An experimental study was designed to analyze the effect of school-based training in self-regulat... more An experimental study was designed to analyze the effect of school-based training in self-regulation learning strategies on academic performance (Mathematics, Sciences, Language, and English). Class-level variables (i.e., gender, the teacher’s teaching experience, class size) were considered and the effects of the intervention were measured at the end of the intervention and 3 months later. A sample of 761 students from 3rd and 4th grades (356 in the control condition and 405 in the experimental condition), from 14 schools, participated in the study. Data were analyzed using three-level analysis with within-student measurements at level 1, between-students within-classes at level 2, and between-classes at level 3. Data showed a positive effect of the intervention on student performance, both at post-test (d = 0.25) and at follow-up (d = 0.33) considering the four school subjects together. However, the effect was significant just at follow-up when subjects were considered separately....
The goal of this research was to study the weight of student variables related to homework (intri... more The goal of this research was to study the weight of student variables related to homework (intrinsic homework motivation, perceived homework instrumentality, homework attitude, time spent on homework, and homework time management) and context (teacher feedback on homework and parental homework support) in the prediction of approaches to homework. 535 students of the last three courses of primary education participated in the study. Data were analyzed with hierarchical regression models and path analysis. The results obtained suggest that students’ homework engagement (high or low) is related to students´ level of intrinsic motivation and positive attitude towards homework. Furthermore, it was also observed that students who manage their homework time well (and not necessarily those who spend more time) are more likely to show the deepest approach to homework. Parental support and teacher feedback on homework affect student homework engagement through their effect on the...
In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of technologies in all aspects of daily li... more In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of technologies in all aspects of daily life, especially in educational contexts. Indeed, in most universities, using a virtual campus as a support for teaching is now a general practice, even in face-to-face teaching. However, although there are multiple studies on the quality of education and services provided by virtual campus platforms, as well as statistics on the use of the various tools and forums, very few studies have considered students’ perceptions of the quality perceived by students concerning the pedagogical use that teachers make of virtual campuses. Even fewer studies have examined this as a function of what year the students are in. In order to examine this more thoroughly, an ad hoc questionnaire was applied to 783 students enrolled in the first three years at various universities in Spain, covering all knowledge areas. The results show that first-year students had more positive opinions of the quality of their...
R.E.M.A. Revista electrónica de metodología aplicada
La creación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) ha supuesto cambios en las titulacio... more La creación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) ha supuesto cambios en las titulaciones universitarias tales como la obligatoriedad por parte de los alumnos de elaborar y defender los Trabajos de Fin de Grado (TFG) al finalizar sus estudios superiores. Sin embargo, la falta de concreción sobre cómo éstos deben de abordarse adecuadamente supone un gran desafío, motivo por el cual en este trabajo se desarrolla un programa de intervención creado para apoyar dicho proceso. De este modo, el objetivo de la investigación fue valorar la eficacia de un programa diseñado para la mejora en el alumnado de diversas competencias comunicativas (orales y escritas) en el ámbito universitario a partir de la elaboración y defensa de los TFG. Para ello se contó con una muestra de 92 alumnos, pertenecientes a distintos Grados de la Universidad de Oviedo, a los que se les aplicó un pretest-postest para valorar la eficacia del programa de intervención, así como un cuestionario elaborado ad ho...
Este articulo evalua la robustez de varios enfoques para anali-zar disenos de medidas repetidas c... more Este articulo evalua la robustez de varios enfoques para anali-zar disenos de medidas repetidas cuando los supuestos de normalidad y esfericidad multimuetral son separada y conjuntamente violados. Especifi-camente, el trabajo de los autores compara el desempeno de dos metodos de remuestreo, pruebas de permutacion y de bootstrap, con el desempeno del usual modelo de analisis de varianza (ANOVA) y modelo lineal mixto con la solucion Kenward-Roger implementada en SAS PROC MIXED. Los autores descubrieron que la prueba de permutacion se comportaba mejor que las pruebas restantes cuando se incumplian los supuestos de normalidad y de esfericidad. Por el contrario, cuando se violaban los su-puestos de normalidad y de esfericidad multimuestral los resultados pusie-ron de relieve que la prueba Bootstrap-F proporcionaba un control de las tasas de error superior al ofrecido por la prueba de permutacion y por enfoque del modelo mixto. La ejecucion del enfoque ANOVA se vio afectada considerableme...
