Papers by Elizabeth Manuel

International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 2019
This study determined the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs provided for in Republic Act 9... more This study determined the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs provided for in Republic Act 9344 for children in conflict with the law. Twenty one rehabilitated youth admitted from June to October 2018 participated in the study.All of them are permanent residents of Cabanatuan City, Central Luzon, Philippines. Results showed that diversion program, vocational training, livelihood skills training, fun games and sports development were perceived to be more effective than other methods while cleanliness drives are effective as it is understood as a punishment rather than restorative. The effective program provided formal and non-formal education, better ways in dealing with one's emotions; explore one's strengths and weaknesses and economic empowerment. According to program implementers, challenges faced in the program were casework and limited financial assistance. Rehabilitated youth reported to have adapted a better perspective in life and are coping with problems well. Follow-up programs must be conducted to ensure the success of children in their community as well in school.

Journal of Humanities and Education Development, 2020
The outcomes of the present study will be beneficial and valuable to the following: To the studen... more The outcomes of the present study will be beneficial and valuable to the following: To the students. The result of this study will provide necessary pieces of information of the mental health of the student which could be a great help to the respondents in understanding themselves. It can also help them to be more aware about mental and psychological health through the help of the recommendation of the researchers; To the Parents. The results of this study will be beneficial to the parents having children who have the same age bracket as the respondents. The recommendations will help them in dealing with the problems with their children's mental health issues which is not easy to know. To the School. The results of this study can help the school as well as the guidance counselors to know what the main problem of the students is and immediately formulate actions to avoid possible negative effects that can harm the well-being of the students under their supervision. To the Philippine Mental Health Association, Inc. The results of this study will strengthen their promotion of mental health and the prevention of mental health disorders. Lastly, this will also be beneficial to future researchers to draw pertinent results to their studies. The researchers used a set of a survey questionnaire in gathering pertinent data. The questionnaires were disseminated via an online Google form survey sent to the respondents. After all the data needed were gathered, the frequencies of answers in each question were tallied and their percentage was obtained. Through these, the researchers obtained well conclusions and suitable recommendations.

International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 2020
Development of human resources plays a tremendous role in prompting valuable programs for people'... more Development of human resources plays a tremendous role in prompting valuable programs for people's needs in the community. The study used descriptive method. A total of 50 respondents composed of local government unit (LGU) constituents and members of the community. The researcher used a Likert-scale type questionnaire and analyzed it through statistical data treatment such as mean and weighted mean. Based on the findings, The Municipality of Bongabon are capable for manpower and training and development. But with regards to the perception of the respondents the local chief executives are not transparent to any program and any plan of their barangay. Moreover, it can be concluded that there is existing human resource program for the community that will help for the everyday used of the people. As well as for the revenue generations of the less fortunate who have no permanent work, and lastly, the study concluded that the local chief executive should open to the public all the plan and any program so that all people are well-informed.

International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science
Food delivery has become an essential part of our lives. Many people nowadays patronize this thir... more Food delivery has become an essential part of our lives. Many people nowadays patronize this third-party service because of convenience, especially this time when people limit their movements and preferred to stay at home and be safe. Many food delivery services do their business in the City of Cabanatuan, hence, this study aimed to investigate the satisfaction rating of customers in the services performed by the providers using Conjoint Analysis and in a descriptive method of research. The answers in the questionnaire of the selected respondents were tallied, and the frequency, percentage, and weighted mean, of their answers were calculated in order to obtain their verbal interpretation. The result of the study from the data gathered revealed that young professionals are mostly the customers of food delivery services and cheap delivery charges, high-quality products even it is expensive is much valued by the respondents.
Papers by Elizabeth Manuel