Eksen Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 2021
The city of Burdur, located within the borders of the Mediterranean Region, has hosted many diffe... more The city of Burdur, located within the borders of the Mediterranean Region, has hosted many different ethnic groups throughout history and this process has been reflected in the residential fabric/texture of the city at different scales. Zafer neighbourhood, where Greek and Turkish people live together, bears physical traces of the Greek community (who migrated because of the population exchange) with the Kavaklı Greek Orthodox Church and residential buildings. Özyağcı House is one of the buildings on Eski Ortaokul Street, which is a part of this whole and with its size, garden and architectural features, was one of the buildings that attracted attention during its existence. The building, which has not been noticed by the relevant institutions, probably due to its location, has not been registered despite its historical and architectural characteristics. It has been learned from the owners of the house that the building was used as a Greek Hospital for a while in the Ottoman Period. Previous research and the observations obtained during the fieldwork failed to confirm this information. For this reason, within the scope of the study, the building has been considered as a traditional residence, based on the typology of the period when the owners began to use the building. The conservation of these structures, regarding the physical heritage in the construction system, space organization, materials, building elements and ornaments and also the social value for its functions, is important to convey the variety and characteristics of the history. This study presents the written and visual documents and information obtained during the urgent registration call before its demolition.
SDÜ Isparta Somut Olmayan Kültürel Miras Çalıştayı, 2017
Docomomo-Türkiye Mimarlığında Modernizmin Yerel Açılımları XII, 2016
Docomomo-Türkiye Mimarlığında Modernizmin Yerel Açılımları XII, 2016
Docomomo-Türkiye Mimarlığında Modernizmin Yerel Açılımları XII, 2016
XII. Mimarlıkta Sayısal Tasarım Ulusal Sempozyumu, 2018
International Congress of the New Approaches and Technologies for Sustainable Development, 2017
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2019
Socio-cultural and physical changes and transformations have occurred in many settlements in the ... more Socio-cultural and physical changes and transformations have occurred in many settlements in the historical process. The actor or actors of these changes differed for each settlement. The city of Isparta, the sampling area of the study, experienced this process mainly due to "migrations, natural disasters, zoning changes and management changes. The dynamics of the city that emerged during this period of the city had a direct impact on the formation of housing areas and housing structures. In order to evaluate this effect in the sample area, it was found appropriate to be able to make evaluation and comparison on the dwelling which has been able to reach to the present day where the effect of exchange and user change experienced in the 20th century has been observed.