The high rates of dropout in Europe are considered a severe problem whose effects arise at an ind... more The high rates of dropout in Europe are considered a severe problem whose effects arise at an individual level (school failure, absenteeism, little or lack of motivation for their studies, learning disabilities, grade repetition, low self-esteem, behavioral and relationship or communication problems with the teachers and the family) and extend to citizenship, shaping hence the social and human capital. Facing this situation of early disengagement of formal education, it should be stressed the urgent cooperation between families and schools as agents of socialization, whose responsibilities, mutual influence, and shared efforts aim to enhance the children’s learning and development. This research expects to know some of the necessities of families when they get involved in their children’s learning and identify whether these necessities may be used to set prevention or protection indicators in dropout events. The authors, based on a descriptive and ex post facto methodology, used an ...
The family plays a basic and essential role in the children’s optimal development, although it is... more The family plays a basic and essential role in the children’s optimal development, although it is a well-known fact that schools also influence this process greatly. Behind the implications that the coexistence at school may have for children beyond academia underlies the relevance and concern of parents about the school climate during coexistence; for otherwise, it may lead to violent situations with several negative consequences for students. For these reasons, this research aims to know the perception of the Primary School students of witnessed or suffered violent behaviors, the type of actions carried out in both cases, and also the point of view of their families about this issue. To this end, 200 students (52% girls and 48% boys) studying 4o , 5o , and 6o grade of Primary School and 92 parents (73.9% mothers and 26.1% fathers) took part in this study. Overall results are generally positive, given that both witnessing and suffering these violent experiences or the passivity in ...
Research has suggested that the relationship between previous academic achievement and student va... more Research has suggested that the relationship between previous academic achievement and student variables is mediated by parent and teacher expectations of the child’s ability and future success. The goal of this study was to analyze the mediating role of teachers’ expectations and teachers’ perceptions of parents’ expectations between previous academic achievement and variables in students with Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) that are significant for school learning. The participants were 230 students with SLD from Spain, aged between 10 and 14 years. Extrinsic variables influenced the students’ intrinsic variables even more than the students’ own experiences of academic success or failure. The way in which teachers in the child’s academic life respond to prior results and the expectations they form can affect their instruction, and ultimately the children’s motivation, involvement, and persistence in learning.
Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación, Dec 17, 2017
El problema del abandono universitario es un problema creciente con consecuencias para los afecta... more El problema del abandono universitario es un problema creciente con consecuencias para los afectados y para la sociedad en general. Así, resulta de interés analizar las variables que influyen en él, algunas de las cuales se enmarcan en los modelos sociológicos. Con una muestra de 1.301 estudiantes, los resultados obtenidos parecen señalar la existencia de una cierta influencia de la participación en grupos universitarios en la decisión de abandono, si bien esta participación puede tener incidencia a su vez en aspectos como la integración académica y social del alumnado y la valoración que realiza sobre el ambiente de convivencia.
The increase in dropout rates in higher education is a phenomenon that has generated a lot of int... more The increase in dropout rates in higher education is a phenomenon that has generated a lot of interest because of the need to deal with its economic, personal, and social consequences, and because of its prevalence, estimated around 30% in Spain. There is a similar interest in violent behavior in university classrooms, which has also been seen to have increased in recent years. Given that, and the fact that research has shown personal variables to be more influential in dropout from higher education, the aim of this study is to explore whether those students who are the victims of bullying (both traditional and cyberbullying) are closer to dropping out from their degree courses. To that end, 1,653 first-year students doing various degree courses in the north of Spain were asked to complete a questionnaire. The results of a Bayesian analysis showed that students who were victims of bullying were more likely to consider dropping out than students who were not victims of bullying. In a...
