Papers by Cynthia English
As policy makers and practitioners innovate to solve the world's current and most pressing issues... more As policy makers and practitioners innovate to solve the world's current and most pressing issues, adolescents are often overlooked as impacted by today's problems and thus, disregarded as a potential resource for solving such problems. For example, 73% of youth have reported that they feel the effects of climate change, 23% of migrants in developing regions are under the age of 20, and 14 million youth, in 2011, were displaced by conflict or disasters (

GS Club Manual, 2019
We are virtually connecting global youth, ages 8 - 25, through schools, organizations and individ... more We are virtually connecting global youth, ages 8 - 25, through schools, organizations and individually! Please take a moment to read how we are using Technology to Create. Connect. Collaborate.
Through communication–interaction;
through interaction–knowledge;
through knowledge–understanding; understanding illuminates and allows us to create a closer world.
R. Civita
✓ Using social technology to lay the foundation that will create understanding for human diversity and interaction, and lead to a more sustainable and thriving world
✓ Empowering global youth with self-efficacy and resilience to thrive in an interconnected world, while also inspiring them to become conscious leaders of a more united future for humanity and planet stewardship
✓ Sparking innovation and augmenting formal education by fostering 21st century skills
✓ Inspiring cross-cultural awareness and collaboration to break down stereotypes, discover
commonalities and unite global youth in a divisive time
✓ Opening the doors of possibility - you can be whomever you wish to be, the only failure in life is not trying; help stem the grip of social isolation - vulnerable youth become victims
✓ To help set our global youth up for success with communication. In today’s world, English is the Universal Language
We invite you to connect with us, learn the Golden Rules, our Global Scribes Values and offer your students a world of possibilities.
What? How? A brief overview of how we are making Technology & Humanity work...
We are virtually connecting global youth, ages 8 - 25, through schools, organizations and individ... more We are virtually connecting global youth, ages 8 - 25, through schools, organizations and individually! Please take a moment to read how we are using Technology to Create. Connect. Collaborate.
Other by Cynthia English

As policy makers and practitioners innovate to solve the world's current and most pressi... more Abstract
As policy makers and practitioners innovate to solve the world's current and most pressing
issues, adolescents are often overlooked as impacted by today’s problems and thus, disregarded as a potential resource for solving such problems. For example, 73% of youth have reported that they feel the effects of climate change, 23% of migrants in developing regions are under the age of 20, and 14 million youth, in 2011, were displaced by conflict or disasters (United Nations Environment Programme, 2008; United Nations Development Programme, 2015; Subgroup on Youth Participation in Peacebuilding, 2014). Additionally, the current ratio of young workers per older person is expected to fall from 7 to 4.9 globally by 2030, putting more responsibilities on young people's shoulders in the near future (Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2015).
While adolescents make up 25% of the total working age population, opportunities to access their potential and be able to contribute to society are often lacking (ILO FAO, 2013). In 2013, the number of adolescents out of school grew to 124 million. In 2015, the youth unemployment rate was 13.1%, three times higher than the adult unemployment rate. It was also reported that 2 out of 3 countries do not consult young people when preparing national development plans (UNESCO, 2015; ILO, 2015; The Global Youth Call “prioritizing Youth in the Post-2015 Development Agenda). In addition to youth needing opportunities to participate in local and national issues, they also need guidance in walking through the common challenges of adolescence, such as: engagement in risky behavior, mental health concerns, and coping with social dynamics.
There is a strong need for the youth of today - the leaders of tomorrow - to grow up in an environment that addresses their developmental needs and prepares them to take on positions of power. Fortunately, researchers and practitioners are moving towards youth-led (YLP) or positive youth development (PYD) programs that treat youth as assets while providing them
with the tools and skills necessary for young people thrive in society. These programs that develop positive characteristics, competencies, and skills have also demonstrated a reduction in negative and risky behaviors in adulthood (Catalano, Hawkins, Berglund, Pollard, & Arthur, 2002; Scales, Roehlkepartain, & Fraher, 2012; Talbert, 2017). Global Scribes: Youth Uniting Nations, also known as Global Scribes (GS), is a youth-led organization that incorporates positive youth development within its design, providing global youth a unique platform to connect, create and collaborate across borders. As a “For Youth, By Youth” community GS strives to empower youth to become the leaders of tomorrow through social technology, providing them the opportunity to augment their formal education by acquiring 21st century skills.
