Papers by Samuel Echevarria

In order to better understand the statistical relationship between measures of birthweight and ge... more In order to better understand the statistical relationship between measures of birthweight and gestational age and their effects on infant mortality, national vital statistics data was examined using non-parametric regression techniques (GAM) that allow for a sophisticated and detailed analysis of infant mortality models. These models allow for various non-linear effects of birthweight and gestational age on infant mortality to be quantified based upon extant methodologies (Solis, Pullum and Frisbie, 2000). Utilizing over-time, race/ethnicand sex-specific approaches, the identification of "zones" of optimal birth outcomes based upon infant mortality probabilities is successfully accomplished. This process results from the creation of a rigorous cross-classification of GAMsupplied birthweight and gestational age parameters. From these results, I find that Non-Hispanic Black infants still exhibit an infant mortality disadvantage relative to Non-Hispanic Whites and Mexican Am...
The economic and social impact of a university education upon the development of the Romanian tourism industry
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 2020
Abstract Historically, the Romania economy competed on low wages, but since 2007 close to 4 milli... more Abstract Historically, the Romania economy competed on low wages, but since 2007 close to 4 million citizens emigrated, eroding that advantage and increasing spending on students and pensioners. Romania is looking for alternatives, and tourism, could be a possible solution, but tourism education needs to become a priority. We surveyed 170 entrepreneurs and managers from the tourism sector to identify their perspectives on current employee's education levels along with the requirements for future educational initiatives. The primary research question in our study is whether or not a university degree makes a difference in an employee engaged in tourism.

Social Science Quarterly, 2005
Objective. The goal of this article is to examine the relationship between religious involvement,... more Objective. The goal of this article is to examine the relationship between religious involvement, gauged mainly in terms of affiliation and frequency of attendance at services, and abortion attitudes among three major Hispanic subgroups: Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, and Cuban Americans. Method. The study analyzes data from the Latino National Political Survey, a sample of over 2,700 U.S. Hispanics completed in 1990. Results. Committed (i.e., regularly attending) Hispanic Protestants, most of whom belong to conservative groups, are more strongly pro-life than any other segment of the Latino population, and are much more likely than others to support a total abortion ban. Committed Catholics also tend to hold prolife views, but they are relatively more likely to endorse an abortion ban that includes exceptions for rape, incest, and threats to the mother's life. Less devoted Catholics and Protestants generally do not differ from religiously unaffiliated Hispanics in their abortion views. There are also modest variations in the links between religious involvement and abortion attitudes across the three Latino subgroups. Conclusion. Religious factors are highly important predictors of Hispanics' preferences regarding abortion policies. Contrary to some previous discussions, it is committed Protestants, more so than Catholics, who are the staunchest opponents of abortion in the Latino population. Numerous researchers have explored religious differences in public opinion regarding ''pro-family'' issues, especially attitudes toward abortion, during the past two decades (
A comparison of Hispanic and Anglo compromised birth outcomes and cause-specific infant mortality in the United States, 1989-1991
Social science quarterly, 2000
A Comparison of Hispanic and Anglo Compromised Birth Outcomes and Cause-Specific Infant Mortality... more A Comparison of Hispanic and Anglo Compromised Birth Outcomes and Cause-Specific Infant Mortality in the United States, 1989-1991. D Forbes, WP Frisbie, RA Hummer, SG Pullum, S Echevarria Social Science Quarterly 81:11, 439-458, 2000. ...

Social Science and Medicine, 2005
This study examines the role of the perception of neighborhood quality with respect to its influe... more This study examines the role of the perception of neighborhood quality with respect to its influence on adult health in Korea. Employing the Quality of Korean Life Survey 2001, we found that the extent to which respondents perceive their neighborhood quality selectively affects the health of adult Koreans. That is, how individuals are satisfied with overall neighborhood characteristics, with neighborhood safety and with relationships to neighbors is considerably and significantly associated with self-rated and emotional health status among Koreans, net of individual demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. Although not statistically significant, the same direction of effect is found for daily activity limitation status, which may have been significant if a larger sample size were considered. This study also demonstrates that most individual demographic and socioeconomic risk factors are associated with health in a pattern consistent with that generally found in most Western so...

