Papers by Elyamine Ali Mohamed
Journal of Hazardous Materials
Marine Environmental Research

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science
The interaction of plants and microorganisms in the rhizospheres and non-rhizospheres of plants i... more The interaction of plants and microorganisms in the rhizospheres and non-rhizospheres of plants is well studied and mastered in the terrestrial environment. In general, given the rhizosphere effect exclusively defining the effectiveness of root exudates to promote multiplication, development and microbial growth in the rhizosphere zones, studies unanimously tend to report that the microbial biomass is rather high in the rhizosphere than in the non-rhizosphere. However, the trend may change in the marine environment. This study was conducted in both the rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere of the mangrove species Rhizophora mucronata at different depths ranging from 0-10 cm, to assess the bacterial community in the rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere and to also address the profile of bacterial community changes. The result showed no difference regarding the bacterial abundance in the rhizosphere and in the non-rhizosphere. However, the abundance of bacteria at 0-5 cm depth was significantly ...

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science
The plant-microorganism interaction is a well-studied topic in the world of science due to the su... more The plant-microorganism interaction is a well-studied topic in the world of science due to the sustainable management of the ecosystems. The phyllosphere remains the habitat of some microorganisms where several interactions take place. In order to assess whether the mangrove leaves can harbor a bacterial population and analyze the abundance in these leaves microbiotas, leaf samples of mangroves species (Rhizophora mucronata) were collected in the mangroves of Ouroveni in East-Mbandjini, Grande-Comoros. Through the 16S rRNA genes sequencing, the results showed that in the different experimental group, 105303, 110873, 124703, 146954 and 112225 OTUs were identified respectively, where the canopy was open (C1), semi-open (C2), completely closed (C3), and where the plants are submerged (S) and non-submerged (NS) in seawater. The identified OTUs was positively correlated with leaves-wax (p < 0.05, r2 = 0.91), nitrogen (r2 = 0.72), phosphorus content (r2 = 0.62) and the factor “seawater...

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science
Plants and microorganisms can coexist in such a way that each of these two heterospecific organis... more Plants and microorganisms can coexist in such a way that each of these two heterospecific organisms benefit from this association. In the environment of plants there are several habitats of bacteria among them the phyllosphere which is the aerial part of the plant. The phyllosphere can be influenced by several factors including hydrocarbons. Thus, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been used to assess their influence on the phyllosphere microorganisms of the leaves of Gliricidia sepium. The results showed that the atmospheric concentrations of PAHs are rather high in rural areas. The spatial patterns of atmospheric concentrations of PAHs showed higher concentrations of naphthalene in the two experimental group due to the high road traffic. In the different experimental groups, 93626 and 96954 OTUs were identified in the leaves collected on the road (SR) and out of the road (SH), respectively. In this present study, the leaves harvested on the road which are more exposed to...
Social Science Research Network, Nov 9, 2021

Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022
Green algae are photosynthetic organisms and play an important role in coastal environment. The m... more Green algae are photosynthetic organisms and play an important role in coastal environment. The microbial community on the surface of green algae has an effect on the health and nutrition of the host. However, few species of epiphytic microbiota have been reported to play a role in promoting the growth of algae. In this study, 16S rDNA sequencing was used to study the changes of microbial composition on the surface of Ulva fasciata at different growth stages. Some growth promoting bacteria were identified. The possible growth-promoting behavior of the strains were verified by co-culture of pure bacteria obtained from the surface of U. fasciata with its sterile host. Among the identified species, a new bacterial species, Hyunsoonleella sp. HU1-3 (belonging to the family Flavobacteriaceae) significantly promoted the growth of U. fasciata. The results also showed that there were many genes involved in the synthesis of growth hormone and cytokinin in the genome of Hyunsoonleella sp. HU1...

Additional file 1: Table S1. Estimation of bacterial abundance and diversity indices in different... more Additional file 1: Table S1. Estimation of bacterial abundance and diversity indices in different treatments extract control treatments. Seq_num is the quality number of samples reads and OTU_num is the number of 16S rRNA sequences OTUs obtained by sample clustering and normalized SPSS. Figure S1. Relative abundance of soil bacterial (grouping of the three replicates of each soil samples) at phylum level. The horizontal axis represents the treatment and the vertical axis represents the abundance ratio in percentage. The color corresponds to the phylum name and different color width indicates different phylum. (-Ck = control without acetone and +Ck = control with acetone). Figure S2. Relative abundance of soil bacterial (in replicate form of each soil samples) at phylum level. The horizontal axis represents the treatment and the vertical axis represents the abundance ratio in percentage. The color corresponds to the phylum name and different color width indicates different phylum. (-...
The butterflies of Ngazidja and their main habitats significances

