Papers by Emilia Di Martino
International Journal of the Sociology of Language
Celebrity Accents and Public Identity Construction
Queering Masculinities in Language and Culture
Rassegna Italiana Di Linguistica Applicata, 2000
Résumé/Abstract This article illustrates the potential of IT for English language learning/teachi... more Résumé/Abstract This article illustrates the potential of IT for English language learning/teaching in the light of recent literature available on Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). The author's own experience and informal conversations with ...
Rassegna Italiana Di Linguistica Applicata, 2008
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Rassegna Italiana Di Linguistica Applicata, 2008
Rassegna Italiana Di Linguistica Applicata, 2004
Résumé/Abstract La réforme du système scolaire italien se poursuit depuis la fin des années 90 av... more Résumé/Abstract La réforme du système scolaire italien se poursuit depuis la fin des années 90 avec ces derniers mois la réforme Moratti. Cette réforme semble pourtant prendre le même chemin que celui du Nouvel Examen d'Etat, dont le potentiel innovateur ...

Choosing between Irish and English: A Study of Language Attitudes and Opinions After centuries of... more Choosing between Irish and English: A Study of Language Attitudes and Opinions After centuries of massive shift towards English, Irish language use has contracted not only in terms of number of speakers, but also in the areas of life and the range of activities conducted through it, thus becoming a language in danger of extinction. Yet, despite all verdicts regarding its imminent death, the Irish language has remained alive in the Republic of Ireland and is experiencing an unprecedented revival in Northern Ireland. This poster will illustrate the findings of a large-scale research on language attitudes towards Irish carried out in three Irish-speaking areas in the Republic of Ireland and in Northern Ireland by means of interviews. The questionnaire gave the respondents the possibility to choose between a version in English or one in their spoken variety of Irish and dealt with different attitudinal dimensions and the level of use of Irish in various contexts and domains (in the family, in the community, in the media, etc). The interviews examined the samples' attitudes towards the standard variety imposed by the central government and the local varieties spoken in the different Irish-speaking areas. For the purposes of this poster, we shall present a comparison of the answers given to the questions investigating the respondents' (and the different samples') attitudes towards, and perception of, Irish language policies aimed at promoting the use of the language inside and outside the Gaeltacht, and their self-reported levels of use of the language in various domains and contexts Moreover, the author will argue that the choice of the language version (and variety) of the questionnaire represents in itself an attitudinal statement and that the answers given by the respondents differ accordingly.

ABSTRACT This paper explores the issues of translator voice, editorial intervention and translati... more ABSTRACT This paper explores the issues of translator voice, editorial intervention and translation criticism drawing on the authors’ personal experiences with the same text in different fields of the translation territory. The analysis highlights the different needs of different readers. However, reading is always a personal experience, influenced by each reader’s unique repertoire of previous readings. Keywords: translator voice, creative translation, editorial intervention, translation criticism Des questions découlant de la voix du traducteur, des interventions éditoriales et de la critique des traductions sont examinées à partir de l’expérience personnelle des auteures avec le même texte dans des champs différents. L’analyse souligne le fait que différents lecteurs ont des besoins différents. Toutfois, la lecture est toujours une expérience personnelle, influencée par le répertoire unique de lectures antérieures de chaque lecteur. Mots clés : voix du traducteur, traduction créatrice, intervention éditoriale, critique des traductions
Résumé/Abstract This article illustrates the potential of IT for English language learning/teachi... more Résumé/Abstract This article illustrates the potential of IT for English language learning/teaching in the light of recent literature available on Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). The author's own experience and informal conversations with ...
Résumé/Abstract This article illustrates the potential of IT for English language learning/teachi... more Résumé/Abstract This article illustrates the potential of IT for English language learning/teaching in the light of recent literature available on Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). The author's own experience and informal conversations with ...

Research carried out by ISTAT and CENSIS shows that Italians are more TV- and mobile-phone-orient... more Research carried out by ISTAT and CENSIS shows that Italians are more TV- and mobile-phone-orientated than Internet- or computer-interested. This may be due to socially, and culturally, produced ‘preferences’: Italians seem to attach a high value to family and sentiments, thus showing a significant presence of qualities and characteristics traditionally described as ‘feminine’. Gender bias, however, does not only lie in the social distribution (possession and use) of computers, but also in their production: diversity is under-represented among users of ICT. This may be due to the way education approaches technology. Although there is no clear evidence that ICT is important in itself or that ICT fluency can directly help reduce social inequality, by granting people with different characteristics the option to choose ICT access by means of gender-diversity, open ICT education may prove to be an instrument of empowerment. Gender-diversity openness presupposes ‘epistemological pluralism’, i.e. accepting the validity of different forms of knowing. In the language teaching field, this corresponds to eclecticism, an approach that recognises, among other things, the complexity of the human mind. Eclecticism and EL teachers’ awareness of the complexity of their roles could make ELT a particularly meaningful environment for gender-diversity-open ICT education in Italy, while ICT would at the same time provide ELT with important occasions for plural entry thanks to its embodiment of those situated, collaborative methodologies that principled eclecticism has long tried to appropriate alongside more traditional approaches.

Una riflessione sull’effettivo apporto delle Nuove Tecnologie della Comunicazione (NTC) all’appre... more Una riflessione sull’effettivo apporto delle Nuove Tecnologie della Comunicazione (NTC) all’apprendimento della lingua inglese sembra quanto mai necessaria in un momento in cui università e istituti di ricerca in Italia e all’estero stanno convogliando tante energie e risorse verso l’applicazione di tali tecnologie e la progettazione di nuove forme di apprendimento a distanza in ambito linguistico. L’Autrice esplora, attraverso una metodologia di tipo qualitativo, gli aspetti peculiari delle NTC e riflette sul loro effettivo valore aggiunto valutando più specificamente il caso dei percorsi d’insegnamento della lingua inglese in corsi di laurea non linguistico_letterari. In particolare, riflette sull’utilizzo, come materiale autentico, degli esempi di e_communication ricavabili da uno dei tanti Social Work Discussion Groups presenti in Rete all’interno di percorsi linguistici destinati ad operatori dei Servizi Sociali. Attraverso un percorso critico e ben documentato dimostra che le NTC permettono allo studente non solo di accedere ad eventi comunicativi autentici, ma anche di fare i primi passi nelle Discourse communities di riferimento, consentendogli, così, una sorta di prezioso tirocinio professionale.
Papers by Emilia Di Martino