Papers by ENDAH MURWANI (023890)
The purpose of this research is to explain how mechanism of construction about healthy body shape... more The purpose of this research is to explain how mechanism of construction about healthy body shape created throughout advertising. The base theory which be used is social feminism with Critical Discourse Analysis. Result of the research showed that strategy of distinction and dramatization appear from power relations between subject in field of advertising production. Symbolic image about slim and healthy body shape for woman which are producted in advertising, is assumpted by peoples as cultural arbitrary. This social condition is being possible because there is a suitability between social mindset and advertising symbolic image.

Warta ISKI, 2018
Keterbukaan diri sebagai perilaku komunikasi, berperan dalam pengembangan hubungan seseorang. Ket... more Keterbukaan diri sebagai perilaku komunikasi, berperan dalam pengembangan hubungan seseorang. Ketidakseimbangan tingkat keterbukaan diri antarpribadi yang berhubungan dapat menyebabkan situasi dan keintiman hubungan yang buruk. Oleh sebab itu perlu dipahami hal-hal yang menyebabkan tingkat keterbukaan diri seseorang. Penelitian ini melihat ada atau tidaknya perbedaan tingkat keterbukaan diri berdasarkan konteks budaya dan jenis hubungan. Teori yang diacu adalah Teori Penetrasi Sosial yang menjelaskan mengenai keterbukaan diri dalam suatu hubungan. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah survei. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penyebaran kuisioner kepada 60 responden (30 responden berbudaya Jawa dan 30 responden berbudaya Batak). Data dianalisis dengan ANOVA untuk membandingkan keterbukaan diri antara konteks budaya dan jenis hubungan. Hasil penelitian membuktikan tiga hipotesis yaitu (a) ada perbedaan tingkat keterbukaan diri berdasarkan konteks budaya. (b) ada perbedaan tingkat ke...

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan fenomena penggunaan media sosial oleh para politisi sebaga... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan fenomena penggunaan media sosial oleh para politisi sebagai sarana untuk berkomunikasi dengan konstituennya menjelang pemilihan umum 2014 dengan akunakun yang dimiliki. Twitter merupakan salah satu pilihan bagi para politisi untuk berkomunikasi dengan konstituennya. Fenomena komunikasi politik melalui penggunaan media twitter ini menarik untuk dikaji dengan teori presentasi diri dari Erving Goffman dan strategi presentasi diri dari Jones & Pittman. Untuk itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah menggambarkan strategi presentasi diri para politisi calon presiden RI. Penelitian ini memilih 5 akun milik Prabowo Subianto, Aburizal Bakrie, Wiranto, GitaWirjawan dan Joko Widodo. Analisis isi secara kualitatif dilakukan terhadap profil dan twit-twit kelima akun tsb selama bulan Agustus-Oktober 2013. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa akun @wiranto1947 dan @aburizalbakrie cenderung menggunakan strategi self promotion dan examplification. @prabowo08 dan @GW...

Teknologi komunikasi telah mengubah cara dan budaya komunikasi antar manusia pada tataran yang pa... more Teknologi komunikasi telah mengubah cara dan budaya komunikasi antar manusia pada tataran yang paling mendasar. Sifat media baru (interactivity, de-massification, asyinchronous, digital) berpotensi mengkategorisasikan media baru pada : 1) interpersonal communication media; 2) Interactive play media; 3) information search media; 4) collective participatory media. Dalam konteks sebagai media partisipasi kolektif, media baru digunakan untuk berbagi dan bertukar informasi, ide, pengalaman, mengembangkan relationship dan membentuk komunitas. Cara kita berkomunikasi dalam konteks sebagai media partisipasi kolektif dianggap sebagai budaya partisipatif, yang mencakup : afiliasi, ekspresi, pemecahan masalah kolaboratif dan sirkulasi. Budaya partisipatif ini merupakan bentuk baru literasi media baru yang perlu ditumbuhkan pada anak-anak muda karena budaya partisipatif dalam media baru ini merupakan potensi untuk pengembangan industri kreatif. Kata kunci : budaya partisipatif, literasi media b...

