Clusia multiflora sawdust (CMS) was evaluated as filler in rubber composites. CMS at 40 phr was m... more Clusia multiflora sawdust (CMS) was evaluated as filler in rubber composites. CMS at 40 phr was mixed with synthetic styrene butadiene rubber (SBR 1502), the blend was compatibilized with 8 phr of maleated polyethylene (MAPE). To evaluate the curing and mechanical behavior of CMS, it was compared with precipitated silica (reinforcing filler); calcium carbonate and kaolin (non-reinforcing minerals). The addition of CMS reduced the mechanical properties of rubber compound compared to silica rubber/silica composite. The tensile and tear strength values for SBR/CMS were similar to SBR/CaCO 3 and SBR/kaolin. The addition of MAPE to SBR/CMS composite slightly improved the tensile strength, tear strength, abrasion resistance and hardness. In general, CMS performed as diluent filler which reduced the weight of the composite. CMS slightly affected curing speed of SBR/CMS blends. CMS is a waste generated by the use of Clusia multiflora (a timber species endemic of mountains region of Colombia) in the furniture industry. The novelty of this research consists of evaluating the CMS as an alternative to mineral fillers in rubber compounding to improve its mechanical properties, seeking to contribute to the sustainability and to reduce environmental impacts.
The highly active anti-biofilm combination of daptomycin plus fosfomycin was successfully used in... more The highly active anti-biofilm combination of daptomycin plus fosfomycin was successfully used in a difficult-to-treat infection of a total femoral replacement caused by multi-drug resistant in a 79-year-old woman. There was no need to remove the orthopedic hardware, and the patient is currently pain free and able to walk.
In this investigation the effect of the incorporation of additives in the mechanical properties o... more In this investigation the effect of the incorporation of additives in the mechanical properties of LLDPE films, made to be used as greenhouse covers, was analyzed. All films were fabricated by the method of extrusion blow. Two types of formulations are raised in order to determine the influence of the concentration of one additive and identify the existence of some synergy by combining active ingredients in the formulations. Modulus of elasticity, yield stress and tear resistance of the films were evaluated. The results indicate that variation in the concentration of an additive in the mixture does not generate significant changes in the physical-mechanical properties of the films. However, the incorporation of the UV light absorber and Smartlight photoselector in formulations favors their mechanical properties. Compared with the reference film, an increase higher than 200% in modulus of elasticity and yield stress of the films was determined.
Some cobaltites with perovskite-type structure exhibit outstanding transport properties and high ... more Some cobaltites with perovskite-type structure exhibit outstanding transport properties and high chemical activity, which make these materials suitable for applications in areas of gas sensors, heterogeneous catalysis, gas separation membranes and cathodes for solid oxide fuel cells. In this work, polycrystalline samples of Sm1-xBaxCoO3 (x = 0, 0.1) were prepared by an aqueous solution method using the corresponding nitrates. X-ray diffraction patterns of calcined samples showed that single-phase SmCoO3 was obtained at 900°C, whereas Sm0.9Ba0.1CoO3 was formed at 700°C. Electron microscopy images revealed that micron-sized particles were obtained for SmCoO3, whereas a nanostructured and nanoporous material wasobserved for Sm0.9Ba0.1CoO3. Electrical measurements made on thick films of the oxides revealed a semiconductor behavior in both phases, however Sm0.9Ba0.1CoO3 samples showed a larger conductivity compared with SmCoO3; dynamic response of resistance experiments made in air and C...
The main objective of this paper is to empirically test whether the identification of highly-cite... more The main objective of this paper is to empirically test whether the identification of highly-cited documents through Google Scholar is feasible and reliable. To this end, we carried out a longitudinal analysis (1950 to 2013), running a generic query (filtered only by year of publication) to minimise the effects of academic search engine optimisation. This gave us a final sample of 64,000 documents (1,000 per year). The strong correlation between a document's citations and its position in the search results (r=-0.67) led us to conclude that Google Scholar is able to identify highly-cited papers effectively. This, combined with Google Scholar's unique coverage (no restrictions on document type and source), makes the academic search engine an invaluable tool for bibliometric research relating to the identification of the most influential scientific documents. We find evidence, however, that Google Scholar ranks those documents whose language (or geographical web domain) matches with the user's interface language higher than could be expected based on citations. Nonetheless, this language effect and other factors related to the Google Scholar's operation, i.e. the proper identification of versions and the date of publication, only have an incidental impact. They do not compromise the ability of Google Scholar to identify the highly-cited papers.
