Papers by Enrique Castillo

Automation in Construction, 2014
Construction is an area of study wherein making decisions adequately can mean the difference betw... more Construction is an area of study wherein making decisions adequately can mean the difference between success and failure. Moreover, most of the activities belonging to this sector involve taking into account a large number of conflicting aspects, which hinders their management as a whole. Multi-criteria decision making analysis arose to model complex problems like these. This paper reviews the application of 22 different methods belonging to this discipline in various areas of the construction industry clustered in 11 categories. The most significant methods are briefly discussed, pointing out their principal strengths and limitations. Furthermore, the data gathered while performing the paper are statistically analysed to identify different trends concerning the use of these techniques. The review shows their usefulness in characterizing very different decision making environments, highlighting the reliability acquired by the most pragmatic and widespread methods and the emergent tendency to use some of them in combination.

This work is a short review of the state of the art aiming to contribute to the use, disclosure, ... more This work is a short review of the state of the art aiming to contribute to the use, disclosure, and propagation of systems of linear inequalities in real life, teaching, and research. It shows that the algebraic structure of their solutions consists of the sum of a linear subspace, an acute cone, and a polytope, and that adequate software exists to obtain, in their simplest forms, these three components. The work describes, based on orthogonality and polarity, homogeneous and complete systems of inequalities, the associated compatibility problems, and their relations with convex polyhedra and polytopes, which are the only possible solution for bounded problems, the most common in real practice. The compatibility and the observability problems, including their symbolic forms, are analyzed and solved, identifying the subsets of unknowns with unique solutions and those unbounded, important items of information with practical relevance in artificial intelligence and automatic learning....

International Journal of Fatigue, 2021
Sample functions, i.e., stochastic process realizations, are used to define cumulative damage phe... more Sample functions, i.e., stochastic process realizations, are used to define cumulative damage phenomena which end into an observable terminal state or failure. The complexity inherent to such phenomena justifies the use of phenomenological models associated with the evolution of a physical magnitude feasible to be monitored during the test. Sample functions representing the damage evolution may be identified, once normalized to the interval [0,1], with cumulative distribution functions (cdfs), generally, of the generalized extreme value (GEV) family. Though usually only a fraction of the whole damage evolution, according to the specific problem handled, is available from the test record, the phenomenological models proposed allow the whole damage process to be recovered. In this way, down-and upwards extrapolations of the whole damage process beyond the scope of the experimental program are provided as a fundamental tool for failure prediction in the practical design. The proposed methodology is detailed and its utility and generality confirmed by its successive application to representative well-known problems in fatigue and fracture characterization. The excellent fittings, the physical interpretation of the model parameters and the good expectations to achieve a complete probabilistic analysis of these phenomena justify the interest of the proposed phenomenological approach with possible applications to other cumulative damage processes.

Journal of Sensors, 2015
A state-of-the-art review of flow observability, estimation, and prediction problems in traffic n... more A state-of-the-art review of flow observability, estimation, and prediction problems in traffic networks is performed. Since mathematical optimization provides a general framework for all of them, an integrated approach is used to perform the analysis of these problems and consider them as different optimization problems whose data, variables, constraints, and objective functions are the main elements that characterize the problems proposed by different authors. For example, counted, scanned or “a priori” data are the most common data sources; conservation laws, flow nonnegativity, link capacity, flow definition, observation, flow propagation, and specific model requirements form the most common constraints; and least squares, likelihood, possible relative error, mean absolute relative error, and so forth constitute the bases for the objective functions or metrics. The high number of possible combinations of these elements justifies the existence of a wide collection of methods for ...

