The International Journal of Pegon : Islam Nusantara civilization
The formulation of the research problem is how to review hadith, maqashid al-shariah and positive... more The formulation of the research problem is how to review hadith, maqashid al-shariah and positive law in Indonesia regarding divorce outside the court? The research method is normative legal research (library research). The results of the study, that based on the hadith in al-Majmu' Syarah al-Muhadzdzab by Imam Nawawi stated that divorce falls both in voluntary (calm), emotional, serious and joking conditions based on the hadith ثَلَاثٌ جَدُّهُنَّ جد. This hadith is often used as the basis that divorce is legal without having to go before a court. But the law in force in Indonesia, divorce must be carried out in the Religious Courts in accordance with Article 115 of the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI), Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage and the fiqh principles الضرر يزل danحكم الحاكم إلزام. Meanwhile, according to maqasid al-shari'ah, whose core objective is to bring about benefit for humans and eliminate harm, then a divorce that is not pronounced in front of a court...
This article examines the challenges that arise from implementing customary law in Indonesian soc... more This article examines the challenges that arise from implementing customary law in Indonesian society amidst the predominance of state law. The data was collected from primary and secondary legal materials as well as facts on the ground. Applying a juridical-empirical approach, this study identifies various factors that contribute to difficulties in the application of customary law, including the tendency for law enforcers to prioritize state law over customary law, and the textual understanding of law that permeates legal discourse. Furthermore, efforts to unify the law have also created additional problems for customary law. In addition, this article also finds evidence that a number of concepts offered by experts in overcoming this problem are in fact not able to guarantee the application of customary law in the life of Indonesian society. Thus, it is necessary to support these proposals with legal-political changes that can ensure the existence and enforceability of customary law in Indonesian society.
Partai oposisi merupakan instrumen penting dalam sistem politik hukum yang terjadi di parlemen at... more Partai oposisi merupakan instrumen penting dalam sistem politik hukum yang terjadi di parlemen atau di lembaga legislatif. Perannya sebagai Check and Balances System tentu sangat diharapkan sebagai penyeimbang antara kebijakan yang disahkan melalui suara-suara mayoritas (partai koalisi) pendukung pemerintah. Sebagai minoritas dalam menentukan arah dan kebijakan tentu oposisi harus mampu menghadirkan langkah-langkah nyata agar kehadirannya sebagai penyeimbang membuai hasil yang baik. Partai oposan harus mampu mempengaruhi keputusan strategis pemerintah dengan menyelipkan aspirasi rakyat di dalamnya yang dimulai dengan upaya-upaya kritik yang dapat memberi solusi nyata. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pustaka (library research) dan sifat penelitian ini adalah deskriptif-analitis. Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa peran partai oposisi sebagai pengritik, pemberi saran dan lain sebagainya sejauh ini tidak efektif. Upaya-upaya memasukkan aspirasi-aspirasi partai dalam posisinya sebag...
This paper analyzes the position and legality of the use of principles outside the legal text (un... more This paper analyzes the position and legality of the use of principles outside the legal text (unwritten) as the basis for law enforcement in Indonesia. As is known, the sources of law include laws, customs, jurisprudence, and doctrine. So whether the presence of legal provisions outside of legal sources can be used as the basis for law enforcement. This analysis highlights the public assumption that the use of the principle of "Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto" can be used as a guideline or basis for law enforcement in Indonesia, including when judges use this principle as a basis for decisions. Meanwhile, another opinion states that the principle of "Salus Populi suprema Lex Esto" cannot be used as a reason for law enforcement. Article 12 of the 1945 Constitution states that the president says there is a state of emergency established by law. So that in this case it is not about the principle or source of law which is legal and has legal certainty, but the extent ...
Politica: Jurnal Hukum Tata Negara dan Politik Islam, 2021
Euphoria of the Legislative Election, Presidential Election and Regional Head Election Simultaneo... more Euphoria of the Legislative Election, Presidential Election and Regional Head Election Simultaneously in Indonesia. Since the collapse of the New Order government in 1998, the enthusiasm of the Indonesian people in welcoming the atmosphere of the birth of the first democratic system by holding direct elections has been great. Through direct elections at that time began the election of the president and vice president elected by the people for the first time. The direct election by the people also applies to elections at the regional level which include the election of regional heads. Meanwhile, in the course of history, legislative elections have been held long before starting in 1955, so that it is recorded that legislative elections have been held 12 (twelve) times since they were held for the first time until their implementation in 2019. Along the way, the legislative, presidential and post-conflict local elections showed high enthusiasm in facing various challenges in each elec...
