Papers by Enrique Durán Medina
Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
The correct classification of runners according to their gait patterns is a relevant issue for th... more The correct classification of runners according to their gait patterns is a relevant issue for the design of sports footwear. Specifically, the classification of runners as neutral, pronators, and supinators is a problem that is not yet fully solved, and requires expert observation, since current models based on the automatic processing of kinematic measures are very limited. This work proposes a method based on Functional Data Analysis (FDA) for automatically describing the morphology of the curves that represent ankle movement patterns. By Functional Analysis of Principal Components, the information contained in each data stream is reduced to a small set of variables, that allows an efficient classification of subjects.
Revista de Estudios Andaluces

PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDIES - Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica
EnriquE rivEra MEdina resumen: El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer el proceso de duelo qu... more EnriquE rivEra MEdina resumen: El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer el proceso de duelo que las hijas adultas experimentan por la muerte de sus madres y los cambios en sus familias. Este tipo de duelo ha sido poco investigado, a pesar de que demográficamente es cada vez más frecuente. La investigación se realizó en la Ciudad de México, es de tipo Cualitativo y su análisis fue basado en la metodología de la Teoría Fundamentada (Grounded Theory). Los principales hallazgos son: la muerte de la madre en la edad adulta de la hija puede ser en extremo significativa; genera cambios en la dinámica de la familia nuclear y propia; la revisión del papel de las parejas de las hijas en el duelo y puede acontecer que la hija le "da permiso" a su madre para que muera. Palabras clave: Duelo; Mujeres; Relación madre-hijos; Muerte materna; Apego. resumo: O objetivo desta pesquisa qualitativa foi compreender o processo de luto que as filhas adultas experimentam com a morte de suas mães e as mudanças em suas famílias. Este tipo de luto tem sido pouco investigado, embora seja comum demograficamente. Os principais resultados são que: a morte da mãe de uma filha adulta pode ser extremamente significativa; gera mudanças na dinâmica da família nuclear e na própria; a reavaliação do papel dos companheiros das filhas enlutadas; e pode ocorrer que as filhas deem "permissão" para que suas mães morram.

PeerJ, 2018
The presence of fatigue has been shown to modify running biomechanics. Overall in terms of gender... more The presence of fatigue has been shown to modify running biomechanics. Overall in terms of gender, women are at lower risk than men for sustaining running-related injuries, although it depends on the factors taken into account. One possible reason for these differences in the injury rate and location might be the dissimilar running patterns between men and women. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of fatigue and gender on the kinematic and ground reaction forces (GRF) parameters in recreational runners. Fifty-seven participants (28 males and 29 females) had kinematic and GRF variables measured while running at speed of 3.3 m s before and after a fatigue test protocol. The fatigue protocol included (1) a running Course-Navette test, (2) running up and down a flight of stairs for 5 min, and (3) performance of alternating jumps on a step (five sets of 1 minute each with 30 resting seconds between the sets). Fatigue decreased dorsiflexion (14.24 ± 4.98° in pre-fatigue...
La Era Isabelina Y La Revolucion 1843 1875 Actas De Las Xiii Jornadas Nacionales De Historia Militar Sevilla Del 13 Al 17 De Noviembre De 2006 2009 Isbn 978 84 692 2656 8 Pags 1368 1402, 2009
Archivo Hispalense Revista Historica Literaria Y Artistica, 1992
Boletin Del Instituto De Estudios Giennenses, 1997
Apuntes 2 Apuntes Y Documentos Para Una Historia De Osuna, 2007
Actas Vi Congreso De Historia De Carmona De La Restauracion Borbonica a La Guerra Civil 1874 1936 2009 Isbn 978 84 89993 37 Pags 161 198, 2009
Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, 1983
Innovacion Educativa, 2006
Sevilla Y Su Provincia Vol 4 1983 Isbn 84 7566 009 6 Pags 351 383, 1983

Abstract : This paper describes the progress on demonstrating a methodology for reliability asses... more Abstract : This paper describes the progress on demonstrating a methodology for reliability assessment for structural damage sensing (SDS) systems. In particular, it presents the initial results obtained from the application of a protocol designed for utilizing empirical data, models, simulations, and uncertainty analyses for statistically characterizing SDS reliability for a damage detection case. The manufactured test article representing an aircraft structure of medium complexity consists of three plates connected by two lap joints with fasteners. Fatigue crack damage around the fastener holes was simulated by manually created thin cuts at selected locations. The test fixture design provides the capability to vary critical parameters of the system with a focus on force loading boundary conditions, joint fastener torque conditions, and temperature. The initial demonstration on this test article and fixture uses a low frequency vibration based damage detection method. Frequency domain metrics were utilized for studying changes in structural dynamics due to mechanical loading, thermal loading, and actual damage. For the demonstration, key factors that affect the capability to sense the effects of damage were assessed through controlled studies of (a) loading and unloading, (b) fastener torque, (c) boundary condition variation, (d) temperature variation and temperature gradients, (e) sensor bond quality and operation performance, (f) ambient noise, and (g) sensitivity to flaw growth. The design of the full validation study and the current results of the implementation are presented, highlighting general protocol feasibility while identifying remaining challenges for full demonstration and broad use of the methodology and protocol.
Distribucion Y Consumo, 2011
Papers by Enrique Durán Medina