Papers/artículos en revistas by Edgar Gonzalez-Gaudiano

Sustainability, 2019
The collaborative research presentedin this article was carried out by members of Environmental E... more The collaborative research presentedin this article was carried out by members of Environmental Education for Sustainability, a program attached to the Educational Research Institute at Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico. This interdisciplinary working group investigates challenges and problems related to environmentaland educational processes from aperspective that includes social con-text in a political action framework.These investigations follow the 2030UN Agenda for Sustainable Devel-opment, especially the SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs) that correspond to climate action (SDG13), but they also address sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11). In addition, research problems relatedto other goals such as quality edu-cation (SDG 4), good health andwell-being (SDG 3), and responsibleconsumption and production (SDG12) are addressed indirectly. In this investigation, the researchers were centrally located in urban, peri-urban, and rural areas in order to view education from both inside and outside of the school environment (e.g., community, virtual schools,etc.). Their work focused on different population sectors, for example, civil society organizations, indigenous peoples, the school community,and others.

UNED Research Journal, 2019
New challenges for environmental education: vulnerability and social resilience in the face of cl... more New challenges for environmental education: vulnerability and social resilience in the face of climate change. The state of Veracruz, Mexico, has suffered frequent flooding in recent years linked to climate change. The aim of this study was to identify the vulnerability and social resilience in school youth at three locations: Cotaxtla, Tlacotalpan y José Cardel. A survey was applied to 411 students and interviews were carried out with 16 key stakeholders. The findings of this consultation process indicated a lack of knowledge in the actions to manage their vulnerability and the regional impacts aggravated by climate change, which was used as an input to design environmental education workshops on the vulnerability and social resilience to climate change. A total of 436 students and 42 teachers participated in the workshops, with involvement from government agencies. This process achieved a greater sensibilization of the students and teachers to the regional impacts of climate change, mitigation and adaptation actions, inter and intracommunity networks were developed and risk maps were created. The work carried out is the beginning in a series of environmental education tasks that need to be developed, with the aim that the communities, through their social learning, can strengthen and energize their social resilience in the face of the risks of climate change.

Southern African Journal of Environmental Education, 2019
The processes involved in moving from vulnerability to resilience imply shared commitments betwee... more The processes involved in moving from vulnerability to resilience imply shared commitments between community and social actors. This paper documents such a shared experience among groups of high school learners from three cities in Veracruz state, Mexico, which have been periodically affected by extreme weather conditions. Earlier research carried out with high school learners and teachers analysed the resilience that the community demonstrated while coping with, and recovering from, an environmental contingency. In this initial research stage, we obtained information from official sources, and from questionnaires and interviews on the physical and social elements that impact the learners' vulnerability. In addition, we identified the participants' interest in being involved in processes to build resilient communities. With all this information, it was then possible to make progress in the development of strategies towards building the relevant capacities in those high school learners interested in becoming change agents in their own communities. The research also contributed to the creation of intra-community contingency support networks in the three municipalities participating in the study. In addition, high school learners and teachers became interested in initiating environmental protection activities and in taking on the commitment to communicate their concerns to decision-makers in their own communities to try and influence public policy. Accordingly, these actions and shared commitments can be seen to foster community and social resilience. Resumen Los procesos para transitar de la vulnerabilidad a la resiliencia implican compromisos compartidos entre comunidad y actores sociales. Este artículo muestra la experiencia participativa con población joven, alumnos de bachillerato, de tres municipios del estado de Veracruz, México, periódicamente afectados por fenómenos hidrometeorológicos extremos. Se realizó con anterioridad una investigación con alumnos y docentes de bachillerato, relacionada con la resiliencia comunitaria que ellos gestionan para sobrellevar y recuperarse de una contingencia ambiental. En estas etapas iniciales de la investigación, se obtuvo información de fuentes oficiales, cuestionarios y entrevistas, sobre elementos físicos y sociales que propician su vulnerabilidad. Además identificamos el interés de los participantes por involucrarse en procesos para crear comunidades resilientes. Con esta información, fue entonces posible avanzar en el desarrollo de estrategias orientadas a la formación de capacidades en los alumnos de estos bachilleratos interesados en convertirse en agentes de cambio de sus propias comunidades. También se favoreció la creación de redes intracomunitarias de apoyo ante contingencias para los tres municipios participantes en el estudio. Asimismo, emergió el interés en los

