Meat species adulteration is a common problem in the retail market. This study investigated the v... more Meat species adulteration is a common problem in the retail market. This study investigated the validity of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect the adulteration of camel meat even in low level and heat treated meat emulsion of camel meat. The primer pair was designed based on mitochondrial D-loop gene for detection of adulteration of camel meat in admixed meat and meat products by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. Amplification of 208-bp DNA fragments was observed from camel, without any cross-reaction with cattle, sheep, goat and chicken. The amplification was further confirmed by endonuclease enzyme Taq I restriction enzymes. No adverse effect of processing was found on PCR amplification of camel meat DNA extracted from processed meat and meat products, even from meat emulsion autoclaved at 121 °C, for 15–20 min. The detection limit for camel meat was found to be 0.05% in the admixed meat and meat products; however, very faint and inconsistent results were obtained in autoclaved meat emulsion at 0.05% level. The developed PCR assay was found to be specific for camel and could be a useful tool for detection of meat adulteration. [Alaa El-deein El-Morshedy , El-Saied A. Eldaly, Adel I. El-Atabany, and Ahmed E. Tharwat Identification of Adulteration with Camel Meat Using Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay. Journal of American Science 2011; 7(12): 339-343]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
The levels of biogenic amines in addition to microbial and chemical parameters of fresh ... more Abstract The levels of biogenic amines in addition to microbial and chemical parameters of fresh cattle livers were determined. The influence of chilling at 0 ± 1 °C, 4 ± 1 °C and pan-roasting on beef liver quality and safety was investigated. The obtained results revealed that the mean values of pH, Enterobacteriaceae count, total volatile nitrogen (TVN) and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) were 6.86 ± 0.03, 3.08 ± 0.8 log10 CFU /g, 16.09 ± 0.08 mg N/100 g and 0.18 ± 0.02 mg malonaldehyde /kg, respectively. Liver samples were contained high levels of spermidine (up to 5.1±0.99 mg/kg), and low levels of histamine and cadaverine. Therefore, beef liver constitutes one of the richest dietary sources of spermidine. During refrigerated storage, there were significant bacterial and chemical changes: the pH decreased, TVN increased, and the levels of most of the naturally occurring amines increased at rates which were faster at higher storage temperature. During the pan-roasting at 180°C for 5 min, the levels of the biogenic amines increased significantly. A shelf life of up to 6 and 4 days during storage at 0 ± 1 °C and 4± 1 °C, respectively, is recommended. Keywords: Biogenic amines, pH, cattle liver, Total Volatile Nitrogen, and thiobarbituric acid
This investigation was done to determine the quality changes of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis Nilotic... more This investigation was done to determine the quality changes of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) fillets which were treated by minced garlic (G) at 1, 2 and 3% aqueous solution, natural honey bees product propolis extract (P) at 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6% aqueous solution and their mixture (1:1– v/v) for 30 min (4ºC) at a ratio of 1 fillets: 1 solution (w /v) in addition to control fillets soaked in distilled water. The research aims to study the effect of treatments on quality attributes of fillets. Some biochemical properties as well as microbiological and sensory changes were evaluated during frozen storage at-18±1ºC for 6 months. Based on the obtained results the concentration form mixture of 3% G and 0.6% P decreased chemical changes and microbiological content with high organoleptic properties compared with the control and other treatments during storage tilapia fillets at-18±1ºC. The propolis and garlic can be used as natural food additives for fish products in order to improve their quality; accordingly they increase the shelf-life and provide both the protein and fat at optimal levels during frozen storage at-18±1ºC.
Food consumption is an important route of human exposure to organochlorine pesticides (OCPs). In ... more Food consumption is an important route of human exposure to organochlorine pesticides (OCPs). In order to assess the potential human health risks associated with OCPs, edible cattle tissues (liver, kidney and tongue) were collected from three slaughter houses in Mansoura, Zagazig and Ismailia cities, Egypt. Levels of 22 OCPs such as hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs), aldrin, dieldrin and endrin (Drins), chlordanes (CHLs), heptachlors (HPTs) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) residues were investigated. Among the investigated OCPs, HCHs represented the most dominant group with high proportions of γ-HCH isomer (53-91% of total HCHs). Mansoura city had the highest OCPs contamination load ranged from 0.1 to 2827 ng g(-1) lw (lipid weight). Surprisingly, tongue samples collected from Mansoura showed the highest concentration of HCHs (448 ng g(-1) lw) in comparison to liver (152 ng g(-1) lw) and kidney (266 ng g(-1) lw). Generally, contamination pattern of OC...
