Papers by Elih Sutisna Yanto
The Journal of Asia TEFL, 2024
This study was conducted at an Indonesian state university. In this study, the author recruited 7... more This study was conducted at an Indonesian state university. In this study, the author recruited 70 students from two classes (N = 50 females and N = 20 males) who studied QR in the ELT course and participated
ELT in Focus, 2024
Bridging the gap: Project based-writing procedure texts as a pathway to real-world jobs for vocat... more Bridging the gap: Project based-writing procedure texts as a pathway to real-world jobs for vocational students, ELT in Focus, 6(2), 129-145.

The Qualitative Report
Gareth Terry and Nikki Hayfield's book, Essentials of Thematic Analysis, introduces readers t... more Gareth Terry and Nikki Hayfield's book, Essentials of Thematic Analysis, introduces readers to reflexive thematic analysis, a method for analyzing interview and focus group transcripts, qualitative survey responses, and other qualitative data. This method is based on the understanding that we all exist in a context from which we can see and speak. In this way, researchers produce knowledge that represents situated truths and allow them to understand others’ perspectives on a given topic. The book shows how to construct a “positioned reality of the situation” from qualitative data. According to the authors, this method is not a methodology but rather a method; that is, a theoretical framework. They emphasize adaptability and subjectivity and go beyond data summaries to understand underlying structures. This method requires frequent data exploration and re-evaluation. It can be studied by both novices and experts. The method is illustrated with notes, illustration, and examples. T...
JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan), Sep 1, 2022

TESOL Journal
The text-based integrated approach, which originated from Halliday's (1978) theory of lan... more The text-based integrated approach, which originated from Halliday's (1978) theory of language as social semiotic, views that people use language to produce meaning. A text, according to Halliday and Hasan (1989), is a semantic unit that can be spoken, written, visual, or multimodal. There are few publications in Asia that explain text-based learning by offering a text-based learning cycle adapted from the current models, together with learning design processes, teaching resources, and assessment rubrics to measure students' text production. To echo this calling, a book entitled Designing English Text-based Instruction with Principled Eclecticism was compiled. As the title says, this book helps students improve their communication skills by studying a wide range of texts, with teachings that focus on all four language skills (speaking, reading, writing, and listening).

Wiralodra English Journal
Interpersonal metafunction is an important concept when describing interactions in terms of respo... more Interpersonal metafunction is an important concept when describing interactions in terms of responding to the act of giving or demanding goods, services, or information (Halliday and Mathiessen (2004). This article examines interpersonal meanings realized in the mood and modality resources of an Interchange Series textbook—the fourth edition textbook used for Grade 3 or Intermediate students. The research u discourse analysis and Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) as the main theoretical framework, and the analysis used the mood element as a central resource for the realization of interpersonal meaning. The results show that among the 275 clauses in the 16 texts, declarative sentences dominate (146 or 53.09 percent). Interrogative clauses are much less common (64, or 23.27 percent). None of the texts, therefore, utilize any of the imperative clauses. Furthermore, the number of modalization used in the sixteen texts are probability (26 or 9.45%), usuality (10 or 3.64%), and obliga...

The Qualitative Report
In this book, Scott D. Churchill introduces readers to existential phenomenological research, an ... more In this book, Scott D. Churchill introduces readers to existential phenomenological research, an approach that explores a comprehensive, embodied knowledge of subjective human life that reflects a person's values, goals, ideals, intents, emotions, and relationships. This approach helps researchers understand people’s and needs by identifying and resolving theoretical and ideological misconceptions. In this book, Churchill defines important aspects of EPR as: a method based on empirical data for evaluating the mental life of individuals. In this case, the researchers are concerned with the evidence and access to it, which is based on first-person narratives of experience and the researchers' reflections on those experiences, as well as encouraging the researchers' sensory sensitivity and a sense of empathy, curiosity, and excitement in of human experience.

