Stoepker, H. (red.), 2023: Sporen van Susteren, archeologische vondsten uit een Karolingisch klooster en een adellijk vrouwenstift, de basispublicatie, Venlo (Limburgs Museum)., 2023
This paper (in Dutch with English summaries) contains the list of contents and the text of chapte... more This paper (in Dutch with English summaries) contains the list of contents and the text of chapter 1, 7, 8 and 37 of the 'basepublication' of the excavation of the monastery at Susteren (NL). The monastery was founded in 714 and is one of the few largely excavated early medieval monasteries in Europe. The complete 'basepublication' (1500 pages by 30 co-authors) can be downloaded at This basepublication is an addition to: Stoepker, H. 2021: Het klooster van Susteren, Amersfoort (NAR 73), which gives an overview of the structural development of the monastery (also at The 'basepublication' deals mainly with the finds (organic and non-organic) and with the historical background.
Papers by Anton Ervynck
Based on cultural material, we can chronologically place this habitation from the late 1st century or the early 2nd century AD to the early 3rd century AD. The waste deposits, particularly those associated with the fully excavated homestead in the eastern part of the site, offer a remarkable and, so far, unique insight into the livelihoods of the inhabitants of a rural Roman site, both for the Scheldt Valley and the region as a whole.