This study determined the prevalence, serotypes and virulence genes distribution of non-O157 Shig... more This study determined the prevalence, serotypes and virulence genes distribution of non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coliin meat products collected from butchers shops and supermarkets in Mansoura city, Egypt. We have characterized 18 non-O157 STEC strains among the identified 100E. coli isolates recovered from the examined 87 meat product samples. The prevalence of non-O157 STEC strains in fresh beef, ground beef and beef burger samples were 11.1% (3/27), 16.7% (5/30), and 33.3% (10/ 30), respectively. The eighteen non-O157 STEC isolated strains were serotyped into seven (38.9%) O111:H8, six (33.3%) O26:H11, two (11.1%) O111:He, and one (5.56%) for each of O55:H7, O126:H5 and O128:H2. PCR assays for different virulence genes showed that nine (50%), eleven (61.1%), and nine (50%) strains carry stx1,stx2, andeaegenes, respectively. The distribution of shiga toxin genes among the isolated strains indicated that seven (38.9%) strains harbored stx1 only, nine (50%) strains harboredstx2 only, and two (11.1%) strains harbored bothstx1 andstx2. Theeaegene was present in association with five (27.8%), three (16.7%), and one (5.6%) strains that harboredstx1 only,stx2 only, and bothstx1 and stx2, respectively. This study concluded that the examined meat products, particularly beef burger, consumed in Egypt are considerably contaminated with a variety of non-O157 STEC se
Meat species adulteration is a common problem in the retail market. This study investigated the v... more Meat species adulteration is a common problem in the retail market. This study investigated the validity of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect the adulteration of camel meat even in low level and heat treated meat emulsion of camel meat. The primer pair was designed based on mitochondrial D-loop gene for detection of adulteration of camel meat in admixed meat and meat products by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. Amplification of 208-bp DNA fragments was observed from camel, without any cross-reaction with cattle, sheep, goat and chicken. The amplification was further confirmed by endonuclease enzyme Taq I restriction enzymes. No adverse effect of processing was found on PCR amplification of camel meat DNA extracted from processed meat and meat products, even from meat emulsion autoclaved at 121 °C, for 15–20 min. The detection limit for camel meat was found to be 0.05% in the admixed meat and meat products; however, very faint and inconsistent results were obtained in autoclaved meat emulsion at 0.05% level. The developed PCR assay was found to be specific for camel and could be a useful tool for detection of meat adulteration. [Alaa El-deein El-Morshedy , El-Saied A. Eldaly, Adel I. El-Atabany, and Ahmed E. Tharwat Identification of Adulteration with Camel Meat Using Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay. Journal of American Science 2011; 7(12): 339-343]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
The levels of biogenic amines in addition to microbial and chemical parameters of fresh ... more Abstract The levels of biogenic amines in addition to microbial and chemical parameters of fresh cattle livers were determined. The influence of chilling at 0 ± 1 °C, 4 ± 1 °C and pan-roasting on beef liver quality and safety was investigated. The obtained results revealed that the mean values of pH, Enterobacteriaceae count, total volatile nitrogen (TVN) and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) were 6.86 ± 0.03, 3.08 ± 0.8 log10 CFU /g, 16.09 ± 0.08 mg N/100 g and 0.18 ± 0.02 mg malonaldehyde /kg, respectively. Liver samples were contained high levels of spermidine (up to 5.1±0.99 mg/kg), and low levels of histamine and cadaverine. Therefore, beef liver constitutes one of the richest dietary sources of spermidine. During refrigerated storage, there were significant bacterial and chemical changes: the pH decreased, TVN increased, and the levels of most of the naturally occurring amines increased at rates which were faster at higher storage temperature. During the pan-roasting at 180°C for 5 min, the levels of the biogenic amines increased significantly. A shelf life of up to 6 and 4 days during storage at 0 ± 1 °C and 4± 1 °C, respectively, is recommended. Keywords: Biogenic amines, pH, cattle liver, Total Volatile Nitrogen, and thiobarbituric acid
This investigation was done to determine the quality changes of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis Nilotic... more This investigation was done to determine the quality changes of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) fillets which were treated by minced garlic (G) at 1, 2 and 3% aqueous solution, natural honey bees product propolis extract (P) at 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6% aqueous solution and their mixture (1:1– v/v) for 30 min (4ºC) at a ratio of 1 fillets: 1 solution (w /v) in addition to control fillets soaked in distilled water. The research aims to study the effect of treatments on quality attributes of fillets. Some biochemical properties as well as microbiological and sensory changes were evaluated during frozen storage at-18±1ºC for 6 months. Based on the obtained results the concentration form mixture of 3% G and 0.6% P decreased chemical changes and microbiological content with high organoleptic properties compared with the control and other treatments during storage tilapia fillets at-18±1ºC. The propolis and garlic can be used as natural food additives for fish products in order to improve their quality; accordingly they increase the shelf-life and provide both the protein and fat at optimal levels during frozen storage at-18±1ºC.
