Papers by Emilio Carlo Molinari
arXiv (Cornell University), Aug 17, 1998
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2008
Features characterizing gamma-ray bursts in the different spectral bands may be a clue for the na... more Features characterizing gamma-ray bursts in the different spectral bands may be a clue for the nature of their inner engine. Up to now, only several bursts have been observed in optical band during the gamma activity, and the only one-GRB080319B-was covered from rise till fall with high temporal resolution. Here we discuss these data, acquired with TORTORA fast wide-field monitoring
The need of new generation dispersing elements with higher throughput and with higher dispersion ... more The need of new generation dispersing elements with higher throughput and with higher dispersion capabilities has now met a widely shared answer in the technology of Volume Phase Holographic Gratings (VPHG). Our group is increasingly involved in the design and realization of VPHGs both for edge basic research, testing different manufacturers, sizes and resolutions, and for existing instruments upgrades, letting
Optical and IR Telescope Instrumentation and Detectors, 2000
SPIE Proceedings, 2000
We present in this paper a preliminary design of a near IR wide field imager for the prime focus ... more We present in this paper a preliminary design of a near IR wide field imager for the prime focus of the ESO 3.6 meter telescope. Such a design was developed in response to the increasing demand in the astronomical community for a fast and efficient Near IR survey facility ...
Optical Spectroscopic Techniques, Remote Sensing, and Instrumentation for Atmospheric and Space Research IV, 2002
Page 1. VPHG based upgrade of the low resolution spectrograph dolo.res. at the Italian Galileo Na... more Page 1. VPHG based upgrade of the low resolution spectrograph dolo.res. at the Italian Galileo National Telescope Paolo Conconi D , Emilio Molinari D , Filippo Maria Zerbi D , Ruben Mazzoleni D , Andrea Bianco DE , Giuseppe Crimi DÃ ...
Ground-based Instrumentation for Astronomy, 2004
The use of high diffraction efficiency Volume Phase Holographic grating as central element in a s... more The use of high diffraction efficiency Volume Phase Holographic grating as central element in a spectrograph allows to consistently increase the instrumental throughput. Moreover the geometry they use allow them to be located in simplified optical designs and their manufacturing characteristics make them ideal also for the high resolution (R > 20,000) domain. VPHG are the perfect solution for high
Modern Technologies in Space- and Ground-based Telescopes and Instrumentation, 2010
Aspherical optics are widely used in modern optical telescopes and instrumentation because of the... more Aspherical optics are widely used in modern optical telescopes and instrumentation because of their ability to reduce aberrations with a simple optical system. Testing their optical quality through null interferometry is not trivial as reference optics are not available. Computer-Generated Holograms (CGHs) are efficient devices that allow to generate a well-defined optical wavefront. We developed rewritable Computer Generated Holograms for
Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes V, 2014
ABSTRACT A particular example of meter class flat mirrors is the adaptive M4 Unit of E-ELT, a def... more ABSTRACT A particular example of meter class flat mirrors is the adaptive M4 Unit of E-ELT, a deformable six petals mirror of 2.4m in diameter. We studied different approaches to the calibration and certification of M4, in a trade-off between stitching and full aperture measurements. Possibilities to test the mirror with a macro-stitching concept, both in normal and grazing incidence have been considered. Approaches reported in the literature, as the Ritchey-Common or the external Fizeau, and different beam expander setups, varying the collimating mirror and the nulling system, both on-axis and off-axis, have been deeply studied to understand performances and sensitivities to fabrication errors, alignment errors and environmental effects.
Adaptive Optics Systems II, 2010
The challenge of building extremely large telescope pushes forward the parallel ability to measur... more The challenge of building extremely large telescope pushes forward the parallel ability to measure and test optical components of large sizes. Here we present the optical bench setup for the Demonstration Prototype (DP) of the voice coil controlled adaptive mirror M4AU of the E-ELT. A set of three devices has been chosen and used for the tests, whose results are
SPIE Proceedings, 2006
Volume phase holographic gratings (VPHGs) are becoming widespread dispersing elements in the mode... more Volume phase holographic gratings (VPHGs) are becoming widespread dispersing elements in the modern spectrograph. Different materials can be used to make such gratings. We developed photochromic polymers based on a diarylethene unit that make ...
Advanced Optical and Mechanical Technologies in Telescopes and Instrumentation, 2008
Volume phase holographic gratings (VPHGs) are becoming an interesting alternative to the ruled gr... more Volume phase holographic gratings (VPHGs) are becoming an interesting alternative to the ruled gratings in modern astronomical instrumentation. Photochromic materials with thermal stability are good candidates for the development of holographic optical elements and in particular for VPHGs. VPHGs based on photochromic materials can be written and erased many times without the degradation of the material; moreover the material does
Optical Fabrication, Metrology, and Material Advancements for Telescopes, 2004
The new possibilities offered since few years by the use of Volume Phase Holographic Gratings (VP... more The new possibilities offered since few years by the use of Volume Phase Holographic Gratings (VPHG) in astronomy have not yet yielded a new generation of instrumentation. New larger telescopes await their light analyzing devices and the higher throughput, higher versatility and lower cost of VPHG still do not award their position. We seems to have reached a stability in

Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes, 2006
The Antarctic Plateau offers unique opportunities for ground-based Infrared Astronomy. AMICA (Ant... more The Antarctic Plateau offers unique opportunities for ground-based Infrared Astronomy. AMICA (Antarctic Multiband Infrared CAmera) is an instrument designed to perform astronomical imaging from Dome-C in the near- (1 - 5 μm) and mid- (5 - 27 μm) infrared wavelength regions. The camera consists of two channels, equipped with a Raytheon InSb 256 array detector and a DRS MF-128 Si:As IBC array detector, cryocooled at 35 and 7 K respectively. Cryogenic devices will move a filter wheel and a sliding mirror, used to feed alternatively the two detectors. Fast control and readout, synchronized with the chopping secondary mirror of the telescope, will be required because of the large background expected at these wavelengths, especially beyond 10 μm. An environmental control system is needed to ensure the correct start-up, shut-down and housekeeping of the camera. The main technical challenge is represented by the extreme environmental conditions of Dome C (T about -90 °C, p around 640 mbar) and the need for a complete automatization of the overall system. AMICA will be mounted at the Nasmyth focus of the 80 cm IRAIT telescope and will perform survey-mode automatic observations of selected regions of the Southern sky. The first goal will be a direct estimate of the observational quality of this new highly promising site for Infrared Astronomy. In addition, IRAIT, equipped with AMICA, is expected to provide a significant improvement in the knowledge of fundamental astrophysical processes, such as the late stages of stellar evolution (especially AGB and post-AGB stars) and the star formation.
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2006
Amica (Antarctic Multiband Infrared Camera) is a dual-channel Infrared Imager (2-28μm), that will... more Amica (Antarctic Multiband Infrared Camera) is a dual-channel Infrared Imager (2-28μm), that will be located at the Nasmyth focus of the IRAIT telescope at Dome C. Dome C base, on Antarctic plateau offers an unique chance for infrared astronomy. It has several advantages like temperature, pressure and site environment. Temperature, around –60°C (mean) allows a good atmospheric stability (good seeing and good windows transparency) a low atmospheric background and the reduction of instrumental background. Pressure (equivalent of 4000 m a.s.l.), implies low content of water vapors; this means higher transmission, broader and new astronomical windows. The site offers the possibility of very long observations (about 6 months winter night).
Papers by Emilio Carlo Molinari