Papers by Emiliane Rubat Du Merac

This research aims to verify the effect of outdoor green teaching experiences on school affective... more This research aims to verify the effect of outdoor green teaching experiences on school affective qualities, perceived restorativeness, school climate, and global well-being in a sample of school teachers. A comparison was conducted between teachers who work mainly indoors and those who frequently run school activities outdoors in green spaces. A sample of kindergarten and primary school teachers working in different Italian regions (n = 209) filled in an online questionnaire including the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), the Perceived Restorativeness Scale (PRS-11), the Scale of Affective Qualities of Place, and the Revised School Level Environment Questionnaire (RSLEQ). Zero-order correlations, preliminary descriptive analyses of variance (ANOVAs) to compare teachers conducting Outdoor Education (vs. teachers conducting only or almost always indoor education), and structural equation modeling (SEM) were carried out on the measured variables. Results from ANOVAs evidenced that teachers conducting outdoor green education show higher levels of perceived affective qualities and restorativeness than teachers working mainly indoors. The model tested through SEM analysis showed that positive affective qualities attributed to the school are associated with higher levels of restorativeness and this, in turn, is linked to a more positive perception of social relationships at school, which increases life satisfaction. Overall, these outcomes support previous research demonstrating the beneficial psychological effects of nature experiences, also in the school environment.

Qtimes Education, Technology e Social Studies, 2024
ENG: On the occasion of the launch of the "Research with School" platform, we conducted a validat... more ENG: On the occasion of the launch of the "Research with School" platform, we conducted a validation check of the Soft Skills Self-evaluation Questionnaire – 3SQ aimed at exploring the soft skills of students and education practitioners. Starting with a sample of nearly 7,000 respondents, collected between 2018 and 2023, an analysis aimed at investigating the variation in some personal skills was carried out, and it was found that openness to others, collaboration, empathy and curiosity were found to have increased in the post-pandemic period. Analyses with respect to the background variables gender and age showed that soft skills tend to increase with age, and those who identify with the male gender have significantly higher values of resilience and self-confidence. Finally, the cluster analysis revealed three distinct profiles, one of which is characterized by having high values of empathy and openness to others in the face of low self-confidence and low values of autonomy and resilience. The results pose numerous insights for further research.
IT: In occasione del lancio della piattaforma “Ricerca con la scuola”, abbiamo proceduto a una verifica della validazione del questionario Io, me e gli altri, mirato ad esplorare le soft skills di studenti e professionisti dell’educazione. A partire da un campione di quasi 7000 rispondenti, raccolto fra il 2018 e il 2023, è stata effettuata un’analisi tesa a indagare la variazione di alcune abilità personali ed è emerso che nel post-pandemia risultano aumentate l’apertura verso gli altri, la collaborazione,
l’empatia cognitiva e la curiosità. Dalle analisi rispetto alle variabili di sfondo genere ed età è emerso che le soft skills tendono ad aumentare con l’età e che coloro che si identificano nel genere maschile presentano valori significativamente più alti di resilienza e fiducia in sé stessi. Infine, la cluster analysis ha evidenziato tre profili ben distinti, uno dei quali si caratterizza per avere alti valori di empatia cognitiva e apertura verso gli altri a fronte di poca fiducia in sé e valori bassi di autonomia e resilienza. I risultati pongono numerosi spunti per ulteriori ricerche.

Revue des sciences de l’éducation, 2016
Cette recherche se propose d’analyser l'effet de la perception des contextes éducatifs de la ... more Cette recherche se propose d’analyser l'effet de la perception des contextes éducatifs de la classe et de la troupe scoute sur les attitudes et capacités de leadership (value-based leadership) des adolescents de 15 et 16 ans. L'étude a été menée sur un échantillon de jugement, composé de 600 élèves et 231 Scouts inscrits en 4e et 5e secondaire à Rome. Les instruments utilisés sont l’Educational context perception questionnaire -ECPQ, et la Socially responsible leadership scale-SRLS à laquelle a été ajoutée une échelle de Capacités de leadership. Les analyses confirment l'hypothèse que le contexte éducatif a un impact sur le développement du leadership des adolescents. Cet article décrit les résultats en termes de leadership, de perception du groupe classe et scout et d’impact du contexte éducatif sur les attitudes et capacités de leadership. Les différences liées au genre, au fait d’assumer ou non des responsabilités au sein de l’établissement scolaire, d’aimer ou non l’...

