Amaç: Ülkemizdeki HIV/AIDS olgu sayılarındaki artışa paralel olarak ilimizdeki olgu sayılarında d... more Amaç: Ülkemizdeki HIV/AIDS olgu sayılarındaki artışa paralel olarak ilimizdeki olgu sayılarında da artış görülmektedir. Merkezimizde olguların takip edilmeye başlanmasını izleyen süreçte çalışan hekim ve hemşirelerimizin HIV/ AIDS konusundaki bilgi düzeylerinin ve konuya bakış açılarının değerlendirilmesi amacıyla bir anket çalışması gerçekleştirildi ve çalışmamızda bu çalışmanın sonuçları irdelendi. Yöntemler: Hekim ve hemşirelere, demografik özellikleri dikkate alınarak, HIV/AIDS hakkındaki bilgi (bulaş yolları ve korunma önlemleri) düzeylerini ve hastalığa bakış açılarını ölçen ve toplam 25 sorudan oluşan bir anket uygulandı. Bulgular: Ankete %62.5'i kadın, yaş ortalaması 35.28 ±8.58 olan 120 hekim ve hemşire katıldı. %55'i hekim, %45'i hemşire olan katılımcılarının %58.3'ü dahili branş, %38.3'ü cerrahi branş, %3.3'ü ise temel bilimlerdendi. Katılımcıların tamamı HIV/AIDS'in cinsel temas ve kan yolu ile %99.2'si ortak enjektör kullanımı ile bulaştığını biliyordu. Anne sütü ile bulaştığı %65 oranında biliniyordu. Ancak katılımcıların %45.8'i öpüşme ile hastalığın bulaşacağını düşünüyordu. Hemşirelerde anlamlı oranda yüksek olmak üzere katılımcıların %45'i hastalığın tedavisi olmadığını düşünüyordu (p=0.001). Ülkede HIV olgularının artışının farkında olanlar %82.5 ve ilimizde de artış olduğunu düşünenler %56.7 oranındaydı. Katılımcılar hastanemizde bu olguların takip edilmesini istiyor (%75.8) ve önyargılı davranmanın yanlış olduğunu (%89.2) düşünüyordu. Ancak %73 oranında katılımcı kendilerine bulaşacağı kaygısıyla bu hastaların takibini üstlenmeyi istemeyip; %60.8 oranında katılımcı sadece infeksiyon hastalıkları kliniğinde takibin uygun olacağını düşünüyordu. Sonuçlar: HIV/AIDS olgu sayılarında gözlenen artışlar nedeniyle hastaların kendi yaşadıkları bölgelerde takibi uygun olacaktır. Ancak sağlık çalışanları farkında olmasalar da HIV/AIDS olgularına bir önyargı ile yaklaşmaktadır. Bunun nedenlerinden biri hastalıkla ilgili bilgi yetersizliğidir. Bilgi yetersizliği ayırımcılık ve damgalamayı da beraberinde getirmektedir. Bu nedenle bilgi düzeylerinin artırılmasına yönelik hizmet içi eğitimler artırılmalıdır.
Flora the Journal of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, 2019
* Bu çalışma, 25. Ulusal Patoloji Kongresi'nde sözlü bildiri olarak sunulmuştur. ÖZET Giriş: Heli... more * Bu çalışma, 25. Ulusal Patoloji Kongresi'nde sözlü bildiri olarak sunulmuştur. ÖZET Giriş: Helicobacter pylori tüm dünyada görülen, dünya nüfusunun yaklaşık yarısını etkileyen gram-negatif bir basildir. Yapılan çalışmalarda adenotonsiller bölgenin H. pylori için bir kolonizasyon alanı olduğu ve bulaşta etkili olduğu ileri sürülmüştür. Bu hipotezden hareketle, geçirilmiş adenotonsillektomi öyküsü (ATÖ)'nün midede H. pylori kolonizasyonu için koruyucu bir etken olabileceğini belirten çalışmalar mevcuttur. Bu çalışmamızda geçirilmiş ATÖ'nün H. pylori gastriti açısından koruyucu bir etken olup olmadığını belirlemeye çalıştık.
In this study, we mainly dealt with the introduction and comparison of two optimization technique... more In this study, we mainly dealt with the introduction and comparison of two optimization techniques over the estimated parameters and model results of the Binary Logistic Regression (LR) model. These are the traditional Newton-Raphson (NR) algorithm which requires the differentiable objective function and appropriate starting values related to the parameters and Genetic Algorithm (GA) approach which does not need any strict assumptions as the algorithm NR. The results suggest that NR algorithm and GA give very similar results when the assumptions of NR are satisfied. This indicates that GA could successfully be used instead of the NR method considering its more flexible assumptions. Moreover, if the objective function does not satisfy the differentiability condition, NR could not be used in the optimization process and fails to find the optimum values. Therefore, this study actually reveals the success of GA in the parameter estimation of LR model. All the model outputs are compared ...
Diagnose in higher ages effects bone mineral density negatively in Celiac disease. Diagnose in ea... more Diagnose in higher ages effects bone mineral density negatively in Celiac disease. Diagnose in early ages decreases bone mineral leak and decreases morbidity in patients with osteopeni and osteoporosis via treatment posibilities. The study included 43 children (34 girl) diagnosed as Celiac disease. Mean age was 9.9±4.8 (2.5-17.7) years. In this study it is aimed to evaluate bone mineral density in patients with Celiac disease during diagnose and evaluate the factors related to bone mineral metabolism. Metabolic bone disorders due to calsium and vitamin D deficiency are one of the most frequent extraintestinal symptoms in Celiac disease.