A comparative study was performed on the effect of the addition of silane coupling agents (SCA), ... more A comparative study was performed on the effect of the addition of silane coupling agents (SCA), vinyltrimethoxysilane (VTMS) and 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) to a mixture of styrene butadiene rubber SBR1502 with Telinne Monspessulana flour (TMF). SCA was directly added into the mixture using untreated and mercerized TMF. Also, TMF and SBR1502 mixing trials were conducted with the TMF previously mercerized and injected with each of the silanes. The rubber compounds were subjected to tensile tests in order to evaluate the coupling power of both SCA. It was found that the vinyl silane type produced the best results in the tensile strength.
La preparacion y concienciacion de todo el personal para operaciones de contrainsurgencia se basa... more La preparacion y concienciacion de todo el personal para operaciones de contrainsurgencia se basa en la aplicacion de la normativa de seguridad, el conocimiento de la cultura local, y la concienciacion informativa. La preparacion de los organos de inteligencia les capacitara para desempenar las funciones especificas de inteligencia, contrainteligencia y seguridad. En COIN el exito se consigue ganando el favor de la poblacion, no basta con batir al enemigo.
Se analiza el vinculo entre desigualdad regional y federalismo fiscal en Mexico y se da respuesta... more Se analiza el vinculo entre desigualdad regional y federalismo fiscal en Mexico y se da respuesta a la interrogante de si es mediante el ejercicio de recursos publicos que las entidades federativas pueden disminuir sus disparidades en el ingreso per capita acentuadas a partir del decenio de los ochenta. Lo anterior se logra con la verificacion de la hipotesis de convergencia mediante un modelo del tipo de Ramsey y su aplicacion para Mexico con informacion del PIB per capita de las entidades federativas para el periodo 1940-2000
Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews, Jan 2, 2016
Complexity analysis of glucose profile may provide valuable information about the glucorregulator... more Complexity analysis of glucose profile may provide valuable information about the glucorregulatory system. We hypothesized that a complexity metric (Detrended Fluctuation Analysis, DFA) may have a prognostic value for the development of type 2 diabetes in patients at risk. 206 patients with any of the following risk factors: i) essential hypertension, ii) obesity or iii) a first-degree relative with a diagnosis of diabetes, were included in a survival analysis study for a diagnosis of new onset type 2 diabetes. At inclusion, a glucometry by means of a Continuous Glucose Monitoring System was performed, and DFA was calculated for a 24-hour glucose time-series. Patients were then followed every 6 months, controlling for the development of diabetes. In a median follow-up of 18 months, there were 18 new cases of diabetes (58.5 cases/1000 patient-years). DFA was a significant predictor for the development of diabetes, with 10 events in the highest quartile vs. one in the lowest (log-rank...
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 1997
023-B1 TemporomandibuIar joint ducible osteoarthrotic TMJ model in sheep has been developed. The ... more 023-B1 TemporomandibuIar joint ducible osteoarthrotic TMJ model in sheep has been developed. The aim of this experimental study is to examine glycosaminoglycans in the synovial fluid of the preconditioned osteoarthrotic model. 11. Elevated Levels of Interleukin-l[I, Nitric Oxide, and Hyaluronic Acid in Synovial Fluids from Patients with Temporomandibular Disorders Material and methods The animals used were eight mature Merino sheep weighing about 60 kg. Bilateral gentle removal of the condylar articular surface was performed to induce osteoarthrosis in the TMJ. Six months after the procedure, synovial fluid was aspirated from the joints, followed by sacrifice, histologic preparation, and biochemical analysis.
