Papers by Enrique Arriole Guevara
Bioresource Technology, 2014
Low adsorption of succinic acid on diatomite and zeolite (12.6 mg/g support). Successful cell ent... more Low adsorption of succinic acid on diatomite and zeolite (12.6 mg/g support). Successful cell entrapment in agar. Succinic acid productivity of 2.83 g/L h was achieved with immobilized cells. For repeated batch fermentations (5 cycles in 72 h), succinic acid was 107 g/L. Immobilization of cells reduced significantly the time of fermentation.

Today, mango by-products are produced in significant amounts, posing an environmental problem. Th... more Today, mango by-products are produced in significant amounts, posing an environmental problem. Their incorporation into food products offers a solution to this problem. An extruded food product formulated with the flours of white corn, mango peel, and mango kernel was developed. To obtain the desired quality regarding the physical and chemical characteristics of the extruded food product, an optimization study was carried out. Response surface methodology was used to evaluate the effect of the following extrusion process variables on the physical (expansion index (EI), hardness, water absorption index (WAI), water solubility index (WSI)) and chemical properties (total polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity): the die temperature (DT, 100–130 °C), the feed moisture content (FMC, 17–21%), and the screw speed (SS, 80–120 rpm). Response surface and regression models were performed to determine the responses as a function of the process variables. Model optimization was carried out w...

Orange essential oil (OEO) is mainly composed of D-Limonene and other oxygenated compounds that c... more Orange essential oil (OEO) is mainly composed of D-Limonene and other oxygenated compounds that contribute to the orange flavor and aroma. However, D-Limonene is unstable in the presence of heat, light, and water, affecting the quality of the OEO. Therefore, the objective of this study was to fractionate OEO by distillation, both molecular and fractionated (hybrid), producing a D-Limonene-rich fraction. The OEO was characterized by physicochemical tests and gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry (GC–MS). The fractionation of the OEO was carried out by molecular distillation and fractional distillation following, in both cases, a factorial design (23) with central points, considering the D-Limonene percentage in the distillate and the residue as a response variable. According to the physicochemical characterization, the predominant optical isomer was dextrorotatory, where D-Limonene is the main component of OEO (92.584%). For molecular distillation, the D-Limonene content...
Revista Mexicana De Ingenieria Quimica, Jan 29, 2016
Modelado de la biodegradación en biorreactores de lodos de hidrocarburos totales del petróleo int... more Modelado de la biodegradación en biorreactores de lodos de hidrocarburos totales del petróleo intemperizados en suelos y sedimentos (Biodegradation modeling of sludge bioreactors of total petroleum hydrocarbons weathering in soil and sediments)

Molecules, 2021
The citrus industry is one of the most important economic areas within the global agricultural se... more The citrus industry is one of the most important economic areas within the global agricultural sector. Persian lime is commonly used to produce lime juice and essential oil, which are usually obtained by batch distillation. The aim of this work was to validate a patented continuous steam distillation process and to both physically and chemically characterize the volatile fractions of essential Persian lime oil. Prior to distillation, lime juice was obtained by pressing the lime fruit. Afterwards, the juice was subjected to a continuous steam distillation process by varying the ratio of distillate flow to feed flow (0.2, 0.4, and 0.6). The distillate oil fractions were characterized by measuring their density, optical rotation, and refractive index. Gas chromatography GC-FID was used to analyze the chemical compositions of the oil fractions. The process of continuous steam distillation presented high oil recovery efficiencies (up to 90%) and lower steam consumption compared to tradit...

Fermentation, 2021
Bored coffee beans (BCBs) are the residues left from the pest Hypothenemus hampei that attacks co... more Bored coffee beans (BCBs) are the residues left from the pest Hypothenemus hampei that attacks coffee crops, resulting in enormous economic losses. The bioconversion of monosaccharides from BCBs into hyaluronic acid (HA) is appealing both for using the residues and given the high commercial value of HA. This study dealt with the production of HA using Streptococcus zooepidemicus by employing either acid (AcH) or enzymatic (EnH) hydrolyzates from BCBs. The highest release of monosaccharides (evaluated using surface response methodology) was obtained with EnH (36.4 g/L); however, S. zooepidemicus produced more HA (1.5 g/L) using AcH compared to EnH. Hydrolyzates from acetone-extracted BCBs yielded 2.7 g/L of HA, which is similar to the amount obtained using a synthetic medium (2.8 g/L). This report demonstrates the potential of hydrolyzates from bored coffee beans to produce HA by S. zooepidemicus.
Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química, 2021
Modelado de la biodegradación en biorreactores de lodos de hidrocarburos totales del petróleo int... more Modelado de la biodegradación en biorreactores de lodos de hidrocarburos totales del petróleo intemperizados en suelos y sedimentos (Biodegradation modeling of sludge bioreactors of total petroleum hydrocarbons weathering in soil and sediments)