Global Scribes
Global Scribes is an online platform where youth from diverse locations, cultures and
ideologies, can connect and share their passions and creativity in a safe, accessible, and enabling environment. The Global Scribes program involves a four-step process to enter the platform that includes (1) creative writing about the monthly spark word, (2) producing a selfie video, (3) participating in the global video calls, and (4) actively participating in their own youth- led teams. The Global Scribes Teams cover 17 different fields of interest (as indicated by Figure 1) with projects ranging from developing an app, to launching campaigns, and much more. Overall, youth come together in this platform to “Create. Connect. Collaborate.” from all across the world but still from the comfort of their own computers. Global Scribes’ focus of “By Youth, For Youth,” means that the day-to-day operations are run by the youth (Scribers).
Interested in your students engaging in global friendships, increasing their cultural knowledge, ... more Interested in your students engaging in global friendships, increasing their cultural knowledge, and empowering them with critical thinking and leadership skills? Global Scribes may just be for your school, university, &/or organisation.
Would you like to know how your school, university, organisation may participate in Global Scribe... more Would you like to know how your school, university, organisation may participate in Global Scribes? Here is how...
Outdated Versions of Global Scribes School Packet by Cynthia English
Global Scribes Inc is a global youth driven non.profit education initiative with a truly monument... more Global Scribes Inc is a global youth driven non.profit education initiative with a truly monumental objective--to contribute to world peace. In the interest of making the world of tomorrow a safer place for the youth of today, Global Scribes facilitates healthy, culturally-enriching relationships within an environment free from politics, religion, and socio-demographic segregation. We focus on global journeys through the written word, visual & audio arts, dynamic interaction, and consistent interplay across multiple virtual platforms–Fun, Education, Focused Passion and Play Intertwined. For Youth, By Youth–working together to build a world of friendship where solid global foundations can thrive. Then, indeed 1/ we might enjoy a more peaceful world and 2/ with hands held, the harder issues of our world might be addressed. Our world needs more than a bandaid.™

How does your school, your organization, you... more PLEASE SEE UPDATE OF SEPTEMBER 8th, 2016. THANK YOU.
How does your school, your organization, your hospital or your group incorporate Global Scribes into your current curriculum?
Global Scribes Inc is a global youth driven non.profit education initiative with a truly monumental objective--to contribute to world peace. In the interest of making the world of tomorrow a safer place for the youth of today, Global Scribes facilitates healthy, culturally-enriching relationships within an environment free from politics, religion, causes, and socio-demographic segregation. We focus on global journeys through the written word, visual & audio arts, dynamic interaction, and consistent interplay across multiple virtual platforms–Fun, Education, Focused Passion and Play Intertwined. For Youth, By Youth–working together to build a world of friendship where solid global foundations can be built, so indeed 1/ we might enjoy a more peaceful world and 2/ with hands held, the harder issues of our world might be addressed. Our world needs more than a bandaid.™

Youth Uniting Nations®
Create. Connect. Collaborate. Youth, ages 8-22, are invi... more GLOBAL SCRIBES
Youth Uniting Nations®
Create. Connect. Collaborate. Youth, ages 8-22, are invited to share their stories through creative writing, through visual arts, and through the collaboration of team passions. Global Scribes facilitates healthy, culturally-enriching relationships within an environment free from politics, religion, causes, and socio-demographic segregation. We focus on global journeys through the written word, visual & audio arts, dynamic
interaction, and consistent interplay across multiple virtual platforms–! Education, Focused Passion, Fun and Play Intertwined. For Youth, By Youth–! working together to break through barriers and build a world of friendship ! where solid global foundations may form.
Student participation within a classroom or club environment follows a 4-step process. Each month GS selects a Spark word, which the student is asked to write a creative story around and, then, in step 2, share with his/her fellow global youth via video on GS's YouTube Channel. In step 3, each student shares, on an annual or semi- annual basis, their unique, personal, version of THE LIFE I LEAD. And, in step 4, each selects their GS Team. What is their passion? What have they dreamed of doing, studying, exploring? Art? Music? Architecture? Sports? Writing? Science/Nature? Technology? Food? Broadcast Journalism? Photography? Theater? All of this is within a supportive environment brimming with other global youth excited to meet new friends and explore new cultures.
We are a UNESCO Club.
We are Global Scribes: Youth Uniting Nations®
Contact Us: [email protected]
Create. Connect. Collaborate.
4 Easy Steps to connect global youth in a For Youth, By Youth envi... more Create. Connect. Collaborate.
4 Easy Steps to connect global youth in a For Youth, By Youth environment free from politics, free from religion, from causes, from violence, and from socio-demographic stresses. Here is how your students, your school, your youth organization can participate.
