Papers by Ekberth Vallen Noya

Balobe Law Journal
Introduction: This article outlines an analysis of the role of indigenous communities in protecti... more Introduction: This article outlines an analysis of the role of indigenous communities in protecting and preserving the environment through the traditional Kewang institution, so that the implementation of Sasi can run well.Purposes of the Research: The purpose of this article is to look at the role of indigenous communities in protecting and preserving the environment based on applicable customary law.Methods of the Research: The method used in this research is normative juridical which focuses on the main law by examining theories, concepts, legal principles and statutory regulations related to this research.Results of the Research: Environmental awareness is awareness that arises from an understanding of the relationship between humans and their environment. Awareness that humans are an integral part that cannot be separated from their environment is the key to successful environmental management. Through this understanding, on the one hand, it is hoped that good and healthy envir...

Batulis Civil Law Review
This article describes the position of indigenous peoples who are starting to be marginalized due... more This article describes the position of indigenous peoples who are starting to be marginalized due to the democratization process of existing laws. This article aims to show how far the process of legal democratization has progressed so that indigenous peoples are often marginalized while the law should uphold human rights. The research method used is the normative research method, and the research approaches used are the statute approach, the conceptual approach, and the analytical approach, so that they can help examine and find good research results. The democratic method begins with the freedom of the right to vote, which allows every citizen to participate in making political decisions. Each participant has equal rights in determining their own choices and also has the opportunity to be elected. The principle of a majority vote is essential to reaching decisions in the concept of democracy. "Democracy" contains three phenomena at once, namely political phenomena (power...

Balobe Law Journal
Introduction: Seacoast areas and small islands have strategic meaning in building the nation and ... more Introduction: Seacoast areas and small islands have strategic meaning in building the nation and prospering its people. This is because of the wealth of natural resources contained in this region, both biological and non-biological. However, this wealth of natural resources has not been utilized optimally, which is partly due to sectoral egos between government agencies.Purposes of the Research: To determine the impact of abrasion from the activities of fast boats with great power that cause large waves and result in an abrasion on the coast.Methods of the Research: The method used in this study is normative-juridical, which focuses on the main law by examining theories, concepts, legal principles, and laws and regulations related to this research.Results of the Research: Abrasion is the process of releasing the energy behind the waves towards the land, hitting the coastal areas, then washing away "soil debris" along the coastal slopes, and finally being deposited in the s...

Beberapa tahun terakhir ini dunia peradilan dihadapkan dengan putusan-putusan pengadilan yang mem... more Beberapa tahun terakhir ini dunia peradilan dihadapkan dengan putusan-putusan pengadilan yang membuat masyarakat merasa semakin jauh dari keadilan, kasus Mina dan Rasmina merupakan dua kasus yang penulis angkat untuk menjadi bahan dalam penulisan tesis ini. Tesis ini hendak mengkritisi praktek ajudikasi (peradilan) yang sifatnya legalistik, apabila seorang hakim bersifat legalistic, maka sudah barang tentu yang menjadi dasar pertimbangan hakim adalah Undang-undang semata, tampa memikirkan apa yang ada di luar Undang-undang. Hakim pengadilan sebagai lembaga hukum yang bersinggungan langsung dengan rasa keadilan seharunya bisa mempertimbangkan diluar undang-undang. Undang-Undang pokok kehakiman mewajibkan hakim untuk menggali nilai-nilai keadilan yang hidup didalam masyarakat. Pancasila yang menjadi dasar negara Indonesia, sudah seharusnya digunakan dalam pertimbangan putusan pengadilan, keadilan sosial yang dirumuskan dalam pancasila seharusnya menjadi dasar dalam melihat kasus-kasus...
Papers by Ekberth Vallen Noya