Papers by ETOGA Marcel Hugues

Via Tourism Review, 2014
ABSTRACT Translations DE -Die Lobé-Wasserfälle, ein außergewöhnliches geokulturelles Erbe an der ... more ABSTRACT Translations DE -Die Lobé-Wasserfälle, ein außergewöhnliches geokulturelles Erbe an der kamerunischen Küste zwischen nachhaltigem Tourismus und der Bewahrung kultureller Identitäten ES -Las cataratas del Lobé, un patrimonio geocultural excepcional en la costa camerunesa, entre el turismo duradero y la conservación de las identidades culturales FR -Les chutes de la Lobé, un patrimoine géoculturel exceptionnel sur la côte camerounaise entre tourisme durable et préservation des identités culturelles Plan Abstra ct Keyword s Text References Note s Illustration s Citation s Author PDF Plan • The Lobé Waterfall: an exceptional natural and human heritage • Current functioning of tourism of the Lobé Waterfall and obstacles to sustainable tourism • The challenges of sustainable tourism at the site of the Lobé Waterfalls and the surrounding area • Conclusion Abstract Situated mid-way along the west coast of Cameroon, the city of Kribi is a crucial location with regard to three aspects: industry, tourism and the environment. This area, endowed with abundant natural, cultural and tourist resources, remains undervalued despite timid initiatives by the local populations and the central administration to develop tourism. This article looks at the challenges of developing tourism around the Lobé Waterfall, a singular geosite at the crossroads of three coastal civilisations (Pygmy, Batanga and Mabi), proposed by the administration of Cameroon in 2006 for inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Its definitive recognition as heritage is hindered by the prevarications of the decision-makers who favour industrialisation over integrated management and sustainable tourism, as recommended by the UNWTO and the UNIDO via the COAST STEP project. The objective of this text is to analyse the failure of this process, via observations, field work and interviews, taking into account at the same time the introduction of sustainable tourism in this beach area, the contribution of the stakeholders and the problems of development. The information collected provides evidence of the considerable and diversified potential for tourism (natural, cultural and historic) characterised by an attractive physical environment (relief, climate and vegetation) and the existence of motivated populations. However, the emergence of agricultural-industrial, extraction and mining activities, which do not consider the environment and social participation, and the anarchic spatial implementation of tourism, are factors that may compromise future tourism in Kribi and its geosite,

Cameroon has a strong potential heritage resources which can support the development of its touri... more Cameroon has a strong potential heritage resources which can support the development of its tourism industry. Unfortunately, this segment of economic activities is lagging behind due to its non-optimal valorization by the Government, which nevertheless ranks it, on the 5th priority in the Growth and Employment Strategy Paper (Etoga, 2011). This situation could be worsened nowadays, by the insecurity state maintained by armed conflicts, in the Regions: of North and Far North (the military forces of the State against the terrorist group Boko Haram); of North West and South West (state military forces against secessionist / Ambazonian rebel forces); of East of the Country (state military forces against terrorist groups Seleka and Anti-Balaka). This scientific contribution takes its full meaning, when we know that the Government of Cameroon has put its hopes in that sector, to boost its growth, create jobs and reduce unemployment which affects the mostly young population of the country. Also, we want to question this objective for the Country, to officially reach 2,000,000 international tourist arrivals by 2035. Therefore, the reflections developed here aim to examine the weight of insecurity on the development of that industry in the above-mentioned Regions on the one hand. And, on the other hand, to propose strategies for its revitalization, with the choice of policies of the Government of Cameroon, which makes them major tourism development places (Ekori, 1986; Essono, 2000).

Situated mid-way along the west coast of Cameroon, the city of Kribi is a crucial location with r... more Situated mid-way along the west coast of Cameroon, the city of Kribi is a crucial location with regard to three aspects: industry, tourism and the environment. This area, endowed with abundant natural, cultural and tourist resources, remains undervalued despite timid initiatives by the local populations and the central administration to develop tourism. This article looks at the challenges of developing tourism around the Lobé Waterfall, a singular geosite at the crossroads of three coastal civilisations (Pygmy, Batanga and Mabi), proposed by the administration of Cameroon in 2006 for inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Its definitive recognition as heritage is hindered by the prevarications of the decision-makers who favour industrialisation over integrated management and sustainable tourism, as recommended by the UNWTO and the UNIDO via the COAST STEP project. The objective of this text is to analyse the failure of this process, via observations, field work and interviews, taking into account at the same time the introduction of sustainable tourism in this beach area, the contribution of the stakeholders and the problems of development. The information collected provides evidence of the considerable and diversified potential for tourism (natural, cultural and historic) characterised by an attractive physical environment (relief, climate and vegetation) and the existence of motivated populations. However, the emergence of agricultural-industrial, extraction and mining activities, which do not consider the environment and social participation, and the anarchic spatial implementation of tourism, are factors that may compromise future tourism in Kribi and its geosite, with the corollary of the disappearance of the Pygmy culture.
Papers by ETOGA Marcel Hugues