Papers by Eduardo Farinaro
Journal of Hypertension, Jun 1, 2000
PubMed, Oct 1, 1995
We examined serum cholesterol levels and lipoprotein profiles as possible risk factors for the de... more We examined serum cholesterol levels and lipoprotein profiles as possible risk factors for the development of coronary heart disease by means of a review of epidemiological studies. At present a great body of literature reinforces the evidence of the etiologic role of total and LDL cholesterol and the magnitude of benefits deriving from its treatment. No convincing evidence has been put forward to indicate that the undoubtedly favourable effects of cholesterol lowering on coronary heart disease risk are offset by untoward effect on non-cardiovascular disease rates.

Springer eBooks, 1990
In the last years an unfavourable trend in dietary habits has been observed in Italy, which is re... more In the last years an unfavourable trend in dietary habits has been observed in Italy, which is recognized to have a low occurrence rate of coronary heart disease. Time trends for some coronary heart disease risk factors related to environmental exposure, have been evaluated using data from the Olivetti longitudinal study. Data of ten year follow-up on one thousand people have been used for this purpose. An unfavourable trend for the average levels of some risk factors was detected in all age groups. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) showed an average increase of 6 mmHg in the population as whole, the greatest increase being experienced in the 20–29 age group. Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) increased from 82 to 89 mmHg. Serum cholesterol (CHOL) at ten years follow-up was 27 mg/dl higher with greatest increase at younger ages. Body mass index (BMI) was almost unchanged over years as well as triglyceride. The unfavourable trend observed in some major risk factors for cardiovascular disease reflects unfavourable changes in lifestyle related to them, including eating habits, have characterized the last thirty years in Italy.
![Research paper thumbnail of [An Italian study on heart rate in hypertensives]](
PubMed, Oct 1, 1994
Epidemiological studies performed in the last few years have demonstrated a positive association ... more Epidemiological studies performed in the last few years have demonstrated a positive association between resting heart rate, cardiovascular disease incidence and mortality. The aim of the study was to evaluate the extent to which a frequent heart rate is associated with arterial hypertension and its relative risk. For 6 consecutive months 3500 physicians throughout the country have checked blood pressure and heart rate, anthropometric measurement--height, weight, hip-waist ratio, body mass index--and then have filled in a specific questionnaire focussed on family history and living habits. All the Operating Units have participated in a special training programme to ensure standardization of the methods. The study has collected data so far on 50,000 hypertensive individuals; the results of the ongoing analysis will be illustrated and discussed. A 5-year follow-up is ensured in order to make a step forward in the knowledge of the role played by heart rate in the development of cardiovascular diseases.

American Journal of Hypertension, Nov 1, 1996
A significant and positive association between red blood cell sodium lithium countertransport (Na... more A significant and positive association between red blood cell sodium lithium countertransport (Na-Li CT) and blood pressure has been found in numerous studies. However, the majority of the studies presented to date are cross-sectional in nature and limited information exists on the longitudinal association between Na-Li CT and blood pressure. The present study analyzes the longitudinal association between Na-Li CT and blood pressure in 124 men participants in the Olivetti Heart Study and normotensives at the baseline examination. The Na-Li CT measured at the 12 year follow-up examination was analyzed in regard to the blood pressure changes over time during the 12 year follow-up. Na-Li CT (measured at follow-up examination) was positively related to changes over time in systolic pressure (r = 0.16) and diastolic pressure (r = 0.07) and changes in body mass index (r = 0.18). When blood pressure changes over time were analyzed by tertiles of Na-Li CT, the highest tertile group exhibited on the average significantly higher increases in systolic blood pressure compared with participants of the lowest tertile of the Na-Li CT distribution. This difference remained statistically significant after adjusting for the changes in weight observed during the 12 years follow-up. These findings indicate that the Na-Li CT distribution is related to blood pressure changes over time. However, the usefulness of Na-Li CT as a predictor of incidence of hypertension remains to be established. Am
![Research paper thumbnail of [Importance of physical activity for prevention of chronic diseases]](
PubMed, Dec 17, 2008
A lot of epidemiological studies have shown that physical activity can prevent the development of... more A lot of epidemiological studies have shown that physical activity can prevent the development of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases and cancer Physical activity can be classified by rate of energy expenditure: light intensity 1-3 METs, moderate 3-6 MET's, vigorous 6-9 MET's, very vigorous >9 MET's. Although it is evident that an active lifestyle has many health benefits and sedentary habits are associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases, the debate still continues as to how much, what type, how often, at what intensity physical activity should be performed to have a positive effect on the health. Reduction of cardiovascular risk is observed already with a moderate intensity physical activity (3-6METs); whilst to improve physical fitness training must be more vigorous (6-9 METs). In conclusion good goals are achieved when moderate levels of physical activity are performed on a regular basis (at least 3- 5 days a week for 30 minutes). But to reach also countable results on body weight control the frequency should be 5-7 days a week for 60 minutes.
Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, Sep 1, 2020
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the ad... more This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.