Psyecology, 2018
The coastline along the state of Veracruz is one of the stretches of coast most exposed to the re... more The coastline along the state of Veracruz is one of the stretches of coast most exposed to the recurrent impact of extreme hydro-meteorological phenomena in the Gulf of Mexico. Populations in this territory have in recent years been severely affected by an increasing number of disasters caused by tropical cyclones. This article examines whether students in the last two years of high school (bachillerato) in these municipalities are aware of the risks, and also identifies whether such extreme episodes have increased the collective capacity to recover, adapt and transform: in other words, not only to cope with periodic events but to build new living conditions. The sample comprised 411 high school students living in three municipalities in the state of Veracruz that have been seriously affected by recent floodings. The fieldwork is supported by an ad hoc methodological design with non-probabilistic samples of high school students. Findings indicate low levels of recognition regarding the problem of flooding in comparison with other risk factors. Consequently, risk prevention and reduction measures to tackle this phenomenon have been undervalued.

Los constantes y acelerados cambios en la actual conformación geopolítica global inciden en la re... more Los constantes y acelerados cambios en la actual conformación geopolítica global inciden en la reconfiguración de la vida en poblaciones rurales de linaje indígena y en sus significaciones sobre la Naturaleza, al modificar los principios fundamentales de sus relaciones socioam-bientales. Las fuentes externas de intervención en estas comunidades, como los programas públicos, la escuela y las religiones judeo-cristianas, incorporan contenidos de la episteme moderna al conjunto de procesos de significación propios que explican el mundo. Desde esta conflictiva mezcla de sistemas epistemológicos se construyen concepciones sobre la Natu-raleza que reflejan las contradicciones entre los modos propios de sentirla-vivirla, y los de racionalizarla desde el pensamiento moderno que se han introducido en ellas. Palabras clave: significación de la Naturaleza, comunidades indígenas, epistemologías, ontología. The constant and accelerated changes in the current global geopolitical formation affect the lifestyle's reconfiguration in rural populations of indigenous lineage and their understanding of Nature, by modifying the fundamental principles of their socio-environmental relations. The external sources of intervention in these communities, such as public programs, school and Judeo-Christian religions, incorporate contents of the modern episteme to the originals processes of signification of the world. From this conflictive mix of epistemological systems, are built conceptions about Nature that reflect the contradictions between their own ways of feeling-living it, and the modern logics' way of racionalization that has been introduced into their cultures.
Tópicos en Educación Ambiental, 2000
Pre sen ta ción l cam po de la edu ca ción am bien tal ha co bra do una cre cien te re le van cia... more Pre sen ta ción l cam po de la edu ca ción am bien tal ha co bra do una cre cien te re le van cia. Si bien la in cor po ración de es te cam po emer gen te fue pro pues ta des de las pri me ras reu nio nes in ter na cio na les so bre el mis mo en la se gun da mi tad del de ce nio de los años se ten ta, en Amé ri ca La ti na y el Ca ri be su car ta de ciu da da nía le fue otor ga da por los sis te mas edu ca ti vos es co la ri za dos du ran te la úl ti ma dé ca da. Aho ra la edu cación am bien tal for ma par te del cu rrícu lum es co lar y va más allá de lo que el am bien te pe só en el mis mo den tro del área de las cien cias na tu ra les. La si tua ción, sin em bar go, no es tá exen ta de pro ble mas por lo que me per mi ti ré abor dar es ta si tua ción en es ta pre sen ta ción.
Tópicos en Educación Ambiental, 2001
Tópicos en Educación Ambiental, 2002
Interciencia. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología de América, 2002
Applied Environmental Education and Communication, 2005
Policy Futures in Education. Special Issue. Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development, 2005
Anales de la Educación Común, 2006
Environmental Education Research. Special Issue: the first te years of environmental education research, 2006
Anales de la Educación Común, 2007
En un particular enfoque, este artículo propone que esperar que el patrón de consumo cambie solo ... more En un particular enfoque, este artículo propone que esperar que el patrón de consumo cambie solo por la implementación de políticas distributivas del ingreso, postergaría medidas que ayuden a una orientación más sustentable del mismo.
Environmental Education Research. Special Issue: Revisiting Schooling in EE contradictions in purpose and practice, 2007
Revista IAU Horizons, 2012
La Palabra y el Hombre, 2013
Revista Iberoamericana de Educación Superior, 2016
Mexicana. Maestra en Desarrollo Regional por el Colegio de Veracruz, México. Estudiante de Doctor... more Mexicana. Maestra en Desarrollo Regional por el Colegio de Veracruz, México. Estudiante de Doctorado en el Instituto de Investigaciones en Educación de la Universidad Veracruzana, México. Temas de investigación: políticas universitarias en educación ambiental y sustentabilidad.
Papers/artículos en revistas by Edgar Gonzalez-Gaudiano