In order to better understand the statistical relationship between measures of birthweight and ge... more In order to better understand the statistical relationship between measures of birthweight and gestational age and their effects on infant mortality, national vital statistics data was examined using non-parametric regression techniques (GAM) that allow for a sophisticated and detailed analysis of infant mortality models. These models allow for various non-linear effects of birthweight and gestational age on infant mortality to be quantified based upon extant methodologies (Solis, Pullum and Frisbie, 2000). Utilizing over-time, race/ethnic and sex-specific approaches, the identification of “zones” of optimal birth outcomes based upon infant mortality probabilities is successfully accomplished. This process results from the creation of a rigorous cross-classification of GAM-supplied birthweight and gestational age parameters. From these results, I find that Non-Hispanic Black infants still exhibit an infant mortality disadvantage relative to Non-Hispanic Whites and Mexican American infants. For the four birth outcome parameters and their interactions, I find evidence of infant mortality disadvantage for infants that are early or late as well as small or heavy relative to their race/ethnic-specific, birthweight-adjusted optima.

This paper investigates current current trends in attitudes towards business ethics and corporate... more This paper investigates current current trends in attitudes towards business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) among a sample of Romanian SMEs leaders (SMEs less than €2 million yearly revenue and less than 250 employees). A select sample of items drawn from the Attitude towards Business Ethics Questionnaire (ATBEQ) and Attitudes towards Corporate Social Responsibility Questionnaire (ATCSRQ) along with other demographic and cultural questions were fielded during the summer of 2014. Eleven items were selected from the ATBEQ and 10 from the ATCSRQ. The resultant sample size of 413 is analyzed in order to record the level of ethics and CSR attitudes among a sample of Romanian SME leaders in order to direct future research on improving ethical and CSR attitudes in the Romanian business community. Results show strong overall support for positive attitudes toward business ethical and corporate social responsibility. Exceptions include a 41% agreement that competition create...
The economic and social impact of a university education upon the development of the Romanian tourism industry
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education 27, 2020

Social Forces, 2001
This article examines the effects of various demographic and biomedical covariates on the level o... more This article examines the effects of various demographic and biomedical covariates on the level of prenatal care utilization (Kotelchuck's APNCU) received by U.S. resident women giving birth between the years 1989 and 1991 (N10 million). Results from multinomial logistic regression models for thirteen different race/ethnic groups show a strikingly consistent pattern of effects between covariates and the level of prenatal care obtained. Across race/ethnic groups, mothers that were young, low-educated, unmarried, high-parity, and smoked were most at risk of receiving no or inadequate prenatal care. Those women who had experienced a previous preterm or small-for-gestational-age birth or prior infant loss were more likely to receive more extensive ("intensive") care. Presence of a medical risk during pregnancy increased the odds of no/inadequate care and of intensive care. These results support the view that prenatal care intervention strategies can be expected to affect a...

Perceived neighborhood characteristics and the health of adult Koreans
Social Science & Medicine, 2005
This study examines the role of the perception of neighborhood quality with respect to its influe... more This study examines the role of the perception of neighborhood quality with respect to its influence on adult health in Korea. Employing the Quality of Korean Life Survey 2001, we found that the extent to which respondents perceive their neighborhood quality selectively affects the health of adult Koreans. That is, how individuals are satisfied with overall neighborhood characteristics, with neighborhood safety and with relationships to neighbors is considerably and significantly associated with self-rated and emotional health status among Koreans, net of individual demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. Although not statistically significant, the same direction of effect is found for daily activity limitation status, which may have been significant if a larger sample size were considered. This study also demonstrates that most individual demographic and socioeconomic risk factors are associated with health in a pattern consistent with that generally found in most Western so...