PURPOSE To analyze the relationship between nephrolithiasis and vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene Bsm... more PURPOSE To analyze the relationship between nephrolithiasis and vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene BsmI (rs1544410), ApaI (rs7975232), TaqI (rs731236), Tru9I (rs757343) and FokI (rs2228570) polymorphisms in a study group from the Turkish population. MATERIALS AND METHODS Ninety-eight patients with calcium oxalate kidney stones and 70 controls were enrolled in this study. Five polymorphisms of the VDR gene were studied using the Polymerase Chain Reaction Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method. RESULTS For all polymorphisms, genotype frequencies were in line with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in the patients and controls. For the BsmI polymorphism, allele frequency distribution was found to differ significantly between the patients and the controls (P < .05). The "B" allele was found to increase the risk of nephrolithiasis by approximately 1.5-fold (odds ratio = 1.55, 95% confidence interval: 1.00-2.40; P = .048). However, we did not find any statistically sig...
Background and Aim: There is little histologic data concerning effects of nasal decongestants on ... more Background and Aim: There is little histologic data concerning effects of nasal decongestants on respiratory tract. We aimed to put forth the effects of mostly used ingredients of nasal decongestants on trachea and lower airways of rats. Materials and Method: Foursix months old 60 male rats were randomly categorized into 6 groups. Experimental drugs were applied to the same nostril twice daily for 8 weeks (Xylometazoline, Benzalkolyum, EDTA, Sorbitol and combined drug solution). Normal saline solution (NaCl %0.9) applied for the controls. At the end, trachea and both lungs were dissected and kept in formaldehyde for histopathologic evaluation. Results: Inflammation and bronchial edema were most common findings. All rats in sorbitol group had increased numbers of type 2 pneumocytes. Eighty percent of BAC group had increased numbers of type 2 pneumocytes. Spillover of tracheal epithelium was seen mostly in sorbitol, EDTA and combined drug groups (60%, 87.5%, 50% respectively). Bronchi...
Background: Teledermatology is a new medical technology that is increasingly used and accessible ... more Background: Teledermatology is a new medical technology that is increasingly used and accessible with the development of imaging technologies. The aim of this paper is to perform a bibliometric analysis of the world productivity in telemedicine field. Methods: We used Web of Science database and included all teledermatology documents published between 1975 and 2016. Results: We found a total of 12,641 items and 7,164 of which were original articles. The USA was the leading country with 4,342 articles followed by the UK and Germany. Teledermatology field covered only 6.26% of all telemedicine literature. Herein we evaluated the world telemedicine productivity between 1975 to 2016. Conclusion: The use of teledermatology is more important in rural areas, especially in which access is difficult. Telemedicine provides the conduction of dermatology applications to places where it is difficult to reach.
Background and Study Aim. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of different training ... more Background and Study Aim. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of different training programs on the improvement of motoric and swimming performance prepubescent swimmers. Material and Methods. Forty-five children between the ages of 9 -11 years with at least 2 years of training experiences, participated in the study. Three different [(1) dry-land with elastic resistance band group + swimming (ERB); (2) dry-land without elastic resistance band (DL) + swimming and (3) swimming group (SG) with swimming training alone] training group were formed. And a 12-week training program was implemented thought the study. Biceps, chest, waist, hip, thigh body circumference measurements were taken from all participants. Vertical jump (VJ), flexed-arm strength (FAS), speed, upper body strength (UBS), Standing horizontal jump (SHJ), flexibility, aerobic endurance (AE), balance, and 50 m freestyle swimming (FS) score were tested on the participants. As statistical analysis, normality and ...
Urinary system stone disease is a very common health problem that affects 2 to 3% of people and c... more Urinary system stone disease is a very common health problem that affects 2 to 3% of people and causes serious complications when it is not treated. The prevalence of renal stones has been increasing worldwide and surgical methods have changed over time. However, there is no comprehensive bibliometric analysis of the retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS) method in the literature. This study aimed to conduct a bibliometric analysis of all articles regarding RIRS published between 1980 and 2019. Materials and Methods: The literature search was performed using only the following keywords: "RIRS" and "flexible ureterorenoscopy/flexible ureteroscopy", in the "title" part of the search. Using this search method, all the articles published between 1980 and 2019 on this topic were accessed and downloaded from the Web of Science database, and the articles were analyzed using bibliometric methods. Results: Totally, 1378 publications were found as a result of the literature search, of which 619 were articles. We noted that there has been a rapid increase in the number of publications, especially from the year 2011. Turkiye was found to be the most productive country with regard to RIRS.
