. In addition, the research questions were, What effects does the tutelary protection exercised by the FASAD Foundation have on the perception of th...
In this article, we identify the basic concepts informing multiprofessional competencies in arts ... more In this article, we identify the basic concepts informing multiprofessional competencies in arts and social work/care, focusing on their specific cultural contextualisation, as framed within the currently running project MOMU (Moving towards Multiprofessional Work in Art and Social Work) funded by the Erasmus+ Programme.[1] In short, the project aims to define competencies in teamwork and enhance educational/teacher knowledge and skills in arts and social work/care (MPW) by developing learning materials and handbooks in this area and embedding this in undergraduate HE provision. It builds on the work carried out in the project MIMO – Moving In, Moving On! which established and embedded the initial methods for MPW into professional practice in Finland and Estonia[2]. (TUAS, 2013) The emphasis of this kind of MPW work lies in combining the strengths of different arts and social work/care professionals to work effectively together with individuals or communities to address the identifi...
Ehquidad Revista Internacional de Políticas de Bienestar y Trabajo Social
The present research aims to analyze the impact on depressed mood of the confinement decreed by t... more The present research aims to analyze the impact on depressed mood of the confinement decreed by the COVID-19 pandemic, based on empathic capacities and personal strength in Spain. This is a cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational research with quantitative methodology. 2112 people over 18 years of age participated. For the analysis of depressed mood, the CES-D questionnaire was administered and to empathic capacities and personal strength the resilience scale for the study of resilient protective factors. The results of the ANOVA statistic and the linear regression carried out indicate the high degree of association and predictive capacity of the dimensions, empathic capacities and personal strength, with respect to the depressed. In conclusion the depressive mood in the Spanish population during confinement caused by COVID-19 is determined by empathic capacities and personal strength.
La insercion laboral de las personas con discapacidad, ha sido una preocupacion marcada por los o... more La insercion laboral de las personas con discapacidad, ha sido una preocupacion marcada por los organismos internaciones, a traves de sus politicas sociales y de empleo. Es por ello que, la creacion de programas de empleo con apoyo ha permitido el acceso al mercado de trabajo de estas personas; asi como, la aparicion de nuevas figuras profesionales -preparador o preparadora laboral-, cuyas funciones y metodologia de intervencion se aproximan a la de los trabajadores y las trabajadoras sociales.
Este proyecto pretende mejorar "internacionalizacion del curriculum" asi como el desarr... more Este proyecto pretende mejorar "internacionalizacion del curriculum" asi como el desarrollo de las competencias trasversales de los alumnos de la Facultad de Trabajo Social y de la UCM en general, mediante la oferta de una asignatura de 3 ECTS complementaria de mediacion que sera impartida en la Facultad de Trabajo social y ofrecida a todos los estudiantes de la UCM. La creacion de este seminario sobre mediacion ofrecera al alumnado las tecnicas y herramientas necesarias para la negociacion y la gestion colaborativa de conflictos, mejorando sus competencias transversales, pero ademas se hara desde la perspectiva internacional e interdisciplinar que requiere la mediacion, puesto que se trata de una materia con un profundo caracter interdisciplinario y con una gran proyeccion internacional.La estructura de este seminario se organiza en torno a la intervencion de diferentes profesores a lo largo de todo del segundo semestre academico. Se aprovechara la experiencia previa de l...
This handbook was supposed to be a choral artwork and the result is a very choral and artistic pa... more This handbook was supposed to be a choral artwork and the result is a very choral and artistic patchwork. In the process of building up the project ‘MOMU – Moving towards Multiprofessional Work’, we sewed, we combined patterns to define new ones. We knew our shapes were different as were our fabrics but we learned to measure and cut in order to create a larger design. The results of this is what you can see in this handbook. We hope you’ll agree that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. It has not been easy to piece this together. These types of processes bring with them discussions, arguments, discoveries, hopes, despair and bureaucratic requirements; all inevitable parts of such a complex process. However, it is honest to say that the process has been exciting and paves the way for future and productive collaborations. Along the way some of the participants left us: Carola Boehm and Esther Mercado; some others joined us: Pedro de la Paz. Some changes took place in our u...
Introduction: Health emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic has generated a global commotion, lea... more Introduction: Health emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic has generated a global commotion, leading to a series of problems related to health, psychosocial factors and economic situation . Objective: To evaluate the effect of confinement on depressive mood in Spanish residents who are over 18 years old during the state of emergency which was declared due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, this paper aims to analyze the possible impact of some variables such as sex, age, size of dwelling and income . Materials and Methods : Cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational design with quantitative methodology. Access to the sample was based on a non-probabilistic sampling through snowball technique. CES-D scale was used to evaluate the state of depressive mood. In order to collect data related to sex, age, size of dwelling and economic situation, ad hoc questions were included in the survey. Results: Women presented higher values of depressive mood than men. Furthermore, depressi...
Papers by Esther Mercado