Papers by Elisabeth Smits

Journal of Archaeology in the Low …, 2009
This article presents an overview of the interdisciplinary study of skeletal remains from Late Me... more This article presents an overview of the interdisciplinary study of skeletal remains from Late Mesolithic and Middle Neolithic sites in the Lower Rhine Basin. The combination of archaeological, physical anthropological and chemical analysis has led to a better understanding of the treatment of the dead, demographic parameters and diet of the populations during the transition from forager to farmer in this area. Burial ritual was variable during this whole period, with an above-ground treatment of corpses alongside the burial of deceased. The physical anthropological study has revealed that the sites were inhabited by family groups. Stable isotope analyses have indicated that immigrants were sometimes present and that diet varied per population. Intersite variation in diet is explained by the exploitation of the local habitat. Intrasite variability in diet can be influenced by cultural and social factors as attested by the burial traditions and the isotope study of provenance. It is posited here that the Neolithisation process was not as unambiguous as in some other parts of Europe, but diverse with small-scale variations at the site level.
Forensic Science International, 2017
The Routledge Handbook of Archaeological Human Remains and Legislation
... These are usually skeletons from churches and churchyards, such as those deriving from Pieter... more ... These are usually skeletons from churches and churchyards, such as those deriving from Pieterskerk in Leiden (Maat 1982), Broerekerk in Zwolle (Clevis and Constandse-Westermann 1992), St Laurens in Alkmaar (Baetsen 2001) and s-Hertogenbosch (Maat et al. 2002). ...
Sticks, Stones, and Broken Bones, 2012

European Journal of Archaeology, 2010
Multiple isotopic systems (C, N, O, S, Sr, Pb) are applied to investigate diet and mobility among... more Multiple isotopic systems (C, N, O, S, Sr, Pb) are applied to investigate diet and mobility amongst the Middle Neolithic populations at Schipluiden and Swifterbant (Netherlands). A review of carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses of European Mesolithic and Neolithic populations shows a shift in diet from the Mesolithic to the Neolithic, but also great variety in Neolithic diets, several of which incorporate fish. At Swifterbant (c. 4300–4000 BC) the population had a diet largely based on terrestrial and freshwater resources, despite proximity to tidal waters. Only one individual (of 10) showed evidence for migration. In contrast at Schipluiden (c. 3600–3400 BC) there were migrants who had a diet lower in marine resources than those without evidence for migration. The faunal spectrum and isotopic similarities with sites in the Iron Gates Gorge suggest that sturgeon may have been important. There is some evidence that migrants at Schipluiden were not accorded the formal burial given to ...
Sagalassos V: report …, 2000
KULeuven. ...

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2007
Archaeological samples originating from a cemetery of a Roman settlement, Pretorium Agrippinae (1... more Archaeological samples originating from a cemetery of a Roman settlement, Pretorium Agrippinae (1st-3rd century A.D.), excavated near Valkenburg (The Netherlands) have been subjected to Pb isotopic analysis. The set of samples analysed consisted of infant bone tissue and possible sources of bone lead, such as the surrounding soil, garum, and lead objects (e.g., water pipes). After sample digestion with quantitative Pb recovery and subsequent quantitative and pure isolation of lead, the Pb isotopic composition was determined via multicollector ICP-mass spectrometry. The Pb isotope ratio results allowed distinction of three groups: bone, soil, and lead objects + garum. The 208 Pb/ 206 Pb ratio ranges were between 2.059 and 2.081 for the soils, between 2.067 and 2.085 for the bones, and between 2.087 and 2.088 for the lead objects. The garum sample is characterised by a 208 Pb/ 206 Pb ratio of 2.085. The bone group is situated on the mixing line between the soil and lead object groups, allowing the statement that diagenesis is not the main cause of the Pb found in the bones.
KNAW Narcis. Back to search results. Publication An early/middle Bronze Age common grave at Wasse... more KNAW Narcis. Back to search results. Publication An early/middle Bronze Age common grave at Wassenaar, the Netherlands.... (1994). Pagina-navigatie: Main. Title, An early/middle BronzeAge common grave at Wassenaar, the Netherlands. The palaeopathological evidence. ...
Revue archéologique de Picardie, 1998
Les analyses anthropologiques realisees sur les restes humains incineres de la necropole latenien... more Les analyses anthropologiques realisees sur les restes humains incineres de la necropole latenienne d'Ursel - Rozestraat ont permis de determiner les caracteristiques d'âge et de sexe, d'indiquer dans quelle mesure le squelette et complet, le degre de cremation et l'etat de fragmentation de chaque squelette
Papers by Elisabeth Smits