Aim: Fertility preservation (FP) has become an important issue for both women and men, due to onc... more Aim: Fertility preservation (FP) has become an important issue for both women and men, due to oncological therapies, gonadotoxic treatments, surgeries, and infertility. The aim of this study is to investigate the publications related to FP, identify the top effective countries and journals, top productive researchers, and trend topics. Material and Methods: The data of this study were obtained using the Thomson Reuters WoS (Thomson Reuters, New York, NY, USA) database, separately for females and males. In the bibliometric analysis, 'fertility preservation' was used as a keyword. VOSviewer (Version 1.6.6) was utilized for bibliometric network visualizations. SPSS was used for the statistical analyses (Version 22.0) Results: Analysis results of the keywords used for men indicated 817 publications and for females indicated 2531 publications totally. The United States of America (USA) was the top country for the publications about both genders. The top three research fields for both genders were Obstetrics and Gynecology, Reproductive Biology, and Oncology. The journals that contributed to the literature most were Fertility and Sterility and Human Reproduction respectively in both gender categories. The correlation between the number of total fertility preservation articles and total cancers,Gross Domestic Product-World Bank (GDP-WB), Gross Domestic Product-International Monetary Fund (GDP-IMF), Human Development Index (HDI), and Internet Users (IU) was significant (r=0.482, p=0.017; r=0.609, p<0.001; r=0.620, p<0.001; r=0.365, p=0.043; r=0.479, p=0.006). Conclusion: It has been determined that researches on the protection of the fertility of cancer patients and infertile patients have increased from past to present. Also, it is observed that the economies of countries have an active role in research productivity.
Endometrial polyps are frequently associated with abnormal uterine bleeding. The kispeptin family... more Endometrial polyps are frequently associated with abnormal uterine bleeding. The kispeptin family is one of the peptides that play a role in reproductive functions and whose expression varies in various uterine pathologies. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between serum Kisspeptin levels and endometrial polyps in women with premenopausal status. Material and Methods: The blood was collected prior to endometrial sampling from women admitted to the hospital due to abnormal uterine bleeding. According to the pathology results, patients were identified as polyp group (n=38) (endometrial polyps) and control group (n=50) (normal endometrial findings). Kisspeptin-54 levels were determined by ELISA method from serum obtained from venous blood. Results: There were no difference was found between the patients' age, body mass index, gravida, para, abortus and the number of living children were compared (p>0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and thyroid stimulating hormone values (p>0.05). Plasma kisspeptin (1.84±0.93 ng/dL and 1.32±0.47 ng/dL, p= 0.008) and estradiol (90.34±13.02 pg/mL and 81.75±12.36 pg/mL, p=0.002) levels were significantly higher in the polyp group than in the control group. After the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis the area under the curve (AUC) was 1.26 (p= 0.08), (95% CI, 0.550-0.782). The sensitivity value was 0.684 (0.512-0.819), the specificity was 0.620 (0.471-0.750). Conclusion: The serum Kisspeptin-54 and estradiol levels were found higher in patients with endometrial polyps.
This study aims to compare breast volume changes and other anthropometric measurements by using b... more This study aims to compare breast volume changes and other anthropometric measurements by using before and after breast reduction pictures of women who underwent breast reduction operation in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery clinic and by performing measurements from the anatomic points indicated in the literature. Background Landmarks (previously identified as anatomic points) that show the success of breast reduction operation are not sufficient. Anthropometric points and their identification are of great importance for choosing the landmarks and identifying the statistical approaches to be used. Methods A total of 40 women were measured breast anthropometric measurements in pre-and postoperative breast reduction surgery changes by a photographic technique using Image J programme from the anatomical points determined in the literature. Comparison of right and left breast anthropometric measurements before and after the operation was performed using the paired t test or Wilcoxon signed rank test. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Bland-Altman plots were used to determine the agreement between each pair of measurements. Results There was a statistically significant agreement between all the measurements (p<0.001). According to the Bland-Altman graphics, right and left breast measurements after the operation were within the limits of agreement according to all measurement points. Conclusion This study presented anthropometric measurements to show and guide patient satisfaction and aesthetic success of the operations performed by plastic surgeons.
The Turkish journal of gastroenterology : the official journal of Turkish Society of Gastroenterology, Sep 1, 2018
Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune enteropathy that develops in individuals with genetic suscep... more Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune enteropathy that develops in individuals with genetic susceptibility as a result of a permanent sensitivity to gluten found in grains. The prevalence of CD in Turkey is between 0.3% and 1%. However, the prevalence of CD in Çorum, a city in middle Anatolia in Turkey, is unknown. The purpose of this study was to identify the prevalence of childhood CD in Çorum and to detect patients with silent and atypical CD. The sample size was calculated using a stratified sampling method, to provide the sample number that would best represent this population. Screenings were conducted using rapid tissue transglutaminase IgA test kits. A total of 1730 students were included in the study; 877 (50.6%) were female. Of students in the city center, 301 (34%) were in primary school, 299 (34%) were in secondary school, and 283 (32%) were in high school. As for towns, 847 (49%) students from 92 schools were included in the study. Eight children had positive screening r...
