Elisa Garcia
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Papers by Elisa Garcia
conditions under which the inhabitants are considered to exercise that right, as well as the
appropriate methodology for the State to be considered to fulfill its explicit obligation.
However, statistically, the Mexican population presents serious pictures of both undernourishment and malnutrition. In addition, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights contemplates decent food from the perspective of the individual as well as from the cultural group to which it belongs, because it must not only be rich in nutrients, but the style of food promoted by the states must be congruent with the cultural traditions of his nation. The concern to address the issue of the right to food in Mexico arises from the increase in the figures of the two aspects of the food problem: undernourishment and obesity.
Key words: Decent food as a constitutional right, guarantee of legal certainty, the paradox of hunger and obesity.
conditions under which the inhabitants are considered to exercise that right, as well as the
appropriate methodology for the State to be considered to fulfill its explicit obligation.
However, statistically, the Mexican population presents serious pictures of both undernourishment and malnutrition. In addition, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights contemplates decent food from the perspective of the individual as well as from the cultural group to which it belongs, because it must not only be rich in nutrients, but the style of food promoted by the states must be congruent with the cultural traditions of his nation. The concern to address the issue of the right to food in Mexico arises from the increase in the figures of the two aspects of the food problem: undernourishment and obesity.
Key words: Decent food as a constitutional right, guarantee of legal certainty, the paradox of hunger and obesity.