The aim of this study was to generate standard curves for normal spinal and femoral neck bone min... more The aim of this study was to generate standard curves for normal spinal and femoral neck bone mineral density (BMD) in Mexican women using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), to analyze geographic differences and to compare these with “Hispanic” reference data to determine its applicability. This was a cross-sectional study of 4460 urban, clinically normal, Mexican women, aged 20–90 years, from 10 different cities in Mexico (5 in the north, 4 in the center and 1 in the southeast) with densitometry centers. Women with suspected medical conditions or who had used drugs affecting bone metabolism, were excluded. Lumbar spine BMD was significantly higher (1.089 ± 0.18 g/cm2) in women from the northern part of Mexico, with intermediate values in the center (1.065 ± 0.17 g/cm2) and lower values (1.013 ± 0.19 g/cm2) in the southeast (p<0.0001). Similarly, femoral neck BMD was significantly higher in women from the north (0.895 ± 0.14 g/cm2), intermediate in the center (0.864 ± 0.14 g/cm2) and lower (0.844 ± 0.14 g/cm2) in the southeast part of Mexico (p<0.0001). Northern Mexican women tend to be taller and heavier than women from the center and, even more, than those from the southeast of Mexico (p<0.0001). However, these differences in BMD remained significant after adjustment for weight (p<0.0001). A significant loss (p<0.0001) in BMD was observed from 40 to 69 years of age at the lumbar spine and up to the eighth decade at the femoral neck. Higher and lower lumbar spine values, as compared with the “Hispanic” population, were observed in Mexican mestizo women from the northern and southeastern regions, respectively. In conclusion, there are geographic differences in weight and height of Mexican women, and in BMD despite adjustment for weight.
The best return visit interval to achieve blood pressure control is currently unknown. This study... more The best return visit interval to achieve blood pressure control is currently unknown. This study investigates the relationship between return visit interval and percent change in blood pressure. We reviewed a cohort of hypertensive patient charts from two large, urban family practice offices. Four hundred twenty-nine patients with 7910 intervals showed a mean return visit interval of 79.5 days. Blood pressure control occurred during 34.5% of office visits. Pearson's r correlation coefficients between return visit interval and percent change in systolic and diastolic blood pressure demonstrated a small but statistically significant correlation. Shorter return visit intervals were associated with better percent changes in blood pressure. The return visit interval may be a simple and useful tool to improve management of hypertension.
Sancho el Sabio, 33, 2010, 55-95 55 ETA político-militar fue una de las organizaciones terrorista... more Sancho el Sabio, 33, 2010, 55-95 55 ETA político-militar fue una de las organizaciones terroristas de ideología nacionalista vasca que actuó durante la Transición. En 1977 creó un partido, EIA, y una coalición, Euskadiko Ezkerra. En 1981 ETApm declaró una tregua. La organización se dividió en dos grupos. Gracias a la negociación entre el partido EIA y el Gobierno de UCD, una de esas facciones se autodisolvió y sus militantes se reinsertaron en la sociedad; la otra acabó integrándose en ETA militar o desapareciendo con el tiempo. Trantsizioan jardun zuen euskal ideologia nazionalistako erakunde terroristetako bat izan zen ETA politiko-militarra. 1977an alderdi bat sortu zuen, EIA, eta koalizio bat, Euskadiko Ezkerra. 1981ean ETApm-k su-etena deklaratu zuen. Erakundea bi taldetan banatu zen. EIA alderdiaren eta UCDko Gobernuaren negoziazioari esker, fakzioetako bat berez desegin zen eta erakundeko militanteak gizarteratu egin ziren; beste fakzioa ETA militarra erakundean bildu zen, edo denborarekin desagertu.
The aim of this study was to generate standard curves for normal spinal and femoral neck bone min... more The aim of this study was to generate standard curves for normal spinal and femoral neck bone mineral density (BMD) in Mexican women using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), to analyze geographic differences and to compare these with “Hispanic” reference data to determine its applicability. This was a cross-sectional study of 4460 urban, clinically normal, Mexican women, aged 20–90 years, from 10 different cities in Mexico (5 in the north, 4 in the center and 1 in the southeast) with densitometry centers. Women with suspected medical conditions or who had used drugs affecting bone metabolism, were excluded. Lumbar spine BMD was significantly higher (1.089 ± 0.18 g/cm2) in women from the northern part of Mexico, with intermediate values in the center (1.065 ± 0.17 g/cm2) and lower values (1.013 ± 0.19 g/cm2) in the southeast (p<0.0001). Similarly, femoral neck BMD was significantly higher in women from the north (0.895 ± 0.14 g/cm2), intermediate in the center (0.864 ± 0.14 g/cm2) and lower (0.844 ± 0.14 g/cm2) in the southeast part of Mexico (p<0.0001). Northern Mexican women tend to be taller and heavier than women from the center and, even more, than those from the southeast of Mexico (p<0.0001). However, these differences in BMD remained significant after adjustment for weight (p<0.0001). A significant loss (p<0.0001) in BMD was observed from 40 to 69 years of age at the lumbar spine and up to the eighth decade at the femoral neck. Higher and lower lumbar spine values, as compared with the “Hispanic” population, were observed in Mexican mestizo women from the northern and southeastern regions, respectively. In conclusion, there are geographic differences in weight and height of Mexican women, and in BMD despite adjustment for weight.
The best return visit interval to achieve blood pressure control is currently unknown. This study... more The best return visit interval to achieve blood pressure control is currently unknown. This study investigates the relationship between return visit interval and percent change in blood pressure. We reviewed a cohort of hypertensive patient charts from two large, urban family practice offices. Four hundred twenty-nine patients with 7910 intervals showed a mean return visit interval of 79.5 days. Blood pressure control occurred during 34.5% of office visits. Pearson's r correlation coefficients between return visit interval and percent change in systolic and diastolic blood pressure demonstrated a small but statistically significant correlation. Shorter return visit intervals were associated with better percent changes in blood pressure. The return visit interval may be a simple and useful tool to improve management of hypertension.
Sancho el Sabio, 33, 2010, 55-95 55 ETA político-militar fue una de las organizaciones terrorista... more Sancho el Sabio, 33, 2010, 55-95 55 ETA político-militar fue una de las organizaciones terroristas de ideología nacionalista vasca que actuó durante la Transición. En 1977 creó un partido, EIA, y una coalición, Euskadiko Ezkerra. En 1981 ETApm declaró una tregua. La organización se dividió en dos grupos. Gracias a la negociación entre el partido EIA y el Gobierno de UCD, una de esas facciones se autodisolvió y sus militantes se reinsertaron en la sociedad; la otra acabó integrándose en ETA militar o desapareciendo con el tiempo. Trantsizioan jardun zuen euskal ideologia nazionalistako erakunde terroristetako bat izan zen ETA politiko-militarra. 1977an alderdi bat sortu zuen, EIA, eta koalizio bat, Euskadiko Ezkerra. 1981ean ETApm-k su-etena deklaratu zuen. Erakundea bi taldetan banatu zen. EIA alderdiaren eta UCDko Gobernuaren negoziazioari esker, fakzioetako bat berez desegin zen eta erakundeko militanteak gizarteratu egin ziren; beste fakzioa ETA militarra erakundean bildu zen, edo denborarekin desagertu.
Papers by Jose Elizondo