Papers by Elmira Bazregarzadeh

When it comes to discussions about affects, human beings become the center of attention.Yet, ther... more When it comes to discussions about affects, human beings become the center of attention.Yet, there are times when we find ourselves in some sort of in‐betweenness,where we cannot resolve whether we exert our influence on the non‐humans, or it isthe non‐humans that trigger our bodies to respond in a certain way. The liminalitywitnessed at such times sheds light on the overlapping tendencies between ecocriticismand affect theory and encourages us to probe this issue more deeply. Accordingly,one may claim that a case study of Mary Oliver’s poems can fulfill the mainobjective of this short study regarding the fact that the mutuality of affect theory andecocriticism can pave the way for gaining further insight into investigation of herpoems, stemming from the fact that the speaker‐poet’s body and mind are the intersectionsof affective encounters with the rhythms of nature. The main conclusionthat can be drawn from this research is that the application of the selected approachto Mary Oliv...

Anafora Journal , 2023
When it comes to discussions about affects, human beings become the center of attention. Yet, the... more When it comes to discussions about affects, human beings become the center of attention. Yet, there are times when we find ourselves in some sort of in-betweenness, where we cannot resolve whether we exert our influence on the non-humans, or it is the non-humans that trigger our bodies to respond in a certain way. The liminality witnessed at such times sheds light on the overlapping tendencies between ecocriticism and affect theory and encourages us to probe this issue more deeply. Accordingly, one may claim that a case study of Mary Oliver's poems can fulfill the main objective of this short study regarding the fact that the mutuality of affect theory and ecocriticism can pave the way for gaining further insight into investigation of her poems, stemming from the fact that the speaker-poet's body and mind are the intersections of affective encounters with the rhythms of nature. The main conclusion that can be drawn from this research is that the application of the selected approach to Mary Oliver's poetry will offer a workable solution to the mind/body dualism, whereby we witness the formation of various identities as a result of the effect of actions on other bodies and affective states.

The Journal of Applied Linguistics and Applied Literature: Dynamics and Advances, 2021
There have always been many controversies with regards to the existing gaps between human beings ... more There have always been many controversies with regards to the existing gaps between human beings and Nature, most of which have come into notice in particular at the current age of fragmentation and uncertainty. While we postmodern individuals take pride in our access to better means of living through technological advances, there have been times we have not been able to live a concordant life on this vast planet. However, postmodernism's backing up the issue of decentralization has come in handy in literary studies on the one hand and has been influential in Nature-oriented studies on the other. That said, the present paper aims to examine the selected poems chosen out of Mary Oliver's Truro Bear and Other Adventures: Poems and Essays in order to show the significant role of the poetic language in bringing about some sort of ecological symbiosis, made possible through enriching the internal bond between the speaking human agents and non-speaking, non-human individuals.

There have always been many controversies with regards to the existing gaps between human beings ... more There have always been many controversies with regards to the existing gaps between human beings and Nature, most of which have come into notice in particular at the current age of fragmentation and uncertainty. While we postmodern individuals take pride in our access to better means of living through technological advances, there have been times we have not been able to live a concordant life on this vast planet. However, postmodernism's backing up the issue of decentralization has come in handy in literary studies on the one hand and has been influential in Nature-oriented studies on the other. That said, the present paper aims to examine the selected poems chosen out of Mary Oliver's Truro Bear and Other Adventures: Poems and Essays in order to show the significant role of the poetic language in bringing about some sort of ecological symbiosis, made possible through enriching the internal bond between the speaking human agents and non-speaking, non-human individuals.
William Wordsworth's great nature poem, Tintern Abbey (1798), sheds light on the way nature affec... more William Wordsworth's great nature poem, Tintern Abbey (1798), sheds light on the way nature affects Wordsworth's memory and the ways his philosophical interconnection with nature enables him to attain mental growth. Through an ecocritical study of the poem, this paper examines the clash between the Yale School critics, the New Historicists, and the ecocritics. It considers how the contradictory views of the afore-mentioned critics lead to a Green reading of the poem, and it demonstrates how the internal bond between man and nature in Wordsworth's poem grants humanity peace of mind.