ECPS - Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies, 2017
The revised Educational Context Perception Questionnaire (ECPQ II) is used to assess six dimensio... more The revised Educational Context Perception Questionnaire (ECPQ II) is used to assess six dimensions of the students' classroom perception: cohesion, didactics, mutual appreciation, psychological insecurity with teachers and classmates and discrimination. Bronfenbrenner's (1979) ecological theory served as a guide for the definition of the research process and the identification of dimensions to explore. The aim of the present study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the ECPQ II. The 26-item version of the ECPQ II was administered to a sample of 1079 students enrolled in upper-secondary schools (9th and 10th grades) in Rome. An Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was applied and the factor model structure was tested for model fit using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) on two samples: the full and half random sample. The six-factor model showed a good fit to the data for both samples and had good reliability and factor score determinacy. The current research confirmed the factor structure of the measure and showed that the ECPQ II has supportive psychometric properties of validity and reliability.

ECPS - Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies, 2015
The purpose of this study is to understand the impact of the school environment compared to the S... more The purpose of this study is to understand the impact of the school environment compared to the Scouting environment on the leadership attitudes of adolescents. The ways in which the social context affects the development of leadership attitudes is of special importance in view of the guidelines issued by the OECD, UNESCO and European Union, which envision schools as places of social development. In order to examine the ways in which these different contexts affect leadership development, we used two instruments: the «Educational Context Perception Questionnaire» (ECPQ), for the analysis of the adolescents' perception of their educational context, and the «Socially Responsible Leadership Scale» (SRLS), which measures the Individual, Group, and Social Values of the adolescents, to which we added a dimension of Leadership Capacities. The study was conducted on a judgment sample, consisting of 600 students and 231 Scouts enrolled in upper secondary school in Rome (9th and 10th grades). Path-analyses were conducted to test, for the students and the Scouts, the effects of the ECPQ dimensions on leadership attitudes and capacities and to determine the relationships between the leadership dimensions. Findings revealed different effects among students and Scouts, of the educational context perception on their leadership attitudes and capacities, an effect of the Individual Values on the Group Values and an effect of the Group Values on the Social Values and Leadership Capacities.
International Review of Migration and Refugee Studies, Oct 9, 2020

Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS Journal)
Online education has become mandatory in all countries since the Covid-19 pandemic. In order to p... more Online education has become mandatory in all countries since the Covid-19 pandemic. In order to provide practical inspiration for schools to improve online learning and teaching efficacy, and satisfaction, we explored the distance learning experience of 427 upper secondary school students in Italy. Rather than focusing on the relevance of digital tools and abilities, as most e-learning studies do, we focused on the function and influence of the teacher-student relationship and how online learning affects that connection. The study’s findings revealed that even if the technology was the central focus of upgrading the educational system, the satisfaction for the Distal Learning education is heavily based on teachers’ ability to maintain a high-quality relationship. Indeed, the quality of the relationship is a far better predictor of student satisfaction, with online education satisfaction having substantially higher coefficients than technology satisfaction, even controlling for both ...

The article presents part of the results of the Teens’ voice 2019-2020 survey and, in particular,... more The article presents part of the results of the Teens’ voice 2019-2020 survey and, in particular, the analysis of the answers to an open-ended question on the issues for which students leaving upper secondary school declare themselves available for a political commitment. The sample consists of 753 students who were interviewed during the Saloni Campus Orienta in eight Italian cities. The research shows how young people declare that they want to commit themselves to issues of great social value and that they therefore are open to a political commitment linked to the values of the environment and solidarity. This testifies that the young people leaving secondary school have internalized the values of the Constitution. The authors consider this work the demonstration that it is possible to do research even with first-year students and therefore propose an active approach to teaching at the university level.L’articolo presenta una parte dei risultati della indagine condotta dall’Osserv...

