International Journal of Islamic Business & Management, 2018
The purpose of this study is to examine the socio-economic impact of religious tourism in Nigeria... more The purpose of this study is to examine the socio-economic impact of religious tourism in Nigeria. Data for this study are from secondary sources and it covers 2000-2011. The technique of content analysis was used to analyze the contents of these materials. The paper reveals that the springing up of different Pentecostal Churches across the country and the various conventions and festivals being held annually and quarterly by this churches have virtually increase the numbers of arrivals from overseas countries who visit the country to attend various religious programs. This has generated employment for the inhabitants of the areas; religious tourism has become the highest earner of foreign exchange for the country's tourism industry even though tourism industry is still in embryonic stages and has not yet assumed a significant position in Nigeria’s GDP pie. This paper recommends that the hospitality industry should upgrade existing facilities while the government should construc...
The study employed multiple regression analysis model specified based on hypothesized functional ... more The study employed multiple regression analysis model specified based on hypothesized functional relationship between telecommunication infrastructure development and economic growth of Nigeria during post deregulation period. The model for the study was estimated using the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) technique, and further evaluation was executed using chi-square to investigate the views of respondents on whether GSM has increased market access and reducing distribution cost in carrying out daily economic activities in Nigeria. The outcomes showed that telecommunication has influenced the country's economy by increasing market access and reducing distribution cost. Therefore, to enhance economic growth in Nigeria, government should issue more licenses to GSM operators in order to allow for healthy competition among the GSM operators. On the other hand, operators should consider the strategy of co-location and infrastructure sharing for further improvement and reduction in cost ...
This research work examines unemployment, poverty and other social vices effect on business activ... more This research work examines unemployment, poverty and other social vices effect on business activities in Nasarawa state, Nigeria. Stratified and purposive sampling methods were used in determining the local government areas and towns selected for the study. The study population consists of business operators/owners in the selected towns and the numbers of questionnaires purposely administered and collected were four hundred and twenty. The analysis of data reveals that 38.57% of respondents' perception is that the twin problems (unemployment and poverty) are fairly high in Nasarawa state. Majority of respondents agreed that economic condition of the State practically affect their businesses as a result of low patronage or sales in their business. The respondents were of the perception that these twin problems have brought about among others low output and increase in poverty. This has culminated to security threat as crime rate is now high in the state. On the basis of the resu...
Apart from the dreaded Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) now ravaging the world, and par... more Apart from the dreaded Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) now ravaging the world, and particularly the African continent, no other scourge has had such a devastating impact on both the ancient and modern world as the scourge of poverty. According to the World Health Organisation, poverty wields its destructive influence at all stages of human life, from the moment of conception to the grave. It conspires with the most deadly and painful diseases to bring a wretched existence to all who suffer from it. The desire to alleviate, or if possible, eliminate poverty, has engaged the attention of successive governments in Nigeria: Civilian, quasi-civilian and military administrations. At present the world is still in search of a solution to global poverty, which is why the United Nations currently puts poverty reduction at the top its agenda. The continual search for ways to achieve poverty alleviation in Nigeria, particularly as it relates to the legal and equitable issues involved...
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Asian Online Journal Publi... more This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Asian Online Journal Publishing Group Contents 1. Introduction .
The Nigerian economy has been characterized by various forms of distortions, mostly structural, a... more The Nigerian economy has been characterized by various forms of distortions, mostly structural, arising from dysfunctional institutions and incentive systems. Distortions and imperfections generally mean any deviation from the assumptions of perfect competition. The degree to which a market or industry can be described as competitive depends in part on the ease with which new businesses can enter and exit a particular market in the long run. This paper therefore is burdened with the objective of examining the extent of this digression. Through a descriptive methodology, it provides a theoretical basis through which these distortions can be measured, and its findings establishes evidences of distortions in the Nigerian economy across various sectors including the power/energy, financial and the banking sectors. Specific and wider implications on the Nigerian as well as the world economy have been highlighted, namely the exportation of these distortionary tendencies to the rest of Africa and the world via the oil nexus.