Schools, Home Schooling, Youth Organizations. Global Scribes is open to all youth from around the... more Schools, Home Schooling, Youth Organizations. Global Scribes is open to all youth from around the world ages 8 - 25. Connecting global youth virtually to create friendships and gain cultural knowledge through shared passions, learning, and 'possibility'. For more information, please contact Cynthia English, CEO & Founder at [email protected]
Create. Connect. Collaborate. 4 Easy Steps to connect global youth in a For Youth, By Youth envir... more Create. Connect. Collaborate. 4 Easy Steps to connect global youth in a For Youth, By Youth environment free from politics, free from religion, from causes, from violence, and from socio-demographic stresses. Here is how your students, your school, your youth organization can participate.
Teaching Documents by Cynthia English
Global Scribes: Youth Uniting Nations® Club Manual , 2020
For Schools, Organizations, & even Corporations with a Teen program, our GSYUN Club can add an el... more For Schools, Organizations, & even Corporations with a Teen program, our GSYUN Club can add an element of connectivity with the global world at large. Global Scribes is a For Youth, By Youth, ALL Youth virtual organization designed to leverage cutting-edge tech to augment formal education on&off the tech grid. Create. Connect. Collaborate.
What is Global Scribes: Youth Uniting Nations®. A quick look...
Papers by Cynthia English
Through communication–interaction;
through interaction–knowledge;
through knowledge–understanding; understanding illuminates and allows us to create a closer world.
R. Civita
✓ Using social technology to lay the foundation that will create understanding for human diversity and interaction, and lead to a more sustainable and thriving world
✓ Empowering global youth with self-efficacy and resilience to thrive in an interconnected world, while also inspiring them to become conscious leaders of a more united future for humanity and planet stewardship
✓ Sparking innovation and augmenting formal education by fostering 21st century skills
✓ Inspiring cross-cultural awareness and collaboration to break down stereotypes, discover
commonalities and unite global youth in a divisive time
✓ Opening the doors of possibility - you can be whomever you wish to be, the only failure in life is not trying; help stem the grip of social isolation - vulnerable youth become victims
✓ To help set our global youth up for success with communication. In today’s world, English is the Universal Language
We invite you to connect with us, learn the Golden Rules, our Global Scribes Values and offer your students a world of possibilities.
Other by Cynthia English
As policy makers and practitioners innovate to solve the world's current and most pressing
issues, adolescents are often overlooked as impacted by today’s problems and thus, disregarded as a potential resource for solving such problems. For example, 73% of youth have reported that they feel the effects of climate change, 23% of migrants in developing regions are under the age of 20, and 14 million youth, in 2011, were displaced by conflict or disasters (United Nations Environment Programme, 2008; United Nations Development Programme, 2015; Subgroup on Youth Participation in Peacebuilding, 2014). Additionally, the current ratio of young workers per older person is expected to fall from 7 to 4.9 globally by 2030, putting more responsibilities on young people's shoulders in the near future (Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2015).
While adolescents make up 25% of the total working age population, opportunities to access their potential and be able to contribute to society are often lacking (ILO FAO, 2013). In 2013, the number of adolescents out of school grew to 124 million. In 2015, the youth unemployment rate was 13.1%, three times higher than the adult unemployment rate. It was also reported that 2 out of 3 countries do not consult young people when preparing national development plans (UNESCO, 2015; ILO, 2015; The Global Youth Call “prioritizing Youth in the Post-2015 Development Agenda). In addition to youth needing opportunities to participate in local and national issues, they also need guidance in walking through the common challenges of adolescence, such as: engagement in risky behavior, mental health concerns, and coping with social dynamics.
There is a strong need for the youth of today - the leaders of tomorrow - to grow up in an environment that addresses their developmental needs and prepares them to take on positions of power. Fortunately, researchers and practitioners are moving towards youth-led (YLP) or positive youth development (PYD) programs that treat youth as assets while providing them
with the tools and skills necessary for young people thrive in society. These programs that develop positive characteristics, competencies, and skills have also demonstrated a reduction in negative and risky behaviors in adulthood (Catalano, Hawkins, Berglund, Pollard, & Arthur, 2002; Scales, Roehlkepartain, & Fraher, 2012; Talbert, 2017). Global Scribes: Youth Uniting Nations, also known as Global Scribes (GS), is a youth-led organization that incorporates positive youth development within its design, providing global youth a unique platform to connect, create and collaborate across borders. As a “For Youth, By Youth” community GS strives to empower youth to become the leaders of tomorrow through social technology, providing them the opportunity to augment their formal education by acquiring 21st century skills.
