Papers by Erik van den Brink

Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Dec 1, 2011
Background: Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is subject to heated debates and prejudi... more Background: Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is subject to heated debates and prejudices. Studies show that CAM is widely used by psychiatric patients, usually without the guidance of a therapist and without the use of a solid working method, leading to potential health risks. Aim: The purpose of this study is to facilitate the judicious use of CAM alongside conventional psychiatry in an outpatient psychiatric clinic. Methods: A search was made through scientific and legal articles and discussion in focus groups. Results: In the Centre for Integrative Psychiatry (CIP) of Lentis in the Netherlands, some carefully selected CAM are offered under strict conditions, alongside conventional treatments. Because of the controversy and the potential health risks, Lentis designed a protocol that is presented. Conclusions: The CIP hopes, by using this protocol, to better serve and respect the individual needs and preferences of the diversity of psychiatric patients in our Dutch multicultural society, and better protect them from harm.
Routledge eBooks, Jun 18, 2018

Mindfulness, Aug 26, 2020
Objectives There are a number of mindfulness-based programs (MBPs) that have demonstrated effecti... more Objectives There are a number of mindfulness-based programs (MBPs) that have demonstrated effectiveness for patients and health care professionals. The Interpersonal Mindfulness Program (IMP) is a relatively new MBP, developed to teach those with prior mindfulness training to deepen their mindful presence, empathy and compassion in the interpersonal domain. The aim of the present study was to examine the feasibility of using the IMP with mental health care workers and assessing its effects on levels of mindfulness, self-compassion, empathy, stress and professional quality of life when compared with the control group participants. Methods The IMP training consisted of nine weekly 2.5-h sessions and daily home practice (45-60 min). Twenty-five participants (mean age, 51.4 years) with mindfulness experience participated in the training. Twenty-two individuals in the control group (mean age, 47.5 years) were recruited from those who had followed a mindfulness training before. Feasibility of the IMP was assessed in the training participants in six domains. All study participants completed self-report questionnaires before and after the training. Results The IMP training was considered highly acceptable and very useful. The training had a significant positive effect on selfcompassion, empathy and compassion fatigue, but no effect on mindfulness, stress and compassion satisfaction. Five participants reported some mild adverse reactions. Conclusions The IMP training appears feasible for health care professionals and seems to induce some positive effects. A few mild adverse effects were reported. Further research on the effectiveness and possible mechanisms of change of the IMP training in larger samples is needed.
Die Wiedergabe von allgemein beschreibenden Bezeichnungen, Marken, Unternehmensnamen etc. in dies... more Die Wiedergabe von allgemein beschreibenden Bezeichnungen, Marken, Unternehmensnamen etc. in diesem Werk bedeutet nicht, dass diese frei durch jedermann benutzt werden dürfen. Die Berechtigung zur Benutzung unterliegt, auch ohne gesonderten Hinweis hierzu, den Regeln des Markenrechts. Die Rechte des jeweiligen Zeicheninhabers sind zu beachten. Der Verlag, die Autoren und die Herausgeber gehen davon aus, dass die Angaben und Informationen in diesem Werk zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung vollständig und korrekt sind. Weder der Verlag, noch die Autoren oder die Herausgeber übernehmen, ausdrücklich oder implizit, Gewähr für den Inhalt des Werkes, etwaige Fehler oder Äußerungen. Der Verlag bleibt im Hinblick auf geografische Zuordnungen und Gebietsbezeichnungen in veröffentlichten Karten und Institutionsadressen neutral.
Psychiatric Bulletin, Mar 1, 1995
Little has been published by junior trainees of their experience of part-time training. This pape... more Little has been published by junior trainees of their experience of part-time training. This paper discusses two different arrangements of flexible training at registrar level based on the personal experience of a married couple where both partners wished to combine psychiatric training with childcare. Job-share by working alternate periods of six months is compared with being in separate flexible training posts as super numerary registrars.
Routledge eBooks, Mar 3, 2023

Interventies die gebaseerd zijn op oefening in mindfulness staan de laatste jaren erg in de belan... more Interventies die gebaseerd zijn op oefening in mindfulness staan de laatste jaren erg in de belangstelling. De training waarin oosterse meditatie oefening samen komt met de moderne westerse psychologie neemt nog altijd toe in populariteit (Brown e.a., 2007). Grondlegger is John Kabat-Zinn; die ontwikkelde de aandachtstraining, een techniek om mensen te leren om gaan met stress, angst, pijn en ziekte (Baer, 2003). Ook bij het Centrum Integrale Psychiatrie van Lentis Groningen worden sinds januari 2006 mindfulness trainingen gegeven, aan zowel clienten als medewerkers. Is het enthousiasme gerechtvaardigd? Dit artikel bestaat uit twee delen. In het eerste deel wordt beschreven wat onder mindfulness verstaan wordt en hoe mindfulness trainingen in zijn werk gaan. Ook wordt in dit deel een literatuuroverzicht gegeven van onderzoeken naar de effecten van op mindfulness gebaseerde trainingen. In het tweede deel worden de resultaten gepresenteerd van een evaluatiestudie naar de mindfulness t...
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2012
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is subject to heated debates and prejudices. Studies... more Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is subject to heated debates and prejudices. Studies show that CAM is widely used by psychiatric patients, usually without the guidance of a therapist and without the use of a solid working method, leading to potential health risks. How can we use CAM alongside conventional psychiatry in an outpatient psychiatric clinic in a judicious and professional way?

Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016
Alternate prolonged drought and heavy rainfall is predicted to intensify with global warming. Des... more Alternate prolonged drought and heavy rainfall is predicted to intensify with global warming. Desiccation-rewetting events alter the soil quality and nutrient concentrations which drive microbial-mediated processes, including methane oxidation, a key biogeochemical process catalyzed by methanotrophic bacteria. Although aerobic methanotrophs showed remarkable resilience to a suite of physical disturbances induced as a single event, their resilience to recurring disturbances is less known. Here, using a rice field soil in a microcosm study, we determined whether recurrence and frequency of desiccation-rewetting impose an accumulating effect on the methanotrophic activity. The response of key aerobic methanotroph subgroups (type Ia, Ib, and II) were monitored using qPCR assays, and was supported by a t-RFLP analysis. The methanotrophic activity was resilient to recurring desiccation-rewetting, but increasing the frequency of the disturbance by twofold significantly decreased methane uptake rate. Both the qPCR and t-RFLP analyses were congruent, showing the dominance of type Ia/Ib methanotrophs prior to disturbance, and after disturbance, the recovering community was predominantly comprised of type Ia (Methylobacter) methanotrophs. Both type Ib and type II (Methylosinus/Methylocystis) methanotrophs were adversely affected by the disturbance, but type II methanotrophs showed recovery over time, indicating relatively higher resilience to the disturbance. This revealed distinct, yet unrecognized traits among the methanotroph community members. Our results show that recurring desiccation-rewetting before a recovery in community abundance had an accumulated effect, compromising methanotrophic activity. While methanotrophs may recover well following sporadic disturbances, their resilience may reach a 'tipping point' where activity no longer recovered if disturbance persists and increase in frequency.
Psychiatric Bulletin, 1995
Papers by Erik van den Brink