The Qualitative Report
In their book, Insider-Outsider Research in Qualitative Inquiry: New Perspectives on Method and M... more In their book, Insider-Outsider Research in Qualitative Inquiry: New Perspectives on Method and Meaning by Deborah Court and Randa Khair Abbas, they deconstruct the outdated or puzzling terminology associated with this type of research, examine ethical challenges, and recommend methodological approaches. This book also situates qualitative insider-outsider research, by its very nature, within the larger research ecology. The authors describe in full a researcher partnership—a relationship that is more personal and fruitful than a team and significantly more than the sum of its parts. Through their nearly two-decade-long research collaboration and study of the Israeli Druze, the authors have established mutual trust, which has led to a deeper understanding of cultural norms and the meanings they convey. Examples from their research with Israeli Druze will be used to illustrate this argument and their methodology. This book will be of interest to ethnographers, qualitative researchers...

J-ABDI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Pengembangan profesional guru sangat penting untuk meningkatkan kualitas proses belajar mengajar.... more Pengembangan profesional guru sangat penting untuk meningkatkan kualitas proses belajar mengajar. Namun praktik pengembangan keahlian guru selama ini belum mampu menjadikan guru sebagai guru yang profesional, sehingga guru belum mampu menciptakan hasil pendidikan. pembelajaran yang bermanfaat. Oleh karena itu, penulis makalah kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini akan membekali para guru dengan penelitian pembelajaran yang dapat dilakukan guru ketika mengajar di kelas. Ilmu dan praktik penelitian yang akan ditanamkan kepada guru adalah praktik reflektif (Reflective Practice) dan praktik eksplorasi kelas (Exploratory Practice) (RPEP). Kedua jenis penelitian ini ditujukan bagi guru yang ingin menciptakan kelas yang lebih baik dengan mendukung guru dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi pembelajaran. RPEP menyediakan proses pembelajaran praktis dan refleksi praktis atas hasil pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk membekali guru dengan pelatihan dan strategi pembelajaran berdas...

Wiralodra English Journal, 2023
Interpersonal metafunction is an important concept when describing interactions in terms of respo... more Interpersonal metafunction is an important concept when describing interactions in terms of responding to the act of giving or demanding goods, services, or information (Halliday and Mathiessen (2004). This article examines interpersonal meanings realized in the mood and modality resources of an Interchange Series textbook-the fourth edition textbook used for Grade 3 or Intermediate students. The research u discourse analysis and Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) as the main theoretical framework, and the analysis used the mood element as a central resource for the realization of interpersonal meaning. The results show that among the 275 clauses in the 16 texts, declarative sentences dominate (146 or 53.09 percent). Interrogative clauses are much less common (64, or 23.27 percent). None of the texts, therefore, utilize any of the imperative clauses. Furthermore, the number of modalization used in the sixteen texts are probability (26 or 9.45%), usuality (10 or 3.64%), and obligation (9 or 3.27%). This research suggests that forthcoming language textbooks may include examples of interpersonal meaning in terms of speech functions as resources for interaction. The implication is that language teachers could explicitly and systematically teach students interpersonal grammar of exchange that deals with the semantics of speech functions and modality. Teachers and students should be able to critically question textbooks as socio-semiotic agents since interpersonal meaning grammar helps people learn to deconstruct or interactively create spoken texts.

Texto Livre
This study employs the Sheltered Instruction (SI) model and a micro-ethnographic classroom-based ... more This study employs the Sheltered Instruction (SI) model and a micro-ethnographic classroom-based study to develop the content (i.e., quantitative research in English Language Teaching) and language learning advancement of pre-service English teachers (henceforth PETS), which includes lesson planning and preparation, building a backdrop, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, practice/application, lesson delivery, and assessment. Seventy English Education students enrolled in the Quantitative Research in English Language Teaching (ELT) course at Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang, Indonesia, volunteered to take part in the study. In this study, data was gathered using students' work artifacts: questionnaires, in-class discussion notes, and reflective journals (daily notes). The findings of a qualitative study indicate the SI model of content and language learning helps PETS improve their academic language. This study also shows that employing SI as an intervention model ...

Journal of Holistic and Health Sciences
Latar Belakang: Luka terbuka adalah kondisi rusaknya jaringan fungsi dan anatomis struktur jaring... more Latar Belakang: Luka terbuka adalah kondisi rusaknya jaringan fungsi dan anatomis struktur jaringan eksternal ataupun internal. Jika tidak ditutup, luka akan semakin parah karena infeksi dari mikroorganisme. Plester herbal dari ekstrak daun bandotan dan daun kemangi merupakan sediaan yang cocok untuk menutupi luka selain itu kandungan dari kedua ekstrak tanaman obat tersebut mengandung flavonoid, alkaloid, saponin dan tanin yang berfungsi sebagai antibakteri dan antiinflamasi. Tujuan Penelitian: Membuat sediaan plester herbal yang mengandung tanaman tradisional dengan stabilitas terbaik yang aman digunakan oleh masyarakat sebagai salah satu pengobatan untuk menutup luka Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian tindakan (action research) dan menggunakan konsep Kurt Lewin yang terdiri dari empat komponen yaitu perencanaan (planning), tindakan (action), pengamatan (observing), dan refleksi (reflecting). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juli-Agustus 2021. Hasil: pembuata...