Polycrystalline powders of bismuth cobaltite, Bi 10 Co 16 O 38 , with sillenite-type structure we... more Polycrystalline powders of bismuth cobaltite, Bi 10 Co 16 O 38 , with sillenite-type structure were prepared by solid-state reaction, solution and solution-polymerization methods, followed by calcination at 600 °C. By the solution-polymerization route, an aqueous solution containing metal ...
Single-phase perovskite SmCoO 3 was prepared by a wet-chemical synthesis technique using metal-ni... more Single-phase perovskite SmCoO 3 was prepared by a wet-chemical synthesis technique using metal-nitrates and citric acid; after its characterization by thermal analyses and X-ray diffraction, sintering at 900 °C in air, gave single phase and well crystallized powders. ...
Single-phase perovskites, Sm 1−x Ba x CoO 3 (x = 0, 0.1), were prepared by a simple aqueous solut... more Single-phase perovskites, Sm 1−x Ba x CoO 3 (x = 0, 0.1), were prepared by a simple aqueous solution method using stoichiometric amounts of the corresponding nitrates and citric acid. X-ray diffraction showed that the introduction of barium reduced the temperature of formation of the perovskite and yielded nanostructured Sm 0.9 Ba 0.1 CoO 3. The evaluation of nanostructured Sm 0.9 Ba 0.1 CoO 3 as a gas sensor material was made through the electrical characterization of sintered thick films, in flowing O 2 and CO 2. The results clearly indicate good sensitivity to these gases at 373°C and 410°C, respectively.
Many pathoanatomic studies of clubfeet have been made. Bone changes and ligament and tendon alter... more Many pathoanatomic studies of clubfeet have been made. Bone changes and ligament and tendon alterations are among the different deformities reported in the literature. The socket of the talocalcaneonavicular joint is termed the acetabulum pedis (AP), and alterations of the joint have been reported previously as malformations associated with clubfoot. We report pathoanatomic observations of AP in three human clubfoot specimens. Anomalies in AP were observed and compared with those in normal feet. In such cases, AP volume is restricted. Surface area is reduced on the acetabular floor and medial wall. Changes occur in the osseous components as well as in the ligaments of the AP.
The socket of the talocalcaneonavicular ball and socket joint in the foot is termed acetabulum pe... more The socket of the talocalcaneonavicular ball and socket joint in the foot is termed acetabulum pedis (AP). Observations of 72 feet from necropsies of still-borns or deceased newborns are the basis of our architectural description of AP. It has five walls: the roof or superior wall, the floor or inferior wall, the bottom or anterior wall, the medial wall, and the lateral wall. Variations in the tridimensional situation of the anterior and middle articular facets of the calcaneus modify the ace-tabular floor area. The same is true of the variations in position of the ligaments in both the acetabular floor and the medial wall. These modifications of the acetabular floor and medial wall areas can change the shape of the foot.
The objective of this study was to analyze the changes in the different components of the temporo... more The objective of this study was to analyze the changes in the different components of the temporomandibular joint and their relation with age after subcondylar osteotomy. For this purpose 149 Wistar rats were divided into three groups: osteotomy, sham operation, and control. Two experimental ages (30 and 70 days) and radiologic, morphometric, macroscopic, and histologic methods of analysis were used. Different changes were observed in young and adult animals. Subcondylar mandibular osteotomy in growing rats caused anteroinferior displacement of the temporal and mandibular component of the joint. At the end of the experimental period only condylar displacement was maintained. Other changes were flattening of the mandibular condyle, which was transient, and lateral thickening of the articular disc. Subcondylar mandibular osteotomy in adult rats caused slight anterior displacement of the joint components at the end of the experimental period. At this age, although changes similar to those in growing animals were observed in some cases, in other cases the presence of pathologic findings, such as deformation of the condylar cartilage, thickening of the disc, intra-articular adherences, and osteolysis of the temporal fossa, were observed. Changes in the joint components were more marked in growing rats than in adults. In growing rats they affected the form of the condylar process to a greater extent, but the majority of these changes were transient. In adult rats, alterations in the joints were less pronounced, but they affected a greater number of joint components and were permanent.