International Journal of Business Administration, 2012
This paper argues for reconsideration and reevaluation of the underlying assumptions and paradigm... more This paper argues for reconsideration and reevaluation of the underlying assumptions and paradigms of the world capitalist system in particular and that of economics in general. This is against the backdrop of an increasing discontent of majority of the world's people against the growing inequality between the rich and the poor. It contends that the genesis of the problem is rooted in the concept of the selfish, individuated economic man, which has fueled our appetite for greed, selfishness and unbridled primitive capitalist accumulation. Thus these clannish and narrow assumptions must be relaxed to bring in the more altruistic, non-material components of man. This new philosophy and concept of our economic man incidentally aligns with the principles of Islamic banking, a variant of non-interest banking. But it cautions that the imperatives of citizen education and a de-emphasis on religious sentiments are central to guaranteeing the success of the programme.
African Americans bear a greater burden of hypertension. Understanding prevailing epidemiologic p... more African Americans bear a greater burden of hypertension. Understanding prevailing epidemiologic patterns can facilitate the implementation and successful outcome of community programs. The authors assessed practice patterns of antihypertensive drug utilization and blood pressure (BP) control in a predominantly African American population in Brooklyn, NY, from January 1 to January 31, 2008. A total of 416 (53.1%) had hypertension, with a mean age of 61 years, and 267 (64%) were women. In general, 212 (50.9%) were at goal BP and 59.9% of those at goal were taking at least 2 drugs. Patient age correlated with the number of drugs used (r=0.14; P=.004). Patients taking beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers were older: 63.6 vs 60.1 years (P=.01) and 62.7 vs 60.3 years (P=.07), respectively. The pattern of antihypertensive use was as follows: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, 194 (46.6%); calcium channel blockers, 162 (38.9%); diuretics, 162 (38.9%); beta-blockers, 133(32%); and angiotensin receptor blockers, 93 (22.4%). The findings of age associated with the class of medications used and a predominance of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors usage highlight possible gaps in appropriateness of antihypertensive therapy. The application of age-appropriate race-based antihypertensive therapy might improve BP control rates. These results strengthen arguments for investing in community-based programs to overcome possible provider-related and local health system barriers to achieving BP control goals.
A study was conducted in Maiduguri to detect the presence of antibiotics (oxytetracycline and pro... more A study was conducted in Maiduguri to detect the presence of antibiotics (oxytetracycline and procaine penicillin) residues in some tissues of cattle slaughtered for human consumption. Thin layer chromatography was utilized to qualitatively screen tissue samples by running in parallel with reference standards of both antibiotics. Out of the total 285 tissues sampled, muscle produced the highest incidence rate (32.6%) of oxytetracycline residue followed by liver (5.0%) and then kidney (3.1%). Similarly, muscle tissue produced the highest incidence rate (15.7%) of procaine penicillin residues followed by liver (13.0%) and then kidney (8.3%). The presence of residues of these commonly used antibiotics in tissues is a pointer to a serious public health risk as these antibiotics are also used in humans and may result in the development of bacterial strains resistant to these antibiotics. This underscores the need for a national residue monitoring program in Nigeria in accordance with int...
International Journal of Marketing Research Innovation
MSMEs are seen as a veritable engines of economic development, but the growth and development of ... more MSMEs are seen as a veritable engines of economic development, but the growth and development of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria have been slow and in some cases even stunted, due to a number of problems and challenges confronting this all-important sub-sector of the economy. Facing uncertain environments, firms have strived to achieve greater supply chain collaboration to leverage the resources and knowledge of their suppliers and customers. However, there are many challenges that affect the MSMEs supply chain collaboration worldwide though some are prevalent in developing world. Based on relevant literature, this paper reviewed the supply chain collaboration challenges affecting MSMEsdevelopment and performance in Nigeria. Conclusion and suggestion were offered as well.