Pembangunan suatu negara tidak hanya menjadi tanggung jawab pemerintah saja, akan tetapi diperluk... more Pembangunan suatu negara tidak hanya menjadi tanggung jawab pemerintah saja, akan tetapi diperlukan kerjasama dengan seluruh elemen masyarakat untuk menciptakan kesejahteraan sosial dan pengelolaan kualitas hidup masyarakat. Dunia pendidikan berperan untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia, sedangkan dunia usaha berperan untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi yang sehat dengan mempertimbangkan faktor lingkungan hidup. Perguruan tinggi dan dunia usaha merupakan aset nasional yang sangat menentukan bagi kemajuan bangsa, terlebih bila ada kerjasama yang saling menguntungkan atau kemitraan. Kerjasama antara perguruan tinggi dan dunia usaha merupakan ajang untuk saling melengkapi sehingga kedua belah pihak bisa tumbuh dan berkembang secara optimal. Pertumbuhan dunia usaha akan turut memacu laju pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Dalam hal ini, perguruan tinggi berperan sebagai katalisator. Perguruan tinggi melalui konsep Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi berkewajiban juga menyelengarakan penel...
Kegiatan ini dilatarbelakangi fenomena penggunaan teknologi komunikasi yang semakin meningkat di ... more Kegiatan ini dilatarbelakangi fenomena penggunaan teknologi komunikasi yang semakin meningkat di kalangan remaja memunculkan suatu permasalahan yang perlu diantisipasi yaitu perisakan melalui internet atau dikenal sebagai cyberbullying. Sisi negatif cyberbullying berpotensi merugikan korban seperti kehilangan kepercayaan diri, depresi dan menurunnya prestasi akademik siswa. Untuk itu, literasi pencegahan cyberbullying penting dilakukan pada para remaja. Metode yang digunakan untuk literasi pencegahan cyberbullying berupa pelatihan, dengan peserta siswa SMA di Tangerang. Pelatihan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10 Oktober 2018. Materi pelatihan mencakup definisi, karakteristik dan jenis-jenis cyberbullying, panduan pencegahan cyberbullying.. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan peserta pelatihan memahami jenis-jenis cyberbullying dan cara mencegahnya

Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia, Dec 30, 2019
This research is motivated by the phenomenon of cyberbullying in adolescents. Cyberbullying has t... more This research is motivated by the phenomenon of cyberbullying in adolescents. Cyberbullying has the potential to harm victims such as loss of self-confidence, depression and decreased performance. Therefore, this study aims to determine the behavior patterns of cyberbullying perpetrators and victims of adolescents in Jakarta. Cyberbullying behavior patterns in this study refers to the concept of Willard which classifies seven behaviors: flaming, online harassment, denigration, impersonation, outing and trickery, exclusion, and cyberstalking. This research has been conducted with descriptive research, by taking high school students in DKI Jakarta as sample. A total of 400 students have been chosen by using multistage random sampling. Data was collected through a questionnaire and measured using the Student Assessment Survey (SAS). The results showed the involvement of students as perpetrators and victims of cyberbullying. Behavior that tends to be used by students as cyberbullying is denigration (77.2%), harassment (74%), and flaming (70%). While students who are victims of cyberbullying, the treatment that tends to be experienced is denigration (79.2%), flaming (78.7%) and harassment (75.2). The results of this study suggest the need for strategies to prevent cyberbullying behavior by literacy using social media effectively.

Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 2017
This research background is that new media open the chance to participate for self expression, co... more This research background is that new media open the chance to participate for self expression, content production and creativity. Potential of new media shape convergent people and direct to participative culture and allow people to become prosumer, produser and consumer. The foundation for this resear h concept is the new media participative culture from Henry Jenkins that classified as affiliation, expression, collaborative problem solving and circulation. This research divided in two steps. First, research goal is to identify participative culture of teenager in using new media. Data gathered from questionnaire on 200 high school students in Jakarta, by using multistage random sampling technique. The second step goal is to create a model indicator of participative culture literation, by doing a Focus Group Discussion (FGD), interview, expert observation, testing and implementation. The result of the research showed that activity of participative culture still at content exchange not yet lead to content creation. Participative culture literation indicator on new media focused for increasing the interaction skill in new media environment; skill to searching, accessing, changing and distributing content; skill to saving, processing and taking information; skill to processing, interpreting and displaying information; skill that criticize/evaluate/value information; and skill to produce creative content that lead on local values.