Bilancia: Jurnal Studi Ilmu Syariah dan Hukum, 2020
As time goes by new problems in life always arise. Advances in science and technology have a prof... more As time goes by new problems in life always arise. Advances in science and technology have a profound influence on the problems of these new types in today's life. The provisions of Islamic law from previous thinkers seemed to be left behind if not immediately renewed to be able to keep up with the pace of development in times with increasingly diverse new problems. Of course there was nothing wrong with what the Muslim leaders had assembled at the time when formulating an Islamic law to solve the problem, at least what was compiled at that time could still be implemented right now, but a slight adjustment was needed in order to become Islamic law which has legal certainty both in its application as law in a particular group and in its application as public law.
Pembatasan Kekuasaan Berdasarkan Paham Konstitusionalisme di Negara Demokrasi. Maksudnya adalah p... more Pembatasan Kekuasaan Berdasarkan Paham Konstitusionalisme di Negara Demokrasi. Maksudnya adalah perlunya pembatasan terhadap bentuk kekuasaan yang ada, batasan itu sudah di amanatkan dalam konstitusi negara tidak terkecuali menurut paham konstitusionalisme. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tentang bagaimana pembatasan dalam kekuasaan yang dimiliki oleh organ atau lembaga dalam suatu negara hukum dengan menjadikan konsep atau paham konstitusionalisme sebagai tolak ukur. Penelitian ini berusaha mengungkap tiga cabang lembaga pemerintahan yang memiliki kekuasaan di Indonesia, yakni kekuasaan eksekutif, legislatif dan yudikatif. Dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif maka pembatasan kekuasaan lembaga pemerintah dalam suatu negara tersebut dapat kita lihat melalui dokum, teori-teori hukum, dan peraturan undang-undang yang tertuang dalam konstitusi negara. Dengan cara penelitian tersebut nantinya kita bisa melihat bagaimana bekuasaan yang dimiliki oleh pemegang kekuas...
Komisi Yudisial Dalam Penegakan Kode Etik Dan Pedoman Perilaku Hakim. Masih terdapatnya dugaan p... more Komisi Yudisial Dalam Penegakan Kode Etik Dan Pedoman Perilaku Hakim. Masih terdapatnya dugaan pelanggaran Kode Etik dan Pedoman Perilaku Hakim di lembaga peradilan telah mencederai nilai-nilai keadilan. Kasus para penegak hukum di lembaga peradilan seperti adanya suap menyuap telah memberikan gambaran akan perlunya pengawasan dalam lembaga peradilan, selain keberadaan Mahkamah Agung (MA) sebagai pengawas internal yang dinilai tidak mampu mencegah para penegak hukum di lembaga peradilan melakukan pelanggaran Kode Etik dan Pedoman Perilaku Hakim. Komisi Yudisial (KY) sebagai lembaga pengawas ekternal berperan menegakkan Kode Etik dan Pedoman Perilaku Hakim agar terciptanya peradilan yang bersih. Permasalahan dalam lembaga peradilan tersebut di analisa dengan pendekatan kepustakaan, dalam menganalisa pemberitaan media dengan melihat fakta-fakta yang terjadi di lingkungan peradilan, ditemukannya pelanggaran kode etik profesi sebagai penegak keadilan di lembaga perdilan.
Many people consider that the existence of Article 51 paragraph (1) and (2) in the Criminal Code ... more Many people consider that the existence of Article 51 paragraph (1) and (2) in the Criminal Code is a basis for absolute immunity or immunity for officials. No exception for ordinary people who ultimately know the contents of the article who then assume that the law we profess is very damaging to a sense of justice. The existence of this article has also attracted the attention of academics, as evidenced by the number of studies published in publications that we can find in online media. It is this community's assumption that will lead to a setback of the law itself because of the loss of public trust in the existing legal system. Position orders without authority, do not cause criminal abolition, except if the governed, in good faith thinks that the order is given with authority and its implementation is included in the work environment, that is about the sound of paragraph (2) of article 51 of the Criminal Code. The problem that often occurs is that many articles in legislatio...