Revista de Psicología y Educación - Journal of Psychology and Education
Las denominadas Tecnologías Avanzadas para el Aprendizaje han supuesto un gran avance en el campo... more Las denominadas Tecnologías Avanzadas para el Aprendizaje han supuesto un gran avance en el campo de investigación del aprendizaje autorregulado; estas tecnologías posibilitan registrar las conductas autorregulatorias al tiempo que se interviene sobre ellas. Son muchos los entornos de aprendizaje mediados por ordenador los desarrollados con este objetivo, sin embargo, MetaTutor resulta uno de los más importantes por la cantidad y diversidad de instrumentos de evaluación e intervención que integra. El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo revisar sistemáticamente las principales publicaciones sobre MetaTutor. Se ha realizado una búsqueda documental en las bases de datos Web of Science, PsicInfo y PubMed bajo el descriptor "metatutor", delimitando la búsqueda a los escritos publicados entre el año 2010 y 2020. La búsqueda generó 50 resultados que, aplicados los criterios de exclusión, se redujeron a 25. Los productos del análisis de dichas publicaciones ponen de relieve la influencia de una cantidad considerable de variables en el proceso autorregulatorio y en sus outcomes; factores personales, conocimientos previos, orientación a metas, patrones de navegación, emociones, estrategias de aprendizaje, interacción con agentes pedagógicos, etc. Así, es posible concluir que MetaTutor es una herramienta eficaz para la evaluación e intervención en procesos autorregulatorios aprendizaje.
European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education
El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la relación específica entre las diferentes formas de im... more El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la relación específica entre las diferentes formas de implicación familiar, las dimensiones del autoconcepto del estudiante y su rendimiento académico. En el estudio han participado 503 estudiantes de la Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) y el primer curso de Bachillerato. Los datos fueron recogidos a través de dos inventarios (Cuestionario de Implicación Familiar –CIF-, Escala de Evaluación del Autoconcepto -ESEA-2) y las calificaciones académicas. Los datos fueron analizados mediante análisis multivariados de la varianza y a través de análisis de senderos. Los resultados mostraron relación significativa entre las dimensiones de la implicación familiar percibida y las dimensiones del autoconcepto, excepto el reforzamiento de logro. Por otra parte, la relación entre implicación familiar percibida y rendimiento académico es mediada parcialmente por el autoconcepto académico.
University dropout has serious consequences not only for the student who gives up, but also for t... more University dropout has serious consequences not only for the student who gives up, but also for the host society itself. This has led to an increase in studies aimed at analysing and preventing dropout, implemented under different methodologies that are reported in this article. In addition to this trend, the authors-as members of the European Project ALFA GUIA-have developed a study using a holistic ex-post facto approach targeted at identifying those variables that play a fundamental role in university studentsṕersistence. The sample used for the statistical analyses excluded students who had left one degree course to enrol on another (since there were no significant differences compared to the group that continued), and the cases with missing values. This resulted in a final sample of 677 subjects (198 who had dropped out and 479 who had persisted). A sample of 1300 university students was interviewed; the information was collected using a questionnaire collaboratively designed by the Project partners, and-in this case-by means of computer assisted interview. A descriptive and correlational analysis was carried out, as a first approximation to data, helping to identify the main relationships between variables. Based on these results, a binary logistic regression analysis was performed. The results confirmed that vocation is the variable that most influences persistence on the studies started. Therefore, this variable (vocation) can act as a protective factor against university dropout, once the remaining variables are controlled.
University program dropout is a problem that has important consequences not only for the student ... more University program dropout is a problem that has important consequences not only for the student that leaves but also for the institution in which the withdrawal occurs. Therefore, higher education institutions must study the problem in greater depth to establish appropriate prevention measures in the future. However, most research papers currently focus primarily on the characteristics of students who leave university, rather than on those who choose to pursue alternative courses of study and therefore fail to take into account the different kinds of abandonment. The aim of this paper is to identify the different types of dropout to define their characteristics and propose some recommendations. Thus, an ex post facto study was carried out on a sample of 1,311 freshmen from a university in the north of Spain using data gathered using an ad-hoc designed questionnaire, applied by telephone or an online survey, and completed with data available in the university data warehouse. A descriptive analysis was performed to characterize the sample and identify five different groups, including 1. Students persisting in their initiated degree 2. Students who change of program (within the same university) 3. Students transferring to a different university 4. Students enrolling in non-highereducation studies 5. Students that quit studying. Also, data mining techniques (decision trees) were applied to classify the cases and generate predictive models to aid in the design of differentiated intervention strategies for each of the corresponding groups.
The handling Editor declared a shared affiliation, though no other collaboration, with the author... more The handling Editor declared a shared affiliation, though no other collaboration, with the authors AB, ME, EF, AC, ET, and PS and states that the process nevertheless met the standards of a fair and objective review.