L’obiettivo della ricerca è confrontare le autovalutazioni delle soft skill degli studenti di II ... more L’obiettivo della ricerca è confrontare le autovalutazioni delle soft skill degli studenti di II anno della scuola secondaria di 2° grado con le valutazioni dei loro insegnanti. In questa sede, si presentano i risultati di una ricerca esplorativa condotta nel 2018, utilizzando il 3SQ per gli studenti e il Questionario insegnanti. Sono stati coinvolti insegnanti di italiano, matematica e di educazione fisica. Il Questionario prevede due scale: la prima, a 5 passi, chiede la valutazione delle soft skill dei singoli studenti, la seconda, a 3 passi, chiede di dichiarare, per ogni studente, se gli elementi disponibili per valutare la singola abilità sono “pochi”, “sufficienti” o “molti”. Ogni docente ha compilato il questionario per la propria classe. I risultati della ricerca indicano che gli insegnanti, pur seguendo le classi da due anni, hanno poche occasioni per formare elementi di giudizio sulle soft skill dei singoli studenti e fanno fatica a trovare accordo sulla loro valutazione....
La ricerca Teen's Voice nasce dalla collaborazione tra CAMPUS e il Dipartimento di Psicologia... more La ricerca Teen's Voice nasce dalla collaborazione tra CAMPUS e il Dipartimento di Psicologia dell’Università La Sapienza di Roma ed ha l’obiettivo di indagare il mondo dei giovani: le loro aspettative, i loro valori e i modelli di riferimento. L’indagine, svoltasi durante le 11 tappe de Il Salone dello Studente, ha dato voce ha 2.041 student
Presentare una riflessione corale sull’intreccio tra narrazione e educazione richiede cautela per... more Presentare una riflessione corale sull’intreccio tra narrazione e educazione richiede cautela per diversi motivi: perché, naturalmente, si rende necessario tener conto di ogni voce; perché la natura della relazione è complessa e perché, infine, è implicito il richiamo a una dimensione epistemologica di grande rilievo. La narrazione, così come l’educazione, hanno un valore gnoseologico e presentano una impronta conoscitiva molto profonda, marcata e immediatamente visibile. Il senso della relazione complessa tra narrazione e educazione, tra racconto ed esperienza e tra esperienza e crescita individuale e collettiva è restituito da varie angolazioni nei contributi raccolti nel volume. Come un poliedro dalle tante facce, questo rapporto può assumere sensi diversi a seconda del contesto, delle interpretazioni, del quadro di riferimento nel quale si sceglie di collocarlo

I contesti di apprendimento in cui i giovani acquisiscono un’ampia varietà di abilità sono sia fo... more I contesti di apprendimento in cui i giovani acquisiscono un’ampia varietà di abilità sono sia formali che non formali. Nel corso dell’indagine Teens’ voice 2018-2019, abbiamo analizzato la percezione che gli studenti hanno dei loro livelli di soft skill e dei contesti che hanno permesso loro di svilupparle. La ricerca si è svolta nei Saloni dello Studente in 12 città d’Italia presso 1097 studenti di quarto e quinto anno di scuola secondaria di secondo grado. Emerge il ruolo svolto dalla famiglia e dagli amici nello stimolare lo sviluppo di abilità, in assenza di una partecipata vita associativa dei giovani intervistati. La scuola, benché tuttora legata ad un modello tradizionale di insegnamento, riesce ad essere fonte di stimoli per molti studenti. A sostegno di questa tesi vengono proposti i dati della ricerca con diverse analisi statistiche, tra cui i risultati di test Anova, correlazioni e path analysis

The revised version of the Educational Context Perception Questionnaire (ECPQ II) is used to asse... more The revised version of the Educational Context Perception Questionnaire (ECPQ II) is used to assess six dimensions of the students’ perception of their classroom context: cohesion, didactics, mutual appreciation, psychological insecurity with teachers and classmates and discrimination. Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) ecological theory served as a guide for the definition of the research process and the identification of dimensions to explore. A recent study confirmed the validity and reliability of the ECPQ II. The current study is the first to examine the measurement equivalence of the ECPQ II, by providing a cross-cultural validation of this model and develop a translation and adaptation of the questionnaire for the Portuguese language. The study involved 1429 students enrolled in upper secondary school in Porto (9th and 10th grades). An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was applied and the factor model structure was tested for model fit using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Struct...

Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS Journal), 2021
The Soft Skills Self-evaluation Questionnaire (3SQ, 41 items) was validated using the responses o... more The Soft Skills Self-evaluation Questionnaire (3SQ, 41 items) was validated using the responses of 1216 Italian students attending the fourth and the fifth grade of upper secondary school (Lucisano & du Mérac, 2019a), demonstrating good psychometric properties (du Mérac & De Santis, 2020; du Mérac, Livi, & Lucisano, 2020). The adaptation of the 3SQ (40 items) for 8th-grade students was validated in Rome using the responses of 507 students, confirming the factorial structure, sufficient independence, and a good internal consistency (Cronbach alpha between .75 and .92 and 52.23% of the total variance explained). Here, we present the criterion-related validity of the five scales of the adapted 3SQ: Self-confidence, Autonomy, Problem-solving, Cooperation, Empathy. During a PhD research project (Scippo, 2021), these dimensions were also measured in Rome with other instruments, using a sample of 403 8th grade students. The analysis of the data confirms good reliability of the five scales ...

Psychological Science and Education, 2013
This research consists of a preliminary study whose objective is to develop a tool to better unde... more This research consists of a preliminary study whose objective is to develop a tool to better understand the interpersonal differences of students to gather data about their thought and behavioral strategies and to verify if these strategies tend to combine themselves to define general profiles. In this stage, a survey of 82 questions based on the categorization of meta-programs proposed by Hall and Bodenhamer (1997) was developed and a trial of the instrument on an assessment sample of 129 students from the Science of Education and Instruction program at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” was performed. It consisted of a first stage, useful for verifying the instrument constructed. The preliminary study at the scaling of the instrument consists of a project containing a wider scope with which it is intended to verify if some approaches are susceptible to reducing or increasing students’ difficulty during their university career, in future university plans, and, furthermore, if the...
Papers by Emiliane Rubat Du Merac
IT: In occasione del lancio della piattaforma “Ricerca con la scuola”, abbiamo proceduto a una verifica della validazione del questionario Io, me e gli altri, mirato ad esplorare le soft skills di studenti e professionisti dell’educazione. A partire da un campione di quasi 7000 rispondenti, raccolto fra il 2018 e il 2023, è stata effettuata un’analisi tesa a indagare la variazione di alcune abilità personali ed è emerso che nel post-pandemia risultano aumentate l’apertura verso gli altri, la collaborazione,
l’empatia cognitiva e la curiosità. Dalle analisi rispetto alle variabili di sfondo genere ed età è emerso che le soft skills tendono ad aumentare con l’età e che coloro che si identificano nel genere maschile presentano valori significativamente più alti di resilienza e fiducia in sé stessi. Infine, la cluster analysis ha evidenziato tre profili ben distinti, uno dei quali si caratterizza per avere alti valori di empatia cognitiva e apertura verso gli altri a fronte di poca fiducia in sé e valori bassi di autonomia e resilienza. I risultati pongono numerosi spunti per ulteriori ricerche.
IT: In occasione del lancio della piattaforma “Ricerca con la scuola”, abbiamo proceduto a una verifica della validazione del questionario Io, me e gli altri, mirato ad esplorare le soft skills di studenti e professionisti dell’educazione. A partire da un campione di quasi 7000 rispondenti, raccolto fra il 2018 e il 2023, è stata effettuata un’analisi tesa a indagare la variazione di alcune abilità personali ed è emerso che nel post-pandemia risultano aumentate l’apertura verso gli altri, la collaborazione,
l’empatia cognitiva e la curiosità. Dalle analisi rispetto alle variabili di sfondo genere ed età è emerso che le soft skills tendono ad aumentare con l’età e che coloro che si identificano nel genere maschile presentano valori significativamente più alti di resilienza e fiducia in sé stessi. Infine, la cluster analysis ha evidenziato tre profili ben distinti, uno dei quali si caratterizza per avere alti valori di empatia cognitiva e apertura verso gli altri a fronte di poca fiducia in sé e valori bassi di autonomia e resilienza. I risultati pongono numerosi spunti per ulteriori ricerche.