Growth in the labor force is one of the determinants of a nation’s maximum sustainable, or potent... more Growth in the labor force is one of the determinants of a nation’s maximum sustainable, or potential, rate of economic expansion. However, in the period of study in this paper, the relationship between women’s participation in the labor force of Nigeria and economic growth is inverse and insignificant. This is attributed to the level of economic development, social norms, education levels, fertility rates and other factors. From policy perspectives therefore educational opportunities for the girl child should be extended to the nooks and crannies of the country so as to enhance socio-economic family planning techniques and methods to reduce the burden of women in the labour force. In the same vein, employers should be encouraged to give all gender equal opportunity and chance to pursue their potentials especially if they have potentials required for a particular job. However, particular attention should be focused on men by enlightening them on the essence of encouraging their spous...
This study seeks to evaluate the relevance of feasibility analysis on business survival in Cross ... more This study seeks to evaluate the relevance of feasibility analysis on business survival in Cross River State Southern Senatorial district. The survey research design was adopted for this study. A population of 82 entrepreneur/owners of sachet water manufacturing companies spread across the seven local government areas of Cross River State Southern Senatorial district was used. The variables used for this study were economic analysis, staff/ personnel as well as demand and market analysis. The study found that economic analysis of feasibility enhances business survival and is statistically significant. Also, Staff/ personnel analysis of feasibility enhances business survival and is statistically significant. And as well, market and demand analysis improves business survival and is statistically significant. It was recommended that business entrepreneurs in Cross River State Southern Senatorial district should effectively carry out an economic analysis of feasibility to maximize the available resources within its disposal, hence avoiding liquidation and as well proper workforce planning should be taken into account before the takeoff of any business operation for appropriate manpower hiring.
The purpose of this study is to examine the socioeconomic impact of religious tourism in Nigeria.... more The purpose of this study is to examine the socioeconomic impact of religious tourism in Nigeria. Data for this study are from secondary sources and it covers 2000-2011. The technique of content analysis was used to analyze the contents of these materials. The paper reveals that the springing up of different Pentecostal Churches across the country and the various conventions and festivals being held annually and quarterly by this churches have virtually increase the numbers of arrivals from overseas countries who visit the country to attend various religious programs. This has generated employment for the inhabitants of the areas; religious tourism has become the highest earner of foreign exchange for the country's tourism industry even though tourism industry is still in embryonic stages and has not yet assumed a significant position in Nigeria's GDP pie. This paper recommends that the hospitality industry should upgrade existing facilities while the government should const...
This research work involves the study of the sedimentological processes and depositional environm... more This research work involves the study of the sedimentological processes and depositional environment from two major exposed sections of the Benin Formation in the vicinity of the southern fringes of the Calabar Flank. Stratigraphic logs were produced; 20 samples collected from the sandstone intervals and subjected to sieve analysis. Within the mudstone interval, lenticular beds and skolithos traces were observed. Other sedimentary structures (cross beds, ripple marks) were measured and analysed for paleocurrent patterns. The results from the textural analyses of the sandstones show that the sediments were predominantly medium to coarse grain (ɸ-0.13 – 1.63), moderately to poorly sorted (ɸ 1.02 – 2.03). Skewness and kurtosis values range from strongly coarse-coarse skewed (ɸ-0.66 – 0.13) and leptokurtic to platykurtic (ɸ 0.72 – 2.00) respectively. Bivariate analysis reveal that 100% of the sandstone samples are fluvial in origin with predominant deposition within rolling and saltation sub-population of the CM plot. The points were restricted to the P-Q section of the CM plot signifying high energy deposition. Lenticular beds characterized Original Research Article
International Journal of Business Administration, 2012
Electricity supply has been identified as the key constraint to industrialization and economic de... more Electricity supply has been identified as the key constraint to industrialization and economic development in Nigeria. Recently, the government of Nigeria has initiated a lot of projects aimed at boosting electricity supply but this effort seems to yield no positive results. This may be attributed to the inability of policy makers to identify the determinants of electricity supply for actual policy formulation and implementation. Hence, this study analyzed the determinants of electricity supply in Nigeria (from 1970-2009), using a parametric econometric methodology of ordinary least squares. The results showed that technology, government funding, and the level of power loss were the statistically significant determinants of electricity supply in Nigeria and that an average of 40% of power is lost in transmission per annum. Thus, the government should inject more funds into the power sector to complete power projects with state of the art technology in order to enhance electricity supply.