SSRN Electronic Journal
Climate change is one of the United Nations (UN) programs, as stated in the Sustainable Developme... more Climate change is one of the United Nations (UN) programs, as stated in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Geographically, Indonesia is located in the equator area, including a quite vulnerable country, so it is necessary to build netizens awareness regarding Indonesia's climate change issue. This study aims to describe the online interaction between social media influencers (SMI) with netizens to create climate change awareness on Instagram. This study uses netnographic methods and data collection through online observation on 6 Instagram accounts of social media influencers categorized as Indonesian celebrities. This study concludes that there is a lack of interaction between influencers and netizens since the influencer's engagement level still below the average industrial standard, so they need to increase the interaction, discussion, and engagement with the netizens from the Y and Z generation. The interaction between social media influencers and netizens can create climate change awareness on Instagram. But, the amount of influencers' status is very little. So, the impact of the campaign on the netizens' awareness is quite weak. Most of influencers do not create an impressive status on Instagram. To attract netizens' engagement, they should be occupied by the attractive quality of photos, videos, visual storytelling, captions, and hashtags related to climate change issues. The netizens' climate change awareness could be built through the variety influencers' campaign such as on the annual special moments to commemorate Earth Day, World Environment Day, and National Waste Care Day.

Jurnal Penyuluhan
The tourism sector is one of the industries affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the Ind... more The tourism sector is one of the industries affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is developing a virtual tour innovation through the "360° Virtual Destinasi Indonesia" program. This research utilizes the Uses and Gratification Theory, which aims to determine the gratification sought and obtained in accessing the "360° Virtual Destinasi Indonesia". Typologies of needs types used are cognitive, affective, personal, and social integration dimensions. This research is explanative research with a survey method. The data were measured by comparing the average Gratification Sought (GS) and Gratification Obtained (GO), and then collected through an online questionnaire to 200 respondents who have accessed the "360° Virtual Destinasi Indonesia" program, using non probability sampling. Data were analyzed using paired t samples test. The results showed that the "360° Virtual Destinasi Indonesia...

This research is motivated by the phenomenon of cyberbullying in adolescents. Cyberbullying has t... more This research is motivated by the phenomenon of cyberbullying in adolescents. Cyberbullying has the potential to harm victims such as loss of self-confidence, depression and decreased performance. Therefore, this study aims to determine the behavior patterns of cyberbullying perpetrators and victims of adolescents in Jakarta. Cyberbullying behavior patterns in this study refers to the concept of Willard which classifies seven behaviors: flaming, online harassment, denigration, impersonation, outing and trickery, exclusion, and cyberstalking. This research has been conducted with descriptive research, by taking high school students in DKI Jakarta as sample. A total of 400 students have been chosen by using multistage random sampling. Data was collected through a questionnaire and measured using the Student Assessment Survey (SAS). The results showed the involvement of students as perpetrators and victims of cyberbullying. Behavior that tends to be used by students as cyberbullying is denigration (77.2%), harassment (74%), and flaming (70%). While students who are victims of cyberbullying, the treatment that tends to be experienced is denigration (79.2%), flaming (78.7%) and harassment (75.2). The results of this study suggest the need for strategies to prevent cyberbullying behavior by literacy using social media effectively.

Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Social Responsibility (PKM-CSR)
Kegiatan ini dilatarbelakangi kemampuan berbicara di depan publik menjadi modal dasar bagi remaja... more Kegiatan ini dilatarbelakangi kemampuan berbicara di depan publik menjadi modal dasar bagi remaja untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri. Untuk itu, pelatihan komunikasi penting dilakukan dengan tujuan meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara di depan publik dan meningkatkan kepercayaan diri. Metode yang digunakan untuk kegiatan ini berupa pelatihan pada siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). Tahap yang dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi permasalahan melalui wawancara pada guru dan observasi pada siswa; hasil identifikasi digunakan untuk memetakan kebutuhan materi pelatihan. Pelatihan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 26 Juli 2019 dengan peserta siswa SMA Negeri 10 Kabupaten Tangerang sebanyak 60 orang. Materi pelatihan mencakup : cara membangkitkan keberanian berbicara di depan publik; jenis-jenis berbicara di depan publik; tujuan dan manfaat komunikasi publik; tahap-tahap persiapan komunikasi publik dan di sesi terakhir dilakukan praktek berbicara di depan publik. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan pemahaman...

