Papers by Elena Novacescu

Romanian Abstract: Revista Educația Azi este o publicație științifica a Editurii Cadrelor Didacti... more Romanian Abstract: Revista Educația Azi este o publicație științifica a Editurii Cadrelor Didactice, din Romania, care apare in fiecare lună in format exclusiv online. Domeniul de interes este educația in cel mai larg sens atribuit acestui cuvânt. Nu avem o tematică anume, considerând că orice articol bine scris și documentat trebuie să fie cunoscut de un public cât mai larg. In acest sens, urmărim ca in cel mai scurt timp cu putință să fim cea mai cunoscuta revistă din mediul online care se ocupă de domeniul Educației. Orice articol stiintific publicat, nu face decât să ne apropie tot mai mult de acest obiectiv.English Abstract: Education Today Magazine (Revista Educația Azi) is the scientific publication of The Teachers Publisher (Editura Cadrelor Didactice) from Romania, which appears online exclusively every month. The field of interest contains just education at it’s finest, in the broadest sense of the word. We do not have a specific theme, considering the fact that any articl...

Journal of Media Research, 2021
Because nowadays’ world is visually saturated, many social re- searchers are using visual methods... more Because nowadays’ world is visually saturated, many social re- searchers are using visual methods to understand how images contribute to the shaping and perpetuation of social constructs, norms, and behaviors. Gender is such a construct, and the beliefs and principles that contributed to the social and visual construction of gender have been broadly argued in the last decades. However, in today’s digitalized world, there is a space poorly explored by gender and visual researchers, namely how the army as a media actor contributes to the construction of masculinity through the images it promotes online. Thus, with the purpose to explore this gap, the present paper examines how the Romanian armed forces visually construct the militarized masculinity on their official Facebook pages, highlighting how those images contribute to the consolidation of the existing gendered stereotypes. Through the photos it disseminates, the Romanian Army le- gitimizes the main role of men in defending the ...
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
Papers by Elena Novacescu