Ž Results of a traditional sedimentation technique for grain-size analysis the sieve-pipette. met... more Ž Results of a traditional sedimentation technique for grain-size analysis the sieve-pipette. method were compared with those of a laser diffraction grain-size analyser, the Coulter LS-100. Milled quartz samples and silty soil samples were used to investigate the effect of particle shape. The reproducibility of the Coulter LS-100 was better than that of the sieve-pipette method, except for the sand fraction. The agreement between the two methods is strongest for the milled quartz samples. The Coulter LS-100 underestimated the clay content of the silty soil samples and generally overestimated the clay content of the milled quartz samples. This indicates the importance of particle morphology. The milled quartz grains are very angular and somewhat elongated whereas the clay minerals in the clay fraction of the silty soil samples usually have a platy shape. Reduced major axis relationships are calculated which may be used to convert Coulter LS-100 results to those of the sieve-pipette method. Correlation is strongest for percentiles size data. The Coulter LS-100 underestimates the clay, but correctly estimates the sand fraction. This results in a weak relationship for the total silt fraction as measured by the two techniques. Therefore, an alternative method is proposed for estimating this fraction. A comparison of our data with published data and relationships suggests that the calibration relationships are quite robust as long as the clay mineralogy of the samples is similar.
ABSTRACT The Sea of Marmara (SoM) is a tectonically active basin being located on a major contine... more ABSTRACT The Sea of Marmara (SoM) is a tectonically active basin being located on a major continental transform fault boundary between the Eurasian and Anatolian plates. It consists of three transtensional major subbasins in excess of -1250 m and smaller ones with -100 to -200 m forming the E-W elongated gulfs and bays. The major subbasins have steep slopes, especially in the north, with slope angles greater than 18°. The sedimentary infill sequence in the deep basins consists of about 75% turbidite-homogenite units (THU) and 25% hemiplagic sediments, deposited at sedimentation rates of 1 to 3 m/ka. Deposition of most of the THU has been triggered by seismo-tectonic activity that constitute a serious geohazard in the densely populated coastal areas. Identification and dating of the THUs are therefore important in the repeat-time determination of the earthquakes on different fault segments, and thus, for the probabilistic earthquake risk assessment in the region. We studied the sedimentological, physical and chemical characteristics of THUs in several cores recovered from different Marmara basins, and identified the record of the devastating (Mw=7.4) 1999 Izmit earthquake, using digital X-Ray Radiography, XRF Core Scanner, MSCL, stable isotope and grain-size analyses. The units were dated using AMS C-14 and radionuclide methods. THUs are characterized by a relatively thin (commonly mm to several cm thick) sand-silt unit at the base and thick (commonly several tens of cm) homogeneous mud at the top. Digital X-ray radiography indicates that the THUs have multiple sand-silt laminae in the basal unit showing bidirectional foresets and a sharp and often erosional basal contact. These features indicates deposition by a single turbidity current reflecting or deflecting from the opposite slopes. The XRF Core Scanner analysis indicates two specific geochemical anomalies associated with the turbiditites sampled over the active faults: Ca enrichment in the basal coarse part, and Mn depletion within the THU unit. Both of these anomalies can be explained by the anaerobic methane oxidation (AMO) at or near the seafloor. The high upward methane flux towards the seafloor during the crustal deformation and fault rupture and the associated AMO lead to suboxic-anoxic bottom-water conditions in the confined Marmara basins and the formation of the black sulphide patches and carbonate crusts along the active segments of the Main Marmara Fault. This conclusion is supported by several lines of evidence, including O- and C-isotope data on carbonates, oceanographic surveys in the Izmit Gulf before and after the 1999 earthquake, and the Nautile submersible observations in 2007. The sedimentary records of earthquakes identified and dated in the cores can be confidently matched with the historical earthquake records.
