Papers by Elvis Enowbeyang Tarkang

Advances in public health, May 2, 2022
Background. Despite the implementation of various interventions towards the reduction of breast c... more Background. Despite the implementation of various interventions towards the reduction of breast cancer prevalence, many women still report late symptoms to health facilities, and this decreases their chances of survival. Breast self-examination (BSE) is the most convenient form of examination to detect the development of breast cancer. We examined the factors that in uence the practice of breast self-examination among female tertiary students in Ho, Volta Region of Ghana. Methods. is was a descriptive cross-sectional study that recruited 506 female students from four tertiary institutions in the Ho Municipality in Ghana using questionnaires. Descriptive and inferential statistics comprising frequency, percentage, Chi-square, and binary logistic regression were used in analyzing the data. Results. About 73% of the respondents had ever practised BSE. Out of the respondents who have ever practiced BSE, 79% were practising it at the time of the study. Students in their fourth year were above 4 times more likely (95% CI 1.73-9.29, p 0.014) to practise BSE than those in their rst year. Also, students with good knowledge of BSE were 4 times more likely to practice BSE [(95% CI 1.1-13.46), p 0.036] and students with good perception about BSE were 12 times more likely to practice BSE [(95% CI 1.21-122.73), p 0.034]. Conclusion. e study found that 27% of the female students had never practised BSE. ose who practice BSE did not practice regularly and appropriately. Also, good knowledge and perception are associated with the practice of BSE. e implication of this result is the late presentation of breast cancer cases to health facilities and increases in breast cancer-related deaths in the country. erefore, it is recommended that the Ministry of Health, the Ghana Health Service, and other stakeholders in Ghana's healthcare should develop and implement innovative approaches and policies such as peer and support groups' learning, and mass media BSE awareness aimed at ensuring better understanding and access to BSE education. is should be intensi ed during the foundation years such as the secondary and tertiary education levels to ensure the adoption of breast self-examination practice. It is also recommended that another study must be done using a qualitative approach to get an in-depth understanding of the steps and ways, by which female students practice BSE.

Journal of medical research, Jun 1, 2017
Background: Hypertension is increasingly becoming an important public health issue among adults w... more Background: Hypertension is increasingly becoming an important public health issue among adults worldwide. This study determined the prevalence of hypertension among urban and rural adults in Hohoe Municipality. Method: A population-based cross-sectional study involving 350 adults from urban 162 (46.3%) and rural 188(53.7%) settings. Face-to-face interview using pre-tested questionnaire was used to collect data. Blood pressure (BP) and anthropometric measurements were done following standard procedures. Differences in means were determined using t-test.Chisquare test and logistic regression model were used to determine theassociation between independent variables and hypertension. Pearson product moment correlation coefficient was used to measure the strength and direction of the relationship between blood pressure and some variables. Results: The prevalence of hypertension at the time of the survey was 89 (25.4%), with 38 (23.5%) from urban and 51 (27.1%) from rural areas(p=0.432). Uncontrolled hypertension was higher among rural adults than urban (53.2% vs. 37.2%, p=0.098). Undiagnosed hypertension was highbut similar in both urban (18.5%) and rural (18.4%) settings. Adults aged 40-49, 50-59 and 60 years and above were 3.96, 5.49 and 4.54 times more likely to have hypertension (AOR=3.96, p<0.001), (AOR=5.49, p<0.001) and (AOR=4.54, p<0.001) respectively. Those with tertiary education were 69% less likely to have hypertension (AOR= 0.31, p=0.048). Obese adults were 3.42 time more likely to have hypertension (AOR=3.42, p=0.012). Age and BMI were positively correlated with hypertension (r=0.34, p<0.001) and (r=0.28, p<0.001). Conclusion: There is increasing theprevalence of hypertensionamong rural than urban adults due to higher uncontrolled and undiagnosed hypertension among rural adults.Increasing age and obesity are the main contributing factors to hypertension. Periodic screening and creation of awareness could enhance the prevention and control of HPT among rural adults inHohoe Municipality.