Clusia multiflora sawdust (CMS) was evaluated as filler in rubber composites. CMS at 40 phr was m... more Clusia multiflora sawdust (CMS) was evaluated as filler in rubber composites. CMS at 40 phr was mixed with synthetic styrene butadiene rubber (SBR 1502), the blend was compatibilized with 8 phr of maleated polyethylene (MAPE). To evaluate the curing and mechanical behavior of CMS, it was compared with precipitated silica (reinforcing filler); calcium carbonate and kaolin (non-reinforcing minerals). The addition of CMS reduced the mechanical properties of rubber compound compared to silica rubber/silica composite. The tensile and tear strength values for SBR/CMS were similar to SBR/CaCO 3 and SBR/kaolin. The addition of MAPE to SBR/CMS composite slightly improved the tensile strength, tear strength, abrasion resistance and hardness. In general, CMS performed as diluent filler which reduced the weight of the composite. CMS slightly affected curing speed of SBR/CMS blends. CMS is a waste generated by the use of Clusia multiflora (a timber species endemic of mountains region of Colombia) in the furniture industry. The novelty of this research consists of evaluating the CMS as an alternative to mineral fillers in rubber compounding to improve its mechanical properties, seeking to contribute to the sustainability and to reduce environmental impacts.
The highly active anti-biofilm combination of daptomycin plus fosfomycin was successfully used in... more The highly active anti-biofilm combination of daptomycin plus fosfomycin was successfully used in a difficult-to-treat infection of a total femoral replacement caused by multi-drug resistant in a 79-year-old woman. There was no need to remove the orthopedic hardware, and the patient is currently pain free and able to walk.
In this investigation the effect of the incorporation of additives in the mechanical properties o... more In this investigation the effect of the incorporation of additives in the mechanical properties of LLDPE films, made to be used as greenhouse covers, was analyzed. All films were fabricated by the method of extrusion blow. Two types of formulations are raised in order to determine the influence of the concentration of one additive and identify the existence of some synergy by combining active ingredients in the formulations. Modulus of elasticity, yield stress and tear resistance of the films were evaluated. The results indicate that variation in the concentration of an additive in the mixture does not generate significant changes in the physical-mechanical properties of the films. However, the incorporation of the UV light absorber and Smartlight photoselector in formulations favors their mechanical properties. Compared with the reference film, an increase higher than 200% in modulus of elasticity and yield stress of the films was determined.
Some cobaltites with perovskite-type structure exhibit outstanding transport properties and high ... more Some cobaltites with perovskite-type structure exhibit outstanding transport properties and high chemical activity, which make these materials suitable for applications in areas of gas sensors, heterogeneous catalysis, gas separation membranes and cathodes for solid oxide fuel cells. In this work, polycrystalline samples of Sm1-xBaxCoO3 (x = 0, 0.1) were prepared by an aqueous solution method using the corresponding nitrates. X-ray diffraction patterns of calcined samples showed that single-phase SmCoO3 was obtained at 900°C, whereas Sm0.9Ba0.1CoO3 was formed at 700°C. Electron microscopy images revealed that micron-sized particles were obtained for SmCoO3, whereas a nanostructured and nanoporous material wasobserved for Sm0.9Ba0.1CoO3. Electrical measurements made on thick films of the oxides revealed a semiconductor behavior in both phases, however Sm0.9Ba0.1CoO3 samples showed a larger conductivity compared with SmCoO3; dynamic response of resistance experiments made in air and C...
The main objective of this paper is to empirically test whether the identification of highly-cite... more The main objective of this paper is to empirically test whether the identification of highly-cited documents through Google Scholar is feasible and reliable. To this end, we carried out a longitudinal analysis (1950 to 2013), running a generic query (filtered only by year of publication) to minimise the effects of academic search engine optimisation. This gave us a final sample of 64,000 documents (1,000 per year). The strong correlation between a document's citations and its position in the search results (r=-0.67) led us to conclude that Google Scholar is able to identify highly-cited papers effectively. This, combined with Google Scholar's unique coverage (no restrictions on document type and source), makes the academic search engine an invaluable tool for bibliometric research relating to the identification of the most influential scientific documents. We find evidence, however, that Google Scholar ranks those documents whose language (or geographical web domain) matches with the user's interface language higher than could be expected based on citations. Nonetheless, this language effect and other factors related to the Google Scholar's operation, i.e. the proper identification of versions and the date of publication, only have an incidental impact. They do not compromise the ability of Google Scholar to identify the highly-cited papers.