International University of Sarajevo, 2018
History is an important part of human being's life in that it plays an important role in ... more History is an important part of human being's life in that it plays an important role in shaping our private, public, and political viewpoints. It serves as a mirror to life because it connects past events with present ones and may at times affect the future as well. Likewise, history enables us to ponder about the reason behind some past events and their influence on the individuals' present lives. The wide range of history and its broad coverage of different causes and effects of life events are the two focal issues that open the readers' eyes to the inherent features of the New Historicists' examinations of various works of literature. With this critical standpoint in mind, the present paper intends to study Edward Albee's play The Sandbox to reveal the existing factors that link the play with the previous historical events present in the American history of the time. By choosing New Historicism as the main model, the paper will shed light on such issues as power, resistance, and subversion put forward by such leading figures of this critical approach as Michel Foucault and Stephen Greenblatt.

There have always been controversial discussions with regards to the existing gaps between human ... more There have always been controversial discussions with regards to the existing gaps between human beings and Nature; most of which have come into notice in particular at the current age of fragmentation and uncertainty. While we postmodern individuals take pride in our access to better means of living through technological advances, there have been times we have not been able to live a concordant life on this vast planet. However, postmodernism’s backing up the issue of decentralization has come in handy in literary studies on the one hand and has been influential in Nature-oriented studies on the other. That said, the present paper aims to examine the selected poems chosen out of Mary Oliver’s Truro Bear and Other Adventure Poems in order to show the significant role of the poetic language in bringing about some sort of ecological symbiosis, made possible through enriching the internal bond between the speaking human agents and non-speaking, non-human individuals.

Considering the significance of ecopoetry and how it widens the ecological horizons of the reader... more Considering the significance of ecopoetry and how it widens the ecological horizons of the readers, tracing the ecopoet’s mental transition from the moment of direct sensual experiences in Nature to the act of composition enables the readers to fathom out what lies behind the poetic imagination, bringing about the ecological sense of union with the natural. As for the purpose of this study, the researchers intend to examine the ecocentric-ecopoetic elements of the selected ecopoems out of Mary Oliver’s New & Selected Poems, Vol. 1 with the aim of bringing to light the fact that Oliver’s main attempt is inviting her readers to reach mental growth through her bringing forth the consciousness that derives from the power of imagination and acute attention given to the world of the non-human, enabling the speaker-poet and her readers to do away with the barriers of self-centeredness and take part in a collective reunion with Nature. Accordingly, the general framework that has been used t...

Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, 2021
There have always been controversial discussions with regards to the existing gaps between human ... more There have always been controversial discussions with regards to the existing gaps between human beings and Nature; most of which have come into notice in particular at the current age of fragmentation and uncertainty. While we postmodern individuals take pride in our access to better means of living through technological advances, there have been times we have not been able to live a concordant life on this vast planet. However, postmodernism’s backing up the issue of decentralization has come in handy in literary studies on the one hand and has been influential in Nature-oriented studies on the other. That said, the present paper aims to examine the selected poems chosen out of Mary Oliver’s Truro Bear and Other Adventure Poems in order to show the significant role of the poetic language in bringing about some sort of ecological symbiosis, made possible through enriching the internal bond between the speaking human agents and non-speaking, non-human individuals.
The Brock Review, 2017
As one of the great Nature poems of Wordsworth, Tintern Abbey (1798) sheds light on the way Natur... more As one of the great Nature poems of Wordsworth, Tintern Abbey (1798) sheds light on the way Nature affects Wordsworth’s memory and enables him to reach mental growth through his philosophical interconnection with it. Through an ecocritical study of Tintern Abbey, the present paper aims to take the clash between the Yale School critics, the New Historicists, and the ecocritics into consideration to show how the contradictory views of the afore-mentioned critics led to a Green reading of the poem in the light of Ecocriticism. Key Words: Biospheric Egalitarianism, Wordsworthian Displacement, Regional Specificity, Metamorphosis, and Ecocriticism.
k@ta, 2019
Throughout historical decades the unfair system of life in patriarchal societies and the oppressi... more Throughout historical decades the unfair system of life in patriarchal societies and the oppression of women by men have always been key concepts in the literature of the world that have given rise to hot topics of discussion among different nations, questioning the real motive behind such trends. Hence, by examining Susan Glaspell’s “Trifles” through the lens of Ecofeminism the present paper aims to show how it can be considered as an ecofeminist work of literature doing away with the notions that pertain to the oppression of women and Nature by men.

