Papers by Elvira Hernández
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2007
The aim of this work is to obtain scalar representations of set-valued optimization problems with... more The aim of this work is to obtain scalar representations of set-valued optimization problems without any convexity assumption. Using a criterion of solution introduced by Kuroiwa [D. Kuroiwa, Some duality theorems of set-valued optimization with natural criteria, in:

Opuntia Brava, 2017
Teachers’ formation is considered a challenge today at world scale and it is met in different way... more Teachers’ formation is considered a challenge today at world scale and it is met in different ways and from different perspectives, beginning with the process of recruitment, undergoing the complexities of maintaining the recruited personnel in the major during the period of studies, and the final uncertainty of enrolling them to the community of teachers once they graduate. All the above mentioned constitute problems of paramount importance which pedagogy and other education sciences face on the light of the current diverse changing nature of social problems. To assist students keep high motivational rates, become valuable members of the teaching community with appropriate skills, a cultural background on the field and outstanding critical faculties are the demands of academic life and social maturation in the contemporary context. The importance of the present work lies in the inventory of actions to reflect on professional orientation towards language teachers’ formation in unive...

1. RESUMEN BREVE La anguila europea (Anguilla anguilla) se encuentra en un estado de conservacion... more 1. RESUMEN BREVE La anguila europea (Anguilla anguilla) se encuentra en un estado de conservacion vulnerable debido a multiples causas antropogenicas y naturales, entre las que adquieren gran importancia las infecciones parasitarias. Esto motivo el interes por describir la composicion y estructura de la comunidad de helmintos de las anguilas del Mar Menor, laguna costera hipersalina en el sureste de la Peninsula Iberica, con particular atencion al nematodo invasor Anguillicoloides crassus. Asimismo, se determino el impacto de esta comunidad parasitaria en la aptitud ecologica de la poblacion de anguilas de esta laguna. Se realizo la necropsia a 298 anguilas capturadas entre los anos 2008 y 2010 en el Mar Menor. Se calcularon indices epidemiologicos (prevalencia, abundancia e intensidad media) para las diferentes especies parasitarias identificadas, asi como indices ecologicos (riqueza especifica, diversidad y dominancia) aplicados tanto a la comunidad como a la infracomunidad intest...
Opuntia Brava, 2019
The participatory techniques of guidance to favor the personal growth, they constitute new thing ... more The participatory techniques of guidance to favor the personal growth, they constitute new thing in the space of the guidance. The objective of the present article is focused on the foundation of the principal theoretic aspects methodologic that they hold this tool orientation, as part of the fact-finding results of the authors in this space. Methods of the theoretic level were utilized: historic logician, analysis synthesis, induction deduction and modelation. The principal result constitutes it the apprehension of the principal theoretic contents methodologic of the participatory techniques of guidance to favor the personal growth, during the implementation of creative and communicative alternatives at the guidance's field.

After the promulgation of the Law No. 1 for the Protection of the Cuban Patrimony, the University... more After the promulgation of the Law No. 1 for the Protection of the Cuban Patrimony, the University of Camaguey developed, on 1979, the Group of Investigations for the Conservation of the Patrimony that shows three work stages. First it centered their work in a general inventory of the city, and demarcating areas with official protection; specifying periods of development; disseminating their discoveries and preparing professionals in conservation tasks. There was a second stage, on 1999, with the creation of the Center of Studies of Conservation of Historical Centers and of the Built Patrimony (CECONS). There, the investigation is perfected, and strengthens the scientific work of the students; international conferences on conservation of the patrimony began to be organized, and a postgraduate program started the formation to obtain the academic degree of Master of Arts in conservation and the tutorship of doctorates in that address. The third stage, from the year 2014, it consolidate...