The International Journal of Pegon : Islam Nusantara civilization
The formulation of the research problem is how to review hadith, maqashid al-shariah and positive... more The formulation of the research problem is how to review hadith, maqashid al-shariah and positive law in Indonesia regarding divorce outside the court? The research method is normative legal research (library research). The results of the study, that based on the hadith in al-Majmu' Syarah al-Muhadzdzab by Imam Nawawi stated that divorce falls both in voluntary (calm), emotional, serious and joking conditions based on the hadith ثَلَاثٌ جَدُّهُنَّ جد. This hadith is often used as the basis that divorce is legal without having to go before a court. But the law in force in Indonesia, divorce must be carried out in the Religious Courts in accordance with Article 115 of the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI), Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage and the fiqh principles الضرر يزل danحكم الحاكم إلزام. Meanwhile, according to maqasid al-shari'ah, whose core objective is to bring about benefit for humans and eliminate harm, then a divorce that is not pronounced in front of a court...
This article examines the challenges that arise from implementing customary law in Indonesian soc... more This article examines the challenges that arise from implementing customary law in Indonesian society amidst the predominance of state law. The data was collected from primary and secondary legal materials as well as facts on the ground. Applying a juridical-empirical approach, this study identifies various factors that contribute to difficulties in the application of customary law, including the tendency for law enforcers to prioritize state law over customary law, and the textual understanding of law that permeates legal discourse. Furthermore, efforts to unify the law have also created additional problems for customary law. In addition, this article also finds evidence that a number of concepts offered by experts in overcoming this problem are in fact not able to guarantee the application of customary law in the life of Indonesian society. Thus, it is necessary to support these proposals with legal-political changes that can ensure the existence and enforceability of customary law in Indonesian society.
Partai oposisi merupakan instrumen penting dalam sistem politik hukum yang terjadi di parlemen at... more Partai oposisi merupakan instrumen penting dalam sistem politik hukum yang terjadi di parlemen atau di lembaga legislatif. Perannya sebagai Check and Balances System tentu sangat diharapkan sebagai penyeimbang antara kebijakan yang disahkan melalui suara-suara mayoritas (partai koalisi) pendukung pemerintah. Sebagai minoritas dalam menentukan arah dan kebijakan tentu oposisi harus mampu menghadirkan langkah-langkah nyata agar kehadirannya sebagai penyeimbang membuai hasil yang baik. Partai oposan harus mampu mempengaruhi keputusan strategis pemerintah dengan menyelipkan aspirasi rakyat di dalamnya yang dimulai dengan upaya-upaya kritik yang dapat memberi solusi nyata. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pustaka (library research) dan sifat penelitian ini adalah deskriptif-analitis. Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa peran partai oposisi sebagai pengritik, pemberi saran dan lain sebagainya sejauh ini tidak efektif. Upaya-upaya memasukkan aspirasi-aspirasi partai dalam posisinya sebag...
This paper analyzes the position and legality of the use of principles outside the legal text (un... more This paper analyzes the position and legality of the use of principles outside the legal text (unwritten) as the basis for law enforcement in Indonesia. As is known, the sources of law include laws, customs, jurisprudence, and doctrine. So whether the presence of legal provisions outside of legal sources can be used as the basis for law enforcement. This analysis highlights the public assumption that the use of the principle of "Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto" can be used as a guideline or basis for law enforcement in Indonesia, including when judges use this principle as a basis for decisions. Meanwhile, another opinion states that the principle of "Salus Populi suprema Lex Esto" cannot be used as a reason for law enforcement. Article 12 of the 1945 Constitution states that the president says there is a state of emergency established by law. So that in this case it is not about the principle or source of law which is legal and has legal certainty, but the extent ...
Politica: Jurnal Hukum Tata Negara dan Politik Islam, 2021
Euphoria of the Legislative Election, Presidential Election and Regional Head Election Simultaneo... more Euphoria of the Legislative Election, Presidential Election and Regional Head Election Simultaneously in Indonesia. Since the collapse of the New Order government in 1998, the enthusiasm of the Indonesian people in welcoming the atmosphere of the birth of the first democratic system by holding direct elections has been great. Through direct elections at that time began the election of the president and vice president elected by the people for the first time. The direct election by the people also applies to elections at the regional level which include the election of regional heads. Meanwhile, in the course of history, legislative elections have been held long before starting in 1955, so that it is recorded that legislative elections have been held 12 (twelve) times since they were held for the first time until their implementation in 2019. Along the way, the legislative, presidential and post-conflict local elections showed high enthusiasm in facing various challenges in each elec...
