Edyala Yglesias
Like a circus acrobat, I have searched balance between images and words, capable of answering questions from afar, who am I? What is the feminine? What is to be a Brazilian woman? In my films, I dived into various identities, from the cloistered nun to the whore, from the cop to the transvestite. Then, images called for words and I went to look for answers in the Academia. First, a master degree in creative process at the Theater School of the Federal University of Bahia, Brasil. Then, a doctor degree in in cinema and audiovisual at the Sorbonne-Paris3 University in France. Brazilian and Colombian, filmmaker and researcher , I am interested in the role of images in the formation of contemporary identities, especially the Feminine identities. My last short, Shirley’s Heart/2003, addresses identities in a dialogue between a prostitute and a transvestite, both trying to make a living in the night of Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. With a film script ready and working in the finalization of a book, in the present time, I live between Salvador/Brazil and Malmo/Sweden, trying to understand, weaving differences and similarities together, not knowing what the future image will look like, but hoping and struggling and hoping…
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Papers by Edyala Yglesias