International Journal of Islamic Business & Management, 2018
The purpose of this study is to examine the socio-economic impact of religious tourism in Nigeria... more The purpose of this study is to examine the socio-economic impact of religious tourism in Nigeria. Data for this study are from secondary sources and it covers 2000-2011. The technique of content analysis was used to analyze the contents of these materials. The paper reveals that the springing up of different Pentecostal Churches across the country and the various conventions and festivals being held annually and quarterly by this churches have virtually increase the numbers of arrivals from overseas countries who visit the country to attend various religious programs. This has generated employment for the inhabitants of the areas; religious tourism has become the highest earner of foreign exchange for the country's tourism industry even though tourism industry is still in embryonic stages and has not yet assumed a significant position in Nigeria’s GDP pie. This paper recommends that the hospitality industry should upgrade existing facilities while the government should construc...
The study employed multiple regression analysis model specified based on hypothesized functional ... more The study employed multiple regression analysis model specified based on hypothesized functional relationship between telecommunication infrastructure development and economic growth of Nigeria during post deregulation period. The model for the study was estimated using the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) technique, and further evaluation was executed using chi-square to investigate the views of respondents on whether GSM has increased market access and reducing distribution cost in carrying out daily economic activities in Nigeria. The outcomes showed that telecommunication has influenced the country's economy by increasing market access and reducing distribution cost. Therefore, to enhance economic growth in Nigeria, government should issue more licenses to GSM operators in order to allow for healthy competition among the GSM operators. On the other hand, operators should consider the strategy of co-location and infrastructure sharing for further improvement and reduction in cost ...
This research work examines unemployment, poverty and other social vices effect on business activ... more This research work examines unemployment, poverty and other social vices effect on business activities in Nasarawa state, Nigeria. Stratified and purposive sampling methods were used in determining the local government areas and towns selected for the study. The study population consists of business operators/owners in the selected towns and the numbers of questionnaires purposely administered and collected were four hundred and twenty. The analysis of data reveals that 38.57% of respondents' perception is that the twin problems (unemployment and poverty) are fairly high in Nasarawa state. Majority of respondents agreed that economic condition of the State practically affect their businesses as a result of low patronage or sales in their business. The respondents were of the perception that these twin problems have brought about among others low output and increase in poverty. This has culminated to security threat as crime rate is now high in the state. On the basis of the resu...
Apart from the dreaded Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) now ravaging the world, and par... more Apart from the dreaded Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) now ravaging the world, and particularly the African continent, no other scourge has had such a devastating impact on both the ancient and modern world as the scourge of poverty. According to the World Health Organisation, poverty wields its destructive influence at all stages of human life, from the moment of conception to the grave. It conspires with the most deadly and painful diseases to bring a wretched existence to all who suffer from it. The desire to alleviate, or if possible, eliminate poverty, has engaged the attention of successive governments in Nigeria: Civilian, quasi-civilian and military administrations. At present the world is still in search of a solution to global poverty, which is why the United Nations currently puts poverty reduction at the top its agenda. The continual search for ways to achieve poverty alleviation in Nigeria, particularly as it relates to the legal and equitable issues involved...
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Asian Online Journal Publi... more This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Asian Online Journal Publishing Group Contents 1. Introduction .
The Nigerian economy has been characterized by various forms of distortions, mostly structural, a... more The Nigerian economy has been characterized by various forms of distortions, mostly structural, arising from dysfunctional institutions and incentive systems. Distortions and imperfections generally mean any deviation from the assumptions of perfect competition. The degree to which a market or industry can be described as competitive depends in part on the ease with which new businesses can enter and exit a particular market in the long run. This paper therefore is burdened with the objective of examining the extent of this digression. Through a descriptive methodology, it provides a theoretical basis through which these distortions can be measured, and its findings establishes evidences of distortions in the Nigerian economy across various sectors including the power/energy, financial and the banking sectors. Specific and wider implications on the Nigerian as well as the world economy have been highlighted, namely the exportation of these distortionary tendencies to the rest of Africa and the world via the oil nexus.
