Papers by Eduardo Cortez Ortega
Acta Pediatr Mex, Sep 1, 1986
Jornades D Investigacio En Docencia Universitaria Recurso Electronico La Construccio Col Legiada Del Model Docent Universitari Del Segle Xxi Jornadas De Investigacion En Docencia Universitaria La Construccion Colegiada Del Modelo Docente Universitario Del Siglo Xxi 2008 Isbn 978 84 691 4559 3, 2008
Revista Argentina De Urologia, 1955
Versión de la conferencia dictada el 21 de diciembre de 1954 en la Sociedad Argentina de Urología.
Aportacions De La Comunicacio a La Comprensio I Construccio De La Historia Del Segle Xx La Comunicacio Audiovisual En La Historia Vol 2 2003 Isbn 84 7632 826 5 Pags 655 682, 2003
Agrademos muy especialmente a nuestro asesor de tesis Miguel Jiménez Guzmán por su certera guía. ... more Agrademos muy especialmente a nuestro asesor de tesis Miguel Jiménez Guzmán por su certera guía. A todos los compañeros de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica. A los compañeros del IMP por su apoyo. A Edgar y Luis Ángel Diego que estuvieron con nosotros hasta el final y compartir con nosotros tantas experiencias.
... 1. , Freddy Montero. 1. , Carlos Alvarado. 1. y Eduardo Ortega. 2. RESUMEN. La eficiencia de ... more ... 1. , Freddy Montero. 1. , Carlos Alvarado. 1. y Eduardo Ortega. 2. RESUMEN. La eficiencia de tubérculos-semilla de papa cv. Granola cortados o enteros, desinfestados o no, fue evaluada en la zona alta del. estado Trujillo (2.400 msnm). ... producción (García, 1988; Hidalgo, 1989) ...

BMC neurology, 2016
Mutant rodent models have highlighted the importance of the ventricular ependymal cells and the s... more Mutant rodent models have highlighted the importance of the ventricular ependymal cells and the subcommissural organ (a brain gland secreting glycoproteins into the cerebrospinal fluid) in the development of fetal onset hydrocephalus. Evidence indicates that communicating and non-communicating hydrocephalus can be two sequential phases of a single pathological phenomenon triggered by ependymal disruption and/or abnormal function of the subcommissural organ. We have hypothesized that a similar phenomenon may occur in human cases with fetal onset hydrocephalus. We report here on a case of human fetal communicating hydrocephalus with no central nervous system abnormalities other than stenosis of the aqueduct of Sylvius (SA) that became non-communicating hydrocephalus during the first postnatal week due to obliteration of the cerebral aqueduct. The case was followed closely by a team of basic and clinic investigators allowing an early diagnosis and prediction of the evolving pathophysio...

Bioagro, 2002
La eficiencia de tubérculos-semilla de papa cv. Granola cortados o enteros, desinfestados o no, f... more La eficiencia de tubérculos-semilla de papa cv. Granola cortados o enteros, desinfestados o no, fue evaluada en la zona alta del estado Trujillo (2.400 msnm). Los tubérculos enteros presentaban un peso entre 50 y 70 g y un diámetro de 30 a 50 mm. El corte de los tubérculos se realizó longitudinalmente en dos mitades las cuales fueron desinfestadas o no con productos químicos una semana antes de la siembra. Se evaluó la emergencia de plantas, número de plantas cosechadas, número de tubérculos, rendimiento por categoría y total. La emergencia de plantas y el número de plantas en la cosecha fue significativamente mayor con las semillas enteras que con los tubérculos cortados sin desinfestar. Los tratamientos con semillas enteras fueron superiores en número de tubérculos, difiriendo estadísticamente con relación a aquellos con semilla cortada. La producción de tubérculos del tipo consumo (>60 mm de diámetro y >180 g de peso) fue significativamente menor cuando fueron empleados los tubérculossemilla cortados sin desinfestar. El rendimiento total tendió a ser mayor en las parcelas con plantas originadas de tubérculos enteros, aunque no hubo diferencias significativas entre semilla entera y cortada desinfestada. Esto muestra la inconveniencia de usar tubérculos cortados sin desinfestar como material de plantación en las zonas altas del estado Trujillo. La baja tasa de sobrevivencia en el campo de las plantas de tubérculos-semilla cortados y el rendimiento estuvieron asociados a la presencia del hongo Fusarium sp. y de la bacteria Erwinia carotovora.
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
A study on the physical and chemical characteristics and the lipid composition of the Macadamia n... more A study on the physical and chemical characteristics and the lipid composition of the Macadamia nuts from Andalucía was carried out. Fruit size, cracking point, relative humidity, ash percentage, content and lipid composition was also characterized. Regarding the nutritional composition of the fruit, it was obtained a high content on vegetable fats in whose lipid profile stands out the oleic and palmitoic acid.

