Papers by Elizabeth Stanger
Childbearing health and service needs of migrants and refugees to Montreal, Quebec (Canada)

Refugee and refugee-claimant women and infants post-birth: migration histories as a predictor of Canadian health system response to needs
Canadian journal of public health = Revue canadienne de santé publique
Minority women from conflict-laden areas with limited host-country knowledge are among the most v... more Minority women from conflict-laden areas with limited host-country knowledge are among the most vulnerable migrants. Their risk status and that of their infants is magnified during pregnancy, birth, and post-birth. We conducted a study to determine whether women's postnatal health concerns were addressed by the Canadian health system differentially based on migration status (refugee, refugee-claimant, immigrant, and Canadian-born) or city of residence. Women speaking any of 13 languages were recruited (with their infants) from postpartum units in the main Canadian receiving cities for newcomers (Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver; total n = 341 pairs from 10 hospitals) and followed at home after birth. Our primary interest was 'unaddressed concerns'; nurse-identified health concerns based on standards of postpartum care for the woman/infant at 7-10 days post-birth, for which no professional attention had been given or planned. A difference in unaddressed concerns by migration ...

International migration to Canada: The post-birth health of mothers and infants by immigration class
Social Science & Medicine, 2013
There are over 214 million international migrants worldwide, half of whom are women, and all of t... more There are over 214 million international migrants worldwide, half of whom are women, and all of them assigned by the receiving country to an immigration class. Immigration classes are associated with certain health risks and regulatory restrictions related to eligibility for health care. Prior to this study, reports of international migrant post-birth health had not been compared between immigration classes, with the exception of our earlier, smaller study in which we found asylum-seekers to be at greatest risk for health concerns. In order to determine whether refugee or asylum-seeking women or their infants experience a greater number or a different distribution of professionally-identified health concerns after birth than immigrant or Canadian-born women, we recruited 1127 migrant (and in Canada <5 years) women-infant pairs, defined by immigration class (refugee, asylum-seeker, immigrant, or Canadian-born). Between February 2006 and May 2009, we followed them from childbirth (in one of eleven birthing centres in Montreal or Toronto) to four months and found that at one week postpartum, asylum-seeking and immigrant women had greater rates of professionally-identified health concerns than Canadian-born women; and at four months, all three migrant groups had greater rates of professionally-identified concerns. Further, international migrants were at greater risk of not having these concerns addressed by the Canadian health care system. The current study supports our earlier findings and highlights the need for case-finding and services for international migrant women, particularly for psychosocial difficulties. Policy and program mechanisms to address migrants' needs would best be developed within the various immigration classes.

Cesarean section rate differences by migration indicators
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 2013
To answer the question: are there differences in cesarean section rates among childbearing women ... more To answer the question: are there differences in cesarean section rates among childbearing women in Canada according to selected migration indicators? Secondary analyses of 3,500 low-risk women who had given birth between January 2003 and April 2004 in one of ten hospitals in the major Canadian migrant-receiving cities (Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver) were conducted. Women were categorized as non-refugee immigrant, asylum seeker, refugee, or Canadian-born and by source country world region. Stratified analyses were performed. Cesarean section rates differed by migration status for women from two source regions: South East and Central Asia (non-refugee immigrants 26.0 %, asylum seekers 28.6 %, refugees 56.7 %, p = 0.001) and Latin America (non-refugee immigrants 37.7 %, asylum seekers 25.6 %, refugees 10.5 %, p = 0.05). Of these, low-risk refugee women who had migrated to Canada from South East and Central Asia experienced excess cesarean sections, while refugees from Latin America experienced fewer, compared to Canadian-born (25.4 %, 95 % CI 23.8-27.3). Cesarean section rates of African women were consistently high (31-33 %) irrespective of their migration status but were not statistically different from Canadian-born women. Although it did not reach statistical significance, risk for cesarean sections also differed by time since migration (≤2 years 29.8 %, >2 years 47.2 %). Migration status, source region, and time since migration are informative migration indicators for cesarean section risk.

BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 2006
Refugee and asylum-seeking women in Canada may have significant harmful childbearing health outco... more Refugee and asylum-seeking women in Canada may have significant harmful childbearing health outcomes and unmet health and social care needs. The most vulnerable of these women are: those who have left their countries by force (e.g., war, rape or abuse histories), are separated from their families, have limited knowledge of the host country languages, and are visible minorities. Asylum-seekers face additional stresses related to their unknown future status and are marginalized with regards to access to provincial health care systems. The prevalence and severity of health issues in this population is not known nor is the extent of response from social service and health care systems (including variation in provincial service delivery). Understanding the magnitude of health and social concerns of newcomers requires data from a representative sample of childbearing refugee and asylum-seeking women resettling in Canada to permit comparisons to be made with non-refugee immigrant and Canad...
Papers by Elizabeth Stanger