A comparative study was performed on the effect of the addition of silane coupling agents (SCA), ... more A comparative study was performed on the effect of the addition of silane coupling agents (SCA), vinyltrimethoxysilane (VTMS) and 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) to a mixture of styrene butadiene rubber SBR1502 with Telinne Monspessulana flour (TMF). SCA was directly added into the mixture using untreated and mercerized TMF. Also, TMF and SBR1502 mixing trials were conducted with the TMF previously mercerized and injected with each of the silanes. The rubber compounds were subjected to tensile tests in order to evaluate the coupling power of both SCA. It was found that the vinyl silane type produced the best results in the tensile strength.
La preparacion y concienciacion de todo el personal para operaciones de contrainsurgencia se basa... more La preparacion y concienciacion de todo el personal para operaciones de contrainsurgencia se basa en la aplicacion de la normativa de seguridad, el conocimiento de la cultura local, y la concienciacion informativa. La preparacion de los organos de inteligencia les capacitara para desempenar las funciones especificas de inteligencia, contrainteligencia y seguridad. En COIN el exito se consigue ganando el favor de la poblacion, no basta con batir al enemigo.
Se analiza el vinculo entre desigualdad regional y federalismo fiscal en Mexico y se da respuesta... more Se analiza el vinculo entre desigualdad regional y federalismo fiscal en Mexico y se da respuesta a la interrogante de si es mediante el ejercicio de recursos publicos que las entidades federativas pueden disminuir sus disparidades en el ingreso per capita acentuadas a partir del decenio de los ochenta. Lo anterior se logra con la verificacion de la hipotesis de convergencia mediante un modelo del tipo de Ramsey y su aplicacion para Mexico con informacion del PIB per capita de las entidades federativas para el periodo 1940-2000
Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews, Jan 2, 2016
Complexity analysis of glucose profile may provide valuable information about the glucorregulator... more Complexity analysis of glucose profile may provide valuable information about the glucorregulatory system. We hypothesized that a complexity metric (Detrended Fluctuation Analysis, DFA) may have a prognostic value for the development of type 2 diabetes in patients at risk. 206 patients with any of the following risk factors: i) essential hypertension, ii) obesity or iii) a first-degree relative with a diagnosis of diabetes, were included in a survival analysis study for a diagnosis of new onset type 2 diabetes. At inclusion, a glucometry by means of a Continuous Glucose Monitoring System was performed, and DFA was calculated for a 24-hour glucose time-series. Patients were then followed every 6 months, controlling for the development of diabetes. In a median follow-up of 18 months, there were 18 new cases of diabetes (58.5 cases/1000 patient-years). DFA was a significant predictor for the development of diabetes, with 10 events in the highest quartile vs. one in the lowest (log-rank...
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 1997
023-B1 TemporomandibuIar joint ducible osteoarthrotic TMJ model in sheep has been developed. The ... more 023-B1 TemporomandibuIar joint ducible osteoarthrotic TMJ model in sheep has been developed. The aim of this experimental study is to examine glycosaminoglycans in the synovial fluid of the preconditioned osteoarthrotic model. 11. Elevated Levels of Interleukin-l[I, Nitric Oxide, and Hyaluronic Acid in Synovial Fluids from Patients with Temporomandibular Disorders Material and methods The animals used were eight mature Merino sheep weighing about 60 kg. Bilateral gentle removal of the condylar articular surface was performed to induce osteoarthrosis in the TMJ. Six months after the procedure, synovial fluid was aspirated from the joints, followed by sacrifice, histologic preparation, and biochemical analysis.