An experimental study was designed to analyze the effect of school-based training in self-regulat... more An experimental study was designed to analyze the effect of school-based training in self-regulation learning strategies on academic performance (Mathematics, Sciences, Language, and English). Class-level variables (i.e., gender, the teacher’s teaching experience, class size) were considered and the effects of the intervention were measured at the end of the intervention and 3 months later. A sample of 761 students from 3rd and 4th grades (356 in the control condition and 405 in the experimental condition), from 14 schools, participated in the study. Data were analyzed using three-level analysis with within-student measurements at level 1, between-students within-classes at level 2, and between-classes at level 3. Data showed a positive effect of the intervention on student performance, both at post-test (d = 0.25) and at follow-up (d = 0.33) considering the four school subjects together. However, the effect was significant just at follow-up when subjects were considered separately....
The goal of this research was to study the weight of student variables related to homework (intri... more The goal of this research was to study the weight of student variables related to homework (intrinsic homework motivation, perceived homework instrumentality, homework attitude, time spent on homework, and homework time management) and context (teacher feedback on homework and parental homework support) in the prediction of approaches to homework. 535 students of the last three courses of primary education participated in the study. Data were analyzed with hierarchical regression models and path analysis. The results obtained suggest that students’ homework engagement (high or low) is related to students´ level of intrinsic motivation and positive attitude towards homework. Furthermore, it was also observed that students who manage their homework time well (and not necessarily those who spend more time) are more likely to show the deepest approach to homework. Parental support and teacher feedback on homework affect student homework engagement through their effect on the...
In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of technologies in all aspects of daily li... more In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of technologies in all aspects of daily life, especially in educational contexts. Indeed, in most universities, using a virtual campus as a support for teaching is now a general practice, even in face-to-face teaching. However, although there are multiple studies on the quality of education and services provided by virtual campus platforms, as well as statistics on the use of the various tools and forums, very few studies have considered students’ perceptions of the quality perceived by students concerning the pedagogical use that teachers make of virtual campuses. Even fewer studies have examined this as a function of what year the students are in. In order to examine this more thoroughly, an ad hoc questionnaire was applied to 783 students enrolled in the first three years at various universities in Spain, covering all knowledge areas. The results show that first-year students had more positive opinions of the quality of their...
R.E.M.A. Revista electrónica de metodología aplicada
La creación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) ha supuesto cambios en las titulacio... more La creación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) ha supuesto cambios en las titulaciones universitarias tales como la obligatoriedad por parte de los alumnos de elaborar y defender los Trabajos de Fin de Grado (TFG) al finalizar sus estudios superiores. Sin embargo, la falta de concreción sobre cómo éstos deben de abordarse adecuadamente supone un gran desafío, motivo por el cual en este trabajo se desarrolla un programa de intervención creado para apoyar dicho proceso. De este modo, el objetivo de la investigación fue valorar la eficacia de un programa diseñado para la mejora en el alumnado de diversas competencias comunicativas (orales y escritas) en el ámbito universitario a partir de la elaboración y defensa de los TFG. Para ello se contó con una muestra de 92 alumnos, pertenecientes a distintos Grados de la Universidad de Oviedo, a los que se les aplicó un pretest-postest para valorar la eficacia del programa de intervención, así como un cuestionario elaborado ad ho...
Este articulo evalua la robustez de varios enfoques para anali-zar disenos de medidas repetidas c... more Este articulo evalua la robustez de varios enfoques para anali-zar disenos de medidas repetidas cuando los supuestos de normalidad y esfericidad multimuetral son separada y conjuntamente violados. Especifi-camente, el trabajo de los autores compara el desempeno de dos metodos de remuestreo, pruebas de permutacion y de bootstrap, con el desempeno del usual modelo de analisis de varianza (ANOVA) y modelo lineal mixto con la solucion Kenward-Roger implementada en SAS PROC MIXED. Los autores descubrieron que la prueba de permutacion se comportaba mejor que las pruebas restantes cuando se incumplian los supuestos de normalidad y de esfericidad. Por el contrario, cuando se violaban los su-puestos de normalidad y de esfericidad multimuestral los resultados pusie-ron de relieve que la prueba Bootstrap-F proporcionaba un control de las tasas de error superior al ofrecido por la prueba de permutacion y por enfoque del modelo mixto. La ejecucion del enfoque ANOVA se vio afectada considerableme...