Bilancia: Jurnal Studi Ilmu Syariah dan Hukum, 2020
As time goes by new problems in life always arise. Advances in science and technology have a prof... more As time goes by new problems in life always arise. Advances in science and technology have a profound influence on the problems of these new types in today's life. The provisions of Islamic law from previous thinkers seemed to be left behind if not immediately renewed to be able to keep up with the pace of development in times with increasingly diverse new problems. Of course there was nothing wrong with what the Muslim leaders had assembled at the time when formulating an Islamic law to solve the problem, at least what was compiled at that time could still be implemented right now, but a slight adjustment was needed in order to become Islamic law which has legal certainty both in its application as law in a particular group and in its application as public law.
Pembatasan Kekuasaan Berdasarkan Paham Konstitusionalisme di Negara Demokrasi. Maksudnya adalah p... more Pembatasan Kekuasaan Berdasarkan Paham Konstitusionalisme di Negara Demokrasi. Maksudnya adalah perlunya pembatasan terhadap bentuk kekuasaan yang ada, batasan itu sudah di amanatkan dalam konstitusi negara tidak terkecuali menurut paham konstitusionalisme. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tentang bagaimana pembatasan dalam kekuasaan yang dimiliki oleh organ atau lembaga dalam suatu negara hukum dengan menjadikan konsep atau paham konstitusionalisme sebagai tolak ukur. Penelitian ini berusaha mengungkap tiga cabang lembaga pemerintahan yang memiliki kekuasaan di Indonesia, yakni kekuasaan eksekutif, legislatif dan yudikatif. Dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif maka pembatasan kekuasaan lembaga pemerintah dalam suatu negara tersebut dapat kita lihat melalui dokum, teori-teori hukum, dan peraturan undang-undang yang tertuang dalam konstitusi negara. Dengan cara penelitian tersebut nantinya kita bisa melihat bagaimana bekuasaan yang dimiliki oleh pemegang kekuas...
Komisi Yudisial Dalam Penegakan Kode Etik Dan Pedoman Perilaku Hakim. Masih terdapatnya dugaan p... more Komisi Yudisial Dalam Penegakan Kode Etik Dan Pedoman Perilaku Hakim. Masih terdapatnya dugaan pelanggaran Kode Etik dan Pedoman Perilaku Hakim di lembaga peradilan telah mencederai nilai-nilai keadilan. Kasus para penegak hukum di lembaga peradilan seperti adanya suap menyuap telah memberikan gambaran akan perlunya pengawasan dalam lembaga peradilan, selain keberadaan Mahkamah Agung (MA) sebagai pengawas internal yang dinilai tidak mampu mencegah para penegak hukum di lembaga peradilan melakukan pelanggaran Kode Etik dan Pedoman Perilaku Hakim. Komisi Yudisial (KY) sebagai lembaga pengawas ekternal berperan menegakkan Kode Etik dan Pedoman Perilaku Hakim agar terciptanya peradilan yang bersih. Permasalahan dalam lembaga peradilan tersebut di analisa dengan pendekatan kepustakaan, dalam menganalisa pemberitaan media dengan melihat fakta-fakta yang terjadi di lingkungan peradilan, ditemukannya pelanggaran kode etik profesi sebagai penegak keadilan di lembaga perdilan.
Many people consider that the existence of Article 51 paragraph (1) and (2) in the Criminal Code ... more Many people consider that the existence of Article 51 paragraph (1) and (2) in the Criminal Code is a basis for absolute immunity or immunity for officials. No exception for ordinary people who ultimately know the contents of the article who then assume that the law we profess is very damaging to a sense of justice. The existence of this article has also attracted the attention of academics, as evidenced by the number of studies published in publications that we can find in online media. It is this community's assumption that will lead to a setback of the law itself because of the loss of public trust in the existing legal system. Position orders without authority, do not cause criminal abolition, except if the governed, in good faith thinks that the order is given with authority and its implementation is included in the work environment, that is about the sound of paragraph (2) of article 51 of the Criminal Code. The problem that often occurs is that many articles in legislatio...
Papers by Orien Effendi