Atherosclerosis Supplements, May 1, 2008
Background and aims: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is not associated with acclererated atherosclerosis... more Background and aims: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is not associated with acclererated atherosclerosis. To identify mechanisms protecting against atherosclerosis, we assessed skin autofluorescence (AF), reflecting accumulation of advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs), and a measure of cumulative metabolic and oxidative stress, in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc), in relation to carotid intima-media thickness (IMT)and to disease-related and traditional cardiovascular risk factors (RF) in SSc. Methods: Skin AF was assessed measuring UV-A light excitationemission matrices (AF-EEMS) in 45 SSc patients and 42 age-and sex-matched controls. Carotid IMT, traditional cardiovascular RF and disease-related RF were recorded. Results: No increased prevalence of early subclinical atherosclerosis, as assessed by IMT, was found in SSc compared to controls (0.68 mm (IQR 0.61-0.79) vs 0.75 mm (IQR 0.65-0.85), p=0.110). The prevalence of dyslipidemia wa similar in both groups, CRP was higher in SSc (3.4 mg/l (IQR 1.6-7.7) vs 1.7 mg/l (0.6-2.8), p<0.001). Skin AF-EEMS did not differ in SSc patients compared to controls (1.69±0.58 a.u. vs 1.61±0.39 a.u., p=0.494). Skin AF-EEMS did not differ between SSc subsets. Skin AF-EEMS in patients was associated with CRP (r=0.38, p=0.01), Medsger's severity scale (r=0.36, p=0.02) and total cholesterol (r=-0.31, p=0.047). In all subjects, skin AF-EEMS was associated with age (r=0.23, p=0.04) and CRP (r=0.23, p=0.03). In multivariate analysis, no independent predictors of accumulation of AGEs were found. Conclusions: Despite evidence of low-grade inflammation, the prevalence of subclinical early atherosclerosis is not increased in SSc, and neither is skin AF as reflection of metabolic and oxidative stress.
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Oct 1, 2008
Background: We previously reported a significant association between plasma leptin (LPT) concentr... more Background: We previously reported a significant association between plasma leptin (LPT) concentration and blood pressure (BP), which was partly independent of serum insulin levels and insulin resistance. The aims of this study were to detect whether serum LPT levels predict the development of hypertension (HPT) in the 8-yr follow-up investigation of a sample of an adult male population (the Olivetti Heart Study), and to evaluate the role of body mass index (BMI) and insulin resistance in this putative association.
Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, Apr 1, 2022
Springer eBooks, 1992
In the 1950s, World Health Organization data indicated that for Italy and several other Mediterra... more In the 1950s, World Health Organization data indicated that for Italy and several other Mediterranean countries, death from coronary he art disease (CHD) was much less common than in Northern Europe or the U.S. What has happened to this “Mediterranean advantage” in the ensuing years? Death from CHD in the 1980s is still lower in Italy than in the U.S., but the gap has narrowed, e. g., for men age 45–64 the Italian rate was about one-third that of the U.S. rate in the early 1950s, but by the late 1970s the Italian CHD death rate was more than half that in the U.S. This narrowing reflected two trends—an important decrease in CHD death rate in U.S. men and rising CHD rates for middle-aged Italian men from the 1950s through the middle 1970s.