Ngazidja, the biggest island of Comoros, is characterized by the higher level of endemism that is... more Ngazidja, the biggest island of Comoros, is characterized by the higher level of endemism that is threatened by the rapid habitat degradation. This study was carried out to investigate the butterfly fauna of the forests of the Karthala (North and North-eastern slopes) and La Grille (Eastern slopes) in order to help the biodiversity conservation and protection. Transect counts were carried out to assess the endemicity, abundance and species richness of four zones of studies from 500m elevation. Natural forest, regenerated forest, plantation and grasslands were covered. 48 species in 5 families were observed and the distribution demonstrated to be influenced by the sites’ elevation and the vegetation. The remains slots of natural forest at higher altitude shelters had higher abundance of endemicity but lower specific richness in contrast to plantation habitat that housing the biggest number of endemic species with lower abundance. Relatively common and migratory butterflies were mainl...

Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2021
Background: Molybdenum (Mo) is an essential microelement for higher plants and plays a significan... more Background: Molybdenum (Mo) is an essential microelement for higher plants and plays a significant role in nitrogen (N) metabolism, which includes nitrate reduction, assimilation, and efficient N acquisition. Its deficiency in soil may induce the reduction of N uptake and wheat yield.Aims: We aimed to explore the Mo‐induced effects on N uptake efficiency and recovery in Mo‐inefficient winter wheat cultivar using a 15N isotope tracer under different N forms (Nf) and N rates (Nr).Methods: The experiment was conducted in greenhouse conditions, and the treatments included three Nf in the form of 15NH4Cl as sole NH4+, Ca (15NO3)2 as sole NO3−, and 15NH415NO3) under two Nr [low (L) 0.05 and high (H) 0.25 g N kg–1 soil], with (+Mo) in form of [(NH4)6Mo7O24 ∙ 4H2O] and without (–Mo) Mo application. The plant biomass, Mo content, total N uptake, fertilizer 15N uptake, soil N uptake, as well as N uptake, agronomic and physiological efficiency were evaluated. Furthermore, the fertilizer 15N re...

Journal of Environmental Management, 2020
Phosphorus (P) is one of the most restrictive essential elements to crop growth and development d... more Phosphorus (P) is one of the most restrictive essential elements to crop growth and development due to less availability in the soil system. Previous studies have reported the synergistic effects between molybdenum (Mo) and P fertilizer on P uptake in various crops. However, an induced long term effect of Mo on soil P dynamics in the rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere has not been reported yet in leguminous crops. In this study, a long term field experiment was conducted to explore the P transformation characteristics and bioavailability in Modeficient (-Mo) and Mo-enriched (þMo) soil under leguminous (broad bean-soybean) cropping system. The results indicated that long-term Mo application increased the plant dry matter accumulation (14.23%-35.27%, for broad bean; 24.40%-37.46%, for soybean) from March-September. In rhizosphere soil, the percent decrease in pH (8.10%) under þMo treatment of the soybean crop was recorded more during September as compared to broad bean crop. Under Mo supply, H 2 O-Pi fraction increased up to 28.53% and 43.67% while for NaHCO 3-Pi this increase was up to 5.61% and 11.98%, respectively in the rhizosphere soil of broad bean and soybean, whereas, residual-P exhibited the highest proportion of P fractions. Moreover, compared with-Mo, þMo treatments significantly increased the soil acid phosphatase (broad bean ¼ 17.43 μmol/d/g; soybean ¼ 28.60 μmol/ d/g), alkaline phosphatase (broad bean ¼ 3.34 μmol/d/g; soybean 6.35 μmol/d/g) and phytase enzymes activities (broad bean ¼ 2.45 μmol/min/g; soybean ¼ 5.91 μmol/min/g), transcript abundance of phoN/phoC genes and microbial biomass P (MBP) in rhizosphere soil. In crux, the findings of this study suggest that long term Mo application enhanced P bioavailability through increased available P, MBP, P related enzymes activities and their genes expressions which may represent a strategy of Mo to encounter P deficiencies in the soil system.