The high rates of dropout in Europe are considered a severe problem whose effects arise at an ind... more The high rates of dropout in Europe are considered a severe problem whose effects arise at an individual level (school failure, absenteeism, little or lack of motivation for their studies, learning disabilities, grade repetition, low self-esteem, behavioral and relationship or communication problems with the teachers and the family) and extend to citizenship, shaping hence the social and human capital. Facing this situation of early disengagement of formal education, it should be stressed the urgent cooperation between families and schools as agents of socialization, whose responsibilities, mutual influence, and shared efforts aim to enhance the children’s learning and development. This research expects to know some of the necessities of families when they get involved in their children’s learning and identify whether these necessities may be used to set prevention or protection indicators in dropout events. The authors, based on a descriptive and ex post facto methodology, used an ...
The family plays a basic and essential role in the children’s optimal development, although it is... more The family plays a basic and essential role in the children’s optimal development, although it is a well-known fact that schools also influence this process greatly. Behind the implications that the coexistence at school may have for children beyond academia underlies the relevance and concern of parents about the school climate during coexistence; for otherwise, it may lead to violent situations with several negative consequences for students. For these reasons, this research aims to know the perception of the Primary School students of witnessed or suffered violent behaviors, the type of actions carried out in both cases, and also the point of view of their families about this issue. To this end, 200 students (52% girls and 48% boys) studying 4o , 5o , and 6o grade of Primary School and 92 parents (73.9% mothers and 26.1% fathers) took part in this study. Overall results are generally positive, given that both witnessing and suffering these violent experiences or the passivity in ...
Research has suggested that the relationship between previous academic achievement and student va... more Research has suggested that the relationship between previous academic achievement and student variables is mediated by parent and teacher expectations of the child’s ability and future success. The goal of this study was to analyze the mediating role of teachers’ expectations and teachers’ perceptions of parents’ expectations between previous academic achievement and variables in students with Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) that are significant for school learning. The participants were 230 students with SLD from Spain, aged between 10 and 14 years. Extrinsic variables influenced the students’ intrinsic variables even more than the students’ own experiences of academic success or failure. The way in which teachers in the child’s academic life respond to prior results and the expectations they form can affect their instruction, and ultimately the children’s motivation, involvement, and persistence in learning.
Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación, Dec 17, 2017
El problema del abandono universitario es un problema creciente con consecuencias para los afecta... more El problema del abandono universitario es un problema creciente con consecuencias para los afectados y para la sociedad en general. Así, resulta de interés analizar las variables que influyen en él, algunas de las cuales se enmarcan en los modelos sociológicos. Con una muestra de 1.301 estudiantes, los resultados obtenidos parecen señalar la existencia de una cierta influencia de la participación en grupos universitarios en la decisión de abandono, si bien esta participación puede tener incidencia a su vez en aspectos como la integración académica y social del alumnado y la valoración que realiza sobre el ambiente de convivencia.
The increase in dropout rates in higher education is a phenomenon that has generated a lot of int... more The increase in dropout rates in higher education is a phenomenon that has generated a lot of interest because of the need to deal with its economic, personal, and social consequences, and because of its prevalence, estimated around 30% in Spain. There is a similar interest in violent behavior in university classrooms, which has also been seen to have increased in recent years. Given that, and the fact that research has shown personal variables to be more influential in dropout from higher education, the aim of this study is to explore whether those students who are the victims of bullying (both traditional and cyberbullying) are closer to dropping out from their degree courses. To that end, 1,653 first-year students doing various degree courses in the north of Spain were asked to complete a questionnaire. The results of a Bayesian analysis showed that students who were victims of bullying were more likely to consider dropping out than students who were not victims of bullying. In a...
