Books by Emilia Janeczko

Folia Forestalia Polonica 2016, Vol. 58 (1): Title: Forest stands volume estimation by using Finn... more Folia Forestalia Polonica 2016, Vol. 58 (1): Title: Forest stands volume estimation by using Finnish Multi-Source National Forest Inventory in Stołowe Mountains National Park, Author(s): Przemko Pachana, DOI: 10.1515/ffp-2016-0001; Title: Micropropagation of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) and genetic stability of long term cultivated plants, Author(s): Iwona Szyp-Borowska, Catarina Banha, Tomasz Wojda, Krystyna Szczygieł, DOI: 10.1515/ffp-2016-0002; Title: Impact of ectohumus application in birch and pine nurseries on the presence of soil mites (Acari), Oribatida in particular, Author(s): Andrzej Klimek, Stanisław Rolbiecki, Roman Rolbiecki, DOI: 10.1515/ffp-2016-0003; Title: Tree crown size as a measure of tree biosocial position in 135-year-old oak (Quercus L.) stand, Author(s): Katarzyna Kaźmierczak, Bogna Zawieja, DOI: 10.1515/ffp-2016-0004; Title: Assessment of the forest landscape along selected motor vehicle routes, Author(s): Emilia Janeczko, Krzysztof Janeczko, Tadeusz Moskalik, Małgorzata Woźnicka, DOI: 10.1515/ffp-2016-0005
Papers by Emilia Janeczko

This paper aims to assess the degree of forest areas protection in the face of the growing proble... more This paper aims to assess the degree of forest areas protection in the face of the growing problem of suburbanization (so−called 'spilling of cities'). The problem particularly affects districts (often rural) in large cities suburban zones. These districts can often characterize with rich natural and landscape conditions. Because of the new residents' inflow and the fulfillment of their needs, these municipalities may lose their current character. The local government, as an area host, having appropriate tools for shaping space, has a huge impact on the optimal use of its individual elements. Only rational spatial management, based on high standards of planning and spatial development, can stimulate the spatial development of a particular area and appropriately protect valuable space elements at the same time. The strategic documents of the Jabłonna commune emphasize that the dispersion of the buildings in the district area is one of the main threats to the landscape. Th...

T he m ethodical basis for the assess m ent of the forest landscape situated along roads In this ... more T he m ethodical basis for the assess m ent of the forest landscape situated along roads In this paper so m e m ethodical proble ms of assess m ent of forest landscapes along roads were presented. T he purpose of the research was to assess forest landscape attractiveness and to for m ulate so m e principles of its m anage m ent. So m e m ethodical issues have to be solved during the research, which are: the choice of the research ob j ect, conducting of field observations and organizing of laboratory works. T he choice of the research ob j ect involves the necessity to carry out inventory of routes network and to gather detailed inforation about stands structure around the routes. T he field research consisted of recording of so m e static and dyna m ic sights along the chosen roads and within particular types of forest landscape. Finally the selection of the data has to be done, the questionnaire for assess m ent of forest landscape was prepared, statistical analysis were conducted. T he obtained results should be helpful in avoiding so m e landscape disturbances while designing roads in the naturally valuable areas.
Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej, 2013
Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej, 2013