Global Scribes
Global Scribes is an online platform where youth from diverse locations, cultures and
ideologies, can connect and share their passions and creativity in a safe, accessible, and enabling environment. The Global Scribes program involves a four-step process to enter the platform that includes (1) creative writing about the monthly spark word, (2) producing a selfie video, (3) participating in the global video calls, and (4) actively participating in their own youth- led teams. The Global Scribes Teams cover 17 different fields of interest (as indicated by Figure 1) with projects ranging from developing an app, to launching campaigns, and much more. Overall, youth come together in this platform to “Create. Connect. Collaborate.” from all across the world but still from the comfort of their own computers. Global Scribes’ focus of “By Youth, For Youth,” means that the day-to-day operations are run by the youth (Scribers).
Outdated Versions of Global Scribes School Packet by Cynthia English
How does your school, your organization, your hospital or your group incorporate Global Scribes into your current curriculum?
Global Scribes Inc is a global youth driven non.profit education initiative with a truly monumental objective--to contribute to world peace. In the interest of making the world of tomorrow a safer place for the youth of today, Global Scribes facilitates healthy, culturally-enriching relationships within an environment free from politics, religion, causes, and socio-demographic segregation. We focus on global journeys through the written word, visual & audio arts, dynamic interaction, and consistent interplay across multiple virtual platforms–Fun, Education, Focused Passion and Play Intertwined. For Youth, By Youth–working together to build a world of friendship where solid global foundations can be built, so indeed 1/ we might enjoy a more peaceful world and 2/ with hands held, the harder issues of our world might be addressed. Our world needs more than a bandaid.™
Youth Uniting Nations®
Create. Connect. Collaborate. Youth, ages 8-22, are invited to share their stories through creative writing, through visual arts, and through the collaboration of team passions. Global Scribes facilitates healthy, culturally-enriching relationships within an environment free from politics, religion, causes, and socio-demographic segregation. We focus on global journeys through the written word, visual & audio arts, dynamic
interaction, and consistent interplay across multiple virtual platforms–! Education, Focused Passion, Fun and Play Intertwined. For Youth, By Youth–! working together to break through barriers and build a world of friendship ! where solid global foundations may form.
Student participation within a classroom or club environment follows a 4-step process. Each month GS selects a Spark word, which the student is asked to write a creative story around and, then, in step 2, share with his/her fellow global youth via video on GS's YouTube Channel. In step 3, each student shares, on an annual or semi- annual basis, their unique, personal, version of THE LIFE I LEAD. And, in step 4, each selects their GS Team. What is their passion? What have they dreamed of doing, studying, exploring? Art? Music? Architecture? Sports? Writing? Science/Nature? Technology? Food? Broadcast Journalism? Photography? Theater? All of this is within a supportive environment brimming with other global youth excited to meet new friends and explore new cultures.
We are a UNESCO Club.
We are Global Scribes: Youth Uniting Nations®
Contact Us: [email protected]
4 Easy Steps to connect global youth in a For Youth, By Youth environment free from politics, free from religion, from causes, from violence, and from socio-demographic stresses. Here is how your students, your school, your youth organization can participate.
Teaching Documents by Cynthia English
Through communication–interaction;
through interaction–knowledge;
through knowledge–understanding; understanding illuminates and allows us to create a closer world.
R. Civita
✓ Using social technology to lay the foundation that will create understanding for human diversity and interaction, and lead to a more sustainable and thriving world
✓ Empowering global youth with self-efficacy and resilience to thrive in an interconnected world, while also inspiring them to become conscious leaders of a more united future for humanity and planet stewardship
✓ Sparking innovation and augmenting formal education by fostering 21st century skills
✓ Inspiring cross-cultural awareness and collaboration to break down stereotypes, discover
commonalities and unite global youth in a divisive time
✓ Opening the doors of possibility - you can be whomever you wish to be, the only failure in life is not trying; help stem the grip of social isolation - vulnerable youth become victims
✓ To help set our global youth up for success with communication. In today’s world, English is the Universal Language
We invite you to connect with us, learn the Golden Rules, our Global Scribes Values and offer your students a world of possibilities.
As policy makers and practitioners innovate to solve the world's current and most pressing
issues, adolescents are often overlooked as impacted by today’s problems and thus, disregarded as a potential resource for solving such problems. For example, 73% of youth have reported that they feel the effects of climate change, 23% of migrants in developing regions are under the age of 20, and 14 million youth, in 2011, were displaced by conflict or disasters (United Nations Environment Programme, 2008; United Nations Development Programme, 2015; Subgroup on Youth Participation in Peacebuilding, 2014). Additionally, the current ratio of young workers per older person is expected to fall from 7 to 4.9 globally by 2030, putting more responsibilities on young people's shoulders in the near future (Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2015).