Revista de Psicología y Educación - Journal of Psychology and Education
Las denominadas Tecnologías Avanzadas para el Aprendizaje han supuesto un gran avance en el campo... more Las denominadas Tecnologías Avanzadas para el Aprendizaje han supuesto un gran avance en el campo de investigación del aprendizaje autorregulado; estas tecnologías posibilitan registrar las conductas autorregulatorias al tiempo que se interviene sobre ellas. Son muchos los entornos de aprendizaje mediados por ordenador los desarrollados con este objetivo, sin embargo, MetaTutor resulta uno de los más importantes por la cantidad y diversidad de instrumentos de evaluación e intervención que integra. El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo revisar sistemáticamente las principales publicaciones sobre MetaTutor. Se ha realizado una búsqueda documental en las bases de datos Web of Science, PsicInfo y PubMed bajo el descriptor "metatutor", delimitando la búsqueda a los escritos publicados entre el año 2010 y 2020. La búsqueda generó 50 resultados que, aplicados los criterios de exclusión, se redujeron a 25. Los productos del análisis de dichas publicaciones ponen de relieve la influencia de una cantidad considerable de variables en el proceso autorregulatorio y en sus outcomes; factores personales, conocimientos previos, orientación a metas, patrones de navegación, emociones, estrategias de aprendizaje, interacción con agentes pedagógicos, etc. Así, es posible concluir que MetaTutor es una herramienta eficaz para la evaluación e intervención en procesos autorregulatorios aprendizaje.
European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education
El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la relación específica entre las diferentes formas de im... more El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la relación específica entre las diferentes formas de implicación familiar, las dimensiones del autoconcepto del estudiante y su rendimiento académico. En el estudio han participado 503 estudiantes de la Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) y el primer curso de Bachillerato. Los datos fueron recogidos a través de dos inventarios (Cuestionario de Implicación Familiar –CIF-, Escala de Evaluación del Autoconcepto -ESEA-2) y las calificaciones académicas. Los datos fueron analizados mediante análisis multivariados de la varianza y a través de análisis de senderos. Los resultados mostraron relación significativa entre las dimensiones de la implicación familiar percibida y las dimensiones del autoconcepto, excepto el reforzamiento de logro. Por otra parte, la relación entre implicación familiar percibida y rendimiento académico es mediada parcialmente por el autoconcepto académico.
University dropout has serious consequences not only for the student who gives up, but also for t... more University dropout has serious consequences not only for the student who gives up, but also for the host society itself. This has led to an increase in studies aimed at analysing and preventing dropout, implemented under different methodologies that are reported in this article. In addition to this trend, the authors-as members of the European Project ALFA GUIA-have developed a study using a holistic ex-post facto approach targeted at identifying those variables that play a fundamental role in university studentsṕersistence. The sample used for the statistical analyses excluded students who had left one degree course to enrol on another (since there were no significant differences compared to the group that continued), and the cases with missing values. This resulted in a final sample of 677 subjects (198 who had dropped out and 479 who had persisted). A sample of 1300 university students was interviewed; the information was collected using a questionnaire collaboratively designed by the Project partners, and-in this case-by means of computer assisted interview. A descriptive and correlational analysis was carried out, as a first approximation to data, helping to identify the main relationships between variables. Based on these results, a binary logistic regression analysis was performed. The results confirmed that vocation is the variable that most influences persistence on the studies started. Therefore, this variable (vocation) can act as a protective factor against university dropout, once the remaining variables are controlled.
University program dropout is a problem that has important consequences not only for the student ... more University program dropout is a problem that has important consequences not only for the student that leaves but also for the institution in which the withdrawal occurs. Therefore, higher education institutions must study the problem in greater depth to establish appropriate prevention measures in the future. However, most research papers currently focus primarily on the characteristics of students who leave university, rather than on those who choose to pursue alternative courses of study and therefore fail to take into account the different kinds of abandonment. The aim of this paper is to identify the different types of dropout to define their characteristics and propose some recommendations. Thus, an ex post facto study was carried out on a sample of 1,311 freshmen from a university in the north of Spain using data gathered using an ad-hoc designed questionnaire, applied by telephone or an online survey, and completed with data available in the university data warehouse. A descriptive analysis was performed to characterize the sample and identify five different groups, including 1. Students persisting in their initiated degree 2. Students who change of program (within the same university) 3. Students transferring to a different university 4. Students enrolling in non-highereducation studies 5. Students that quit studying. Also, data mining techniques (decision trees) were applied to classify the cases and generate predictive models to aid in the design of differentiated intervention strategies for each of the corresponding groups.
The handling Editor declared a shared affiliation, though no other collaboration, with the author... more The handling Editor declared a shared affiliation, though no other collaboration, with the authors AB, ME, EF, AC, ET, and PS and states that the process nevertheless met the standards of a fair and objective review.
Papers by Ellián Tuero