Örneklem grubundaki öğrencilerin Ergenler İçin Ruhsal Sorunlar Tarama Ölçeği ortalamasına göre; %... more Örneklem grubundaki öğrencilerin Ergenler İçin Ruhsal Sorunlar Tarama Ölçeği ortalamasına göre; %77,1'inin depresyon, %75,0'inin anksiyete bozukluğu, %65,3'ünün psikoz, %96,5'inin dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu ile ilişkili sorunlarının olabileceği belirlenmiştir. Öğrencilerin Ergenler İçin Ruhsal Sorunlar Tarama Ölçeği ortalamalarına göre; depresyon, anksiyete bozukluğu, kendine zarar verme, psikoz, travma sonrası stres bozukluğu, alkol-uyuşturucu bağımlılığı ve dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu ile ilişkili sorunlarının cinsiyete göre dağılımına ilişkin sonuçlar incelendiğinde; örneklem grubundaki kız öğrencilerin erkek öğrencilere göre depresyon ve anksiyete bozukluğu ile ilişkili sorunlarının, erkek öğrencilerin de kız öğrencilere göre psikoz, alkol bağımlılığı ve dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu ile ilişkili sorunlarının yüksek olduğu belirlendi. Sonuç: Ergenlerin ilk üç sırada dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu, depresyon ve anksiyete bozukluğu ile ilişkili sorunlarının yüksek olduğu düşünülürse; çocuk ergen ruh sağlığı alanında ulusal politikalar oluşturmanın temel bileşenlerinden birisi bu yaş grubunda ruhsal bozuklukların belirlenmesidir.
Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2018
Bu çalışmada 1975-2017 yılları arasında “Antropoloji” araştırma alanında yayınlanan ve Web of Sci... more Bu çalışmada 1975-2017 yılları arasında “Antropoloji” araştırma alanında yayınlanan ve Web of Science (WoS; Thomson Reuters, New York, NY, USA) veri tabanında indekslenen tüm yayınlar bibliyometrik olarak analiz edilmiştir. Bibliyometrik analizler ile Ülkemizin Antropoloji literatüründeki etkinliği de değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca araştırmamızda Antropoloji alanında genel ve yerli literatürdeki aktif yazarların, ülkelerin, en çok atıf alan makalelerin ve trend konuların belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bibliometrik Ağ görselleştirmeleri için VOSviewer (Version 1.6.6) paket programı kullanılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda Antropoloji alanında 82.185 (%40,7)’i makale kategorisinde olmak üzere toplam 201.860 yayın bulunmuştur. En çok yayın 2015 yılında (4241 yayın) yayınlanmış olup, ABD 32.071 (39.0%) yayın ile en fazla literatüre katkı yapan ülke olmuştur. Antropoloji alanında en çok yayın üreten yazar ise Malina RM (134 yayın) olarak bulunmuştur. Literatüre en fazla katkı yapan derginin Journal...
JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 2018
To assess the relationship between erectile dysfunction and platelet count and other platelet ind... more To assess the relationship between erectile dysfunction and platelet count and other platelet indices. The case-control study was done at Hitit University Erol Olcok Training and Research Hospital, Turkey, and comprised patient data between January 2014 and September 2016 that was compared with age-matched controls with no history of erectile dysfunction who were randomly chosen from patients attending the urology clinic. Platelet count and other platelet indices were measured in both cases and healthy controls. Erectile status of the patients was evaluated by using International Index of Erectile Function- 5 questionnaire. There were 203 cases and 102 controls. The mean Index scores of the cases was 12.86±4.55 and that of the controls was 24.65±3.25 (p<0.001). Platelet levels were higher in cases than controls (p<0.001). But there was no statistically significant difference between the groups according to mean platelet volume values (p=0.309).. Platelet values can be used as ...
Comparison of the total oxidant status (TOS), total antioxidant status (TAS) and paraoxonase (PON... more Comparison of the total oxidant status (TOS), total antioxidant status (TAS) and paraoxonase (PON1) serum levels in patients with nasal septum deviation (NSD) and healthy subjects. The TAS, TOS, and PON1 serum levels of 47 patients with NSD (mean age 35.3) and 50 healthy subjects (mean age 37.8) were compared in this study. We found significantly higher TAS levels in the control group (p<0.001). The mean TAS value was 1.196 mmoL/L in the control group, whereas it was 1.046 mmoL/L in the NSD group. On the other hand, TOS was significantly higher in the NSD group (p<0.001). We found that the mean TOS value was 6.600 mmoL/L in the control group, and 20.194 mmoL/L in the NSD group. The NSD and control groups had similar PON1 levels (p=0.446). The mean PON1 value was 279.64 U/L in the control group, and 324.21 U/L in the NSD group. We detected higher TOS and lower TAS levels in patients with NSD compared to healthy subjects. These results indicate that patients with NSD are exposed...
Some of the dates in the above published article were listed incorrectly; the correct details are... more Some of the dates in the above published article were listed incorrectly; the correct details are shown below. The authors apologize for the mistaken text.
Complementary therapies in clinical practice, 2018
Apitherapy is the medical use and the application of honey bee products and in recent years there... more Apitherapy is the medical use and the application of honey bee products and in recent years there has been a growing interest in studies of this field. We aimed to perform a bibliometric study in the apitherapy literature. We used Web of Science database in this study and our search retrieved a total of 6917 documents of which great majority (82.4%) was original articles. Brazil was found to ranked first on the publication number with 889 papers followed by the USA, China, Japan and Turkey. We measured a productivity score for each country and the most productive countries in apitherapy field were Switzerland (2.978), Croatia (2.074), and Bulgaria (1.840). Propolis was the most used keyword followed by bee venom, flavonoids, apis mellifera and apoptosis. A moderate correlation was detected between number of publications and GDP. To the best of our knowledge our study was the first in this area and we proposed that further studies should be supported in this field.