The Qualitative Report
Graduate Students Becoming Qualitative Researchers: An Ethnographic Study is a book written by Ch... more Graduate Students Becoming Qualitative Researchers: An Ethnographic Study is a book written by Char Ullman, Kate Mangelsdorf, and their student, Jair Munoz, of the University of Texas. The book addresses questions such as, "What problems do inexperienced qualitative researchers face?" and “How can an individual become a qualitative researcher?” This book examines the academic and identity processes of disadvantaged students who become qualitative researchers. An in-depth ethnographic study was conducted by the authors to demonstrate how these elements fit into Communities of Practice. As ethnographers and researchers, students engage with and learn from communities, drawing from their prior experiences and identities while exploring new perspectives. Students renegotiated the significance of contributing their own expertise to the classroom and research through identity work. The authors discuss how students become researchers and construct a community of practice by disco...

The Qualitative Report
In the book, Teaching and Researching ELLs’ Disciplinary Literacies: SFL in Action in the Context... more In the book, Teaching and Researching ELLs’ Disciplinary Literacies: SFL in Action in the Context of US School Reform (2019), Meg Gebhard, professor of Applied Linguistics and co-director of the Secondary English Education Program at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, provides a comprehensive description to second language researchers, multilingual learners, language teachers, and teacher educators of how Halliday's Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) can be applied to give ELLs access to the language and literacies they need to succeed across the curriculum. Throughout the chapters, Gebhard provides convincing evidence that mastering their various grammars and genres (text types) is equally important. This well-referenced book is a valuable resource for practitioners and educators who want to expand their understandings of how language works and how to best support its development in school settings. Gebhard offers a straightforward introduction to SFL-based liter...

The Qualitative Report
In the book, Exploratory Practice for Continuing Professional Development (2018), the authors, As... more In the book, Exploratory Practice for Continuing Professional Development (2018), the authors, Assia Slimani-Rolls and Richard Kiely, offer a comprehensive description of Exploratory Practice (EP) as a tool for the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of language teachers. Through different parts of the diversity and complexity of language teaching in the last few decades, the authors show how teachers in different types of classrooms can grow professionally by working with their students to understand classroom life and explore their classrooms, where teachers are the most important thing to focus on to improve learning processes and outcomes rather than materials, techniques, technologies, and tests. This well-referenced book is a valuable resource for the continuing professional development of language teachers in a world burdened with methodological complexity and contradictions. Providing teachers and students a voice is an example of how exploratory practice (EP) can assi...

JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan
English learning should be supported by an interesting and good strategy to make students’ learni... more English learning should be supported by an interesting and good strategy to make students’ learning valuable, enjoyable, and interested, as well as in a Speaking setting, but the most important thing is a willingness to study. The purpose of the study is to describe the experience faced by one English education student in enhancing English speaking skills after facing offline or face-to-face classes and then suddenly facing online classes because of the covid-19 pandemic attack. This research is using Qualitative approach and Narrative Inquiry as a research design in gaining the data. The participant of this research is one English education student in the eighth semester who has faced offline or face-to-face classes and then suddenly face online classes because of the covid-19 pandemic. The result of this research describes some interesting experiences that the participant has passed to enhance her English speaking skill, such as some habits and strategies that she has been doing a...

JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan
The literature circle develops into an interesting and challenging strategy that can encourage st... more The literature circle develops into an interesting and challenging strategy that can encourage students to take an active role in reading instruction. The aim of this study is to investigate students’ responses to learning extensive reading through the literature circle. The participants of this study were four secondary students in Karawang. To gain the natural experience of the participants, the author uses phenomenological study. The dataset for this study were collected by observation, interviews, and documentation. The data collection methods for this study were observations, interviews, and documentation. The authors used thematic analysis. The results showed that using a literature circle can help students read more, make them feel more involved in group discussions, and encourage them to read more English textbooks. However, the authors found out some obstacles that students face while conducting this activity such as the lack of sufficient time to carry out this activity. i...
JET (Journal of English Teaching)
Textbook can be as a medium to convey values, while teachers and learners enact as the values- ca... more Textbook can be as a medium to convey values, while teachers and learners enact as the values- carrying agents. This present study aims to investigate peace value in national ELT textbook which approved by Indonesian Ministry of Educational and Culture entitled Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XII [English for Senior High School Grade XII]. Findings show that there are three basic sources of peace value such as inner peace (building learner’s self-concept), social peace (tolerance with differences) and peace with nature (take care of the environment). This critical discourse analysis study indicates that social practice can be identified through language. Thus, it will contribute for both students and teachers in order to be aware as value agent in ELT textbook.