Clinical Rheumatology, Jun 1, 1986
Five male patients with polyarteritis nodosa were treated with cyclophosphamide as follows: 3 mg/... more Five male patients with polyarteritis nodosa were treated with cyclophosphamide as follows: 3 mg/Kg/die i.v. up to maximum of 3 g.; subsequently, 200 rag~die per os for two weeks, then 100 mg per os every other day for three months;finally, 100 mg every fourth day until the 18th month. One patient, who also had fever, received 25 mg/die of prednisone for the initial three weeks of treatment. Before treatment ESR, WBC, and circulating immune-complexes were increased, while C~a, C3c and C4 serum complement components levels were normal. Skin ulcers healed within 4 months. A progressive marked improvement of visceral damages in the first months of therapy have been noted (e.g. blood pressure values in normal range after suspension of concomitant antihypertensive treatment, regression of peripheral neuropathy, etc. etc.). No further ischemic lesions occurred during treatment. Significant decreases of ESR and serum immune-complexes levels were detected. No untoward effects due to cyclophosphamide were observed. These findings support the effectiveness of this drug in polyarteritis. The possibility of association with glucocorticoids during the acute phase of disease is also discussed.

European Heart Journal, Sep 1, 1983
A possible association between dietary salt intake and blood pressure was investigated in an unse... more A possible association between dietary salt intake and blood pressure was investigated in an unselected sample of 188 healthy Neapolitan men. In univariate analysis diastolic pressure was positively correlated with age, body mass index and 24-h excretion of sodium, potassium and creatinine, but not with urine volume or sodium: potassium ratio. Systolic pressure was also related to age, body mass index and 24-h sodium, but to a lesser degree. As a high level of intercorrelation was apparent, multivariate analysis was also carried out. Body mass index was shown to be the variable having the largest influence on diastolic pressure variability: nevertheless a significant independent role was still found for 24-h urinary sodium when the latter was included in a regression along with body mass index, age, urine volume and potassium excretion. These results seem to support the possibility that dietary salt has a substantial influence on blood pressure levels.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Smoking habit among workers in Campania region]](
Giornale italiano di medicina del lavoro ed ergonomia
Smoking is still now the main avoidable cause of disease, disability and mortality in industriali... more Smoking is still now the main avoidable cause of disease, disability and mortality in industrialized countries. This habit is still very common in workplaces, where anti-smoke efforts seem to be less incisive than among general populations. The study analyzed the diffusion of smoke habit in 8111 male workers in Campania region, employed in different work activities (white collars, blue collars, drivers, cleaning civil servants, porters), so as to evaluate work related features, affecting its assumption and maintenance. Among all workers, smokers prevalence (42.7%) was higher than national male population. Percentages of smokers were highest among drivers (60.7%) and civil servants (52.5%), slightly lower among industry workers (47.3%) and lower among white collars (36.4%). The highest prevalence were found in 41-50 years age group (46.8%), but only among white collars aging was associated with higher smokers prevalence. Lower education degrees and two working variables, shifts and h...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Burnout: rising interest phenomenon in stressful workplace]](
Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunità
Many stressful situations, particularly strong and long time lasting, can induce the burnout synd... more Many stressful situations, particularly strong and long time lasting, can induce the burnout syndrome. The definition "burnout" refers to emotional and exhausting conditions related to working environment. Since 70'ties, many studies, have focused on this topic, have assessed that this condition is much more frequent in some particular professional categories: teachers, physicians, nurses, social workers, policemen, judges (the so-called helping professions). The main syndrome characteristics are: physical and emotional fatigue, depersonalization, frustration for unsuccessful professional realization and reduced personal accomplishment in competence and productivity with decreasing critical sense towards working field. The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) has been the most popular instrument for measuring burnout in medical research. The coherence of many studies results on helping professions in different countries, leads to the conclusion that basically burnout is a p...
Papers by Eduardo Farinaro