Papers by Enkeleda olldashi
The civil law system entered the codification path during the 19th century, enabling the creation... more The civil law system entered the codification path during the 19th century, enabling the creation of uniformity, such as drafting a civil code and building a new (national) identity.
Academicus International Scientific Journal, 2013
The integration of legal systems in European is one of the most important issues. This process ha... more The integration of legal systems in European is one of the most important issues. This process has started by the fact that there are significant differences between the civil law and common law system and between the legal families in it. A law (at domestic or international level) should not be viewed against the backdrop of the historical, political, cultural, social and economic context in which they function.

Since its inception, the governments of 29 European countries (member states of the Bologna Decla... more Since its inception, the governments of 29 European countries (member states of the Bologna Declaration in 1999) had as their main target the creation of a common and coherent system of Higher Education Area in Europe (EHEA). The main intention for the creation of a 'European Education Area' was the fostering of student mobility and employability in order to strengthen competition and to make the European Higher Education more attractive. The main focus of this paper is the analysis of the National Periodic Reports for the period 2004-2009, the Albanian National Strategy for Higher Education 2014-2020, and a study on the presence of Quality Assurance Institutions in Higher Education, based on the report from the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Exécutive Agency. The methodology chosen by the authors of this paper is to divide into four groups the countries that have established a national or private Quality Assurance Institution as part of their higher education system in order to assess whether the existence/ presence of such institutions act as key instruments to ensuring the quality of higher education. It is recommended that Albania even though listed in the group of countries establishing a National Quality Assurance Agency, can 'maybe' follow the model of those European countries that have established a further Private Quality Assurance Agency in addition to the National Quality Assurance Agency. It is believed that the further establishment of a carefully chosen private quality assurance agency (ENQA or EQAR) would ensure quality and guarantee transparency in higher education.
Conference Presentations by Enkeleda olldashi

The continental system has developed a system based on the systematic approach of laws, a procedu... more The continental system has developed a system based on the systematic approach of laws, a procedure known as the dogmatic approach (de lege lata). It has created an inner system of laws based on general codified norms and principles. This system applies the principle of equality of justice based on written laws, maintaining consistency and coherency. Within the common law system two categories of primary sources have developed as a result of historical development: those acts produced by the legislative branch i.e. Legislation including statutes, regulations, by-laws and orders-in-council; case law decisions of courts and administrative tribunals-these decision are considered as legal guidance for cases of a similar nature. This paper will analyse the interpretation of the law: interpretation defines what is being discussed regarding the rule of law and the facts. To have legal arguments we need reasons for reasons that give an excuse for the position that has been taken. The law cannot function without logic; logic is the basis of decision-making. The methods widely used by judges in both systems (that of continental and common law) are through their ability to interpret them to reach a logical conclusion. Throughout time, judges have developed certain interpretative rules of a non-binding nature.
Papers by Enkeleda olldashi
Conference Presentations by Enkeleda olldashi