Central African Journal of Public Health, Feb 23, 2016
The Ministry of Health (MOH), Ghana has provided the policy and guidelines for the management of ... more The Ministry of Health (MOH), Ghana has provided the policy and guidelines for the management of healthcare waste in health facilities. The focus of the study was to assess the compliance of a regional hospital to the provision made and also to evaluate and rate the practices using a modified Townend and Cheeseman Guidelines. This study was undertaken as a descriptive cross sectional study at the Regional Hospital of Greater Accra in Ghana. Critical observations were made of each department and ward for documentation of practices. Questionnaires based on MOH's Policy and Guidelines were responded by health facility workers who handled day-today solid hospital waste. The number of respondents were proportional to the total number of healthcare workers found in each unit. Descriptive statistics were calculated using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16.0 software program. There were 300 respondents from the health facility. Health workers that knew about the existence of the MOH Policy and Guidelines on Healthcare waste management were 59.3%. Sixty one percent of the respondents had received training on proper management of hospital waste, and the rest, 39% were either new staff or had not received any training at all. Waste containers were available in varying shapes and colours with plastic linings. The very important persons (VIPs) ward, was the only unit that had their waste lining corresponding to the appropriate colour coded waste containers. Waste handlers did not use complete personal protective equipment. Measured against the modified Townend and Cheeseman Guidelines checklist, from 0-4, the best achieved by the facility was 1, operating in an unsustainable manner, however there was some evidence of awareness and willingness to change. Majority of the healthcare facility workers had knowledge on appropriate ways of healthcare wastes (HCW) management but there was absence of compliance due to lack of materials and equipment and the enforcement by hospital authorities. There should be continuous education of hospital staff on the management of waste. Demonstrative programs need to be carried out for employees who handle waste directly to give an understanding of the risks and the importance of health and safety measures during handling and segregation.

Journal of medical research, Jun 1, 2017
Background: With the changing trends in the epidemiology of hypertension (HPT), recent studies ha... more Background: With the changing trends in the epidemiology of hypertension (HPT), recent studies have shown an increasing prevalence of HPT in rural than urban communities. This study examined the prevalence of HPT and its awareness among urban and ruraladults in Keta Municipality. Method: A population-based cross-sectional study involving 264 adults (18-65 years). Face-to-face interview using semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect information. Blood pressure and anthropometric measurements were taken following standard procedures. Differences in means were determined using t-test. Associations between independent categorical variables and HPT were determined using Chi-square and multivariable logistic regression model. The correlation coefficient was computed to determine the strength and direction of the relationship between anthropometric indices and hypertension. Results: At the time of the survey, HPT prevalence was 146 (55.3%). Out of this, 49 (43%) were from urban and 65 (57.0%) from rural areas. Diagnosed HPT was 49 (30.1%), of which the majority, 32 (65.3%) were from urban and 17 (34.7%) from rural areas. Of the 32 Hypertensives from the urban areas, 20 (62.5%) were uncontrolled. Of the 17 Hypertensives among the rural adults, 12 (70.6%) were uncontrolled. Undiagnosed HPT was 114 (53.0%), with 19 (49.0%) among urban and 65 (56.5%) among rural adult population. Females were 0.29 times less likely to have HPT as compared to males (AOR=0.29, p=0.007]. Thosewith JHS, SHS and tertiary education were 0.48, 0.25 and 0.29 times less likely to have HPT (AOR=0.48, p=0.043), (AOR=0.25, p=0.004) and (AOR=0.29, p=0.031) respectively. Those with a family history of HPT were 2.46 times more likely to have HPT (AOR=2.46, p=0.003). Adults with moderate and high-risk WHR were 2.58 and 2.61 times more likely to have HPT [AOR=2.58, p=0.039] and [AOR=2.61, p=0.032] respectively. There was a positive linear relationship between age and BMI in both urban and rural settings and HPT. Conclusion: The prevalence of HPT is very high among adults in the Keta Municipality.Rural adults are more affected than urban, probably due to higher awareness and control of HPT among the urban population.Creation of awareness on HPT and its management are needed to enhance the prevention and control among rural adults.