The Journal of Asia TEFL, 2022
Language pedagogy should help students communicate effectively in the target language. Schools ha... more Language pedagogy should help students communicate effectively in the target language. Schools have
applied the communicative agenda in different ways. One such realization is task-based language
instruction (hereinafter TBLT). TBLT is a “learner-centered approach to language education (e.g., Van
den Branden et al., 2009, p. 3). Given the many definitions of tasks and the distinctiveness of task
performance in technology-enhanced environments, it is critical to operationalize what we mean by tasks
in this review. Samuda and Bygate (2008) define a task as “a holistic activity that integrates language use
to attain a non-linguistic objective while facing a linguistic challenge, with the overarching aim of
increasing language learning, through process or product or both” (p. 69). In addition, Ellis and Shintani
(2014, p. 135) define TBLT as an approach that “aims to develop learners’ communicative competence
by engaging them in meaning-focused communication through the performance of tasks.” On the same
page, they add that “a key principle of TBLT is that even though learners are primarily concerned with
constructing and comprehending messages, they also need to attend to form for learning to take place.”
The present study identifies in-service English teachers’ understanding and performance of
Technology-Mediated Task-Based Language Teaching (hereafter TMTBLT) in their classrooms.
Moreover, the study aims to assist in-service English teachers in designing and implementing
Technology-Mediated Task-Based Language Teaching (TMTBLT) in their classrooms. Finally, the study
investigates the in-service English teachers’ reflections on the change in their practice in implementing
TMTBLT in their classroom. Therefore, the current research endeavours to address the following research
1. Are Indonesian in-service English teachers familiar with TMTBLT Instruction?
2. What are in-service teachers’ responses after participating in three workshops in TMTBLT?
Papers by Elih Sutisna Yanto
applied the communicative agenda in different ways. One such realization is task-based language
instruction (hereinafter TBLT). TBLT is a “learner-centered approach to language education (e.g., Van
den Branden et al., 2009, p. 3). Given the many definitions of tasks and the distinctiveness of task
performance in technology-enhanced environments, it is critical to operationalize what we mean by tasks
in this review. Samuda and Bygate (2008) define a task as “a holistic activity that integrates language use
to attain a non-linguistic objective while facing a linguistic challenge, with the overarching aim of
increasing language learning, through process or product or both” (p. 69). In addition, Ellis and Shintani
(2014, p. 135) define TBLT as an approach that “aims to develop learners’ communicative competence
by engaging them in meaning-focused communication through the performance of tasks.” On the same
page, they add that “a key principle of TBLT is that even though learners are primarily concerned with
constructing and comprehending messages, they also need to attend to form for learning to take place.”
The present study identifies in-service English teachers’ understanding and performance of
Technology-Mediated Task-Based Language Teaching (hereafter TMTBLT) in their classrooms.
Moreover, the study aims to assist in-service English teachers in designing and implementing
Technology-Mediated Task-Based Language Teaching (TMTBLT) in their classrooms. Finally, the study
investigates the in-service English teachers’ reflections on the change in their practice in implementing
TMTBLT in their classroom. Therefore, the current research endeavours to address the following research
1. Are Indonesian in-service English teachers familiar with TMTBLT Instruction?
2. What are in-service teachers’ responses after participating in three workshops in TMTBLT?
applied the communicative agenda in different ways. One such realization is task-based language
instruction (hereinafter TBLT). TBLT is a “learner-centered approach to language education (e.g., Van
den Branden et al., 2009, p. 3). Given the many definitions of tasks and the distinctiveness of task
performance in technology-enhanced environments, it is critical to operationalize what we mean by tasks
in this review. Samuda and Bygate (2008) define a task as “a holistic activity that integrates language use
to attain a non-linguistic objective while facing a linguistic challenge, with the overarching aim of
increasing language learning, through process or product or both” (p. 69). In addition, Ellis and Shintani
(2014, p. 135) define TBLT as an approach that “aims to develop learners’ communicative competence
by engaging them in meaning-focused communication through the performance of tasks.” On the same
page, they add that “a key principle of TBLT is that even though learners are primarily concerned with
constructing and comprehending messages, they also need to attend to form for learning to take place.”
The present study identifies in-service English teachers’ understanding and performance of
Technology-Mediated Task-Based Language Teaching (hereafter TMTBLT) in their classrooms.
Moreover, the study aims to assist in-service English teachers in designing and implementing
Technology-Mediated Task-Based Language Teaching (TMTBLT) in their classrooms. Finally, the study
investigates the in-service English teachers’ reflections on the change in their practice in implementing
TMTBLT in their classroom. Therefore, the current research endeavours to address the following research
1. Are Indonesian in-service English teachers familiar with TMTBLT Instruction?
2. What are in-service teachers’ responses after participating in three workshops in TMTBLT?
Linguistics (SFL) and action research to support the development of disciplinary literacy among diverse
learners in high-stakes school reform contexts. With contributions from teachers, teacher educators, and
researchers, this book empowers teachers to be agents of change in their schools by designing and
implementing of curricula, instruction, and assessment that build on students' cultural and linguistic
knowledge. This book provides a framework, tools and resources for teaching and supporting multilingual
students and ELLs through case studies and contexts. This book aims to improve teachers' professional
practice through critical SFL pedagogy and to support teachers in combating racist and xenophobic (antiimmigrant) rhetoric by contributing to their schools' equality agenda.
values, goals, ideals, intents, emotions, and relationships. This approach helps researchers understand people’s and needs by identifying and resolving theoretical and ideological misconceptions. In this book,
Churchill defines important aspects of EPR as: a method based on empirical data for evaluating the mental life of individuals. In this case, the researchers are concerned with the evidence and access to it, which is based on first-person narratives of experience and the researchers' reflections on those experiences, as well as encouraging the researchers' sensory sensitivity and a sense of empathy, curiosity, and excitement in of human experience.
resources, and assessment rubrics to measure students' text production. To echo this calling, a book entitled Designing English Text-based Instruction with Principled Eclecticism was compiled. As the title says, this book helps students improve their communication skills by studying
a wide range of texts, with teachings that focus on all four language skills (speaking, reading, writing, and listening).
by Deborah Court and Randa Khair Abbas, they deconstruct the outdated or puzzling terminology
associated with this type of research, examine ethical challenges, and recommend methodological
approaches. This book also situates qualitative insider-outsider research, by its very nature, within the
larger research ecology. The authors describe in full a researcher partnership—a relationship that is more
personal and fruitful than a team and significantly more than the sum of its parts. Through their nearly
two-decade-long research collaboration and study of the Israeli Druze, the authors have established
mutual trust, which has led to a deeper understanding of cultural norms and the meanings they convey.
Examples from their research with Israeli Druze will be used to illustrate this argument and their
methodology. This book will be of interest to ethnographers, qualitative researchers, and graduate
students of all experience levels.
into the research process, including step-by-step processes and general criteria to follow. This book guides pre-service teachers' research comprehension and utilization in a pleasant, engaging, and nonoverwhelming manner. It includes introspective inquiries, research projects, and the experiences of preservice teachers. In different parts of the book, the authors explain how this book can help future
teachers learn how to do research and ask questions that they can use in the classroom. Research is shown to be a tool that teachers can use to satisfy their own curiosity, encourage an investigative perspective, and strengthen the connections between theory and practice, rather than a burden they have to add to their already busy lives. This excellent, user-friendly monograph is a valuable resource for teachers all over the world who are frustrated by the complexities of publications on educational research methodologies written by academics for academics. This book will help teachers improve their classrooms through inquiry-based pedagogical reflection, exploratory practice, and research skills and