Bioresource Technology, 2021
There is a great interest for replacing petroleum-derived chemical processes with biological proc... more There is a great interest for replacing petroleum-derived chemical processes with biological processes to obtain fuels and plastics from industrial waste. Accordingly, Rhodopseudomonas species are capable of producing hydrogen and polyhydroxybutyrate. Culture conditions for production of both hydrogen and polyhydroxybutyrate with Rhodopseudomonas pseudopalustris (DSM 123) from tequila vinasses were analyzed. The production of hydrogen using tequila vinasses was higher with respect to two synthetic media. Replacing the headspace with N2 increased the production of hydrogen with respect to Argon, while a higher concentration of polyhydroxybutyrate was achieved using Argon as compared to N2. A higher concentration of phosphates increased the production of hydrogen (250 mL), while the highest concentration of polyhydroxybutyrate (305 mg/L) was accomplished when the bacteria were cultivated only with phosphates contained in tequila vinasses. This study revealed that the culture conditions for Rhodopseudomonas pseudopalustris (DSM 123) for production of hydrogen are the opposite of those for production of polyhydroxybutyrate.

Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2021
In this research, a supercritical CO 2 -ethanol extraction was optimized to obtain a green coffee... more In this research, a supercritical CO 2 -ethanol extraction was optimized to obtain a green coffee oil rich in bioactive compounds. A face-centered central composite design was used to evaluate the effect of temperature (50–70 °C), extraction pressure (15.0–30.0 MPa), and cosolvent content (5–20%) on the extraction yield and total phenolic compound content of green coffee supercritical extract (GCSE). The experimental data were fitted to a second-order polynomial model. According to the statistical analyses, the lack of fit was not significant for either mathematical model. From the response surface plots, the extraction pressure and cosolvent content significantly impacted the extraction yield, while the total phenolic compound content was impacted by temperature and cosolvent content. The optimal conditions were a 20% cosolvent content, a pressure of 30 MPa, and a temperature of 62 °C, which predicted an extraction yield of 7.7% with a total phenol content of 5.4 mg gallic acid equivalent g GCSE −1 . The bioactive compounds included 5-caffeoylquinic acid (11.53–17.91 mg g GCSE −1 ), caffeine (44.76–79.51 mg g GCSE −1 ), linoleic acid (41.47–41.58%), and palmitic acid (36.07–36.18%). Our results showed that GCSE has the outstanding chemical quality and antioxidant potential, suggesting that GCSE can be used as a functional ingredient.

Processes, 2021
The novelty of this work is the use of two mango by-products, mango peel and kernel, to obtain an... more The novelty of this work is the use of two mango by-products, mango peel and kernel, to obtain an extruded food. As well as the development of this food through a design of mixtures, we conducted sensorial analysis of the food through a hedonic test, in order not only to develop an extruded food with mango by-products, but also to develop a food that will be accepted by the consumer. A simple lattice mixture design was carried out with 14 mixtures, where the components were white corn flour (WCF), mango peel flour (MPF) and mango kernel flour (MKF), both from the Tommy Atkins mango variety. Physical and chemical properties such as the expansion index (EI), hardness, water absorption index (WAI), water solubility index (WSI), total phenols, DPPH and ABTS were evaluated. An optimization region was found that included 3 design points. Mixtures 1, 6 and 12 were evaluated using a nine-point hedonic scale to determine the acceptability of the product. Appearance, taste, and texture of the...

Foods, 2020
The evaluation of by-products to be added to food products is complex, as the residues must be an... more The evaluation of by-products to be added to food products is complex, as the residues must be analyzed to demonstrate their potential use as safe foods, as well as to propose the appropriate process and product for recycling. Since coffee is a very popular beverage worldwide, the coffee industry is responsible for generating large amounts of by-products, which include the coffee silverskin (CS), the only by-product of the roasting process. In this work, its characterization and food safety were evaluated by chemical composition assays, microbiological determinations, aflatoxin measurements and acute toxicity tests. The results showed that CS is safe for use in food, in addition to providing dietary fiber, protein and bioactive compounds. An extruded cereal-based ready-to-eat food product was developed through an extreme vertices mixture design, producing an extruded food product being a source of protein and with a high fiber content. Up to 15% of CS was incorporated in the extrude...