English Language and Literature Studies, 2014
With the publication of Lawrence Buell's The Environmental Imagination (1995) and Cheryll Glotfel... more With the publication of Lawrence Buell's The Environmental Imagination (1995) and Cheryll Glotfelty and Harold Fromm's joint collection, The Ecocriticism Reader (1996), Ecocriticism emerged in the 1990s and the critics changed their angles of vision and examined the works of art by focusing on the relationship between man and Nature. Hence, Romantic poetry, in general, and William Wordsworth, in particular, became the key icons of ecocritical studies. Wordsworth was a major English Romantic poet who has been considered as a forerunner of English Romanticism. His views towards Nature and man's treatment of Nature have supported his position as an important icon of ecocritical studies. His fame lies in the general belief that he has been viewed as a Nature poet who viewed Nature superior to humans. In other words, his views about Nature and his poems seek to heal the long-forgotten wounds of Nature in the hope of reaching unification between man and Nature. Therefore, this study is an attempt to focus on Wordsworth's selected poems in the light of Ecocriticism in order to shed light on the poet's cautious views about the interdependence of man and Nature and purge Wordsworth of the unjust labels tagged to him as a self-centered poet. Accordingly, this research takes into account the importance of the reciprocal relationship between man and Nature as the major constituents of a vast ecosystem and helps the readers grow ecologically and achieve tranquility in an era suffocated by technological pollution.

k@ta, 2015
While the previous researches on Romanticism, especially Wordsworth (1770-1850), and Ecocriticism... more While the previous researches on Romanticism, especially Wordsworth (1770-1850), and Ecocriticism are quite far-ranging, the inherent ecocritical echoes of Wordsworth's oeuvre are yet to be surveyed. This study is an endeavor to examine the ecocritical aspects of William Wordsworth's The Ruined Cottage (1797-ca.1799) with the aim of bringing into focus the inner link between Nature and Ecocriticism in the above-mentioned poem. With that issue in mind, the researcher intends to take the viewpoints of the Yale School critics, the New Historicists, and those of the ecologists into consideration to prove the previous critics' inability in rendering a thorough reading of The Ruined Cottage and will examine the poem through the lens of Ecocriticism by focusing on the correspondence between the gradual withering of Nature and the gradual demise of Margaret's soul in order to reach a comprehensive examination of the poem in the end.
Throughout historical decades the unfair lifestyle in patriarchal societies and the oppression of... more Throughout historical decades the unfair lifestyle in patriarchal societies and the oppression of women by men have always been key concepts in the literature of the world that have given rise to hot topics of discussion among different nations, questioning the real motive behind such trends. Hence, by examining Susan Glaspell"s "Trifles" through the lens of Ecofeminism the present paper aims to show how it can be considered as an ecofeminist work of literature doing away with the notions that pertain to the oppression of women and Nature by men.

Epiphany Journal , 2018
History is an important part of human being's life in that it plays an important role in shaping ... more History is an important part of human being's life in that it plays an important role in shaping our private, public, and political viewpoints. It serves as a mirror to life because it connects past events with present ones and may at times affect the future as well. Likewise, history enables us to ponder about the reason behind some past events and their influence on the individuals' present lives. The wide range of history and its broad coverage of different causes and effects of life events are the two focal issues that open the readers' eyes to the inherent features of the New Historicists' examinations of various works of literature. With this critical standpoint in mind, the present paper intends to study Edward Albee's play The Sandbox to reveal the existing factors that link the play with the previous historical events present in the American history of the time. By choosing New Historicism as the main model, the paper will shed light on such issues as power, resistance, and subversion put forward by such leading figures of this critical approach as Michel Foucault and Stephen Greenblatt.
Papers by Elmira Bazregarzadeh