Amaç: Ülkemizdeki HIV/AIDS olgu sayılarındaki artışa paralel olarak ilimizdeki olgu sayılarında d... more Amaç: Ülkemizdeki HIV/AIDS olgu sayılarındaki artışa paralel olarak ilimizdeki olgu sayılarında da artış görülmektedir. Merkezimizde olguların takip edilmeye başlanmasını izleyen süreçte çalışan hekim ve hemşirelerimizin HIV/ AIDS konusundaki bilgi düzeylerinin ve konuya bakış açılarının değerlendirilmesi amacıyla bir anket çalışması gerçekleştirildi ve çalışmamızda bu çalışmanın sonuçları irdelendi. Yöntemler: Hekim ve hemşirelere, demografik özellikleri dikkate alınarak, HIV/AIDS hakkındaki bilgi (bulaş yolları ve korunma önlemleri) düzeylerini ve hastalığa bakış açılarını ölçen ve toplam 25 sorudan oluşan bir anket uygulandı. Bulgular: Ankete %62.5'i kadın, yaş ortalaması 35.28 ±8.58 olan 120 hekim ve hemşire katıldı. %55'i hekim, %45'i hemşire olan katılımcılarının %58.3'ü dahili branş, %38.3'ü cerrahi branş, %3.3'ü ise temel bilimlerdendi. Katılımcıların tamamı HIV/AIDS'in cinsel temas ve kan yolu ile %99.2'si ortak enjektör kullanımı ile bulaştığını biliyordu. Anne sütü ile bulaştığı %65 oranında biliniyordu. Ancak katılımcıların %45.8'i öpüşme ile hastalığın bulaşacağını düşünüyordu. Hemşirelerde anlamlı oranda yüksek olmak üzere katılımcıların %45'i hastalığın tedavisi olmadığını düşünüyordu (p=0.001). Ülkede HIV olgularının artışının farkında olanlar %82.5 ve ilimizde de artış olduğunu düşünenler %56.7 oranındaydı. Katılımcılar hastanemizde bu olguların takip edilmesini istiyor (%75.8) ve önyargılı davranmanın yanlış olduğunu (%89.2) düşünüyordu. Ancak %73 oranında katılımcı kendilerine bulaşacağı kaygısıyla bu hastaların takibini üstlenmeyi istemeyip; %60.8 oranında katılımcı sadece infeksiyon hastalıkları kliniğinde takibin uygun olacağını düşünüyordu. Sonuçlar: HIV/AIDS olgu sayılarında gözlenen artışlar nedeniyle hastaların kendi yaşadıkları bölgelerde takibi uygun olacaktır. Ancak sağlık çalışanları farkında olmasalar da HIV/AIDS olgularına bir önyargı ile yaklaşmaktadır. Bunun nedenlerinden biri hastalıkla ilgili bilgi yetersizliğidir. Bilgi yetersizliği ayırımcılık ve damgalamayı da beraberinde getirmektedir. Bu nedenle bilgi düzeylerinin artırılmasına yönelik hizmet içi eğitimler artırılmalıdır.
Flora the Journal of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, 2019
* Bu çalışma, 25. Ulusal Patoloji Kongresi'nde sözlü bildiri olarak sunulmuştur. ÖZET Giriş: Heli... more * Bu çalışma, 25. Ulusal Patoloji Kongresi'nde sözlü bildiri olarak sunulmuştur. ÖZET Giriş: Helicobacter pylori tüm dünyada görülen, dünya nüfusunun yaklaşık yarısını etkileyen gram-negatif bir basildir. Yapılan çalışmalarda adenotonsiller bölgenin H. pylori için bir kolonizasyon alanı olduğu ve bulaşta etkili olduğu ileri sürülmüştür. Bu hipotezden hareketle, geçirilmiş adenotonsillektomi öyküsü (ATÖ)'nün midede H. pylori kolonizasyonu için koruyucu bir etken olabileceğini belirten çalışmalar mevcuttur. Bu çalışmamızda geçirilmiş ATÖ'nün H. pylori gastriti açısından koruyucu bir etken olup olmadığını belirlemeye çalıştık.
In this study, we mainly dealt with the introduction and comparison of two optimization technique... more In this study, we mainly dealt with the introduction and comparison of two optimization techniques over the estimated parameters and model results of the Binary Logistic Regression (LR) model. These are the traditional Newton-Raphson (NR) algorithm which requires the differentiable objective function and appropriate starting values related to the parameters and Genetic Algorithm (GA) approach which does not need any strict assumptions as the algorithm NR. The results suggest that NR algorithm and GA give very similar results when the assumptions of NR are satisfied. This indicates that GA could successfully be used instead of the NR method considering its more flexible assumptions. Moreover, if the objective function does not satisfy the differentiability condition, NR could not be used in the optimization process and fails to find the optimum values. Therefore, this study actually reveals the success of GA in the parameter estimation of LR model. All the model outputs are compared ...
Diagnose in higher ages effects bone mineral density negatively in Celiac disease. Diagnose in ea... more Diagnose in higher ages effects bone mineral density negatively in Celiac disease. Diagnose in early ages decreases bone mineral leak and decreases morbidity in patients with osteopeni and osteoporosis via treatment posibilities. The study included 43 children (34 girl) diagnosed as Celiac disease. Mean age was 9.9±4.8 (2.5-17.7) years. In this study it is aimed to evaluate bone mineral density in patients with Celiac disease during diagnose and evaluate the factors related to bone mineral metabolism. Metabolic bone disorders due to calsium and vitamin D deficiency are one of the most frequent extraintestinal symptoms in Celiac disease.