Revista Forum geografic, Dec 20, 2012
In the article possibilities of forest designing established on the basis of results of analyses ... more In the article possibilities of forest designing established on the basis of results of analyses of legal documents (acts and regulations) being in effect in Poland concerning spatial planning, nature conservation and forestry were presented. Achieved results allow to state, that issues concerning landscape approach are becoming more and more important in the realization of principles of the forest management led in Poland. In forests, amongst action associated with the necessity of the landscape protection, management and planning a need of reconstruction of tree stands, keeping all open areas in a natural or near-natural extent, limiting the area of total fellings, increasing the species diversity of ecotones are named. And so the possibilities of landscape design concern mainly culture and management aspects. Simultaneously a lack of many significant references to the scope of applied solutions in the area of forestry engineering was observed.
Sylwan, Aug 15, 2011
Paper presents the methodological assumptions of assessment of the attractiveness of the forest l... more Paper presents the methodological assumptions of assessment of the attractiveness of the forest landscape in the vicinity of the municipal road Kup − Radomierowice (SW Poland). Landscape attractiveness was determined by the means of diversity of landscape units expressed by quotient of the sum of structural and stand units and the length of the landscape unit. The results allow determining the possibilities of landscape formation along the roads. Decisions about shaping of the road vicinity should be based not on the assessing the visual attractiveness of the landscape, but rather on detailed analysis of scenic variables and especially spatial relationships that occur among them.
Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej, 2013
Wraz z wdrażaniem koncepcji leśnictwa wielofunkcyjnego zmieniło się tradycyjne postrzeganie pojęc... more Wraz z wdrażaniem koncepcji leśnictwa wielofunkcyjnego zmieniło się tradycyjne postrzeganie pojęcia użytkowanie lasu. Obecnie zagadnienie to dotyczy nie tylko pozyskiwania drewna i produktów niedrzewnych, ale odnosi się również do oddziaływań lasu na jakość życia człowieka. Jest to ponadto forma gospodarowania przestrzenią leśną; w tym kontekście dotyczy zarówno zasobów przyrodniczych jak i infrastrukturalnych (drogi, szlaki zrywkowe, obiekty budowlane, hydrotechniczne itp.). Problematyka użytkowania lasu jest od dawna uwzględniana w edukacji leśnej, w tym w edukacji o charakterze plenerowym. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie możliwości prezentowania zagadnień z zakresu użytkowania lasu w ramach funkcjonujących ścieżek edukacyjnych.
Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej, 2015
Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej, 2013
Scientific evidence pointing to the therapeutic, health functions of forests has been growing rec... more Scientific evidence pointing to the therapeutic, health functions of forests has been growing recently. It has already been repeatedly proven that visits to nature contribute to the restoration and preservation of people's mental health, as well as stress reduction. With the growing scientific evidence of the therapeutic properties of the natural environment, the importance of the forest in promoting public health is increasing. Public awareness of the health-promoting importance of forests is also growing. The results of our research show that people are aware of the importance of forests for their health, noting that these benefits fall into both physical, mental and social well-being categories.
Folia Forestalia Polonica, 2015
The article presents the methodological assumptions and the results of the assessment of the capa... more The article presents the methodological assumptions and the results of the assessment of the capacities of Roztoczański Park Narodowy (RPN). Evaluation was a result of the capacity of hiking trails and educational paths and capacity of the surface of recreational facilities located in the RPN. Measure of capacity assessment of recreational trails was their length, average speed of movement the user, the nature of tourism (individual tourists and groups) and living life paths. Results of the research can serve as a basis for identifying principles of tourism and recreational use of RPN.
Krajobraz, zgodnie z Europejską Konwencją Krajobrazową (Europejska Konwencja… 2006), jest "obszar... more Krajobraz, zgodnie z Europejską Konwencją Krajobrazową (Europejska Konwencja… 2006), jest "obszarem postrzeganym przez ludzi, którego charakter jest wynikiem działania i interakcji czynników przyrodniczych i/lub ludzkich". Obiekty zlokalizowane w przestrzeni można ogólnie podzielić (Bell 2001) na płaszczyzny wertykalne (na przykład skała, wodospad) i horyzontalne (na przykład pole uprawne, polana śródleśna), punkty (na przykład dom, drzewo, kapliczka) oraz linie (na przykład ściana lasu, rząd drzew).
Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu. Leśnictwo, 2001
Rozprawy Naukowe i Monografie. Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie, 2011
Krajobraz, zgodnie z Europejską Konwencją Krajobrazową (Europejska Konwencja… 2006), jest "obszar... more Krajobraz, zgodnie z Europejską Konwencją Krajobrazową (Europejska Konwencja… 2006), jest "obszarem postrzeganym przez ludzi, którego charakter jest wynikiem działania i interakcji czynników przyrodniczych i/lub ludzkich". Obiekty zlokalizowane w przestrzeni można ogólnie podzielić (Bell 2001) na płaszczyzny wertykalne (na przykład skała, wodospad) i horyzontalne (na przykład pole uprawne, polana śródleśna), punkty (na przykład dom, drzewo, kapliczka) oraz linie (na przykład ściana lasu, rząd drzew).

Sylwan, Jun 15, 2012
The paper presents the possibilities of forest landscape planning based on an analysis of the exi... more The paper presents the possibilities of forest landscape planning based on an analysis of the existing legal acts (laws and regulations) and other documents (strategies, directives and statements) in the field of land−use planning, nature conservation and forestry. The need to take actions relating to forest landscape planning is a consequence of, <em>inter alia</em>, the growing importance of the non−productive forest functions driven by the rising social expectations of forests. The obtained results relate to forest landscape planning in Poland and other European Union countries. It has been demonstrated that forest landscape significantly affects the quality of peoples' lives, and at the same time it is constantly threatened. An appropriate landscape planning is one of the priorities of Polish spatial policy. The results suggest that the issues relating to landscape planning are becoming increasingly important in the implementation of the principles of forest management in Poland.
Books by Emilia Janeczko
Papers by Emilia Janeczko