PLOS ONE, Oct 8, 2021
Introduction Over the past two decades, there have been several global interventions including th... more Introduction Over the past two decades, there have been several global interventions including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), aimed at improving health outcomes. Despite efforts by countries to achieve the SDG targets, mental health challenges remain major public health concerns globally. We examined the prevalence and predictors of depression, anxiety, and stress as well as the comorbidities of these mental health issues among adults. Materials and methods This was a community-based cross-sectional study conducted among 2456 adults in four districts of the Volta Region of Ghana using data from the UHAS-Yonsei University Partnership Project. We analysed the data using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation, and binary logistic regression. Results Overall, 51.8% of the participants had at least one of the mental health issues examined. The prevalence of a mental health issue was 25.2%, 53.3%, and 9.7% for depression, anxiety, and stress respectively. Participants constituting 8.3% experienced all three mental health issues as comorbidities. Participants' level of formal education and income significantly predicted depression, anxiety, and stress respectively at the multivariable level. Adults with a tertiary level of education were, for instance, 68%

British journal of medicine and medical research, Jan 10, 2016
Hypertension plays a persistent role in the causation of coronary heart disease, stroke, and vasc... more Hypertension plays a persistent role in the causation of coronary heart disease, stroke, and vascular problems. Many factors like dietary, behavioral, psychological, environmental, genetic, etc have a direct or indirect influence on hypertension. The available evidences shows a higher prevalence of hypertension in Nepal. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence and risk factors associated with hypertension among adults of Nagarjun Municipality. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among adults of age 18 and above in Nagarjun municipality. A structured questionnaire was used to assess the risk factors and observation was done to determine blood pressure and anthropometric measurement. The data were entered and analyzed by (SPSS) software version 20. Chi-square test was used to identify the association. The overall prevalence of hypertension was 22.8% and prehypertension was 14.5%. More males were found to have hypertension (28.09%) compared to females (16.67%). Age, sex, religion, socioeconomic status, ciggrate smoking, alcohol consumption, BMI, diabetes, family history of hypertension and cardio vascular disease was found to be significantly associated with hypertension. The preventive and intervention measures should be adopted to reduce the behavioral and biological risk factors which are directly related with the causation of hypertension.

Clinical immunology & research, Dec 31, 2017
Background: Malaria due to P. falciparum remains one of the most important causes of morbidity an... more Background: Malaria due to P. falciparum remains one of the most important causes of morbidity and early mortality in endemic regions of sub-Saharan Africa. This study assessed the prevalence of malaria among children less than five years residing in High-Altitude and Low-Altitude rural communities in the Hohoe municipality. Methods: A community-based cross-sectional survey involving children less than five years in four selected rural communities. Information was collected on the background of the children, ownership and use of LLIN and fever. Anthropometric indices and axillary temperature were measured, as well as RDT and blood film for malaria parasites and haemoglobin levels. Proportions were analyzed using Chi-square and Multivariable logistic regression was used to determine the association between dependent and independent variables. Results: A total of 325 children with 174 (53.5%) from Low-Altitude and 151(46.5%) from High-Altitude communities were surveyed. The prevalence of malaria among Low-Altitude and High-Altitude children as indicated by RDT was 56.9% and 19.9% respectively and by microscopy was 41.4% and 3.3% respectively. Ownership and use of LLIN among Low-Altitude and High-Altitude children were high and similar (96.6% vs. 97.4%) and (79.9% vs. 75.5%) respectively. High-Altitude children were 96% less likely to have malaria as compared to Low-Altitude (AOR=0.04, p<0.001). Children aged 24-35, 36-47 and 48-59 months were 6.73, 4.10 and 7.16 times more likely to have malaria as compared to those aged 6-11 months (AOR=6.73, p=0.007), (AOR=4.10, p=0.050) and (AOR=7.16, p=0.007) respectively. Children with mild anaemia and low-Hb (Hb<8.0g/dl) were 2.49 and 4.15 times more likely to have malaria as compared to those with normal haemoglobin concentration (AOR=2.49, p=0.026) and (AOR=4.15, p=0.023) respectively. Those with a history of fever within one week were 4.91 times more likely to have malaria (AOR=1.74, p<0.001) respectively. Conclusion: Malaria prevalence was higher among Low-Altitude than High-Altitude children, despite high LLIN ownership and usage in both areas. Altitude, therefore, has a major effect on malaria prevalence. Age of child, history of fever within one week and anaemia were other factors associated with malaria. Additional control measures are needed to reduce the burden of malaria in Low-Altitude areas in the Hohoe municipality of Ghana.