PURPOSE To analyze the relationship between nephrolithiasis and vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene Bsm... more PURPOSE To analyze the relationship between nephrolithiasis and vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene BsmI (rs1544410), ApaI (rs7975232), TaqI (rs731236), Tru9I (rs757343) and FokI (rs2228570) polymorphisms in a study group from the Turkish population. MATERIALS AND METHODS Ninety-eight patients with calcium oxalate kidney stones and 70 controls were enrolled in this study. Five polymorphisms of the VDR gene were studied using the Polymerase Chain Reaction Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method. RESULTS For all polymorphisms, genotype frequencies were in line with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in the patients and controls. For the BsmI polymorphism, allele frequency distribution was found to differ significantly between the patients and the controls (P < .05). The "B" allele was found to increase the risk of nephrolithiasis by approximately 1.5-fold (odds ratio = 1.55, 95% confidence interval: 1.00-2.40; P = .048). However, we did not find any statistically sig...
Background and Aim: There is little histologic data concerning effects of nasal decongestants on ... more Background and Aim: There is little histologic data concerning effects of nasal decongestants on respiratory tract. We aimed to put forth the effects of mostly used ingredients of nasal decongestants on trachea and lower airways of rats. Materials and Method: Foursix months old 60 male rats were randomly categorized into 6 groups. Experimental drugs were applied to the same nostril twice daily for 8 weeks (Xylometazoline, Benzalkolyum, EDTA, Sorbitol and combined drug solution). Normal saline solution (NaCl %0.9) applied for the controls. At the end, trachea and both lungs were dissected and kept in formaldehyde for histopathologic evaluation. Results: Inflammation and bronchial edema were most common findings. All rats in sorbitol group had increased numbers of type 2 pneumocytes. Eighty percent of BAC group had increased numbers of type 2 pneumocytes. Spillover of tracheal epithelium was seen mostly in sorbitol, EDTA and combined drug groups (60%, 87.5%, 50% respectively). Bronchi...
Background: Teledermatology is a new medical technology that is increasingly used and accessible ... more Background: Teledermatology is a new medical technology that is increasingly used and accessible with the development of imaging technologies. The aim of this paper is to perform a bibliometric analysis of the world productivity in telemedicine field. Methods: We used Web of Science database and included all teledermatology documents published between 1975 and 2016. Results: We found a total of 12,641 items and 7,164 of which were original articles. The USA was the leading country with 4,342 articles followed by the UK and Germany. Teledermatology field covered only 6.26% of all telemedicine literature. Herein we evaluated the world telemedicine productivity between 1975 to 2016. Conclusion: The use of teledermatology is more important in rural areas, especially in which access is difficult. Telemedicine provides the conduction of dermatology applications to places where it is difficult to reach.
Background and Study Aim. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of different training ... more Background and Study Aim. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of different training programs on the improvement of motoric and swimming performance prepubescent swimmers. Material and Methods. Forty-five children between the ages of 9 -11 years with at least 2 years of training experiences, participated in the study. Three different [(1) dry-land with elastic resistance band group + swimming (ERB); (2) dry-land without elastic resistance band (DL) + swimming and (3) swimming group (SG) with swimming training alone] training group were formed. And a 12-week training program was implemented thought the study. Biceps, chest, waist, hip, thigh body circumference measurements were taken from all participants. Vertical jump (VJ), flexed-arm strength (FAS), speed, upper body strength (UBS), Standing horizontal jump (SHJ), flexibility, aerobic endurance (AE), balance, and 50 m freestyle swimming (FS) score were tested on the participants. As statistical analysis, normality and ...
Urinary system stone disease is a very common health problem that affects 2 to 3% of people and c... more Urinary system stone disease is a very common health problem that affects 2 to 3% of people and causes serious complications when it is not treated. The prevalence of renal stones has been increasing worldwide and surgical methods have changed over time. However, there is no comprehensive bibliometric analysis of the retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS) method in the literature. This study aimed to conduct a bibliometric analysis of all articles regarding RIRS published between 1980 and 2019. Materials and Methods: The literature search was performed using only the following keywords: "RIRS" and "flexible ureterorenoscopy/flexible ureteroscopy", in the "title" part of the search. Using this search method, all the articles published between 1980 and 2019 on this topic were accessed and downloaded from the Web of Science database, and the articles were analyzed using bibliometric methods. Results: Totally, 1378 publications were found as a result of the literature search, of which 619 were articles. We noted that there has been a rapid increase in the number of publications, especially from the year 2011. Turkiye was found to be the most productive country with regard to RIRS.
