SILVA, Evandro Rodrigues da. Ears Wide Open: orality, writing and the song. Dissertation. (M.A.) ... more SILVA, Evandro Rodrigues da. Ears Wide Open: orality, writing and the song. Dissertation. (M.A.) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2014. This work aims at observing the multiple relationships between orality, writing and popular songs. How much of song writing is attributable to written culture? How much of it is a reverberation of oral tradition? Studies about orality, the history of writing and reading are articulated with the analysis of different phonograms, from different moments in the history of the Brazilian song. Orality, writing, music and poetry, understood as distinct fields that, in the body of the song, interpenetrate each other, indifferent to hierarchy. Popular song can be simultaneously understood as a musical, poetic and cultural phenomenon. Our endeavor here is to treat the song as a genre and, somehow, to reflect upon its social place (its origins and transformations, its relationships with mass media, its ability to adapt to paradigm...
Minhas cantigas, meus amores. Agradecimentos Ao Prof. Dr. Claudemir Belintane pela orientação, pe... more Minhas cantigas, meus amores. Agradecimentos Ao Prof. Dr. Claudemir Belintane pela orientação, pela confiança, pela fala e pela escuta. Aos colegas do grupo de estudos Oralidade e escrita. Aos professores Sheila Oliveira Lima e Sandoval Nonato Gomes Santos pelos apontamentos certeiros e generosos. Ao professor e violeiro Ivan Vilela pelo olhar e pelo som. A dona Delza, minha mãe, que me ensinou a ler e a ser. Ao velho Camperom, meu pai, que me ensinou a ouvir e a tentar ser. A Dylan Frontana e Juliana Fernandes pela leitura cuidadosa.