Rapports de recherche by Emmanuelle Guyavarch
Observatoire du Samusocial de Paris , 2014
Papers by Emmanuelle Guyavarch
Politiques sociales et familiales , 2014
Santé, Société et Solidarité, 2009
Population (French Edition), 2000

International Journal of STD & AIDS, 2003
A rural population of east Senegal has been under demographic surveillance for more than 30 years... more A rural population of east Senegal has been under demographic surveillance for more than 30 years and a high rate of infertility has been reported. The aim of the study is to describe HIV and treponemal infection epidemiology and association with outcome of pregnancy in a population of rural Senegal. A population-based cross-sectional study was conducted among 952 randomly-selected adults of a rural community of Senegal. No participant was found to be infected with HIV, 11% had evidence of past syphilis and 5% of active syphilis. Active syphilis was associated among men with age, long-term mobility and having partners in an urban area in the last 12 months and among women with being divorced or widowed. No association was found between past or active syphilis and abortion or stillbirth but women aged 40 and more with past or active syphilis were significantly more likely to have had no history of gestation than women with no evidence of syphilis infection. In conclusion our results call for more research to understand the epidemiology of treponemal infection and to elucidate types of Treponema pallidum involved.
European Journal of Population / Revue européenne de Démographie, 2010
Mortality due to external causes in sub-Saharan Africalevels, trends and causes in rural Senegal ... more Mortality due to external causes in sub-Saharan Africalevels, trends and causes in rural Senegal Mortality due to external causes was measured over the period 1985-2004 in three rural areas of Senegal -Bandafassi, Niakhar et Mlompwhose populations have been under continuous demographic surveillance for many years. The standardized annual rate of deaths due to external causes is 31 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants in Niakhar, 56 in Bandafassi and 102 in Mlomp.
Rapports de recherche by Emmanuelle Guyavarch
Papers by Emmanuelle Guyavarch