International Journal of Business Administration, 2012
This paper argues for reconsideration and reevaluation of the underlying assumptions and paradigm... more This paper argues for reconsideration and reevaluation of the underlying assumptions and paradigms of the world capitalist system in particular and that of economics in general. This is against the backdrop of an increasing discontent of majority of the world's people against the growing inequality between the rich and the poor. It contends that the genesis of the problem is rooted in the concept of the selfish, individuated economic man, which has fueled our appetite for greed, selfishness and unbridled primitive capitalist accumulation. Thus these clannish and narrow assumptions must be relaxed to bring in the more altruistic, non-material components of man. This new philosophy and concept of our economic man incidentally aligns with the principles of Islamic banking, a variant of non-interest banking. But it cautions that the imperatives of citizen education and a de-emphasis on religious sentiments are central to guaranteeing the success of the programme.
African Americans bear a greater burden of hypertension. Understanding prevailing epidemiologic p... more African Americans bear a greater burden of hypertension. Understanding prevailing epidemiologic patterns can facilitate the implementation and successful outcome of community programs. The authors assessed practice patterns of antihypertensive drug utilization and blood pressure (BP) control in a predominantly African American population in Brooklyn, NY, from January 1 to January 31, 2008. A total of 416 (53.1%) had hypertension, with a mean age of 61 years, and 267 (64%) were women. In general, 212 (50.9%) were at goal BP and 59.9% of those at goal were taking at least 2 drugs. Patient age correlated with the number of drugs used (r=0.14; P=.004). Patients taking beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers were older: 63.6 vs 60.1 years (P=.01) and 62.7 vs 60.3 years (P=.07), respectively. The pattern of antihypertensive use was as follows: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, 194 (46.6%); calcium channel blockers, 162 (38.9%); diuretics, 162 (38.9%); beta-blockers, 133(32%); and angiotensin receptor blockers, 93 (22.4%). The findings of age associated with the class of medications used and a predominance of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors usage highlight possible gaps in appropriateness of antihypertensive therapy. The application of age-appropriate race-based antihypertensive therapy might improve BP control rates. These results strengthen arguments for investing in community-based programs to overcome possible provider-related and local health system barriers to achieving BP control goals.
A study was conducted in Maiduguri to detect the presence of antibiotics (oxytetracycline and pro... more A study was conducted in Maiduguri to detect the presence of antibiotics (oxytetracycline and procaine penicillin) residues in some tissues of cattle slaughtered for human consumption. Thin layer chromatography was utilized to qualitatively screen tissue samples by running in parallel with reference standards of both antibiotics. Out of the total 285 tissues sampled, muscle produced the highest incidence rate (32.6%) of oxytetracycline residue followed by liver (5.0%) and then kidney (3.1%). Similarly, muscle tissue produced the highest incidence rate (15.7%) of procaine penicillin residues followed by liver (13.0%) and then kidney (8.3%). The presence of residues of these commonly used antibiotics in tissues is a pointer to a serious public health risk as these antibiotics are also used in humans and may result in the development of bacterial strains resistant to these antibiotics. This underscores the need for a national residue monitoring program in Nigeria in accordance with int...
International Journal of Marketing Research Innovation
MSMEs are seen as a veritable engines of economic development, but the growth and development of ... more MSMEs are seen as a veritable engines of economic development, but the growth and development of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria have been slow and in some cases even stunted, due to a number of problems and challenges confronting this all-important sub-sector of the economy. Facing uncertain environments, firms have strived to achieve greater supply chain collaboration to leverage the resources and knowledge of their suppliers and customers. However, there are many challenges that affect the MSMEs supply chain collaboration worldwide though some are prevalent in developing world. Based on relevant literature, this paper reviewed the supply chain collaboration challenges affecting MSMEsdevelopment and performance in Nigeria. Conclusion and suggestion were offered as well.