Arquitecturas del Sur, 2018
Parte significativa del centro histórico de Camagüey es Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad y con... more Parte significativa del centro histórico de Camagüey es Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad y concentra, a su vez, los principales corredores comerciales de la ciudad, considerados espacios de confluencia ciudadana y de alta centralidad los cuales, por su relevancia patrimonial y su degradación, se decidió intervenir. En ese proceso, se realizó una conservación integral, donde se aplicó la Metodología de Intervención Patrimonial desarrollada por el CECONS, con la detección de los deterioros a nivel urbano arquitectónico y sus causas, los grados de protección y las acciones válidas a ejecutar particularizadas según edificaciones y entorno. Como resultado, se utilizó en el proyecto de conservación integral la compatibilización urbana y la dirección integrada de proyectos, que garantizaron la calidad de las intervenciones y la participación mancomunada de la población y algunas instituciones, junto a un plan de dinamización cultural que permite el rescate de estos espacios de convivencia como expresión de la identidad ciudadana.
Edähi Boletín Científico de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades del ICSHu, 2019
La presencia del feminismo en la sociedad ha permitido que invada o gane espacios en diferentes e... more La presencia del feminismo en la sociedad ha permitido que invada o gane espacios en diferentes escenarios, uno de ellos es el periodismo. El objetivo de este artículo es orientar a quienes les interese escribir textos periodísticos desde una perspectiva feminista. Es así como se dará a conocer un breve panorama sobre el significado del feminismo, la forma en que en nuestro país han surgido publicaciones con esa ideología y las pautas que se han tratado de compartir, principalmente en talleres de organizaciones de mujeres, para darle vida en las publicaciones periodísticas. Se afirma que el periodismo feminista permite dar voz y visibilizar a las mujeres en los sucesos noticiosos a la par con los hombres.

Journal of Hepatology, 2019
PPIN revealed that most connected nodules corresponded to tumour associated macrophages (TAM) mar... more PPIN revealed that most connected nodules corresponded to tumour associated macrophages (TAM) markers, associated with immunosuppression. Over-expression of TAM markers (PDL1, MARCO, CD80, CD163) in cirrhotic KCs was confirmed by FACS. KCs from cirrhotic livers showed a reduced expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL6, CCL20, TNFα) in response to LPS. In vivo phagocytic capacity of KCs was reduced in patients with cirrhosis as shown by a decrease in hepatic uptake and blood clearance of 99mTc-phytate. Patients who presented infections within a 3-month follow-up had an impaired baseline phagocytic capacity (liver/spleen +bone marrow uptake ratio 0.29 vs 0.88, p = 0.02). Conclusion: KCs from patients with cirrhosis have a TAM profile, with an altered functionality consistent of a reduced pro-inflammatory response and poor phagocytic capacity, which is associated with an increased risk of infections. Restoration of the immune profile and response of KCs may be a good strategy to prevent infections in patients with cirrhosis.
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 2013
The main objective of this article is to expose the academy trajectory in communications studies ... more The main objective of this article is to expose the academy trajectory in communications studies in the gender category and some recognition in the national journalism history. In specific it will talk about investigations development in this topic in our country. Resumen: El presente artículo tiene como objetivo exponer el recorrido académico de la categoría género en los estudios de comunicación y algunas aportaciones que se han logrado, como caso específico se mostrarán las aportaciones en las investigaciones realizadas en la historia del periodismo nacional.
Optimization Letters, 2018
In this paper, we consider a generalization of the Gerstewitz's function to present several optim... more In this paper, we consider a generalization of the Gerstewitz's function to present several optimality conditions and existence theorems for a set optimization problem without convexity assumptions. A characterization of set solutions for a setvalued optimization problem is given via minimax inequalities.
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 2008
In this paper we extend some results given in [L. Rodrĺguez-Marĺn, M. Sama, τ w-contingent epider... more In this paper we extend some results given in [L. Rodrĺguez-Marĺn, M. Sama, τ w-contingent epiderivatives in reflexive spaces, Nonlinear Analysis, 68 (2008), 3780-3788]. Following the same approach, we associate a set-valued optimization problem with a family of simpler problems by using a decoupling of the ordering cone into half-spaces. In this context we give necessary and sufficient optimality conditions in terms of epiderivatives with respect to half-spaces. Moreover we obtain computation formulas for these conditions in term of derivatives of scalar set-valued maps.
Optimization, 2017
In this article, we introduce several classes of set-valued maps which can be useful in set optim... more In this article, we introduce several classes of set-valued maps which can be useful in set optimization due to their applications. Exactly, we present some set-valued maps defined by scalar and vector functions and study their properties such as continuity and convexity among others. In addition, we compute their asymptotic maps which can be employed to establish coercivity and existence results in the framework of set optimization problems. Finally, we expose some possible directions for further research.