IJID regions, Jun 1, 2022
Background: Private health facilities are increasingly being recognized as the neglected partner ... more Background: Private health facilities are increasingly being recognized as the neglected partner in the provision of HIV services. The non-adherence rate in the study sites ranged from 19 to 22%. This study explored the factors associated with non-adherence from antiretroviral therapy (ART) among adult patients accessing ART services at two privately owned urban health facilities in Malawi. Methods: We conducted a descriptive qualitative approach employing in-depth interviews among adults who either defaulted or were retained in HIV care in two privately owned facilities in Malawi from March to July 2017. We purposively selected participants and interviewed a total of 6 ART providers and 24 ART clients. Data were analyzed manually using a thematic approach. Results: Overall, participants identified four facilitators for retention in care and four broad categories of barriers namely individual, psychological, drug related and human resource related factors. The factors that facilitated retention in care included follow up visits after missing a visit, adequate information education and counseling, and supportive relationships. Conclusion: The main reason for defaulting from antiretrovirals (ARVs) was fear of disclosing an HIV status to avert potential stigma and discrimination. In implementing ART clinics due consideration and strategies need to be adopted to ensure that privacy and confidentiality is preserved. Although adoption of all the key Malawi Implementing strategies like expert clients and a guardian may optimize retention in care, there is need for prior analysis of how those may lead to unintended disclosure which inadvertently affects adherence. Furthermore, private facilities should orient their clients to the public facilities within the catchment area so that clients have an option for alternative access to HIV care in the event of financial constraints.

Tobacco Use Insights
We aimed to explore the behavioural protective mechanisms against cannabis use among adolescents ... more We aimed to explore the behavioural protective mechanisms against cannabis use among adolescents living in South African illicit cannabis-growing communities, based on the Self Determination Theory (SDT). Exploratory qualitative design techniques were followed in conducting the study. The snowball sampling technique was used to recruit thirty (30) non-cannabis smoking adolescents from 2 purposively selected communities and grouped into 4 focus groups and interviewed. A semi-structured focus group interview guide was used to moderate the discussions. Data were analysed inductively, using the ATLAS. ti software. Nine behavioural coping mechanisms, grouped under intrinsic and extrinsic protective behavioural mechanisms, protected participants from using cannabis. Intrinsically, participants’ determination not to engage in bad behaviours, focus on their academic work during their free periods, their non-financial dependence on cannabis-using peers, self-preservation to ensure good marri...

BMC Public Health, 2021
Background While the burden and mortality from chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCDs) have rea... more Background While the burden and mortality from chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCDs) have reached epidemic proportions in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), decision-makers and individuals still consider CNCDs to be infrequent and, therefore, do not pay the needed attention to their management. We, therefore, explored the practices and challenges associated with the management of CNCDs by patients and health professionals. Methods This was a qualitative study among 82 CNCD patients and 30 health professionals. Face-to-face in-depth interviews were used in collecting data from the participants. Data collected were analysed using thematic analysis. Results Experiences of health professionals regarding CNCD management practices involved general assessments such as education of patients, and specific practices based on type and stage of CNCDs presented. Patients’ experiences mainly centred on self-management practices which comprised self-restrictions, exercise, and the use of anthropometric...

Tuberculosis Research and Treatment, 2019
Background. Eradicating tuberculosis (TB) is one of the targets of the recently constituted Susta... more Background. Eradicating tuberculosis (TB) is one of the targets of the recently constituted Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Three. In the light of limitations inherent in prevailing tuberculosis care and the global urgency to improve TB care, decentralising TB care beyond health facilities by harnessing the contribution of communities is essential in ensuring effective tuberculosis care. In this paper, we explored community contribution to TB care in the Krachi West District of Ghana. Methods. In this qualitative study, 24 TB stakeholders made up of 7 health workers, 9 tuberculosis patients, 4 community health volunteers, 2 treatment supporters, and 2 opinion leaders were interviewed. Data collected were analysed manually, but thematically. Statements of the participants were presented as quotes to substantiate issues discussed. Results. Community contribution to TB care was low. Most of the community members were not aware of any community level activity towards tuberculosis car...