Polycrystalline powders of bismuth cobaltite, Bi 10 Co 16 O 38 , with sillenite-type structure we... more Polycrystalline powders of bismuth cobaltite, Bi 10 Co 16 O 38 , with sillenite-type structure were prepared by solid-state reaction, solution and solution-polymerization methods, followed by calcination at 600 °C. By the solution-polymerization route, an aqueous solution containing metal ...
Single-phase perovskite SmCoO 3 was prepared by a wet-chemical synthesis technique using metal-ni... more Single-phase perovskite SmCoO 3 was prepared by a wet-chemical synthesis technique using metal-nitrates and citric acid; after its characterization by thermal analyses and X-ray diffraction, sintering at 900 °C in air, gave single phase and well crystallized powders. ...
Single-phase perovskites, Sm 1−x Ba x CoO 3 (x = 0, 0.1), were prepared by a simple aqueous solut... more Single-phase perovskites, Sm 1−x Ba x CoO 3 (x = 0, 0.1), were prepared by a simple aqueous solution method using stoichiometric amounts of the corresponding nitrates and citric acid. X-ray diffraction showed that the introduction of barium reduced the temperature of formation of the perovskite and yielded nanostructured Sm 0.9 Ba 0.1 CoO 3. The evaluation of nanostructured Sm 0.9 Ba 0.1 CoO 3 as a gas sensor material was made through the electrical characterization of sintered thick films, in flowing O 2 and CO 2. The results clearly indicate good sensitivity to these gases at 373°C and 410°C, respectively.
Many pathoanatomic studies of clubfeet have been made. Bone changes and ligament and tendon alter... more Many pathoanatomic studies of clubfeet have been made. Bone changes and ligament and tendon alterations are among the different deformities reported in the literature. The socket of the talocalcaneonavicular joint is termed the acetabulum pedis (AP), and alterations of the joint have been reported previously as malformations associated with clubfoot. We report pathoanatomic observations of AP in three human clubfoot specimens. Anomalies in AP were observed and compared with those in normal feet. In such cases, AP volume is restricted. Surface area is reduced on the acetabular floor and medial wall. Changes occur in the osseous components as well as in the ligaments of the AP.
The socket of the talocalcaneonavicular ball and socket joint in the foot is termed acetabulum pe... more The socket of the talocalcaneonavicular ball and socket joint in the foot is termed acetabulum pedis (AP). Observations of 72 feet from necropsies of still-borns or deceased newborns are the basis of our architectural description of AP. It has five walls: the roof or superior wall, the floor or inferior wall, the bottom or anterior wall, the medial wall, and the lateral wall. Variations in the tridimensional situation of the anterior and middle articular facets of the calcaneus modify the ace-tabular floor area. The same is true of the variations in position of the ligaments in both the acetabular floor and the medial wall. These modifications of the acetabular floor and medial wall areas can change the shape of the foot.
The objective of this study was to analyze the changes in the different components of the temporo... more The objective of this study was to analyze the changes in the different components of the temporomandibular joint and their relation with age after subcondylar osteotomy. For this purpose 149 Wistar rats were divided into three groups: osteotomy, sham operation, and control. Two experimental ages (30 and 70 days) and radiologic, morphometric, macroscopic, and histologic methods of analysis were used. Different changes were observed in young and adult animals. Subcondylar mandibular osteotomy in growing rats caused anteroinferior displacement of the temporal and mandibular component of the joint. At the end of the experimental period only condylar displacement was maintained. Other changes were flattening of the mandibular condyle, which was transient, and lateral thickening of the articular disc. Subcondylar mandibular osteotomy in adult rats caused slight anterior displacement of the joint components at the end of the experimental period. At this age, although changes similar to those in growing animals were observed in some cases, in other cases the presence of pathologic findings, such as deformation of the condylar cartilage, thickening of the disc, intra-articular adherences, and osteolysis of the temporal fossa, were observed. Changes in the joint components were more marked in growing rats than in adults. In growing rats they affected the form of the condylar process to a greater extent, but the majority of these changes were transient. In adult rats, alterations in the joints were less pronounced, but they affected a greater number of joint components and were permanent.
Papers by Emilio Delgado