Growth in the labor force is one of the determinants of a nation’s maximum sustainable, or potent... more Growth in the labor force is one of the determinants of a nation’s maximum sustainable, or potential, rate of economic expansion. However, in the period of study in this paper, the relationship between women’s participation in the labor force of Nigeria and economic growth is inverse and insignificant. This is attributed to the level of economic development, social norms, education levels, fertility rates and other factors. From policy perspectives therefore educational opportunities for the girl child should be extended to the nooks and crannies of the country so as to enhance socio-economic family planning techniques and methods to reduce the burden of women in the labour force. In the same vein, employers should be encouraged to give all gender equal opportunity and chance to pursue their potentials especially if they have potentials required for a particular job. However, particular attention should be focused on men by enlightening them on the essence of encouraging their spous...
This study seeks to evaluate the relevance of feasibility analysis on business survival in Cross ... more This study seeks to evaluate the relevance of feasibility analysis on business survival in Cross River State Southern Senatorial district. The survey research design was adopted for this study. A population of 82 entrepreneur/owners of sachet water manufacturing companies spread across the seven local government areas of Cross River State Southern Senatorial district was used. The variables used for this study were economic analysis, staff/ personnel as well as demand and market analysis. The study found that economic analysis of feasibility enhances business survival and is statistically significant. Also, Staff/ personnel analysis of feasibility enhances business survival and is statistically significant. And as well, market and demand analysis improves business survival and is statistically significant. It was recommended that business entrepreneurs in Cross River State Southern Senatorial district should effectively carry out an economic analysis of feasibility to maximize the available resources within its disposal, hence avoiding liquidation and as well proper workforce planning should be taken into account before the takeoff of any business operation for appropriate manpower hiring.
The purpose of this study is to examine the socioeconomic impact of religious tourism in Nigeria.... more The purpose of this study is to examine the socioeconomic impact of religious tourism in Nigeria. Data for this study are from secondary sources and it covers 2000-2011. The technique of content analysis was used to analyze the contents of these materials. The paper reveals that the springing up of different Pentecostal Churches across the country and the various conventions and festivals being held annually and quarterly by this churches have virtually increase the numbers of arrivals from overseas countries who visit the country to attend various religious programs. This has generated employment for the inhabitants of the areas; religious tourism has become the highest earner of foreign exchange for the country's tourism industry even though tourism industry is still in embryonic stages and has not yet assumed a significant position in Nigeria's GDP pie. This paper recommends that the hospitality industry should upgrade existing facilities while the government should const...
This research work involves the study of the sedimentological processes and depositional environm... more This research work involves the study of the sedimentological processes and depositional environment from two major exposed sections of the Benin Formation in the vicinity of the southern fringes of the Calabar Flank. Stratigraphic logs were produced; 20 samples collected from the sandstone intervals and subjected to sieve analysis. Within the mudstone interval, lenticular beds and skolithos traces were observed. Other sedimentary structures (cross beds, ripple marks) were measured and analysed for paleocurrent patterns. The results from the textural analyses of the sandstones show that the sediments were predominantly medium to coarse grain (ɸ-0.13 – 1.63), moderately to poorly sorted (ɸ 1.02 – 2.03). Skewness and kurtosis values range from strongly coarse-coarse skewed (ɸ-0.66 – 0.13) and leptokurtic to platykurtic (ɸ 0.72 – 2.00) respectively. Bivariate analysis reveal that 100% of the sandstone samples are fluvial in origin with predominant deposition within rolling and saltation sub-population of the CM plot. The points were restricted to the P-Q section of the CM plot signifying high energy deposition. Lenticular beds characterized Original Research Article
International Journal of Business Administration, 2012
Electricity supply has been identified as the key constraint to industrialization and economic de... more Electricity supply has been identified as the key constraint to industrialization and economic development in Nigeria. Recently, the government of Nigeria has initiated a lot of projects aimed at boosting electricity supply but this effort seems to yield no positive results. This may be attributed to the inability of policy makers to identify the determinants of electricity supply for actual policy formulation and implementation. Hence, this study analyzed the determinants of electricity supply in Nigeria (from 1970-2009), using a parametric econometric methodology of ordinary least squares. The results showed that technology, government funding, and the level of power loss were the statistically significant determinants of electricity supply in Nigeria and that an average of 40% of power is lost in transmission per annum. Thus, the government should inject more funds into the power sector to complete power projects with state of the art technology in order to enhance electricity supply.