While adolescents make up 25% of the total working age population, opportunities to access their potential and be able to contribute to society are often lacking (ILO FAO, 2013). In 2013, the number of adolescents out of school grew to 124 million. In 2015, the youth unemployment rate was 13.1%, three times higher than the adult unemployment rate. It was also reported that 2 out of 3 countries do not consult young people when preparing national development plans (UNESCO, 2015; ILO, 2015; The Global Youth Call “prioritizing Youth in the Post-2015 Development Agenda). In addition to youth needing opportunities to participate in local and national issues, they also need guidance in walking through the common challenges of adolescence, such as: engagement in risky behavior, mental health concerns, and coping with social dynamics.
There is a strong need for the youth of today - the leaders of tomorrow - to grow up in an environment that addresses their developmental needs and prepares them to take on positions of power. Fortunately, researchers and practitioners are moving towards youth-led (YLP) or positive youth development (PYD) programs that treat youth as assets while providing them
with the tools and skills necessary for young people thrive in society. These programs that develop positive characteristics, competencies, and skills have also demonstrated a reduction in negative and risky behaviors in adulthood (Catalano, Hawkins, Berglund, Pollard, & Arthur, 2002; Scales, Roehlkepartain, & Fraher, 2012; Talbert, 2017). Global Scribes: Youth Uniting Nations, also known as Global Scribes (GS), is a youth-led organization that incorporates positive youth development within its design, providing global youth a unique platform to connect, create and collaborate across borders. As a “For Youth, By Youth” community GS strives to empower youth to become the leaders of tomorrow through social technology, providing them the opportunity to augment their formal education by acquiring 21st century skills.
Global Scribes
Global Scribes is an online platform where youth from diverse locations, cultures and
ideologies, can connect and share their passions and creativity in a safe, accessible, and enabling environment. The Global Scribes program involves a four-step process to enter the platform that includes (1) creative writing about the monthly spark word, (2) producing a selfie video, (3) participating in the global video calls, and (4) actively participating in their own youth- led teams. The Global Scribes Teams cover 17 different fields of interest (as indicated by Figure 1) with projects ranging from developing an app, to launching campaigns, and much more. Overall, youth come together in this platform to “Create. Connect. Collaborate.” from all across the world but still from the comfort of their own computers. Global Scribes’ focus of “By Youth, For Youth,” means that the day-to-day operations are run by the youth (Scribers).
How does your school, your organization, your hospital or your group incorporate Global Scribes into your current curriculum?
Global Scribes Inc is a global youth driven non.profit education initiative with a truly monumental objective--to contribute to world peace. In the interest of making the world of tomorrow a safer place for the youth of today, Global Scribes facilitates healthy, culturally-enriching relationships within an environment free from politics, religion, causes, and socio-demographic segregation. We focus on global journeys through the written word, visual & audio arts, dynamic interaction, and consistent interplay across multiple virtual platforms–Fun, Education, Focused Passion and Play Intertwined. For Youth, By Youth–working together to build a world of friendship where solid global foundations can be built, so indeed 1/ we might enjoy a more peaceful world and 2/ with hands held, the harder issues of our world might be addressed. Our world needs more than a bandaid.™
Youth Uniting Nations®
Create. Connect. Collaborate. Youth, ages 8-22, are invited to share their stories through creative writing, through visual arts, and through the collaboration of team passions. Global Scribes facilitates healthy, culturally-enriching relationships within an environment free from politics, religion, causes, and socio-demographic segregation. We focus on global journeys through the written word, visual & audio arts, dynamic
interaction, and consistent interplay across multiple virtual platforms–! Education, Focused Passion, Fun and Play Intertwined. For Youth, By Youth–! working together to break through barriers and build a world of friendship ! where solid global foundations may form.
Student participation within a classroom or club environment follows a 4-step process. Each month GS selects a Spark word, which the student is asked to write a creative story around and, then, in step 2, share with his/her fellow global youth via video on GS's YouTube Channel. In step 3, each student shares, on an annual or semi- annual basis, their unique, personal, version of THE LIFE I LEAD. And, in step 4, each selects their GS Team. What is their passion? What have they dreamed of doing, studying, exploring? Art? Music? Architecture? Sports? Writing? Science/Nature? Technology? Food? Broadcast Journalism? Photography? Theater? All of this is within a supportive environment brimming with other global youth excited to meet new friends and explore new cultures.
We are a UNESCO Club.
We are Global Scribes: Youth Uniting Nations®
Contact Us: [email protected]
4 Easy Steps to connect global youth in a For Youth, By Youth environment free from politics, free from religion, from causes, from violence, and from socio-demographic stresses. Here is how your students, your school, your youth organization can participate.