Articles, other scientific by Jörgen Eriksson
The Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing, COASP, is held annually with the aim of reach... more The Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing, COASP, is held annually with the aim of reaching professional publishing organizations, independent publishers and university presses, as well as librarians, university administrators and other stakeholders. Here, we outline some themes and highlights from this year’s conference.
Papers by Jörgen Eriksson
Information Services and Use, 2011
To facilitate the future handling and classification of conference articles in Swedish institutio... more To facilitate the future handling and classification of conference articles in Swedish institutional repositories a number of recommendations are suggested.
The purpose of the study was to increase self-archiving of scientific articles in Swedish open ar... more The purpose of the study was to increase self-archiving of scientific articles in Swedish open archives and thus contribute to the dissemination and increased visibility of Swedish research and to a greater impact for the individual researcher. We wanted to find out what ...
Var och hur forskningsdata ska lagras, vilka delar kan publiceras som open access, hur bör koppli... more Var och hur forskningsdata ska lagras, vilka delar kan publiceras som open access, hur bör koppling ske mellan öppna arkiv och Svensk Nationell Datatjänst och slutligen hur koppling bör ske mellan publikation och tillhörande forskningsdata, är frågor projektet har ställt sig. Ett 20-tal intervjuer med forskare har utförts inom ramen för projektet. Några kärnfrågor återkommer: När i forskningsprocessen aktualiseras datafrågorna, vem äger rätten till forskningsdata, vad är det faktiska värdet av att tillhandahålla data? Generellt finns bland ...
Articles, other scientific by Jörgen Eriksson
Papers by Jörgen Eriksson