International Journal of Control and Automation
Social media accounts belonging to presidential candidates on the 2014 Indonesian Presidential El... more Social media accounts belonging to presidential candidates on the 2014 Indonesian Presidential Election are worthy of studying, particularly in terms of their users (the young voters); the question of which is whether they actively communicate via social media accounts owned by the presidential candidates and their supporters. In contrast, from the side of presidential candidates, what messages are communicated through their social media? This study was conducted with the survey method through questionnaire and content analysis on the accounts owned by presidential candidates of the Republic of Indonesia, and their interaction in the 2014 Presidential Election. The study results indicate that the respondents of young voters already have awareness on public issues related to the presidential candidates. This is reflected in the interest of respondents in noticing the social media accounts, such as Twitter and Facebook of Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto, and the accounts created by their supporters. The results of the analysis is that Prabowo, as one of the presidential candidates, managed directed messages in social media with a single line of command, and built a positive image, while the accounts belonging to Joko Widodo, another candidate, and those made by his supporters were not well coordinated.

Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia
The use of social media is not only important but also strategic means of political communication... more The use of social media is not only important but also strategic means of political communication in the Regional Leader Election (Pilkada) of DKI Jakarta and is interesting to be examined, particularly from the view of Erving Goffman’s Self Presentation—Impression Management Theory. This research aims at illustrating the impression management strategy of the Governor-Vice Governor candidates for DKI Jakarta, namely Ahok-Djarot and Anies-Sandi, through social media. We apply qualitative analyses to the Instagram feeds and Twitter timelines of the two duos from October 2016 to April 2017. The result shows that the candidates attempt to present themselves by projecting the images they want. Ahok-Djarot applies three strategies: 1) credibility strategy, presenting competency, achievements, performance during their time in the office of DKI Jakarta as well as their characters—enthusiastic, firm, and focus to positive matters; (2) politeness strategy, by illustrating themselves as two co...

Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia
Structure of the media in Indonesia is still dominated by men who lack of gender sensitivity so t... more Structure of the media in Indonesia is still dominated by men who lack of gender sensitivity so that the role of women journalists as agents of change towards gender awareness is important to discuss. This study aims to determine the factors that make up the awareness, values and attitudes of women journalists on gender, and the influence of media and community structure in forming the gender awareness of women journalists. As a case study, a journalist of the largest newspaper in Indonesia, Kompas, namely Maria Hartiningsih is chosen. The study is based on the concept of gendered-perspective journalism as a practice of journalistic that informs and questions inequality of the relationship between men and women. The study uses a qualitative approach with the method of Critical Discourse Analysis model of Norman Fairclough. Text analysis is conducted to examine the writings of Maria Hartiningsih in Kompas related to gender issues. The results show that at the textual level—since she ...

This research background is that new media open the chance to participate for self expression, co... more This research background is that new media open the chance to participate for self expression, content production and creativity. Potential of new media shape convergent people and direct to participative culture and allow people to become prosumer, produser and consumer. The foundation for this resear h concept is the new media participative culture from Henry Jenkins that classified as affiliation, expression, collaborative problem solving and circulation. This research divided in two steps. First, research goal is to identify participative culture of teenager in using new media. Data gathered from questionnaire on 200 high school students in Jakarta, by using multistage random sampling technique. The second step goal is to create a model indicator of participative culture literation, by doing a Focus Group Discussion (FGD), interview, expert observation, testing and implementation. The result of the research showed that activity of participative culture still at content exchange not yet lead to content creation. Participative culture literation indicator on new media focused for increasing the interaction skill in new media environment; skill to searching, accessing, changing and distributing content; skill to saving, processing and taking information; skill to processing, interpreting and displaying information; skill that criticize/evaluate/value information; and skill to produce creative content that lead on local values.
Papers by ENDAH MURWANI (023890)