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021
Microbial biodegradation is one of the acceptable technologies to remediate and control the pollu... more Microbial biodegradation is one of the acceptable technologies to remediate and control the pollution by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH). Several bacteria, fungi, and cyanobacteria strains have been isolated and used for bioremediation purpose. This review paper is intended to provide key information on the various steps and actors involved in the bacterial and fungal aerobic and anaerobic degradation of pyrene, a high molecular weight PAH, including catabolic genes and enzymes, in order to expand our understanding on pyrene degradation. The aerobic degradation pathway by Mycobacterium vanbaalenii PRY-1 and Mycobactetrium sp. KMS and the anaerobic one, by the facultative bacteria anaerobe Pseudomonas sp. JP1 and Klebsiella sp. LZ6 are reviewed and presented, to describe the complete and integrated degradation mechanism pathway of pyrene. The different microbial strains with the ability to degrade pyrene are listed, and the degradation of pyrene by consortium is also discussed....

Biomolecules, 2020
The impact of heavy metal, i.e., cadmium (Cd), on the growth, photosynthetic pigments, gas exchan... more The impact of heavy metal, i.e., cadmium (Cd), on the growth, photosynthetic pigments, gas exchange characteristics, oxidative stress biomarkers, and antioxidants machinery (enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants), ions uptake, organic acids exudation, and ultra-structure of membranous bounded organelles of two rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes (Shan 63 and Lu 9803) were investigated with and without the exogenous application of ferrous sulfate (FeSO4). Two O. sativa genotypes were grown under different levels of CdCl2 [0 (no Cd), 50 and 100 µM] and then treated with exogenously supplemented ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) [0 (no Fe), 50 and 100 µM] for 21 days. The results revealed that Cd stress significantly (p < 0.05) affected plant growth and biomass, photosynthetic pigments, gas exchange characteristics, affected antioxidant machinery, sugar contents, and ions uptake/accumulation, and destroy the ultra-structure of many membranous bounded organelles. The findings also showed that ...

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2021
Molybdenum (Mo) is an essential element for the growth and development of higher plants. Its defi... more Molybdenum (Mo) is an essential element for the growth and development of higher plants. Its deficiency leads to a decrease in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) growth and reduces nutritional quality of grain. However, little is known about macro- and micro-nutrient contents or their allocation within organs of wheat under Mo sufficient and deficient conditions. The objective of this study was to gain a better understanding of how Mo application affects mineral nutrient uptake and allocations among various organs of wheat. A pot experiment was conducted to explore these effects in wheat with Mo-deficiency (–Mo) and Mo supply (+ Mo) treatment. The results revealed that Mo application increased plant dry biomass, grain yield, allocations of macro-nutrients (nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)), and micro-nutrients (copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and molybdenum (Mo)) among different wheat organs except for Fe. Nutrient allocation to plant tissues also varied between different organs. A high allocation of N, P, and Zn was observed in grain, K and Cu higher allocation was found in the stem, while flag leaf and glumes accumulated higher content of Mn and Mo, under Mo application as compared with Mo deficiency treatment. Mo application increased the uptake of N, P, K, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Mo in wheat organs compared to –Mo treatment. The relative increase of N, P, K, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn and Mo uptake in the wheat grains was 58.5%, 13.0%, 29.7%, 20.2%, 31.5%, 12.7%, 52.8% and 621%, while in the flag leaf was 199.1%, 198.5%, 203.4%, 713.7%, 281.0%, 179.1%, 128.6% and 431.5%, respectively. The research findings suggest the supportive role of Mo application in increasing macro- and micro-nutrient uptake among wheat organs and grain yield through improving macro–micro-nutrient allocations.
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, 2020
Cheng-xiao Hu. Molybdenum as an Essential Element for Crops: An Overview.

Environmental Sciences Europe, 2020
Background Since the industrial revolution, the contamination of agricultural soils by polycyclic... more Background Since the industrial revolution, the contamination of agricultural soils by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) has increasingly become of serious global environmental concern and poses a huge threat to human beings and natural ecosystems. Microbial degradation is a proved technology mostly used to depollute polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) in the environment. However, very limited information is available regarding the interaction of earthworms with rice straw on the soil microbial community and the degradation of phenanthrene. This study was performed to enlighten the rice straw and earthworms’ interaction on soil bacterial abundance and structure and phenanthrene removal. Results Result about functional gene information revealed that both rice straw and earthworm enhanced phenanthrene degradation. Subsequently, both Shannon diversity index (r2 = − 0.8807, p < 0.001) and bacterial 16S rRNA genes (r2 = − 0.7795, p < 0.001) negatively correlated with the re...
Journal of Environmental Management, 2020
Papers by Elyamine Ali Mohamed