Aim: Fertility preservation (FP) has become an important issue for both women and men, due to onc... more Aim: Fertility preservation (FP) has become an important issue for both women and men, due to oncological therapies, gonadotoxic treatments, surgeries, and infertility. The aim of this study is to investigate the publications related to FP, identify the top effective countries and journals, top productive researchers, and trend topics. Material and Methods: The data of this study were obtained using the Thomson Reuters WoS (Thomson Reuters, New York, NY, USA) database, separately for females and males. In the bibliometric analysis, 'fertility preservation' was used as a keyword. VOSviewer (Version 1.6.6) was utilized for bibliometric network visualizations. SPSS was used for the statistical analyses (Version 22.0) Results: Analysis results of the keywords used for men indicated 817 publications and for females indicated 2531 publications totally. The United States of America (USA) was the top country for the publications about both genders. The top three research fields for both genders were Obstetrics and Gynecology, Reproductive Biology, and Oncology. The journals that contributed to the literature most were Fertility and Sterility and Human Reproduction respectively in both gender categories. The correlation between the number of total fertility preservation articles and total cancers,Gross Domestic Product-World Bank (GDP-WB), Gross Domestic Product-International Monetary Fund (GDP-IMF), Human Development Index (HDI), and Internet Users (IU) was significant (r=0.482, p=0.017; r=0.609, p<0.001; r=0.620, p<0.001; r=0.365, p=0.043; r=0.479, p=0.006). Conclusion: It has been determined that researches on the protection of the fertility of cancer patients and infertile patients have increased from past to present. Also, it is observed that the economies of countries have an active role in research productivity.
Endometrial polyps are frequently associated with abnormal uterine bleeding. The kispeptin family... more Endometrial polyps are frequently associated with abnormal uterine bleeding. The kispeptin family is one of the peptides that play a role in reproductive functions and whose expression varies in various uterine pathologies. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between serum Kisspeptin levels and endometrial polyps in women with premenopausal status. Material and Methods: The blood was collected prior to endometrial sampling from women admitted to the hospital due to abnormal uterine bleeding. According to the pathology results, patients were identified as polyp group (n=38) (endometrial polyps) and control group (n=50) (normal endometrial findings). Kisspeptin-54 levels were determined by ELISA method from serum obtained from venous blood. Results: There were no difference was found between the patients' age, body mass index, gravida, para, abortus and the number of living children were compared (p>0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and thyroid stimulating hormone values (p>0.05). Plasma kisspeptin (1.84±0.93 ng/dL and 1.32±0.47 ng/dL, p= 0.008) and estradiol (90.34±13.02 pg/mL and 81.75±12.36 pg/mL, p=0.002) levels were significantly higher in the polyp group than in the control group. After the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis the area under the curve (AUC) was 1.26 (p= 0.08), (95% CI, 0.550-0.782). The sensitivity value was 0.684 (0.512-0.819), the specificity was 0.620 (0.471-0.750). Conclusion: The serum Kisspeptin-54 and estradiol levels were found higher in patients with endometrial polyps.
This study aims to compare breast volume changes and other anthropometric measurements by using b... more This study aims to compare breast volume changes and other anthropometric measurements by using before and after breast reduction pictures of women who underwent breast reduction operation in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery clinic and by performing measurements from the anatomic points indicated in the literature. Background Landmarks (previously identified as anatomic points) that show the success of breast reduction operation are not sufficient. Anthropometric points and their identification are of great importance for choosing the landmarks and identifying the statistical approaches to be used. Methods A total of 40 women were measured breast anthropometric measurements in pre-and postoperative breast reduction surgery changes by a photographic technique using Image J programme from the anatomical points determined in the literature. Comparison of right and left breast anthropometric measurements before and after the operation was performed using the paired t test or Wilcoxon signed rank test. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Bland-Altman plots were used to determine the agreement between each pair of measurements. Results There was a statistically significant agreement between all the measurements (p<0.001). According to the Bland-Altman graphics, right and left breast measurements after the operation were within the limits of agreement according to all measurement points. Conclusion This study presented anthropometric measurements to show and guide patient satisfaction and aesthetic success of the operations performed by plastic surgeons.
The Turkish journal of gastroenterology : the official journal of Turkish Society of Gastroenterology, Sep 1, 2018
Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune enteropathy that develops in individuals with genetic suscep... more Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune enteropathy that develops in individuals with genetic susceptibility as a result of a permanent sensitivity to gluten found in grains. The prevalence of CD in Turkey is between 0.3% and 1%. However, the prevalence of CD in Çorum, a city in middle Anatolia in Turkey, is unknown. The purpose of this study was to identify the prevalence of childhood CD in Çorum and to detect patients with silent and atypical CD. The sample size was calculated using a stratified sampling method, to provide the sample number that would best represent this population. Screenings were conducted using rapid tissue transglutaminase IgA test kits. A total of 1730 students were included in the study; 877 (50.6%) were female. Of students in the city center, 301 (34%) were in primary school, 299 (34%) were in secondary school, and 283 (32%) were in high school. As for towns, 847 (49%) students from 92 schools were included in the study. Eight children had positive screening r...