Food consumption is an important route of human exposure to organochlorine pesticides (OCPs). In ... more Food consumption is an important route of human exposure to organochlorine pesticides (OCPs). In order to assess the potential human health risks associated with OCPs, edible cattle tissues (liver, kidney and tongue) were collected from three slaughter houses in Mansoura, Zagazig and Ismailia cities, Egypt. Levels of 22 OCPs such as hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs), aldrin, dieldrin and endrin (Drins), chlordanes (CHLs), heptachlors (HPTs) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) residues were investigated. Among the investigated OCPs, HCHs represented the most dominant group with high proportions of γ-HCH isomer (53-91% of total HCHs). Mansoura city had the highest OCPs contamination load ranged from 0.1 to 2827 ng g(-1) lw (lipid weight). Surprisingly, tongue samples collected from Mansoura showed the highest concentration of HCHs (448 ng g(-1) lw) in comparison to liver (152 ng g(-1) lw) and kidney (266 ng g(-1) lw). Generally, contamination pattern of OC...
This study determined the prevalence, serotypes and virulence genes distribution of non-O157 Shig... more This study determined the prevalence, serotypes and virulence genes distribution of non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coliin meat products collected from butchers shops and supermarkets in Mansoura city, Egypt. We have characterized 18 non-O157 STEC strains among the identified 100E. coli isolates recovered from the examined 87 meat product samples. The prevalence of non-O157 STEC strains in fresh beef, ground beef and beef burger samples were 11.1% (3/27), 16.7% (5/30), and 33.3% (10/ 30), respectively. The eighteen non-O157 STEC isolated strains were serotyped into seven (38.9%) O111:H8, six (33.3%) O26:H11, two (11.1%) O111:He, and one (5.56%) for each of O55:H7, O126:H5 and O128:H2. PCR assays for different virulence genes showed that nine (50%), eleven (61.1%), and nine (50%) strains carry stx1,stx2, andeaegenes, respectively. The distribution of shiga toxin genes among the isolated strains indicated that seven (38.9%) strains harbored stx1 only, nine (50%) strains harboredstx2 only, and two (11.1%) strains harbored bothstx1 andstx2. Theeaegene was present in association with five (27.8%), three (16.7%), and one (5.6%) strains that harboredstx1 only,stx2 only, and bothstx1 and stx2, respectively. This study concluded that the examined meat products, particularly beef burger, consumed in Egypt are considerably contaminated with a variety of non-O157 STEC se
Papers by Elsaid Eldaly
The levels of biogenic amines in addition to microbial and chemical parameters of fresh
cattle livers were determined. The influence of chilling at 0 ± 1 °C, 4 ± 1 °C and pan-roasting
on beef liver quality and safety was investigated. The obtained results revealed that the mean
values of pH, Enterobacteriaceae count, total volatile nitrogen (TVN) and thiobarbituric
acid (TBA) were 6.86 ± 0.03, 3.08 ± 0.8 log10 CFU /g, 16.09 ± 0.08 mg N/100 g and 0.18 ± 0.02
mg malonaldehyde /kg, respectively. Liver samples were contained high levels of spermidine
(up to 5.1±0.99 mg/kg), and low levels of histamine and cadaverine. Therefore, beef liver
constitutes one of the richest dietary sources of spermidine. During refrigerated storage,
there were significant bacterial and chemical changes: the pH decreased, TVN increased,
and the levels of most of the naturally occurring amines increased at rates which were faster
at higher storage temperature. During the pan-roasting at 180°C for 5 min, the levels of the
biogenic amines increased significantly. A shelf life of up to 6 and 4 days during storage at 0
± 1 °C and 4± 1 °C, respectively, is recommended.
