Introduction: Chronic suppurative otitis media is a inflammation of middle ear periosteum with ty... more Introduction: Chronic suppurative otitis media is a inflammation of middle ear periosteum with tympanic membrane perforation and discharge purulent or mucopurulent more than 2 month. Surgery is one of the management of CSOM. Objective of this research is to know the characteristic of chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) patients whom underwent surgery in sanglah hospital. Methods: This study used a retrospective descriptive study designed by taking datas from medical record patient whom underwent surgery in Sanglah Hospital from June 2018 until June 2019. Results and Conclusion: This study involved 50 patients. There was same amount between male and female, with majority age 31-40 years (32%). The most type of CSOM were benign with 30 patients (60%), the most perforation type were subtotal with 22 cases (44%) and tympanoplasty is the most surgery type were perform in csom with 24 cases (48%). Cholesteatoma was found ini 20 patient (40%) with the most location found in cavum tympany and mastoid with 8 cases (16%), granulation tissue and other pathologies found in 17 cases (34%). Intact ossicle found in 37 cases (74%) with dominantly mobile (44%).
Introduction: Chronic suppurative otitis media is a inflammation of middle ear periosteum with ty... more Introduction: Chronic suppurative otitis media is a inflammation of middle ear periosteum with tympanic membrane perforation and discharge purulent or mucopurulent more than 2 month. Surgery is one of the management of CSOM. Objective of this research is to know the characteristic of chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) patients whom underwent surgery in sanglah hospital. Methods: This study used a retrospective descriptive study designed by taking datas from medical record patient whom underwent surgery in Sanglah Hospital from June 2018 until June 2019. Results and Conclusion: This study involved 50 patients. There was same amount between male and female, with majority age 31-40 years (32%). The most type of CSOM were benign with 30 patients (60%), the most perforation type were subtotal with 22 cases (44%) and tympanoplasty is the most surgery type were perform in csom with 24 cases (48%). Cholesteatoma was found ini 20 patient (40%) with the most location found in cavum tympany and mastoid with 8 cases (16%), granulation tissue and other pathologies found in 17 cases (34%). Intact ossicle found in 37 cases (74%) with dominantly mobile (44%).
Papers by Endha Narendra