Guaraguao Revista De Cultura Latinoamericana, 2005
Trastabillo a la hora de enfrentar la gran veta de la memoria, siempre rodeada de gangas, materia... more Trastabillo a la hora de enfrentar la gran veta de la memoria, siempre rodeada de gangas, material esteril. Advierto que el tiempo no me ha dado una perspectiva nueva y mayor, cierta lejania para apreciar los hechos como si aquellos no me hubieran ocurrido en car ne y hueso. No he logrado, por eso mismo, poner el pasado bajo la al fombra, ni este se me ha desvanecido, posiblemente porque sigo va lorandolo. Siento que mis cambios se efectuan aferrados a un mismo sentimiento acerca del mundo y las cosas. No tengo otros ojos para ver lo que vi: los anos bestiales que demolieron el atisbo de otra ma nera de vivir. Pero el comienzo esta en otra parte: a la tenebrosidad de la dic tadura creo que siempre le caera encima ese poco de lumbre que la gente llevo en alto en afios de la denigrada Unidad Popular. Conjeturo que de nada habria servido saber que Goethe desa consejaba al poeta interesarse en politica. Estabamos en una region de America donde escribir y hacerse participe de la lucha latinoame ricana de los pueblos se presentaba de manera indisoluble. Especial mente en Chile, donde parte importante de la actividad literaria e intelectual parecia no poder, o no querer, escapar a la gravitation de las fuerzas de la izquierda politica: potente atraccion para cualquier joven que cuestionara sus dias. Sin embargo, con once anos de estu dios en un colegio de religiosas, yo me encontraba lejos de esas tribu nas, concentrada en meditar el mundo y borronearlo, lo que me po nia muy por detras del campo de la accion politica y social. En el ano 1970, todavia hubiese querido mantener mi aisla miento para resolver, con lo que yo creia mi sano juicio, ciertos en cuentros secretos con la poesia. Esa proclividad que me mortificaba solo podia ser un mayiisculo desproposito para una veinteafiera, prin cipalmente por su condicion de mujer en una inveterada provincia patriarcal y luego, por querer escapar del indefinido territorio de su clase media. Era una aventura que se veia inutil, en un marco social muy destemplado, cercano ya a la trinchera.
Journal of Convex Analysis
In this paper, we extend the notion of cone-subconvexlikeness of set-valued maps on topological l... more In this paper, we extend the notion of cone-subconvexlikeness of set-valued maps on topological linear spaces to set-valued maps on linear spaces, (that is, general linear spaces without any particular topology), and we provide several characterizations. An alternative theorem is also established for this kind of maps. Using the notion of vector closure introduced recently by Adán and Novo, we also provide, in this framework, an adaptation of the proper efficiency in the sense of Benson for set-valued maps. The previous notion and results are then applied to obtain optimality conditions of weak efficiency and a characterization of Benson proper efficiency by means of scalarization and multipliers rules.
Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems
In this work, a notion of cone-subconvexlikeness of set-valued maps on linear spaces is given and... more In this work, a notion of cone-subconvexlikeness of set-valued maps on linear spaces is given and several characterizations are obtained. An alternative theorem is also established for this kind of set-valued maps. Using the notion of vector closure introduced recently by Adán and Novo, we also provide, in this framework, an adaptation of the proper efficiency in the sense of Benson for set-valued maps. The previous results are then applied to obtain different optimality conditions for this Benson-vectorial proper efficiency by using scalarization and multiplier rules.
FMC - Formación Médica Continuada en Atención Primaria, 2010
Optimization, 2013
Lagrange duality theorems for vector and set optimization problems which are based on a consequen... more Lagrange duality theorems for vector and set optimization problems which are based on a consequent usage of infimum and supremum (in the sense of greatest lower and least upper bounds with respect to a partial ordering) have been recently proven. In this note, we provide an alternative proof of strong duality for such problems via suitable stability and subdifferential notions. In contrast to most of the related results in the literature, the space of dual variables is the same as in the scalar case, i.e., a dual variable is a vector rather than an operator. We point out that duality with operators is an easy consequence of duality with vectors as dual variables.
Optimization, 2011
The aim of this article is to introduce and analyse a general vector optimization problem in a un... more The aim of this article is to introduce and analyse a general vector optimization problem in a unified framework. Using a well-known nonlinear scalarizing function defined by a solid set, we present complete scalarizations of the solution set to the vector problem without any convexity assumptions. As applications of our results we obtain new optimality conditions for several classical optimization problems by characterizing their solution set.
Papers by Elvira Hernández