International Health, 2022
Background Improving maternal health and achieving universal health coverage (UHC) are important ... more Background Improving maternal health and achieving universal health coverage (UHC) are important expectations in the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda. While health insurance has been shown as effective in the utilisation of maternal healthcare, there is a paucity of literature on this relationship in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). We examined the relationship between health insurance coverage and maternal healthcare utilisation using demographic and health survey data. Methods This was a cross-sectional study of 195 651 women aged 15–49 y from 28 countries in SSA. We adopted bivariable and multivariable analyses comprising χ2 test and multilevel binary logistic regression in analysing the data. Results The prevalence of maternal healthcare utilisation was 58, 70.6 and 40.7% for antenatal care (ANC), skilled birth attendance (SBA) and postnatal care (PNC), respectively. The prevalence of health insurance coverage was 6.4%. Women covered by health insurance were more like...

Africa journal of nursing and midwifery, 2011
This article reports on the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions relating to HIV/AIDS and condom ... more This article reports on the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions relating to HIV/AIDS and condom use, and reported sexual behaviours among senior secondary school learners in Kumba, Cameroon. The goal of the study was to determine how at risk learners perceived themselves to be of contracting HIV/AIDS within the parameters set by the Health Belief Model (HBM). The objective of the article is to report on the components of the HBM with statistically significant explanatory associations with the outcome variable of how at risk respondents perceived themselves to be with regard to contracting the HI-virus. A quantitative descriptive, exploratory and correlational research design was adopted, using a self-designed questionnaire for data collection. Respondents were selected through disproportional stratified simple random sampling resulting in 480 (240 male and 240 female) grade 10 to grade 12 learners from two participating secondary schools in Kumba, Cameroon. Descriptive and inferent...

Introduction Patient satisfaction is a quality of care measure and reveals patients’ appreciation... more Introduction Patient satisfaction is a quality of care measure and reveals patients’ appreciation of healthcare delivery. We sought to measure patient satisfaction following major gynaecological surgeries in 2 University Teaching Hospitals in Yaounde, Cameroon.Methods Ours was a cross-sectional, prospective study over 9 months (October 1 st 2018, to June 30 th 2018) at the Yaounde Gynaeco-Obstetric and Paediatric Hospital (YGOPH) and the Yaounde Central Hospital (YCH). By administering a modified Surgical Satisfaction Questionnaire (SSQ-8) via phone call 6 months after surgery we appreciated and scored key aspects linked to patient satisfaction, and obtained information on post-operative complications. Data was analysed using Microsoft Excel 18 and SPSS 21 setting significance at p<0.05.Results We recruited 72 patients aged 24 to 68 years. Our participants had a mean satisfaction score of 26 ± 7.854 (59.7% satisfied and 40.3% dissatisfied). All aspects tested on the SSQ-8 questio...

PLOS ONE, 2021
Background While motorcycles are essential for moving people and goods, they are also, a signific... more Background While motorcycles are essential for moving people and goods, they are also, a significant contributor to Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs), making it a public health issue of concern globally. The Hohoe Municipal Hospital records increasing RTAs due to commercial motorcycles. Determining motorcycle riders’ compliance with road safety regulations is critical in helping to curb this menace. Method A cross-sectional study was employed involving a multistage sample of 238 motorcycle riders. Data were collected using a pretested structured questionnaire and entered into Epi Data version 3.2 software and exported to STATA software version 12 for analysis. Descriptive and inferential analyses were done while statistical significance was determined at 95% reliability interval and p-value of 0.05. Findings The level of compliance with road safety regulations among respondents was 59.2%. The mean age of respondents was 29.9 ± 7.9 years, and all respondents were males. Respondents who d...

BMC Women's Health
Background In Ghana, breast cancer is a major public health concern and the most common type of c... more Background In Ghana, breast cancer is a major public health concern and the most common type of cancer among women in terms of mortality and incidence. This study determined the factors influencing breast cancer screening among women of reproductive age in Nandom Municipality, Ghana using the Health Belief Model as the conceptual model. Methods The study was cross-sectional in design. A pretested structured questionnaire was administered to 243 womens of reproductive age in the Nandom Municipality. Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed using STATA version 16 at a 0.05 level of significance. Results The uptake of breast cancer screening was 51.9%. Respondents who had a tertiary level of education were less likely to be screened for breast cancer [AOR = 0.10 (95% CI = 0.02–0.54); p = 0.008]. Respondents who perceived high susceptibility to breast cancer were more likely to get screened [AOR = 1.97 (95% CI = 1.12–3.47), p = 0.019]. Respondents who perceived the high sev...