Keywords: Biogenic amines, pH, cattle liver, Total Volatile Nitrogen, and thiobarbituric acid
toxin-producing Escherichia coliin meat products collected from butchers shops and supermarkets in
Mansoura city, Egypt. We have characterized 18 non-O157 STEC strains among the identified 100E. coli
isolates recovered from the examined 87 meat product samples. The prevalence of non-O157 STEC
strains in fresh beef, ground beef and beef burger samples were 11.1% (3/27), 16.7% (5/30), and 33.3% (10/
30), respectively. The eighteen non-O157 STEC isolated strains were serotyped into seven (38.9%)
O111:H8, six (33.3%) O26:H11, two (11.1%) O111:He, and one (5.56%) for each of O55:H7, O126:H5 and
O128:H2. PCR assays for different virulence genes showed that nine (50%), eleven (61.1%), and nine (50%)
strains carry stx1,stx2, andeaegenes, respectively. The distribution of shiga toxin genes among the
isolated strains indicated that seven (38.9%) strains harbored stx1 only, nine (50%) strains harboredstx2
only, and two (11.1%) strains harbored bothstx1 andstx2. Theeaegene was present in association with
five (27.8%), three (16.7%), and one (5.6%) strains that harboredstx1 only,stx2 only, and bothstx1 and
stx2, respectively. This study concluded that the examined meat products, particularly beef burger,
consumed in Egypt are considerably contaminated with a variety of non-O157 STEC se
The levels of biogenic amines in addition to microbial and chemical parameters of fresh
cattle livers were determined. The influence of chilling at 0 ± 1 °C, 4 ± 1 °C and pan-roasting
on beef liver quality and safety was investigated. The obtained results revealed that the mean
values of pH, Enterobacteriaceae count, total volatile nitrogen (TVN) and thiobarbituric
acid (TBA) were 6.86 ± 0.03, 3.08 ± 0.8 log10 CFU /g, 16.09 ± 0.08 mg N/100 g and 0.18 ± 0.02
mg malonaldehyde /kg, respectively. Liver samples were contained high levels of spermidine
(up to 5.1±0.99 mg/kg), and low levels of histamine and cadaverine. Therefore, beef liver
constitutes one of the richest dietary sources of spermidine. During refrigerated storage,
there were significant bacterial and chemical changes: the pH decreased, TVN increased,
and the levels of most of the naturally occurring amines increased at rates which were faster
at higher storage temperature. During the pan-roasting at 180°C for 5 min, the levels of the
biogenic amines increased significantly. A shelf life of up to 6 and 4 days during storage at 0
± 1 °C and 4± 1 °C, respectively, is recommended.
Keywords: Biogenic amines, pH, cattle liver, Total Volatile Nitrogen, and thiobarbituric acid
toxin-producing Escherichia coliin meat products collected from butchers shops and supermarkets in
Mansoura city, Egypt. We have characterized 18 non-O157 STEC strains among the identified 100E. coli
isolates recovered from the examined 87 meat product samples. The prevalence of non-O157 STEC
strains in fresh beef, ground beef and beef burger samples were 11.1% (3/27), 16.7% (5/30), and 33.3% (10/
30), respectively. The eighteen non-O157 STEC isolated strains were serotyped into seven (38.9%)
O111:H8, six (33.3%) O26:H11, two (11.1%) O111:He, and one (5.56%) for each of O55:H7, O126:H5 and
O128:H2. PCR assays for different virulence genes showed that nine (50%), eleven (61.1%), and nine (50%)
strains carry stx1,stx2, andeaegenes, respectively. The distribution of shiga toxin genes among the
isolated strains indicated that seven (38.9%) strains harbored stx1 only, nine (50%) strains harboredstx2
only, and two (11.1%) strains harbored bothstx1 andstx2. Theeaegene was present in association with
five (27.8%), three (16.7%), and one (5.6%) strains that harboredstx1 only,stx2 only, and bothstx1 and
stx2, respectively. This study concluded that the examined meat products, particularly beef burger,
consumed in Egypt are considerably contaminated with a variety of non-O157 STEC se