Örneklem grubundaki öğrencilerin Ergenler İçin Ruhsal Sorunlar Tarama Ölçeği ortalamasına göre; %... more Örneklem grubundaki öğrencilerin Ergenler İçin Ruhsal Sorunlar Tarama Ölçeği ortalamasına göre; %77,1'inin depresyon, %75,0'inin anksiyete bozukluğu, %65,3'ünün psikoz, %96,5'inin dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu ile ilişkili sorunlarının olabileceği belirlenmiştir. Öğrencilerin Ergenler İçin Ruhsal Sorunlar Tarama Ölçeği ortalamalarına göre; depresyon, anksiyete bozukluğu, kendine zarar verme, psikoz, travma sonrası stres bozukluğu, alkol-uyuşturucu bağımlılığı ve dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu ile ilişkili sorunlarının cinsiyete göre dağılımına ilişkin sonuçlar incelendiğinde; örneklem grubundaki kız öğrencilerin erkek öğrencilere göre depresyon ve anksiyete bozukluğu ile ilişkili sorunlarının, erkek öğrencilerin de kız öğrencilere göre psikoz, alkol bağımlılığı ve dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu ile ilişkili sorunlarının yüksek olduğu belirlendi. Sonuç: Ergenlerin ilk üç sırada dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu, depresyon ve anksiyete bozukluğu ile ilişkili sorunlarının yüksek olduğu düşünülürse; çocuk ergen ruh sağlığı alanında ulusal politikalar oluşturmanın temel bileşenlerinden birisi bu yaş grubunda ruhsal bozuklukların belirlenmesidir.
Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2018
Bu çalışmada 1975-2017 yılları arasında “Antropoloji” araştırma alanında yayınlanan ve Web of Sci... more Bu çalışmada 1975-2017 yılları arasında “Antropoloji” araştırma alanında yayınlanan ve Web of Science (WoS; Thomson Reuters, New York, NY, USA) veri tabanında indekslenen tüm yayınlar bibliyometrik olarak analiz edilmiştir. Bibliyometrik analizler ile Ülkemizin Antropoloji literatüründeki etkinliği de değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca araştırmamızda Antropoloji alanında genel ve yerli literatürdeki aktif yazarların, ülkelerin, en çok atıf alan makalelerin ve trend konuların belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bibliometrik Ağ görselleştirmeleri için VOSviewer (Version 1.6.6) paket programı kullanılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda Antropoloji alanında 82.185 (%40,7)’i makale kategorisinde olmak üzere toplam 201.860 yayın bulunmuştur. En çok yayın 2015 yılında (4241 yayın) yayınlanmış olup, ABD 32.071 (39.0%) yayın ile en fazla literatüre katkı yapan ülke olmuştur. Antropoloji alanında en çok yayın üreten yazar ise Malina RM (134 yayın) olarak bulunmuştur. Literatüre en fazla katkı yapan derginin Journal...
JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 2018
To assess the relationship between erectile dysfunction and platelet count and other platelet ind... more To assess the relationship between erectile dysfunction and platelet count and other platelet indices. The case-control study was done at Hitit University Erol Olcok Training and Research Hospital, Turkey, and comprised patient data between January 2014 and September 2016 that was compared with age-matched controls with no history of erectile dysfunction who were randomly chosen from patients attending the urology clinic. Platelet count and other platelet indices were measured in both cases and healthy controls. Erectile status of the patients was evaluated by using International Index of Erectile Function- 5 questionnaire. There were 203 cases and 102 controls. The mean Index scores of the cases was 12.86±4.55 and that of the controls was 24.65±3.25 (p<0.001). Platelet levels were higher in cases than controls (p<0.001). But there was no statistically significant difference between the groups according to mean platelet volume values (p=0.309).. Platelet values can be used as ...
Comparison of the total oxidant status (TOS), total antioxidant status (TAS) and paraoxonase (PON... more Comparison of the total oxidant status (TOS), total antioxidant status (TAS) and paraoxonase (PON1) serum levels in patients with nasal septum deviation (NSD) and healthy subjects. The TAS, TOS, and PON1 serum levels of 47 patients with NSD (mean age 35.3) and 50 healthy subjects (mean age 37.8) were compared in this study. We found significantly higher TAS levels in the control group (p<0.001). The mean TAS value was 1.196 mmoL/L in the control group, whereas it was 1.046 mmoL/L in the NSD group. On the other hand, TOS was significantly higher in the NSD group (p<0.001). We found that the mean TOS value was 6.600 mmoL/L in the control group, and 20.194 mmoL/L in the NSD group. The NSD and control groups had similar PON1 levels (p=0.446). The mean PON1 value was 279.64 U/L in the control group, and 324.21 U/L in the NSD group. We detected higher TOS and lower TAS levels in patients with NSD compared to healthy subjects. These results indicate that patients with NSD are exposed...
Some of the dates in the above published article were listed incorrectly; the correct details are... more Some of the dates in the above published article were listed incorrectly; the correct details are shown below. The authors apologize for the mistaken text.
Complementary therapies in clinical practice, 2018
Apitherapy is the medical use and the application of honey bee products and in recent years there... more Apitherapy is the medical use and the application of honey bee products and in recent years there has been a growing interest in studies of this field. We aimed to perform a bibliometric study in the apitherapy literature. We used Web of Science database in this study and our search retrieved a total of 6917 documents of which great majority (82.4%) was original articles. Brazil was found to ranked first on the publication number with 889 papers followed by the USA, China, Japan and Turkey. We measured a productivity score for each country and the most productive countries in apitherapy field were Switzerland (2.978), Croatia (2.074), and Bulgaria (1.840). Propolis was the most used keyword followed by bee venom, flavonoids, apis mellifera and apoptosis. A moderate correlation was detected between number of publications and GDP. To the best of our knowledge our study was the first in this area and we proposed that further studies should be supported in this field.
Papers by Emre Demir