Perceived neighborhood characteristics and the health of adult Koreans
Social Science & Medicine, 2005
This study examines the role of the perception of neighborhood quality with respect to its influe... more This study examines the role of the perception of neighborhood quality with respect to its influence on adult health in Korea. Employing the Quality of Korean Life Survey 2001, we found that the extent to which respondents perceive their neighborhood quality selectively affects the health of adult Koreans. That is, how individuals are satisfied with overall neighborhood characteristics, with neighborhood safety and with relationships to neighbors is considerably and significantly associated with self-rated and emotional health status among Koreans, net of individual demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. Although not statistically significant, the same direction of effect is found for daily activity limitation status, which may have been significant if a larger sample size were considered. This study also demonstrates that most individual demographic and socioeconomic risk factors are associated with health in a pattern consistent with that generally found in most Western societies, with the exception of the effect of education on psychological aspects of health.
Governance Particularities of Romanian Family Business
Business Ethics and Leadership from an Eastern European, Transdisciplinary Context, 2016
Governance Particularities of Romanian Family Business
Business Ethics and Leadership from an Eastern European, Transdisciplinary Context, 2016

Maternal and child health journal, 2001
The general objective of this study is to explain differentials in prenatal care (PNC) utilizatio... more The general objective of this study is to explain differentials in prenatal care (PNC) utilization in a nationally representative sample of non-Hispanic White (Anglo), African American, and Mexican American women. The analysis is based on the National Maternal and Infant Health Survey. Multivariate, multinomial logistic regression models were employed to adjust for demographic, socioeconomic, medical risk, and program participation factors, as well as for perceived barriers. Both race/ethnic-specific models and models with race/ethnicity as a covariate were estimated. Inadequate PNC use was much less common among Anglos (10.4%) as compared to African Americans and Mexican Americans (22.1% and 25.0%, respectively). In fully adjusted models, the odds ratio (OR) of African Americans receiving inadequate PNC was 1.46, while the risk for Mexican Americans was greater (OR = 1.93). Perception of obstacles to PNC access doubled the odds of receiving inadequate care, but this psychosocial va...
Population Research and Policy Review, 2003
Objective. Our general objective of this study is to furtherassess the predictive validity of Apg... more Objective. Our general objective of this study is to furtherassess the predictive validity of Apgar scores on infant mortality using a national-level data setallowing for race/ethnic-specific variation. Method. This analysis is based on the 1989–1991NCHS Linked Birth/Infant Death files. Multivariate, multinomial logistic regression modelswere constructed adjusting for maternal behavioral and health risks, socioeconomic and demographicfactors, and infant characteristics. Results. After

This event history analysis of the Perinatal Substance Exposure Study investigates individual and... more This event history analysis of the Perinatal Substance Exposure Study investigates individual and community level correlates of the timing of first prenatal care among pregnant women in California. Data were collected anonymously at the time of delivery and include demographic information from hospital records and urine samples which were tested for a battery of substances. Zip-code level data from the 1990 census were appended to each record to assess absolute community effects. A discrete-time hazard rate was estimated for each trimester in six nested models using logistic regression. Results suggest that: poor, non-White, younger, native born, Spanish-speaking, substance-using women in poorer neighborhoods were least likely to receive prenatal care. While a positive urine test for alcohol was not associated with prenatal care initiation; overall drug positives and tobacco positives (selfreport) were. The optimal model, with interactions, estimates that women in poorer communities were less likely to receive prenatal care in the first trimester, but more likely to receive care in the third trimester. This pattern is similar for most of the time-varying covariates in that non-Whites, English speakers and younger women were less likely to receive first trimester care, but more likely to receive second and third trimester care.
Social Science Quarterly, 2005
Papers by Samuel Echevarria