Papers by Enzo Di Nuoscio
Travaux de sciences sociales, Nov 1, 2003

Elsevier eBooks, 2001
This entry has both a historical and theoretical basis. Three important theories have been identi... more This entry has both a historical and theoretical basis. Three important theories have been identified in the history of social sciences, that interpret social evolution as: a) an inevitable progress Saint-Simon, Comte, Marx); b) a spontaneous order (The Scottish Moralists of the eighteenth century, Spencer, The Austrian Economic School); c) as evolution of social systems that are not a result of actions of the single individual (Durkheim, Parsons). The epistemological and social characteristics of these concepts were then examined by using the dual measure of individualism/collectivism to emphasize the significant differences between them. Particular attention has been paid to the implications of the different views supporting these two fundamental issues of social evolution: the relationship between historical progress and human progress, and the one existing between adaptation and innovation. Finally, a comparison between social evolution and evolutionary epistemology has been proposed to underline the epistemological basis of theories which, referring to a biological model, interpret social evolution as a spontaneous process aimed at the solution of problems.
Springer eBooks, 2018
Raymond Boudon’s main contribution to contemporary methodological debates is his definition of me... more Raymond Boudon’s main contribution to contemporary methodological debates is his definition of methodological individualism as a logic of explanation. In his opinion, social phenomena must be explained in terms of intentional and particularly unintentional consequences of the aggregation of human actions dictated by “good reasons”. Boudon’s approach can be divided into two complementary stages: the explanation of action, and the explanation of its consequences.
Questa opera è protetta dalla Legge sul diritto d'autore (Legge n. 633/1941: hitp://www.... more Questa opera è protetta dalla Legge sul diritto d'autore (Legge n. 633/1941: hitp://www.giusiizia .ii/cassazi(me/leggi/l(>33_41.html). Tutti i diritti, in particolare quelli relativi alla traduzione, alla citazione, alla riproduzione in qualsiasi forma, all'uso delle illustrazioni, delle tabelle e del ...

Social Science Information, Feb 25, 2022
According to the dominant view, analytical sociology is largely incompatible with the deductive-n... more According to the dominant view, analytical sociology is largely incompatible with the deductive-nomological model because the latter allows neither accurate and precise explanations, nor explanations that give individuals and their actions a privileged role. This view neglects two relevant facts about the deductive-nomological model as understood by Hempel and Popper and some of their precursors such as J.S. Mill and Weber. The first is the relationship between this model, situational analysis, and the use of probabilistic laws in explanation. The second is that, from the standpoint of the deductive-nomological theory, it is possible to make sense of social mechanisms in terms of Weber’s ideal–typical models. Like these models, mechanisms are functional for the development of concrete empirical sociological hypotheses that, without covering generalizations, lack explanatory power.

L'Année Sociologique, 2020
L’auteur tente de montrer qu’il existe une complementarite precieuse entre trois perspectives epi... more L’auteur tente de montrer qu’il existe une complementarite precieuse entre trois perspectives epistemologiques souvent considerees comme incompatibles : l’individualisme methodologique (IM), la theorie de l’explication scientifique fondee sur le modele Popper-Hempel et la theorie du « cercle hermeneutique » de Gadamer. L’IM ne peut representer une logique d’explication qui garantit la scientificite des explications sociales qu’en utilisant : a) le modele nomologique-deductif pour expliquer les causes et les consequences (intentionnelles et non intentionnelles), surtout au niveau macro, des actions et b) l’hermeneutique gadamerienne pour reconstruire les strategies cognitives et decisionnelles subjectives. En particulier, l’auteur insiste pour demontrer que le « cercle hermeneutique » de Gadamer decrit un processus cognitif qui procede par conjecture et refutation et qu’il est fondamental pour expliquer scientifiquement l’interpretation, par l’acteur, du contexte problematique dans lequel il se trouve – fondamental donc pour reconstruire les « bonnes raisons » qui le poussent a voir dans une action donnee une solution a la situation d’incertitude qu’il connait.

Revue européenne des sciences sociales, Feb 1, 2000
peut être considéré à tous les égards comme un des protagonistes majeur de la tradition sociologi... more peut être considéré à tous les égards comme un des protagonistes majeur de la tradition sociologique et épistémologique de l'individualisme méthodologique. Il a interprété la genèse et la transformation de la société dans son ensemble et des institutions sociales comme le résultat spontané de la composition des actions rationnelles subjectives à fins privées. Dans cette analyse, est prise en considération la rationalité de l'action et des croyances dont la démonstration constitue la première étape de l'explication donnée par Spencer des phénomènes sociaux. Pour Spencer, l'action est un acte rationnel dans le but d'atteindre un objectif et se fonde sur une ou plusieurs croyances. Ces dernières, même quand elles sont très éloignées de celles du chercheur-comme les superstitions-sont considérées comme rationnelles, en d'autres termes elles représentent les meilleurs théories que ces individus ont à disposition pour faire face aux situations d'incertitude dans lesquelles ils se trouvaent. L'individu qui agit selon ces principes se comporte rationnellement puisqu'il agit en cohérence avec sa perception de la situation.

