Emre Birden
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Papers by Emre Birden
Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözlemesi’nin 15. maddesinde öngörülmüş olan ve devletin hak ve özgürlüklere yönelik olağan müdahale kapasitesini olağanüstü koşullarda arttıran yükümlülüklere aykırı tedbirler alabilme yetkisinin sınırını, geniş anlamda keyfîlik yasağı oluşturur. Bu sınırı göstermek üzere, devletin, Sözleme’yi kendi yetki alanında uygularken sahip olduğu olağan hak sınırlama yetkisinin genişlik derecesine de atıf yapan takdir marjı kavramı esas alınabilir. Buradan hareketle, 15. maddeye ilişkin Sözleme’ye uygunluk incelemesinde üç denetim yoğunluğu kademesi ayırt edilebilir. Öncelikle, Mahkeme; bu maddenin kullanılmasına sebep olan genel tehlikenin varlığının saptanması konusunda ikincillik ilkesini öne çıkarmakta, devlete geniş bir takdir marjı tanımakta ve incelemesinin kapsamını aşikar keyfîlik hallerini denetlemekle sınırlamaktadır. Buna karşılık, 15. maddenin uygulanma kapsamına ilişkin olarak bazı mutlak sınırlar da bulunmaktadır. Takdir marjı kabul etmeyen bu alanda, Sözleme’ye uygunluk denetimi azami seviyesine çıkar. Nihayet Mahkeme, orantılılık incelemesi bağlamında da bir ulusal takdir marjı tanımakta ve böylece devletin alınacak tedbirlere ilişkin araçsal tercihleriyle ilgili olarak açık keyfîlik hallerini denetlemekle yetinmektedir. Bununla beraber, 2000’li yıllarla birlikte, Mahkeme, 15. madde bağlamındaki orantılılık denetimini etkinleştirmeye bağlamı ve özellikle keyfî özgürlükten alıkoyma durumlarıyla ilgili olarak ihlal kararları vermiştir.
ABSTRACT The derogation power, which is stipulated in Article 15 of the European Convention on Human Rights and increases the usual interference capacity of the State with the rights and freedoms in time of emergency, comes to its limit in the prohibition of arbitrariness largo sensu. In order to demonstrate this limit, the margin of appreciation concept, which also refers to the width of the ordinary limitation power that the State owns while it applies the Convention within its jurisdiction, can be used as a base. From this point of view, three levels regarding the intensity of the review can be identified in the examination of the conformity with the Convention with respect to Article 15. First, with regard to determination of the existence of the public emergency provoking the use of this Article, the Court puts forward the principle of subsidiarity, allows a wide margin of appreciation to the States and limits the extent of its review to the review of evident situations of arbitrariness. On the other hand, there are some absolute limits concerning the scope of applicability of Article 15. In this area, which does not accept a margin of appreciation, the review of the conformity with the Convention reaches its maximum level. Finally, the Court allows a national margin of appreciation in the proportionality context as well and settles for the review of the manifest arbitrariness situations regarding the instrumental choices of the State about measures to be taken. That being said, in the 2000s, the Court started to activate its proportionality review in the context of Article 15 and pronounced violations concerning arbitrary deprivations of liberty.
The recognition of same-sex relationships is examined based on two main issues in the context of the European Convention on Human Rights. The first issue is the qualification of same-sex couples living in stable relationships as “family" under Article 8. The Convention organs did not accept same-sex couples living in stable relationships as family for a long time. The European Court of Human Rights has finally removed this inapplicability ratione materiae which created considerable incompatibilities on principles and methodology and started to apply the right to respect for family life to same-sex relationships. The second issue is the recognition of these relationships under national law. The discussion in this context has been developed within two legal frameworks. On the one hand, the Court has changed its opinion about the inapplicability of Article 12 of the Convention to same-sex marriages but judged that the article leaves the decision on the recognition of same-sex marriage to Member States. On the other hand, the Court has announced, through its evolutive interpretation, the positive obligation to recognize alternative legal status to marriage for homosexual persons in the absence of same-sex marriage.
Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözlemesi’nin 15. maddesinde öngörülmüş olan ve devletin hak ve özgürlüklere yönelik olağan müdahale kapasitesini olağanüstü koşullarda arttıran yükümlülüklere aykırı tedbirler alabilme yetkisinin sınırını, geniş anlamda keyfîlik yasağı oluşturur. Bu sınırı göstermek üzere, devletin, Sözleme’yi kendi yetki alanında uygularken sahip olduğu olağan hak sınırlama yetkisinin genişlik derecesine de atıf yapan takdir marjı kavramı esas alınabilir. Buradan hareketle, 15. maddeye ilişkin Sözleme’ye uygunluk incelemesinde üç denetim yoğunluğu kademesi ayırt edilebilir. Öncelikle, Mahkeme; bu maddenin kullanılmasına sebep olan genel tehlikenin varlığının saptanması konusunda ikincillik ilkesini öne çıkarmakta, devlete geniş bir takdir marjı tanımakta ve incelemesinin kapsamını aşikar keyfîlik hallerini denetlemekle sınırlamaktadır. Buna karşılık, 15. maddenin uygulanma kapsamına ilişkin olarak bazı mutlak sınırlar da bulunmaktadır. Takdir marjı kabul etmeyen bu alanda, Sözleme’ye uygunluk denetimi azami seviyesine çıkar. Nihayet Mahkeme, orantılılık incelemesi bağlamında da bir ulusal takdir marjı tanımakta ve böylece devletin alınacak tedbirlere ilişkin araçsal tercihleriyle ilgili olarak açık keyfîlik hallerini denetlemekle yetinmektedir. Bununla beraber, 2000’li yıllarla birlikte, Mahkeme, 15. madde bağlamındaki orantılılık denetimini etkinleştirmeye bağlamı ve özellikle keyfî özgürlükten alıkoyma durumlarıyla ilgili olarak ihlal kararları vermiştir.
ABSTRACT The derogation power, which is stipulated in Article 15 of the European Convention on Human Rights and increases the usual interference capacity of the State with the rights and freedoms in time of emergency, comes to its limit in the prohibition of arbitrariness largo sensu. In order to demonstrate this limit, the margin of appreciation concept, which also refers to the width of the ordinary limitation power that the State owns while it applies the Convention within its jurisdiction, can be used as a base. From this point of view, three levels regarding the intensity of the review can be identified in the examination of the conformity with the Convention with respect to Article 15. First, with regard to determination of the existence of the public emergency provoking the use of this Article, the Court puts forward the principle of subsidiarity, allows a wide margin of appreciation to the States and limits the extent of its review to the review of evident situations of arbitrariness. On the other hand, there are some absolute limits concerning the scope of applicability of Article 15. In this area, which does not accept a margin of appreciation, the review of the conformity with the Convention reaches its maximum level. Finally, the Court allows a national margin of appreciation in the proportionality context as well and settles for the review of the manifest arbitrariness situations regarding the instrumental choices of the State about measures to be taken. That being said, in the 2000s, the Court started to activate its proportionality review in the context of Article 15 and pronounced violations concerning arbitrary deprivations of liberty.
The recognition of same-sex relationships is examined based on two main issues in the context of the European Convention on Human Rights. The first issue is the qualification of same-sex couples living in stable relationships as “family" under Article 8. The Convention organs did not accept same-sex couples living in stable relationships as family for a long time. The European Court of Human Rights has finally removed this inapplicability ratione materiae which created considerable incompatibilities on principles and methodology and started to apply the right to respect for family life to same-sex relationships. The second issue is the recognition of these relationships under national law. The discussion in this context has been developed within two legal frameworks. On the one hand, the Court has changed its opinion about the inapplicability of Article 12 of the Convention to same-sex marriages but judged that the article leaves the decision on the recognition of same-sex marriage to Member States. On the other hand, the Court has announced, through its evolutive interpretation, the positive obligation to recognize alternative legal status to marriage for homosexual persons in the absence of same-sex marriage.