El poder rotatorio que presentan ciertas sustancias orgánicas es un fenómeno consecuencia de la a... more El poder rotatorio que presentan ciertas sustancias orgánicas es un fenómeno consecuencia de la actividad óptica, es decir, de la interacción del campo electromagnético con la estructura de ciertas moléculas. En consecuencia, es un tema de interés tanto en física como en química, situación que es relevante en la formación académica de estudiantes, ampliando su visión fuera del ámbito académico de la física. En este trabajo se detalla como realizar una actividad experimental que permite abordar de forma cuantitativa este tema mediante el cálculo del poder rotatorio de compuestos químicos básicos y fáciles de conseguir o producir en un laboratorio de enseñanza. Los resultados encontrados para la rotación óptica de las sustancias estudiadas tienen un error promedio del 10% respecto de los valores reportados; sin embargo, también es posible deducir cuando una sustancia no es pura, ya que el error respecto de valores reportados se incrementa.
This thesis reports the realization and applications of a versatile wideband balanced homodyne de... more This thesis reports the realization and applications of a versatile wideband balanced homodyne detector operating in the time domain and intended for Quantum Optical Tomography. The detector can work with high repetition rate lasers used for the production and measurement of the electric field quadratures of quantum states of light. Full characterization of the detector by shot-noise measurements and by verifying its capability to reconstruct the density matrix and Wigner function of various states of interest is given. By overcoming photodiodes response mismatch, high frequency electronics issues and by choosing an appropriate optical set-up, a high level of common mode suppression (52.4dB) and a low electronic noise gave a shot-to-electronic noise ratio of I3dB for a Local Oscillator with 6.2 x 108 photons-per-pulse on a ~ 100MHz bandwidth. Results for the characterization of a single-photon Fock state are presented. An average efficiency of 56% was obtained for the generation/det...
In this article we explain in a new light two fundamental concepts ofquantum optics, the quantum ... more In this article we explain in a new light two fundamental concepts ofquantum optics, the quantum beam splitter and the quantum interferometer, in termsof two state quantum wave functions. This method is consistent with the concept ofentanglement, and hence the algebra needed to describe them is reduced to additionsand products of the components of the quantum states. Furthermore, under thepremises of this method it is possible to study quantum states of greater complexity,like those arising from the addition and products of single photon states.
... [email protected] ENRIQUE LÓPEz MORENO. Doctor por la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM. .... more ... [email protected] ENRIQUE LÓPEz MORENO. Doctor por la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM. ... Supongamos que Alicia y Beto observan el experimento y Alicia recibe a una de las partículas, mientras que Beto recibe a su contraparte. ...
We present a comprehensive theory and an easy to follow method for the design and construction of... more We present a comprehensive theory and an easy to follow method for the design and construction of a wideband homodyne detector for time-domain quantum measurements. We show how one can evaluate the performance of a detector in a specific time-domain experiment based on electronic spectral characteristic of that detector. We then present and characterize a high-performance detector constructed using inexpensive, commercially available components such as low-noise high-speed operational amplifiers and high-bandwidth photodiodes. Our detector shows linear behavior up to a level of over 13 dB clearance between shot noise and electronic noise, in the range from DC to 100 MHz. The detector can be used for measuring quantum optical field quadratures both in the continuous-wave and pulsed regimes with pulse repetition rates up to about 250 MHz.
El poder rotatorio que presentan ciertas sustancias orgánicas es un fenómeno consecuencia de la a... more El poder rotatorio que presentan ciertas sustancias orgánicas es un fenómeno consecuencia de la actividad óptica, es decir, de la interacción del campo electromagnético con la estructura de ciertas moléculas. En consecuencia, es un tema de interés tanto en física como en química, situación que es relevante en la formación académica de estudiantes, ampliando su visión fuera del ámbito académico de la física. En este trabajo se detalla como realizar una actividad experimental que permite abordar de forma cuantitativa este tema mediante el cálculo del poder rotatorio de compuestos químicos básicos y fáciles de conseguir o producir en un laboratorio de enseñanza. Los resultados encontrados para la rotación óptica de las sustancias estudiadas tienen un error promedio del 10% respecto de los valores reportados; sin embargo, también es posible deducir cuando una sustancia no es pura, ya que el error respecto de valores reportados se incrementa.
This thesis reports the realization and applications of a versatile wideband balanced homodyne de... more This thesis reports the realization and applications of a versatile wideband balanced homodyne detector operating in the time domain and intended for Quantum Optical Tomography. The detector can work with high repetition rate lasers used for the production and measurement of the electric field quadratures of quantum states of light. Full characterization of the detector by shot-noise measurements and by verifying its capability to reconstruct the density matrix and Wigner function of various states of interest is given. By overcoming photodiodes response mismatch, high frequency electronics issues and by choosing an appropriate optical set-up, a high level of common mode suppression (52.4dB) and a low electronic noise gave a shot-to-electronic noise ratio of I3dB for a Local Oscillator with 6.2 x 108 photons-per-pulse on a ~ 100MHz bandwidth. Results for the characterization of a single-photon Fock state are presented. An average efficiency of 56% was obtained for the generation/det...
In this article we explain in a new light two fundamental concepts ofquantum optics, the quantum ... more In this article we explain in a new light two fundamental concepts ofquantum optics, the quantum beam splitter and the quantum interferometer, in termsof two state quantum wave functions. This method is consistent with the concept ofentanglement, and hence the algebra needed to describe them is reduced to additionsand products of the components of the quantum states. Furthermore, under thepremises of this method it is possible to study quantum states of greater complexity,like those arising from the addition and products of single photon states.
... [email protected] ENRIQUE LÓPEz MORENO. Doctor por la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM. .... more ... [email protected] ENRIQUE LÓPEz MORENO. Doctor por la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM. ... Supongamos que Alicia y Beto observan el experimento y Alicia recibe a una de las partículas, mientras que Beto recibe a su contraparte. ...
We present a comprehensive theory and an easy to follow method for the design and construction of... more We present a comprehensive theory and an easy to follow method for the design and construction of a wideband homodyne detector for time-domain quantum measurements. We show how one can evaluate the performance of a detector in a specific time-domain experiment based on electronic spectral characteristic of that detector. We then present and characterize a high-performance detector constructed using inexpensive, commercially available components such as low-noise high-speed operational amplifiers and high-bandwidth photodiodes. Our detector shows linear behavior up to a level of over 13 dB clearance between shot noise and electronic noise, in the range from DC to 100 MHz. The detector can be used for measuring quantum optical field quadratures both in the continuous-wave and pulsed regimes with pulse repetition rates up to about 250 MHz.
Papers by Erick Barrios