Journal Des Economistes Et Des Etudes Humaines, 2014
The purpose of this article is to show that Boudon’s explanation of action in terms of “good reas... more The purpose of this article is to show that Boudon’s explanation of action in terms of “good reasons” can be philosophically enriched by merging his methodological perspective with Mises’ praxeology and Gadamer’s hermeneutics. In order to develop our goal of merging Boudon’s approach with Mises’ and Gadamer’s, we will focus on two points. The first is the identification of the invariable structure of human action. Unlike Boudon, we suggest that the best way to establish this invariable structure, which makes the explanation of action possible, is not to refer to the controversial concept of “human nature,” but rather to use Mises’ praxeological analysis of the invariable logic which all actions have in common. The second point analyzed in this article is the temporal and cultural dimension of the interpretative process which individuals elaborate to develop their reasons. This point, which is related to hermeneutical philosophy and is not investigated in detail by Boudon, is largely discussed by Gadamer. In our opinion, merging Gadamer’s description of the interpretative process – a process that Gadamer calls “hermeneutical circle” – and Boudon’s sociology of “good reasons” is useful because, unlike Boudon, Gadamer clarifies the epistemological nature of the interpretative process as well as the reasons why this process – which is a trial and error process – allows us to understand the actions of people who belong to different cultures.

Quaderni di sociologia, Nov 1, 2015
Il presente contributo vuol fare luce su alcune pratiche che permettano all'insegnante di far esp... more Il presente contributo vuol fare luce su alcune pratiche che permettano all'insegnante di far esprimere al meglio le potenzialità di ogni singolo studente. Dopo la presentazione di alcune possibili cause che spingono certi studenti a comportarsi in modo poco edificante, seguono un'esposizione delle ragioni che dovrebbero spingere i docenti a preferire uno stile educativo autorevole a uno autoritario, permissivo e perfino democratico, e una definizione di insegnante amorevole. Lo scritto raccoglie, inoltre, considerazioni sulla tecnica del convincimento razionale, l'ambiente di apprendimento, la figura dello studente ricercatore e il sistema dei premi e dei castighi, da sostituire auspicabilmente con il sistema delle conseguenze. Nel lavoro più volte sono stati inseriti suggerimenti che provengono dalle neuroscienze. In particolare, si ragiona sull'attenzione che il docente dovrebbe riservare all'amigdala degli allievi, dal momento che riveste un ruolo importante nelle emozioni: un'inadeguata considerazione potrebbe perfino indurre lo studente a rifiutarsi di imparare con un determinato insegnante. È stato affrontato anche il discorso della peculiarità del cervello dell'adolescente, valido anche, come nel caso dello scrivente, se si ha a che fare con studenti universitari perché biologicamente il cervello, anche alla loro età, non è ancora maturo. PAROLE CHIAVE: insegnante autorevole; neuroscienze; adolescenti; insegnante amorevole; ambiente di apprendimento; studente ricercatore; premi e castighi. RESUMO: O presente artigo pretende lançar luz sobre algumas práticas que permitem ao professor expressar melhor as potencialidades de cada aluno. Após a apresentação de algumas possíveis causas que levam certos alunos a comportar-se de forma pouco edificante, o trabalho segue com uma exposição das razões que deveriam incentivar os professores a preferir um estilo educativo autorizante, a um estilo autoritário, permissivo e mesmo democrático, e uma definição de professor amoroso. O artigo traz, ainda, considerações sobre a técnica do convencimento racional, sobre o ambiente de aprendizagem, sobre a figura do estudante-pesquisador e sobre o sistema de recompensas e punições, a ser substituído preferencialmente pelo sistema de consequências. Foram inseridas no trabalho, várias vezes, sugestões que provêm das neurociências. Em particular, reflete-se sobre a atenção que o professor deveria reservar à amídala dos
The Mystery of Rationality, 2018
Raymond Boudon’s main contribution to contemporary methodological debates is his definition of me... more Raymond Boudon’s main contribution to contemporary methodological debates is his definition of methodological individualism as a logic of explanation. In his opinion, social phenomena must be explained in terms of intentional and particularly unintentional consequences of the aggregation of human actions dictated by “good reasons”. Boudon’s approach can be divided into two complementary stages: the explanation of action, and the explanation of its consequences.

International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001
This entry has both a historical and theoretical basis. Three important theories have been identi... more This entry has both a historical and theoretical basis. Three important theories have been identified in the history of social sciences, that interpret social evolution as: a) an inevitable progress Saint-Simon, Comte, Marx); b) a spontaneous order (The Scottish Moralists of the eighteenth century, Spencer, The Austrian Economic School); c) as evolution of social systems that are not a result of actions of the single individual (Durkheim, Parsons). The epistemological and social characteristics of these concepts were then examined by using the dual measure of individualism/collectivism to emphasize the significant differences between them. Particular attention has been paid to the implications of the different views supporting these two fundamental issues of social evolution: the relationship between historical progress and human progress, and the one existing between adaptation and innovation. Finally, a comparison between social evolution and evolutionary epistemology has been proposed to underline the epistemological basis of theories which, referring to a biological model, interpret social evolution as a spontaneous process aimed at the solution of problems.
Papers by Enzo Di Nuoscio