Papers by Edward Brovarski
BRILL eBooks, Nov 22, 2022
OKAApodruhé str i–xii.indd 4 9.3.2007 17:18:21
The Abu Bakr Cemetery at Giza, 2021
The Abu Bakr Cemetery at Giza, 2021
The Abu Bakr Cemetery at Giza, 2021
Dans les pas d'Imhotep, 2021
The Abu Bakr Cemetery at Giza, 2021
Journal of the American Oriental Society, 2000
The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 1984
This paper originated while reading parts of J. Lehner's forthcoming book on "Discontinuous Group... more This paper originated while reading parts of J. Lehner's forthcoming book on "Discontinuous Groups and Automorphic Functions" which I had the privilege to do. The notation used here is partly his, and I feel indebted to him for his permission to use it.
The Abu Bakr Cemetery at Giza, 2021
Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde, 2014
SummaryThe first part of this article was published in the second fascicule of ZÄS 140 (2013). Th... more SummaryThe first part of this article was published in the second fascicule of ZÄS 140 (2013). The present part contains the documentation that backs up the conclusions reached in Part 1.
The Abu Bakr Cemetery at Giza, 2021
The Abu Bakr Cemetery at Giza, 2021
The Abu Bakr Cemetery at Giza, 2021
The Abu Bakr Cemetery at Giza, 2021
The Abu Bakr Cemetery at Giza, 2021
A partir de criteres iconographiques, Edward Brovarski reprend l’etude du cimetiere aux alentours... more A partir de criteres iconographiques, Edward Brovarski reprend l’etude du cimetiere aux alentours de la pyramide de Pepy II a Saqqara-Sud. Depuis le milieu du regne de Pepy II jusqu’a l’epoque heracleopolitaine, il propose de distinguer cinq groupes de tombeaux. Des observations paleographiques ou epigraphiques, des rapprochements avec des cimetieres provinciaux conduisent a nuancer ou a remettre en cause certaines dates avancees recemment par H.G. Fischer.
Papers by Edward Brovarski