Drafts by Ervina Zuliyanti
Papers by Ervina Zuliyanti

The incidence of diarrhea in infants at Working Area Primary Health Care (PHC) in 2015 reaches 25... more The incidence of diarrhea in infants at Working Area Primary Health Care (PHC) in 2015 reaches 259 toddlers with IR 1.03/1000population per year. The high incidence of diarrhea needs to be carried out comprehensive prevention efforts begin from primary prevention to tertiary. The research was to analyzed of diarrhea prevention efforts at working area PHC Pemulutan. The research was used qualitative and in-depth interview method and observation. The technique of determining informants using purposive sampling. Number of informants 15 people that is heads of PHC, responsible person of diarrhea program, responsible person of health promotion program, doctor, 5 village-midwives, 3 cadres, and 3 toddlers mothers. Data analysis used content analysis. The result of research is known that health promotion effort conducted by PHC Pemulutan in the form of counseling is not routinely implemented. In the special protection efforts of diarrhea, the mother doesn’t give exclusive breastfeeding and still throw away the infant stools in the river. Early diagnosis of diarrhea and immediate treatment and disability restriction measures are in line with the management diarrhea from the Ministry of Health. Rehabilitation efforts conducted by PHC to patients experiencing hypovolemic shock due to diarrhea using therapy plan C. It was concluded that the prevention of diarrhea occurrence in the working area of PHC still not optimal in health promotion effort and special protection. PHC should make health promotion efforts on prevention and management of diarrhea routinely to the community and activate LROA activities in accordance with the management.
Drafts by Ervina Zuliyanti
Papers by Ervina Zuliyanti