Journal of Global Health Science
Background: As an important step to reducing the non-communicable diseases (NCDs), it is essentia... more Background: As an important step to reducing the non-communicable diseases (NCDs), it is essential to understand their risk factors. This study, assessed the prevalence of NCDs modifiable risk factors and their association with socio-demographic factors in three districts of the Volta Region of Ghana. Methods: This was a sub-national cross-sectional survey conducted from October to November 2019. We used a modified World Health Organization's "STEPwise" approach to NCD surveillance questionnaire to collect data on behavioural and biological risk factors of NCDs among residents 15 years and older. Descriptive and inferential statistics comprising frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, χ 2 and logistic regression were used in analysing the data. Results: The prevalence of current smokers was 3.3% (95% confidence interval [CI], 2.5-4.3), and harmful use of alcohol was 4.6% (95% CI, 3.6-5.7). Women were less likely to engage in harmful use of alcohol compared to men (adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 0.11; 95% CI, 0.06-0.25). More than 31% (95% CI, 29.0-33.6) of the respondents were physically inactive, which vary among men and women and occupation. Women had 1.43 times increased odds of being physically inactive compared to men (95% CI, 1.11-1.84). The prevalence of high salt intake, insufficient fruit consumption, history of raised blood glucose and high blood pressure were 61.

African Health Sciences, 2021
Background: Improving the reproductive health of young women in developing countries requires acc... more Background: Improving the reproductive health of young women in developing countries requires access to safe and effec- tive methods of fertility control. Volta Region records one of the highest prevalence of teenage pregnancy and adolescents aged 15-19 years are the least acceptors of contraceptives in the Region. Guided by the Theory of Planned Behaviour, this study determined predictors of intention to use modern contraceptives among female Senior Secondary School students in the Kpando Municipality, Ghana. Method: A cross-sectional design was adopted, collecting data among a multistage sample of 270 participants, using a pre- tested self-administered questionnaire and analysing them using Stata software Version 16 at the 0.05 level of significance. Results: The mean age of the respondents was 16.78 ± 1.31. About 40.2% of the sexually experienced participants used a modern contraceptive during ther first sexual encounter. However, the majority (69.3%) had the intention to use mod...

AIDS Care, 2009
The aim of the study was to gain a deeper understanding of the factors that influence adherence t... more The aim of the study was to gain a deeper understanding of the factors that influence adherence to ART in a paediatric population in South India. Semi-structured interviews, guided by a questionnaire based on literature review, were undertaken with fourteen primary caregivers of children with HIV on ART focusing on the factors influencing adherence and non-adherence. Adherence to ART was assessed by caregiver reported adherence for the last three days. The framework approach was used for analysis of the transcribed interviews. Adherence behaviour in children taking ART was influenced by medication, child, caregiver, family and healthcare service related factors. Medication related factors such as palatability, formulation, and difficult regime were among the common reasons for non-adherence. While a supportive family appears to contribute to adherence, some caregivers are reluctant to inform their family for fear of isolation. All participants were strongly appreciative of the study centre's model of care and this had a positive effect on adherence behaviour. From the public health point of view, the respondents' reluctance to access publicly funded HIV care services is a cause for concern. Almost all caregivers were sceptical of the quality of free ART medications provided by public services, indicating an urgent need for appropriate education to

African Health Sciences
Background: Besides abstinence, the condom has proven to be the only effective method of preventi... more Background: Besides abstinence, the condom has proven to be the only effective method of preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS. This study investigated the determinants of female condom (FC) use among female tertiary students in the Hohoe Municipality, Ghana using the Health Belief Model (HBM). Methods: A cross-sectional design was adopted. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire in January 2019 and analysed using STATA version 14.0. Logistic regression was used to measure the strength of associations between the dependent and independent variables. A p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The overall utilisation of the FC was 35.0%. Among the constructs of the HBM, it was perceived self-efficacy for FC use that was significantly associated with FC use: respondents who had the confidence to convince their partners to use the FC were 2 times more likely to use it than respondents who did not [AOR =2.15(CI: 1.26...
Papers by Elvis Enowbeyang Tarkang