Papers by Egarchou Demetra
… Social Applications for …
AbstractIn this paper we document the design and implementation of an ICT-based distance learnin... more AbstractIn this paper we document the design and implementation of an ICT-based distance learning framework that exploits current developments in online distance education, in particular e-learning tools and features that are collectively known as Web 2.0 tools (eg, blogs, ...
The cloud-compatible architecture of a distributed distance e-learning system which has been depl... more The cloud-compatible architecture of a distributed distance e-learning system which has been deployed and is being utilized in five remote areas in Eastern Europe (Finland, Poland, Bulgaria, Greece and Cyprus) is presented and discussed as a case study of e-learning. A series of e-courses is being conducted with a variety of learning tools and techniques: a Virtual World, Web 2.0 tools, a web conference platform and a learning management system. Emphasis is placed on the feasibility of the delivery of the integrated ...
Abstract The cloud-compatible architecture of a distributed distance e-learning system which has ... more Abstract The cloud-compatible architecture of a distributed distance e-learning system which has been deployed and is being utilized in five remote areas in Eastern Europe (Finland, Poland, Bulgaria, Greece and Cyprus) is presented and discussed as a case study of e-learning. A series of e-courses is being conducted with a variety of learning tools and techniques: a Virtual World, Web 2.0 tools, a web conference platform and a learning management system. Emphasis is placed on the feasibility of the delivery of the integrated ...

Sifakis, N. C., Egarchou, D., Fountana, M., Hadzilacos, Th. & Andreou, M., ‘A goal (Lifelong Learning), a means (ICT) and an opportunity (Distance): the story of the REVIT project’. In J. Garofalakis & Xenos, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of SALL2010: Social Applications for Lifelong Learning, pp. 51-57. In this paper we document the design and implementation of an ICT-based distance learning framewo... more In this paper we document the design and implementation of an ICT-based distance learning framework that exploits current developments in online distance education, in particular e-learning tools and features that are collectively known as “Web 2.0 tools” (e.g., blogs, podcasting, wikis, social networks). The project aims at training adults living and working in geographically remote areas on a wide array of topics that concern them (among others, using the Internet, learning English for tourism, teaching English as a foreign language). In doing so, the project involves participants in mutual interaction and prompts them to create, share and reuse information. Ultimately, the project implicitly aims at providing useful lifelong education towards shaping the local mentality of the remote community from that of an overlooked inhabitant of a forgotten region to a European citizen, at the same time respecting cultural and linguistic diversities.
Papers by Egarchou Demetra