Se evaluó en el Páramo de Cabimbú (2.400 2.800 m.s.n.m.), estado Trujillo, Venezuela, el efecto... more Se evaluó en el Páramo de Cabimbú (2.400 2.800 m.s.n.m.), estado Trujillo, Venezuela, el efecto de aspersiones foliares de ácido giberélico (ÁG) sobre el reposo de tubérculos-semilla de papa, Solanum tuberosum L., variedad Granola, categoría registrada. Las dosis probadas fueron: 0,5 y 10 mg kg-1, en dos épocas de aplicación: 4 y 7 días antes del corte del follaje. Igualmente el ÁG fue utilizado para la inmersión de tubérculos recién cosechados en la dosis de 5 mg kg-1/10 min., 32 y 47 días después de la cosecha con un diseño experimental de bloques al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Durante el ciclo de crecimiento del cultivo se evaluaron las siguientes variables: porcentaje de emergencia, número de tallos/planta, vigor y altura de plantas; posteriormente se determinó el rendimiento total (RT) y por categoría (RPC), consumo (>200 g de peso) y semilla (entre 30 y 200 g) y en postcosecha, gravedad específica (GE), materia seca (MT), pérdida y porcentaje de peso, número de brotes y...

Pediatric Research, 2015
Our aim is to study the prevalence of subclinical CD and analyze the diagnostic yield of a new ra... more Our aim is to study the prevalence of subclinical CD and analyze the diagnostic yield of a new rapid test in children aged 2 to 4. We carried out a cross-sectional study in a sample population of children aged 2 to 4 from the same metropolitan area. We recruited apparently healthy subjects, and collected clinical, anthropometric, analytical and serological variables. We also tested for anti-gliadin IgA and anti-transglutaminase IgG and IgA using a rapid immunochromatographic test CD1WB and CD2WB (Operon, Zaragoza, Spain). 198 children were recruited, signed the informed consent form and completed the protocol (mean age 32.3 ± 9.2 months, 53% males). CD prevalence according to the serological tests was 3% (CI 95%, 1.4-6.4%). Biopsies were used to confirm the diagnosis in all suspected cases. The sensitivity and negative predictive value of the CD2WB immunochromatographic test strip were 100% and 1, respectively. The sensitivity of CD1WB was 16.6% and its specificity was high (89.1%). The prevalence of subclinical CD in the sample group of 2 to 4 year-olds was higher than that found by other authors. The CD2WB immunochromatographic test strip is an excellent diagnostic screening tool with high sensitivity and negative predictive value.Pediatric Research (2015); doi:10.1038/pr.2015.98.
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 2014
Fibromyalgia is a form of non-articular rheumatism in which inflammatory cytokines seem to be inv... more Fibromyalgia is a form of non-articular rheumatism in which inflammatory cytokines seem to be involved. However, there is still no analytical specific diagnostic criterion for this disease. The aim was to examine a possible role of fractalkine as a biomarker in fibromyalgia. Plasma levels of soluble fractalkine were compared between women diagnosed with fibromyalgia (n=17) and healthy women (n=10) as controls. Fractalkine released by monocytes was also evaluated. Fibromyalgia patients showed lower plasma fractalkine than healthy women. Since most inflammatory pathologies show elevated plasma levels of soluble fractalkine, the results may contribute towards a differential diagnosis for fibromyalgia.
Effect of cut potato seed decontamination in the highlands region of Trujillo State, Venezuela Th... more Effect of cut potato seed decontamination in the highlands region of Trujillo State, Venezuela The efficiency of potato seed, cv. Granola, was evaluated in the highland of Trujillo State (2.400 m above sea level), Venezuela. Complete and cut tubers of 30-50 mm diameter and 50-70 g weight were decontaminated or not using cooper oxychloride and Zined fungicides, a week before
Effect of cut potato seed decontamination in the highlands region of Trujillo State, Venezuela Th... more Effect of cut potato seed decontamination in the highlands region of Trujillo State, Venezuela The efficiency of potato seed, cv. Granola, was evaluated in the highland of Trujillo State (2.400 m above sea level), Venezuela. Complete and cut tubers of 30-50 mm diameter and 50-70 g weight were decontaminated or not using cooper oxychloride and Zined fungicides, a week before
PLoS ONE, 2013
Fibromyalgia (FM) is characterized in part by an elevated inflammatory status, and…
Physical Review Letters, 2005
The standard model predictions for Wgamma and Zgamma production are tested using an integrated lu... more The standard model predictions for Wgamma and Zgamma production are tested using an integrated luminosity of 200 pb-1 of pp¯ collision data collected at the Collider Detector at Fermilab. The cross sections are measured by selecting leptonic decays of the W and Z bosons, and photons with transverse energy ET>7 GeV that are well separated from leptons. The production cross
Papers by Eduardo Cortez Ortega