Ž Results of a traditional sedimentation technique for grain-size analysis the sieve-pipette. met... more Ž Results of a traditional sedimentation technique for grain-size analysis the sieve-pipette. method were compared with those of a laser diffraction grain-size analyser, the Coulter LS-100. Milled quartz samples and silty soil samples were used to investigate the effect of particle shape. The reproducibility of the Coulter LS-100 was better than that of the sieve-pipette method, except for the sand fraction. The agreement between the two methods is strongest for the milled quartz samples. The Coulter LS-100 underestimated the clay content of the silty soil samples and generally overestimated the clay content of the milled quartz samples. This indicates the importance of particle morphology. The milled quartz grains are very angular and somewhat elongated whereas the clay minerals in the clay fraction of the silty soil samples usually have a platy shape. Reduced major axis relationships are calculated which may be used to convert Coulter LS-100 results to those of the sieve-pipette method. Correlation is strongest for percentiles size data. The Coulter LS-100 underestimates the clay, but correctly estimates the sand fraction. This results in a weak relationship for the total silt fraction as measured by the two techniques. Therefore, an alternative method is proposed for estimating this fraction. A comparison of our data with published data and relationships suggests that the calibration relationships are quite robust as long as the clay mineralogy of the samples is similar.
ABSTRACT The Sea of Marmara (SoM) is a tectonically active basin being located on a major contine... more ABSTRACT The Sea of Marmara (SoM) is a tectonically active basin being located on a major continental transform fault boundary between the Eurasian and Anatolian plates. It consists of three transtensional major subbasins in excess of -1250 m and smaller ones with -100 to -200 m forming the E-W elongated gulfs and bays. The major subbasins have steep slopes, especially in the north, with slope angles greater than 18°. The sedimentary infill sequence in the deep basins consists of about 75% turbidite-homogenite units (THU) and 25% hemiplagic sediments, deposited at sedimentation rates of 1 to 3 m/ka. Deposition of most of the THU has been triggered by seismo-tectonic activity that constitute a serious geohazard in the densely populated coastal areas. Identification and dating of the THUs are therefore important in the repeat-time determination of the earthquakes on different fault segments, and thus, for the probabilistic earthquake risk assessment in the region. We studied the sedimentological, physical and chemical characteristics of THUs in several cores recovered from different Marmara basins, and identified the record of the devastating (Mw=7.4) 1999 Izmit earthquake, using digital X-Ray Radiography, XRF Core Scanner, MSCL, stable isotope and grain-size analyses. The units were dated using AMS C-14 and radionuclide methods. THUs are characterized by a relatively thin (commonly mm to several cm thick) sand-silt unit at the base and thick (commonly several tens of cm) homogeneous mud at the top. Digital X-ray radiography indicates that the THUs have multiple sand-silt laminae in the basal unit showing bidirectional foresets and a sharp and often erosional basal contact. These features indicates deposition by a single turbidity current reflecting or deflecting from the opposite slopes. The XRF Core Scanner analysis indicates two specific geochemical anomalies associated with the turbiditites sampled over the active faults: Ca enrichment in the basal coarse part, and Mn depletion within the THU unit. Both of these anomalies can be explained by the anaerobic methane oxidation (AMO) at or near the seafloor. The high upward methane flux towards the seafloor during the crustal deformation and fault rupture and the associated AMO lead to suboxic-anoxic bottom-water conditions in the confined Marmara basins and the formation of the black sulphide patches and carbonate crusts along the active segments of the Main Marmara Fault. This conclusion is supported by several lines of evidence, including O- and C-isotope data on carbonates, oceanographic surveys in the Izmit Gulf before and after the 1999 earthquake, and the Nautile submersible observations in 2007. The sedimentary records of earthquakes identified and dated in the cores can be confidently matched with the historical earthquake records.
Papers by Emmanuel Okon