This article develops a probabilistic approach to a micromechanical model to calculate the dynami... more This article develops a probabilistic approach to a micromechanical model to calculate the dynamic viscosity in self-compacting steel-fiber reinforced concrete (SCSFRC), which implies a paradigm shift in the approach of the deterministic models used. It builds on a previous work by the authors in which Bayesian analysis is applied to rheological micromechanical models in cement paste, self-compacting mortar, and self-compacting concrete. As a consequence of the varied characteristics of the particles in these suspensions (in terms of materials, shapes, size distributions, etc.), as well as their random nature, it seems appropriate to study these systems with probabilistic models. The Bayesian analysis, thorough Markov Chain Monte Carlo and Gibbs Sampling methods, allows the conversion of parametric-deterministic models into parametric-probabilistic models, which results in enrichment in engineering and science. The incorporation of steel fibers requires a new term in the model to ac...
Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 2018
A Bayesian network model for probabilistic safety analysis of roads and highways is introduced. A... more A Bayesian network model for probabilistic safety analysis of roads and highways is introduced. After indicating how the list of variables and the conditional probability tables of the Bayesian network model are built, based on a video of the road, a short discussion about how maximum likelihood and Bayesian network methods can be applied to estimate the model parameters using standard methods. Next, a partitioning technique is suggested to convert the non-linear problem of computing marginal and conditional probabilities after evidence into a problem whose complexity becomes linear in the number of variables. Finally an example of application is used to illustrate the proposed methodology and some conclusions are drawn.

Materials, 2021
We present a new focus for the Krieger–Dougherty equation from a probabilistic point of view. Thi... more We present a new focus for the Krieger–Dougherty equation from a probabilistic point of view. This equation allows the calculation of dynamic viscosity in suspensions of various types, like cement paste and self-compacting mortar/concrete. The physical meaning of the parameters that intervene in the equation (maximum packing fraction of particles and intrinsic viscosity), together with the random nature associated with these systems, make the application of the Bayesian analysis desirable. This analysis permits the transformation of parametric-deterministic models into parametric-probabilistic models, which improves and enriches their results. The initial limitations of the Bayesian methods, due to their complexity, have been overcome by numerical methods (Markov Chain Monte Carlo and Gibbs Sampling) and the development of specific software (OpenBUGS). Here we use it to compute the probability density functions that intervene in the Krieger–Dougherty equation applied to the calculat...

John Wiley, New York, 1999] and its multiple applications. The meaning of each sequential tableau... more John Wiley, New York, 1999] and its multiple applications. The meaning of each sequential tableau appearing during the pivoting process is interpreted. It is shown that each tableau of the process corresponds to the inverse of a row modified matrix and contains the generators of the linear sub-space orthogonal to a set of vectors and its complement. This transformation, which is based on the orthogonality concept, allows us to solve many problems of linear algebra, such as calculating the inverse and the determinant of a matrix, updating the inverse or the determinant of a matrix after changing a row (column), determining the rank of a matrix, determining whether or not a set of vectors is linearly independent, obtaining the intersection of two linear subspaces, solving systems of linear equations, etc. When the process is applied to inverting a matrix and calculating its determi-nant, not only is the inverse of the final matrix obtained, but also the inverses and the determinants o...

Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2016
A Bayesian network model is developed, in which all the items or elements encountered when travel... more A Bayesian network model is developed, in which all the items or elements encountered when travelling a railway line, such as terrain, infrastructure, light signals, speed limit signs, curves, switches, tunnels, viaducts, rolling stock, and any other element related to its safety are reproduced. Due to the importance of human error in safety, especial attention is given to modeling the driver behavior variables and their time evolution. The sets of conditional probabilities of variables given their parents, which permits quantifying the Bayesian network joint probability, are given by means of closed formulas, which allow us to identify the particular contribution of each variable and facilitate a sensitivity analysis. The probabilities of incidents affecting safety are calculated so that a probabilistic safety assessment of the line can be done and its most critical elements can be identified and sorted by importance. This permits improving the line safety and saving time and money in the maintenance program by concentrating on the most critical elements. To reduce the complexity of the problem, an original method is given that permits dividing the Bayesian network in to small parts such that the complexity of the problem becomes linear in the number of items and subnetworks. This is crucial to deal with real lines in which the number of variables can be measured in thousands. In addition, when an accident occurs the Bayesian network allows us to identify its causes by means of a backward inference process. The case of the real Palencia-Santander line is commented on and some examples of how the model works are discussed.

Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2016
Existing computer models used to optimize railway timetables lead to a high complexity when the n... more Existing computer models used to optimize railway timetables lead to a high complexity when the number of analyzed services exceeds a given threshold. A time partitioning technique is proposed which allows line design and timetable optimization and a reduction in the complexity of the problem by considering small time windows of the same or different durations in which the timetables of a small equal or not number of running trains are optimized in sequence. Though the optimal solution is not expected to be attained with this method, the analyzed examples demonstrate that the resulting solution is close to the global optimum and practically satisfactory. This technique can be used at the planning and implementation stages. Examples of two real lines are analyzed to show the goodness of the proposed methods. One is the network Madrid-Sevilla-Toledo-Malaga-Valencia-Albacete with a dense traffic of 170 trains per day. The second is the Palencia-Santander line with 70 trains in which as an alternative to a double-track proposal with a cost of Mi¾? 3,200 an alternate double-single-track ADST solution, with a cost of Mi¾? 330 one tenth is proposed.
Monographs in Computer Science, 1997
Four operators for the blocks world P: gripping() ∧ clear(X) ∧ ontable(X) pickup(X) A: gripping(X... more Four operators for the blocks world P: gripping() ∧ clear(X) ∧ ontable(X) pickup(X) A: gripping(X) D: ontable(X) ∧ gripping() P: gripping(X) putdown(X) A: ontable(X) ∧ gripping() ∧ clear(X) D: gripping(X) P: gripping(X) ∧ clear(Y) stack(X,Y) A: on(X,Y) ∧ gripping() ∧ clear(X) D: gripping(X) ∧ clear(Y) P: gripping() ∧ clear(X) ∧ on(X,Y) unstack(X,Y) A: gripping(X) ∧ clear(Y) D: on(X,Y) ∧ gripping()
Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 2011
Rehabilitation and maintenance studies are a great concern for Port Authorities and other Adminis... more Rehabilitation and maintenance studies are a great concern for Port Authorities and other Administrations. For a complete risk analysis, probability of failure due to instability of the armour layer must be analyzed and therefore a knowledge on its deterioration rate is needed. Breakwater armour stability is highly variable and difficult to quantify for many variables are involved in the problem. Breakwater armour stability is stochastic in nature as both loading and armour conditions are. There is uncertainty in armour placing and shape and in loading by waves and water level. Dimensionality, compatibility conditions and the central limit theorem are suggested to be considered for building consistent statistical models reproducing random breakwater damage progression due to general random wave actions.
En este capítulo se presentan tres ejemplos: el tanque de presión, el sistema de distribeución de... more En este capítulo se presentan tres ejemplos: el tanque de presión, el sistema de distribeución de energía y el modelo de daño en vigas de hormigón armado. Con ellos se ilustran los tres casos típicos de redes bayesianas que se presentan en la práctica: modelos discretos, continuos y mixtos. Se comienza analizan do la definición del problema y la elección de las variables que intervienen, así como las relaciones de independencia entre ellas mediante una representación gráfica apropiada. Una vez diseñada la estructura, se asignan las probabilidades condicionales completando así el proceso de definición de la red bayesiana. Se guidamente se ilustran los diversos métodos de propagación de evidencia (exac ta, aproximada y simbólica), mediante su aplicación a diferentes hipótesis de evidencia y se discuten los resultados.

Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 2004
The paper presents a new method for engineering design that allows controlling safety factors and... more The paper presents a new method for engineering design that allows controlling safety factors and failure probabilities with respect to different modes of failure. Since failure probabilities are very sensitive to tail assumptions, and safety factors can be insufficient, a double check for the safety of the engineering structure is done. The dual method uses an iterative process that consists of repeating a sequence of three steps: (a) an optimal (in the sense of optimizing an objective function) classical design, based on given safety factors, is done, (b) failure probabilities or bounds of all failure modes are calculated, and (c) safety factors bounds are adjusted. The three steps are repeated until convergence, i.e. until the safety factors lower bounds and the mode failure probability upper bounds are satisfied. In addition, a sensitivity analysis of the cost and reliability indices to the data parameters is done. The proposed method is illustrated by its application to the design of a rubble-mound breakwater.
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, May 1, 2004
Papers by Enrique Castillo