Membranes, 2020
Ceramic and polymeric membrane systems were compared at the pilot scale for separating agave fruc... more Ceramic and polymeric membrane systems were compared at the pilot scale for separating agave fructans into different molecular weight fractions that help to diversify them into more specific industrial applications. The effect of the transmembrane pressure of ultrafiltration performance was evaluated through hydraulic permeability, permeate flux and rejection coefficients, using the same operating conditions such as temperature, feed concentration and the molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) of membranes. The fouling phenomenon and the global yield of the process were evaluated in concentration mode. A size distribution analysis of agave fructans is presented and grouped by molecular weight in different fractions. Great differences were found between both systems, since rejection coefficients of 68.6% and 100% for fructans with degrees of polymerization (DP) > 10, 36.3% and 99.3% for fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and 21.4% and 34.2% for mono-disaccharides were obtained for ceramic and ...

Brazilian Journal of Food Technology, 2020
Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la temperatura y tiempo de freído so... more Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la temperatura y tiempo de freído sobre las propiedades fisicoquímicas: porcentaje de humedad, H; cambio neto de color, ΔE; contenido de grasa, G; índices de absorción, IAA; solubilidad en agua, ISA; densidad aparente, DA; y dureza, D, de un alimento frito tipo botana preparado con una mezcla de harinas de maíz nixtamalizado (HMN), harina de chícharo (HC) y salvado de avena (SA), hidratada al 47%. El estudio mostró que DA y H disminuyeron, mientras que ΔE e IAA se incrementaron con el aumento de la temperatura y el tiempo de freído. Los cambios en ISA y D resultaron estadísticamente no significativos. El análisis de componentes principales, mostró que el 83% de la variabilidad de los datos se puede explicar debido a dos componentes: temperatura (56%) y tiempo (28%). El análisis sensorial mostró que la botana elaborada a 165 °C y 198 s obtuvo mayor aceptación, resultando un alimento con alto contenido de proteína y bajo con...

Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020
On this work, the experimental implementation of a cascade control algorithm to regulate coffee r... more On this work, the experimental implementation of a cascade control algorithm to regulate coffee roasting degree in a batch spouted bed process is presented. The control algorithm is composed of an inner control loop that regulates the temperature of the hot air inflow used to roast coffee grains inside a spouted bed, while an outer control loop, based on imaging processing techniques, tracks on real time the coffee roasting degree and decides if the inflow air temperature must be modified. To achieve this goal, a colour-matching algorithm is used to compare a colour spectrum obtained from images acquired on real time, from a peephole on the spouted bed, with the colour spectrums of several reference images with different degrees of roasting. Match scores are computed based on the similarity between the colour spectrums. With the match scores, a roasting index is finally calculated to assess the degree of roasting, allowing to automatically track the roasting progress to decide if th...

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018
Hydrogen production by photofermentation of tequila vinasses (VT) was studied using Rhodopseudomo... more Hydrogen production by photofermentation of tequila vinasses (VT) was studied using Rhodopseudomonas pseudopalustris DSM 123. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report on hydrogen production by photofermentation on VT. Hydrogen production was doubled on VT (260 m$props_value{literPattern}/L) as compared to a synthetic medium. Storing VT changed its chemical composition; however, in photofermentations of a sixty-day old stock, growth and hydrogen production were similar to fresh VT. The periodic displacement of hydrogen with nitrogen resulted in a threefold increase in both hydrogen and growth of R. pseudopalustris (860 mL H 2 /L and 4.5 g/L respectively) as compared to nondisplaced headspace. Hydrogen almost doubled at a light intensity of 270 W/m 2 (2249 mL H 2) as compared to 68 W/m 2. In dark-light cycles, biomass and hydrogen production were highest with continuous illumination. The potential of VT to produce hydrogen in high amounts using R. pseudopalustris has been demonstrated.

Processes, 2019
In the search for oils of commercial interest that serve as new sources for the generation of cos... more In the search for oils of commercial interest that serve as new sources for the generation of cosmetic, pharmaceutical, or nutraceutical products, the green coffee beans oil (Coffea arabica L.) was studied. This research aimed to evaluate the oxidative stability of microencapsulated green coffee oil (Coffea arabica) by spray drying. The green coffee oil emulsions were produced by microfluidization using mesquite gum and octenyl succinic anhydride modified starches (OSA-starch) as wall-material. The particle size, polydispersity, and zeta potential on the microfluidized emulsions were optimized. The results showed that microfluidization had positive effects on the reduction of the emulsion droplets and the zeta potential, developing stable emulsions for both polymers. Then, the optimal microfluidization conditions were used to evaluate the impact of the spray drying conditions on the microencapsulation efficiency, morphology, and oxidation stability of the green coffee oil microcapsu...

Chlorogenic acid or 5-Caffeoylquinic acid is a polyphenolic component present in coffee and its b... more Chlorogenic acid or 5-Caffeoylquinic acid is a polyphenolic component present in coffee and its by-products. Chlorogenic acid has been shown to exert biological properties, particularly in relation to glucose and lipid metabolism, including antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory activities, among others. Due to its importance, it is necessary to evaluate the reliability of the analytical method for its determination in complex matrices such as food. In this work, different methods of chlorogenic acid extraction in coffee Silverskin were studied, as well as its quantification by HPLC. The results showed that the method of extraction with a mixture of methanol:water (3:1 v/v) in an ultrasonic bath, favored the recovery of chlorogenic acid with a recovery of 77.44%. The instrument detection limit for chlorogenic acid was 3.311 µg/mL and the quantification limit was 11.037 µg/mL. For coffee Silverskin, the concentration obtained of chlorogenic acid by the three extraction methods...

Journal of Food Quality and Hazards Control, 2019
Background: Honey is a natural product, but it can be adulterated or heat-treated, both of which ... more Background: Honey is a natural product, but it can be adulterated or heat-treated, both of which damage the properties of the original product. This research was focused on the evaluation of quality parameters of some commercial honeys produced in México. Methods: Fifteen samples of commercial honeys available in Mexican market were collected. Some physicochemical parameters were determined, including pH, moisture, water activity, electric conductivity, color, sugar content (fructose and glucose), and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) contents. Results: The results showed that the physicochemical parameters were found within acceptable ranges according to international regulations, with exception of the HMF content in 8 out of 15 honey samples which presented an unacceptable value (>40 mg/kg). The HMF content of the samples ranged from 14.56 to 224.08 mg/kg. Also, all samples of commercial honeys were classified as dark honey according to the L* values determined less than 50 with ran...

The processing of Mexican limes generates great amounts of peel as a byproduct. Lime peel is main... more The processing of Mexican limes generates great amounts of peel as a byproduct. Lime peel is mainly rich in the flavonoid hesperidin, whose bioactivity is oriented mainly to cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The purpose of this work was to develop a green process for the extraction and purification of hesperidin from Mexican lime peel. The extraction of hesperidin was investigated on a laboratory scale by varying the solvent composition and the solid-to-solvent ratio. The best conditions (solid-to-solvent ratio of 0.33 g/mL and 60% ethanol) were used for the extraction of hesperidin in a pilot scale (Volume = 20 L). The kinetics of the extraction was studied to find the maximum hesperidin concentration at 100 min. The concentrated extract had a hesperidin content of 0.303 mg/mL. Next, a purification process using adsorption resins was assessed. Through static tests, it was determined that higher adsorption efficiencies were achieved with the EXA-118 resin and diluted extract (4:6 ...

LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2017
Extrudates were prepared from a blue corn, yellow pea and oat bran blend employing a twin-screw e... more Extrudates were prepared from a blue corn, yellow pea and oat bran blend employing a twin-screw extruder. Response surface methodology was used to evaluate the effect of extrusion-cooking process independent variables: screw speed (SS, 300-400 rpm), die temperature (DT, 120-160 °C) and feed moisture content (FMC, 20-25%) on the system parameters (specific mechanical energy and product temperature), physical properties (sectional and longitudinal expansion indices, porosity, hardness and color attributes), hydration properties (water absorption and solubility indices, and pasting properties), microstructure and x-ray diffraction. Although, system parameters, physical and hydration properties were affected by SS and DT, the greatest effect was due to the FMC. Indicating this way lubricant effect as the preponderant factor controlling extrusion effects on raw material. Decreased FMC increased specific mechanical energy, expansion, soluble compounds; and decreased hardness, time to raw peak viscosity, raw peak, total setback and final viscosities. Data were also analyzed with a principal component analysis, showing that 74.67% of data variability can be explained defining two components corresponding to the 62.10% that was due to mechanical effect and 12.57% that was related to thermic effect. Conditions obtained for multiple optimization were: 158.64 °C, 371.98 rpm, 18.38% FMC.
Papers by Enrique Arriole Guevara